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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
In a different post, I believe James brought up a good point that Sony screwed it's sales by releasing PS2 and allowing DVDs to be played on it. They have to compete not only with other systems, but with the whole DVD market too, taking away money that could and should be going to them. I had never really thought about it, though at times, I find myself going to a DVD before picking up a PS2 game. . . no wonder my PS2 library is so small :D LOL I am actually happy that Nintendo decided to for-go the DVD compatibilty for now, opting to let the games do the talking instead of all the 'special features' that other systems rely on. ^_^ Just my thought though. (Oh . . . . guess the same could be said for CDs too)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Also I had the experience of playing a gamecube, the game I played? Pikmin, a confusing lemming-ish game... Well, the joypad and joysticks, much like the anologue on PSX are a nightmare to handle, but you will get used to them... the big buttons on the right are quite hard. You expect to see the lil' C-Buttons... but you see a moon shaped button, and a massive A button... also some others. The size of the console was really cool, like the width of the PS1, but quite tall, maybe double a 64's height... I think it is really cool though... I give it: 8/10 PS.I saw a video of all the games, they look SOOOOoooooooo cool, plus the graphics are excellent. They canceled this game called "Raven-sword" apparantly 'failed to impress nintendo and will not be released' It looked way cool, like a war game... class[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] hehe, actually, I heard that was but one of the reasons that they scrapped it. Another being that they wanted to put more effort into developing the company's main title - (which the name escapes me for some wierd reason. . *shrugs*) will post once I can think of it =P
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]hmmm, being a super saiya-jin in dbz sounds interesting, lol.... Can you guess what I would be called? :p [/B][/QUOTE] Mr. T? *ducks* As for myself? hmmm. . DBZ DOES sound pretty sweet, as that is all I have really been watching lately. . name - doesn't matter, but I would be a good hearted, kind person that is forgiving like Goku. Voltron would rule. . just so I could be in a giant cat! . .LOL Lodos Wars - I could be like Parrn and fight for the good guys. . hahaha ^_^ woot. . this is fun I guess basically anything where I can be a good-guy . . call me wierd? sure, go for it *shuts up before stuff is thrown at him, and ducks just in case*
I really just love your basic foods. . Steak, potatoes, hamburgers, simple salads (lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, cucumbers. . maybe crutons. .LOL) Pasta, pizza, spagetti, lasagna. etc etc etc. I could go on, but you get the idea. As for exotic foods? - LOL, I have to say I don't see myself trying stuff like that. Farthest I have gone was to eat chow-mein from a can - like from kroger's LOL. . I know, that isn't what you meant, but I LOVE that stuff. . I wish I had some right now (ya, it's morning. . so sue me. . time for some Cap'n Crunch!!) Riiight. . . *looks around the room* . . ok then, *shuts up*
Hmm. . though I never really thought about it. . I suppose it would be pretty cool to go a bit into the future to see if there is any 'special someone' for me . . LOL ^_^ I can dream right?. . . no? . . well. . :bawl: LOL, and maybe I would get to see my kids (if I even find that special someone though) that like to run into walls, since they are idiots. . but they are MY kids so back off!! *points at YOU!! (yes, YOU)* Mwahahaha. . YOU are in for it now!! Oh, and medeavil times RULE!! . . lol
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B]i think they usualluy draw the eyes big because they're the "window to the soul" [/B][/QUOTE] That is a pretty interesting take I have to say. May just be true *shrugs* I always figured they drew them bigger to help them show emotions better. Squinty eyes is 'evil' and bright eyes gleaming is happy or maybe even joyful crying. . Hmm. . I suppose that is just expanding on your theory a bit more simple terms though. . but at least it may give a bit more understanding? =P Ok ok. . I get it. . *shuts up*
I believe I remember hearing it was going to be an RPG / Action-Adventure game. . sorta being able to get EXP for your character, and work them up. Hopefully they will have lots of characters, and special abilities, while keeping it from falling off the platform of being a DBZ game. . but time will tell, right?
LM - I am with you on the over-protective parent issue. My parents were SOOOO strict about what I could watch and what I couldn't Simpsons was the biggest, since it was the most fresh in my mind. But we couldn't watch other shows that had any swearing, or family degrigation (married with children is another example) Guess they wanted us all to be one huge happy family? ^_^ A - Team was my favorite action show. that and Knight Rider =P Transformers, Voltron, GI Joe, He-Man, Thundercats, etc. etc. Those were all my fav's for cartoons (I am a huge cartoon freak too. . still to this date I mean) ~~As for stuff I remembered from birth? - Hmmm. . . Falling off the swings. . A LOT. and getting lots of concussions :D Getting tickled by my uncle back when I lived in Michigan, and crying because I thought I was gonna die when I couldn't get enough air (LOL. . silly me I suppose . . *evil eyes to everyone reading this*). Playing Laser Tag in the basement of our old house in Michigan (LASER TAG!! awesome cartoon too btw. . well. . it was. *shrugs*) Watching Batman with the 'guys' (family guys - uncles, cousins, brothers) for the first time on video. Being a HUGE fan of wrestling, and getting into fights while the match was going on. Playing soccer in our living room (between archways were goals :D and playing with this foam filled cloth ball, so nothing would break, LOL. Most fun I ever had, since I was MAJORLY into soccer at that time. Would go on, but don't want to bore people *evil eyes to everyone again!* Oh right. . . *shuts up*
I also agree with this. It is annoying having to scroll down half a page for someone who posted a one line (or one word) response. It is useless to have that much info in a signature. I suppose I can't really complain though, since I can't think of anything cool to put in my sig. . so I stick with my: Evil People Suck!! >_< (Just on a side note. That refers to my Everquest account getting hacked, and my characters and two years worth of hard work being deleted by some idiot who thought he was being cool . . why did I put this? I have NO idea. .*shuts up*)
Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars: Rogue Leader Eternal Darkness Super Smash Brothers Extreme G3 Resident Evil 0 . . .what?! You meant for the X-Box. . sorry :D *shuts up and walks away*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Link2002 [/i] [B]lets say this system can be faster at loading and size will be about the same as the x box or around there the same or even better graphics as far as price we will leave that open for the time being what do you think about that? [/B][/QUOTE] Size of the X-Box? Total pass then ^_^ It is WAY too huge. . next you will be saying the controllers are just like the X-Box? LOL . . j/k . . I suppose in a perfect world, all we would need is one system, and one type of game cd/cartridge/dvd-rom to play, but that isn't the case. . so I honestly have no opinions on this matter anymore. . But if you want an answer (which I have hundreds of. . asked or not. . ) - I say I suppose that this sounds pretty intriguing. :D
I had something like this happen to our 'group' about a year and a half ago. The girl is Steph, and the two men were Jay(her b/f, my best friend) and Darren. Simply put, Steph is a big flirt, that was falling for Darren (who was in love with her), while dating Jay. Jay was sorta oblivious to the whole thing poor guy, and though we tried, the rest of us really couldn't do anything to stop it, short of bringing an all out war to everyone. Well, one night at my college dorm, they went off to the 'vending machines' and three hours later, came back. That was it for Jay, and after that, all . . well, everything broke loose. Jay broke up with Steph, and the group sorta split down the line for the friends of Jay and Darren. It totally ripped us all apart, and I felt almost as bad as Jay did that this all happened. Well, all this time later, true friendship ruled over a girl, and Darren and Jay are getting back to being friends, and Steph is off on her own, ruining her life (she was heavy into drugs before meeting Jay and the rest of us, and is getting back into them I suppose. . too sad). It still is a soft spot that people can be like that at all. --My advice to you is to play it totally safe, and stay away from her until she expresses true feelings to you, and makes her intentions clear. Who knows, she could just be bored right now, looking for a bit of an escape. . but I believe you owe it to your friends to be faithful to the friendship you have, and not to try to ruin it-- Sorry. . . not sure if this is helping at all. . sooooo ^_^ *shuts up*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]I'd go a coupla' thousand years into the future, grab myself a Mech, then travel back to the year 1432, start a kingdom with my Mech, and take over the world... I'd constantly keep people under my control with an Iron fist, and when someone opposed me, I would crush them with my colossal armies... Then, as I neared my death, I would travel to the year 13,000bc, in Greece, to find the fountain of youth, where I would drink from the fountain and gain immortality... Then I would return to my Kingdom, and continue my reign... Mankind would progress faster than ever before, until eventually we reached the stars... Then, I would find new planets to conquer. Finally, we would reach an alien race, with armies more powerful than my own... So I would befriend them. Together, our massive fleet would destroy all that stood in our path, and then, when the time is right, I would overthrow my ally, and steal his resources. I would reign supreme, controlling the entire universe... Whoops, I've been rambling on again.. [/B][/QUOTE] Totally evil and awesome - Need a general? Totally loyal, and never one of those backstabbing kinds =) Really. . I am. . . just let me sit there with my Gamecube and I will be happy, ok? Oh, and don't kill Nintendo headquarters. . that would be bad. Oh, or anything to do with Star Wars. . ok? . . Ok. . guess I would need to be a general/admiral or something to actually be taken seriously. . then I could just crush those that thought I was stupid. Well. . why wait till then? *pulls out his boomstick* Wow. . who is rambling now? ^_^ *shuts up*
Depends on what system I own, and how much I love it I have about 10 - 20 GB / GBC / GBP games I have about 5 GBA games I have about 10 Playstation titles I have about 5 Dreamcast titles I have about 4 PS2 titles I have about 25 - 30 N64 titles I have about 15 NES titles I have about 20 SNES titles (will have to get you an exact number sometime. . just lazy) LOL Wait. . that is more then 80. . wow, I have a lot. . someone put 80+ if you have 10 - 80. . make up for my idiocy, ok? ^_^ LOL, j/k See ya around~ *shuts up*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson][b][size=1]So what if he didnt ask it.... heh... Past i'd rather go to... meet famous people.... a shadow in the dark... seeing famous people.... see world war two from my time machine flying over head cloaked... see if loch ness is really there... see jesus... see moses... see adam and eve.. the garden of eden.. the creation of humans... the creation of earth... see it all.. ... See... everything....[/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I am sure that Jesus with all his infinite wisdom wouldn't let you go back that far, and even if you did, he would know you were there, laugh with a smile, and pop you back into the McDonald's playground where you used to play ^_^ As for myself, Medieval times seems pretty good choice for me. Get to be a knight, battling dragons (It's my past d00mit. . I can make up whatever I want right?!?) evil kings. . and the whole time, saving people who are unfairly treated =P haha, too many video games. . . WOW. . =P Ok. . shutting up. . . . well. . in a minute - Most of my friends agree that medieval times would be the way to go =) *shuts up*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Yes, do you notice that Stardust hasn't yet discovered the SPACEBAR on her keyboard? Look at her posts...she has never once used the spacebar. lol It's incredibly frustrating...but too small a thing to go crazy over. lol[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] *ducks* You said it. . j/k, good point. . . though I just find it adds to the flavor of everyone's individual posts =)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Can you use some proper grammer for god sakes? Are you soem sort of drop out?>!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] I guess he meant some? . . . lol sorry. . just having my say. No one is perfect, so we can not always be the one to jump down other people's throats.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]urgg..there's one thing i can't stand..thinking of yoda swining lightsaber...that is just ridiculous. my bro told me that he will use special power instead of oversized(for him) lightsaber. thank god for that [/B][/QUOTE] Though it was just a rumor going around for a little bit. He is supposed to mind controll a lightsaber and have it fly around his head. Then I heard that he would not have a fight scene at all :bawl: but I agree that it would be pretty sweet to see it. [EDIT] - by flying around his head, I should have been a bit more open, and said that it flies around period. Not just around his head ^_^ [END EDIT] As for Hayden Christensen - I am not too sure, he seems like a pretty good actor, and I hope that he does well. We will have to see though. For all that I know, Jar Jar WILL be in the second one, but I believe he may have a much smaller roll and his actions/comments are going to be toned down a bit. If anything the ONLY reason I didn't like him as much as I could/should have was becuase he was trying TOO hard to be noticed the entire movie. I really didn't see a problem with it, or his character at all though. He was a much needed character in this movie for a LOT of reasons. Won't go into it, since I wasted like half a page in a different topic. (Stop beating on Jar Jar . . .!!) LOL, ok, all I have to say. . but this movie looks AWESOME!~ *shuts up*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]I think there is no point in having cartidges any more, the dvds hold more and the loading time is just about as fast now. [/B][/QUOTE] Hehe, the loading time on the Gamecube is almost as fast as the N64, but on X-Box and PS2, I have not seen any real improvements there. Both take too long to load up, and take even longer to load levels or even short FMV scenes. It is rather pathetic. As for the Cartridge and CD/DVD system, it would be pretty cool. The only problem I see is that there really wouldn't be THAT many that would want it. There are those that already have the systems, making this 'new' one useless and not worth the money. And there are those who have gotten rid of their older systems, and no need to go to a system that plays both again. I don't really see this coming about at all, but since this is hypothetical, I don't really see this doing well. It would be fun to think that you would only need one system to take place of two systems, but I wouldn't see myself getting one. Taking from Cecil's post, the only people I would see getting this are those who's older systems are running down =/
Gotta love Nintendo. They can turn almost any idea into a great adventure. I have played their games a LONG time, and have to say that I keep going back to them time and time again ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark lord [/i] [B]hey if u like princess monanke thieres a version coming out this spring dubbed by real hollywood talen like billy bob thortan arnold swartinager(sp) robin williams and a lot more [/B][/QUOTE] *smacks forehead* I said that in a post up about half a page :D [EDIT] Arnold and Robin are NOT in it. . but actors/actresses like - Minnie Driver, Claire Danes, Billy Crudrup, Gillian Anderson. . and many more ^_^ [END EDIT] But it's all good :D They have had that out for sometime now, and you can pick it up at any Best Buy, Target(not sure now actually), or basically anyplace that sells anime. It is really awesome, and they did a great job on it. If anything, I laugh at how Billy Bob has to talk so fast to get all his lines in. I have not seen the Japanese version in a few weeks, so I will have to see how fast he talked there. Maybe it was a monk thing? LOL. .They did a really good job at expressing emotions as well. I was superbly impressed with that, as well as everything else in the movie ^_^
The movie was truly breathtaking. The music, the action, the storyline, the drawing, the voices. The whole movie is just awesome. The mood is set perfectly, and I never get tired of watching it ^_^ Pretty nice special features on the DVD too. As for the original Transformer toys, I have been to comic book shops (the REAL ones, not the mall ones BLEARG!! >_
i hate my father for what he said
NorykoAngelcry replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
Hehe. . I am totally one of the people who have to see it to believe it, but once I see it, trust me, it sticks with me =) Then I try to duplicate it, and when I can't, I break someone's arm (wait. . that was a long time ago. . sorry) . . *nervious laugh*. . but usually, I trust people if they can prove it to me *waits for LM to come to the door. . :naughty: * But I am totally open to new experiences and ideas, so I am not SHUNNING the whole idea of it being truth or reality just yet, though in my mind, I see that it is all fake. . just wanted to point that out, since I may have come across totally anti-. . well. . anything. . =P Sorry. . *shutting up* -
LOL, be sure to give me a chance to run first before taking off my head (I wanna be a sniper someday. . friend just qualified for sniper training in the army. . I am jelious . . and I am a good shot. . now if I could just fore-go the whole boot camp thing. . . :naughty: As for posting. Many times, if someone has posted a really good point, I might just nod, and go to the next thread, or let it sit in my head till I think of something new to add. . . I really don't see the point in wasting my time and yours to put something that has been said 300 times already. . sorry if others don't mind, since I know many don't read the whole topic, just the last few posts. Well. . umm. . . *shuts up*
There are a ton of Avatars that I love and admire throughout these boards. I wish I had half the talent to even try to make them(as I would like the skill for future use =P) I am not too big of Harry Potter *ducks as magic books are thrown at him* But I want to see the movie, and perhaps pick up a book or two of his. Everyone that has told me about it has said that they go through the books at an amazing speed. That says 'GREAT READ' to me, and that is all I need to hear ^_^ As for my own avatar - I love Link, and doubt I will change it unless a new one comes out. Or if you get some great Star Wars avatar ^_^ . . . ok, all I have to say I suppose. . . *shuts up*