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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]I got to play last Monday and was I surprised! It's perfect in every single way, except the size, since my hands are big and I have a few problems sometimes. By the way, is it true that there are 2 different controller sizes? I could really use a big one. [/B][/QUOTE] Not that I know of. To be honest, there are at least three or four different companies that are coming out with controllers, and I know that at least the Madcatz Cubicon is going to be bigger then the normal Nintendo one. They made the buttons a bit easier to handle, so I don't think slipping off the buttons will be a problem. . . though, I don't really see that with the normal Nintendo controller. I will be getting all Nintendo controllers, but my hands fit perfectly ^_^ And Cecil - Digging up old posts is the only thing I can do late at night with no one else on posting ^_^ Here is a picture showing the two sizes for ya:
On the Today Show today, they sponsored their annual - Toy Test (2001). They discussed the 'hottest' games for the systems that are out now. Here is the link: [url]http://www.msnbc.com/news/654223.asp#BODY[/url] In order from first to fifth: 1. Super Smash Brothers: Melee (GAMECUBE only) 2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Multi-Platformed) 3. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (GAMECUBE only) 4. NBA Street (Playstation 2 only) 5. Luigi's Mansion (GAMECUBE only) 3 out of 5 games are GAMECUBE exclusive, and 4 out of 5 are all on GAMECUBE - Yet another reason to get it? I think so. Finally, some honest reviewers giving their impressions. . kids. . X-Box failed to present ANYTHING to the show, so they didn't even get acknowledged. :D Guess they should take this a bit more serious, as parents watch this, and will surely fail to see the appeal of the X-Box-oversized-paperweight. Might be a bit harsh. . sorry X-Box. . Slap Nintendo on my forhead before I try that dreaded system again :flaming:
I have to agree. The best anime I have EVER watched is easily Princess Mononoke. I can not get enough of watching this movie, and keep getting more out of it each time that I watch it (ok, maybe not.. but it still doesn't get boring for me). The story line is tops, and the art is above and beyond what I have ever seen. The actors doing the voice-overs is also excellently done, adding great emotion to the movie.
I watched only one movie of it. . and it was like the 5th one. Could be way off based with how they do their movies or episodes, whatever though =P I was pretty impressed with the artwork, it was very beautiful. The only problem I had was being TOTALLY lost as to the storyline. I didn't know what was going on, and had no clue who was who. . . *shrugs* But I say it is definitely worth checking out, and you will enjoy it. ^_^
Gaming What kind of games do you hate???
NorykoAngelcry replied to SaiyanPrincessX's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B]Just thought of something. I hate when they have a really tough 'pre-requisite' mission, that forces you to do a great deal of tough objectives before you are allowed in the game. Half the reason I hate this, is because it doesn't give you enough time to actually learn the game before they thrust a super hard level like that at you. >_< Superman was what brought this to mind, since I believe you had to fly through all the rings to get out of the first mission? . . might be wrong, but that was all I played, and I hated it. [/B][/QUOTE] Also games where you have to go through a three hour tutorial just to get into the game. I can not think of any of those right now, but PSX has one or two that made me pretty mad now that I thought about it. :D As for Luigi's Mansion - That is perfect length, if not shorter then what I would have expected. I mean, You get to wander around a little bit, then off to the adventure, bam! ghost pops up, you get saved, (short - maybe 5 minute tutorial), then you are back to the game. How nice~ -
Krillin - I would most definitely hold out a while, and get Super Smash Brothers: Melee when it comes out. Not only have they added a great deal of multi-player elements, but they have also upped the single-player mode. There is so much more attention to detail in the game, that will have you coming back for more. When I played Super Smash Brothers on N64 for the first time, I was blown away. Not only did they make a fun game, but they did it without having to add the whole '3-D ring' Well, once we (my friend Jay and myself) introduced the game to the rest of our friends, this became an instant cult classic game for us. It quickly replaced Goldeneye in terms of replay value, and none of us have regretted it ^_^ Trust me on this one, Nintendo, Hal Labs, and your good buddy NorykoAngelcry wouldn't let you down on this one! LOL - Get Super Smash Brothers: Melee. . it will keep you coming back a LONG time.
(In an attempt to cut down on spam - ya, that's it. . - I am recycling an old post to keep my fingers from going crazy and strangling myself. . soo. . if this seems like an old post, guess what!? - You're RIGHT!!) I LOVED the design of the N64 controller. I picked it up when I first played the system, and it felt very comfortable. For the games that I played, and still play to date, I have to say that the controller was done perfectly. I have never gotten tired from holding it, and it seems to actually get more comfortable the longer it is held. I play a lot of mutli-player games, and have to say that I hardly noticed the controller while pounding the stuffing out of my opponents ^_^ As for the GAMECUBE controller, I also LOVE(D) this one. I mean, again, Nintendo does a really awesome job with modelling the controller based on people's hands, instead of just sticking some buttons on a piece of plastic. Most will say that it follows after the Dual-Shock controller from PS2, but I have to disagree. There are HUGE differences in the two controllers, and if anything, I would say that the PS2 is very annoying to hold. The angle at which the handles meet the main part of the controller cause you to get hand cramps very early into your gaming experience. I have not really had that long of a chance to use the GAMECUBE controller, but have to say I was very impressed. Once again, Nintendo comes out with a controller that you don't even notice is there, unless you look down at it. I found that the buttons were very easy to get ahold of, and with the buttons the size that they are, you don't really find yourself mashing multiple buttons at once. I think the biggest problem for non-Nintendo fans is that Nintendo continues to follow the fun-colored schemes on their systems and accesories. I don't see why that is SUCH a huge deal to people. I mean, when I first started playing it, it was a grey rectange with two buttons. . And look at where it is now? You couldn't ask for more then what they have given to you. *hats off* to Nintendo. :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Monkeys_revenge [/i] [B]The Game Cube is about 11½ inch's long and 9½ inch's wide I think. It's the tinyest thing in the world![/B][/QUOTE] The Nintendo GAMECUBE is actually: 5.9" x 6.1" x 4.3" Hehe. . much smaller then the stats you listed, but I agree. This thing is VERY small =) Speaking of size. The X-Box box is so big, you could fit about 9 GAMECUBES inside it. LOL, that is WAY too big for it's own good.
Lets see. . . Sunday, 4am in the morning, I will be pulling into the Target parking lot to camp out my 'soon to be' Nintendo Gamecube. ^_^ Why camp instead of pre-order? Because it is a very unique experience, that many have never gotten to experience. I want this system, and have a great deal of respect for Target, so I patronize them with my business. Ok, with the money in my bank account (lower then I though. . :bawl: ) I will be getting - System - Nindendo Gamecube (thinking the purple, as opposed to the Jet Black. We will see though) Games - Luigi's Mansion Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron Extreme G3 (granted, if it is out at release, like so many sites have said it would be). Accesories - 3 Extra controller (no color preference really. . ) Digital Memory Card Strategy Guide (not sure wether I will get it for LM or SWRL: RS) Then on December 3rd - Games - Super Smash Brothers: Melee Accesories - 4 Extension Cords Strategy Guide for SSB: M (and possibly one for the above games that I missed) Then. . I will be happy. . till Resident Evil comes out(whever that is), and Eternal Darkness. . But those are on my EXTREME WANT list!! ^_^ Have I put you to sleep yet? . . sorry :D
LOL, I was huge into Diablo2 after getting burned out in Everquest. It was really sad, going from one online game to another. Basically the same problem, only in different packaging. I wish I never got involved with either, though I met the coolest person I have ever met in Diablo2, and we chat online for hours when I get off work. Even got invited to go to Cedar Point with a group of people ^_^ Pretty excited about that. Anyways. . Other then that, I really wish I had never picked up the game. . they were extremely fun, but I got burned out in both, and they each cost me some SERIOUS times of my life. School went downhill from playing, social life dropped. . and jobs came and went =( How sad for me. . luckily now, I am getting back on track, and hope to go back to school very soon ^_^ WOOT me!!
Come crash with me. . *looks around* WHAT?!? . . I was/am being serious here. . :D Riiiiight. . *shuts up*
Anti-Social....I have problems...
NorykoAngelcry replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B] I never meant it like that though....girls can be vicious also! Both sexes can hurt terribly depending on the situation. I'm not going to lie the there are girls that are vengeful, vicious, fake, and very materialistic..but not EVERY girl. Like not EVERY guy is like those mean popular guys. [/B][/QUOTE] LOL, Women sure can be vicious . . . won't go into any details, because it is actually a painful topic for me to discuss. (self simpathy time. . lol) Queen Asuka - Don't worry about it. You will do just fine. Come out one night with my and a bunch of my friends. . we have a nack at making almost anyone feel better. . laughter is the best medicine you know ^_^ But seriously.. I don't know what to say because nothing that bold has ever been said to me =( So while I can not give you advice from past experiences, I can just restate what others have said. The right guy is out there for you, and don't worry what some immature high schooler says. Just know that you are better then him. :D -
Honestly, I always picture people different from what they really look like. It has to do with how mature they sound when they post. It also has a bit to do with the Avatar (if a girl avatar, that is what pops into the poster's head first, if a robot or something. . well. . refer back to the first reason). Another thing, is that I assume everyone who posts is much older then they really are. . LOL, I know that is wierd, but playing Everquest so long, I came to find that almost everyone in my guild was older then they really seemed. I suppose where you live also plays a part. I don't really live in a HUGE town, so I often see the same faces over the course of a day. Then those faces kinda get stuck in my head, and I use those to model what other people on forums look like. . Wierd. . I know ^_^ I have posted my pic in a couple different threads. . but maybe THIS is the picture thread? This is a picture when I was appx. 17 yrs old? . . something like that. . People think I look 3 years younger then I really am. . so I know how most people feel about that. This was at prom of my Sophmore year of High School, so that is why I am wearing the tux. This was my favorite prom. Senior prom sucked, and Junior was boring. . But this one ruled, since the girl I went with totally ruled, too bad nothing ever happened with her. . =( . . eep. . depressing myself, on to the picture:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Has anyone ever been ripped-off. I mean, in a supermarket, buying things. Well this is what I did: I was looking on the shelf for some heat-up pop-corn.The pop-corn that you just heat up in the microwave. When I got home, I went and heated it up. But it didn't heat up. After a while of trying, I opened the pakage and found a note that said: "NO POP-CORN AVAILUABLE (sp?). NO REGRETS TAKEN."!!! Now does that mean that I have been ripped off, or what?!! [/B][/QUOTE] Only two things that came to my mind. . One - it is some sort of contest, or Two - The person who bagged that has been fired =P Ok. . heres what you can do. Call up the 1-800 number that are on almost EVERY package you buy nowadays, and talk to someone in consumer affairs. Tell them the story, and ask what can be done, or if this was some sort of joke or contest. Tell them that you are a faithful customer of their popcorn, and were VERY upset when you found this, and don't think it is funny at all. They will have you give them the numbers off the box/bag, and will most likely do some research. They will ask for your number, and call you back later that day/week, and talk to you some more. Usually the person that does this will be a higher upper in the organization, and will be more sympathetic to your problem. He will offer to give you coupons, and maybe some other free stuff. They can't stand to lose a faithful customer :D Then go back to the store. Ask to speak to a manager, and tell them how dissapointed you are. If they offer to give you a refund, state how mad you were getting home to a fully packed house, and finding a stupid NOTE in there, instead of popcorn. They will be so distraught by trying to keep you happy, that they will let you get a replacement box of whatever you want. Ok - Personal story. I did this with a soft drink product. . which will remain nameless (though, there WAS something wrong with it. . ). They gave me MANY free coupons for the product, and usually send me some during the holidays :D At the store (which I have worked at about 4 total) they will do anything to get rid of an aggitated customer, including giving them gift certificates, and another replacement product of the same kind. I loved just giving away stuff at places I worked at, and basically just said - whatever =P Hope any of this helps. . but to answer your question, Yes, I believe you got ripped off. . . sorry =(
Hehe, sorry for digging up an old posts. . I was bored because from about 1am - 5am, there are like. . two people who visit the board. So I just cycle back through old posts and read them, and figured I would post a reply on this one, since I think Steve did a great job on this wallpaper =) My appologies for any confusion caused *bows*
Just thought I would share this thread (not like I am taking credit. . .sorry): [url]http://www1.cnn.com/2001/TECH/ptech/11/10/microsoft.xbox.ap/index.html[/url]
My friend Steve got into the Gamecube craze with me. . and works on drawing and such on his computer. He used shots from the demo disk that they are handing out, and made this pretty sweet wallpaper. I use it, and love it (check out that B-Wing!!) Enjoy - either to look at, or to use :D He is pretty talented working on a computer with art and such. He is also very talented artist. . but will put more of that later I suppose ^_^
Did they push it back recently? If I am not mistaken, the X-Box was slated for release on the 15th. They pushed it back (I believe) so they could make sure they had lots. . but I could be wrong. If they pushed it back, they are going to totally cannonball off the market. . . I don't see it being that strong to begin with, but NOW?. . . I mean, if they push it back behind the Nintendo. . . people will say "What is an X-Box?" But to answer your question . . I do believe that their push backs were directly related to the Nintendo Gamecube. They are scared of it. . so is Sony. :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] lol, you better say Celcius next time before people wonder.... in Ferenhieght, 39 degrees is only 7 degrees away from freezing. heh. For those of you who don't know... 39 degrees C is about 102 degrees F.... way too hot for me.... [/B][/QUOTE] LOL, when I first read it, I was like. . ok, he is either laying on the sarcasm VERY heavily, or is talking about degrees in Celcius. I opted to go to the Celcuis decision :D I wish it was 39 degrees Ferenhieght here =/
I am sorry. . I can not stand hot weather. . or even humid. . You most likely have a lot of both? LOL - that sucks. I love Michigan - not too much humidity, and snow actually piles up on the ground. . *sigh* Great, now I am depressing myself. Back to the subject. When we go to Michigan, we have a total blast. For Christmas Eve, we head to my Grandparent (on my father's side) house, or my Aunt and Uncle's (on my father's side) to have dinner and some gift openning. On Christmas day, we go to one of the MANY houses of my family from my mother's side. The house is TOTALLY packed, since there are about 20 different families there (mom was in a family of 9 kids, LOL, and I am in one of 6 . . so does that mean I will have 3 kids?. . . guess I need a girlfriend/wife first. . Hmmm - getting a bride for Christmas would be asking a bit much, right? . . sorry, off topic again) LOL, I really miss my family if you can't tell. . but planning on going up there this summer on part of a huge trip all of my friends and myself are planning. . . *crosses fingers* - Hmm. . like the tenth time I have gotten off topic in one post. . sorry ^_^ *shuts up*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I celebrate Christmas by getting and giving prezzies, a backyard BBQ for tea, and by putting up a Chrissie Tree. But I know a friend who doesn't celebrate Christmas, well atleast that's what I think.......... [/B][/QUOTE] BBQ for Christmas? Where do you live? Must be somewhere really warm. . though, TN is way too hot for me. . I miss Michigan :bawl:
Well. . our family gets pretty big into the holiday spirit. . We get together on Christmas Eve, and have dinner, and open presents from our Aunt and Uncle (on my father's side) and Grandparents (also on my father's side - they send us bags filled with goodies ^_^). Our dinner on this night is really nice, though NOTHING compared to Dinner on Christmas (As for dates. . I think it has been basically covered. . so not even going to touch this topic, though my mother could go ON, and ON, and ON about all sorts of dates, LOL - she is really religious) As for Christmas day? We have present opening, while cookies and little appatizers are all spread through the whole room :D Then we open all the presents. Then we settle down for breakfast, and enjoy a feast. By this time, most of us are busy figuring out what is what, and how much we can pawn the crappy items for (j/k. . sorry). Depending on everyone's mood, we might go watch a movie or DVD depending on who got what. I will usually just head to my room, make a few phone calls to friends, and sit in front of my TV playing video games till it's dinner time LOL. Then comes Dinner (What a feast it is. . EVERYTHING you can imagine that would be at a classical Christmas dinner. . very awesome time). As for what I want this year. . I have NO idea. . Clothing (ya. . sounds corny, I know - someone bleached some of my clothes, and it had to get on the awesome ones. . WAAAAH) CD Player for my car - New car, and two CD players have already been jacked from my car (see, Evil People DO Suck!! >_
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by leo_swinkels [/i] [B]jeez I can`t wait for the gc. But i probably won`t have any money when it comes out :confused: :( :( :( [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean. . if they would have released the Gamecube at the beginning of the month as they planned, things for me could have been very, VERY different. Then I heard they pushed it back some, and I flipped out (excitedly that is). I was so happy that they moved it back, now I have a bit saved up (bout $600), and plan to 'invest' :D every bit of it in this great system . . . *watches as Nintendo rises back to the gaming throne* Mwahahahaha! Rock on Nintendo . . *looks around the room* What?!? . . . oh, ok. . *shuts up*
Gaming Golden Sun <could this make rpg fame?>
NorykoAngelcry replied to _Shiro Amada_'s topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]Although I don't have a GBA...and probably won't get one (heh), and don't know too much about Golden Sun, it should be pretty good, since it's from the same team that did the Shining Force series...ah...what was their name...oh, Camelot, and those were pretty fun, but I'd rather play FF Tactics 100x over and over again than any Shining Force one =P. I don't think I'd have time to play it anyway, heh I'd much rather borrow Lunar and.....suikoden, plus FFX's coming soon, ack so little time. Oh er....Camelot DID make beyond the beyond too tho ::gulp::, hopefully it'll be nothing like that one. [/B][/QUOTE] SOOOOO many RPGs out there. . and I have not even played a fraction of them =( But Nintendo is coming out with some GREAT looking ones, and I am super phsyced to be waiting for them to come out. I know that for the GBA and GC, they will both have excellent titles coming out, and I can hardly wait for any of them. . *gets all phsyced* 5 more days!!! WOOT!! *shuts up* -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B]:) Thank god i'm gettin' a GameCube on the 4th. I've read reviews of a lot of the games and i liked them a lot, i just hope there as good as you guys described them. *ahhhhhh 666 posts* [/B][/QUOTE] They are. . and will be. . You will not be let down by Nintendo of ALL systems. They have, are, and will continue to bring you high quality games of both fun factor, and replay and challenge. Go Nintendo *bows* 5 more days. . MWAHAHAHAHAHA *takes his pills. . . hehe*