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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
Nice Avatars. . too bad I love Link too much to get rid of him ^_^ But nice enough to make me change sometime =P *runs away*
Been WAY too busy to watch movies lately =( *cries* . . and I am a huge movie buff. I will always qoute movie lines during the movie, driving everyone crazy, and can recall almost any actor/actress or even almost any movie (give me some clues) or movie lines (tell me the movie and part) on a whim. Too many awsome looking movies came out recently, and I have no money to spend on them with the little time I have >_< Soon though, maybe during Thanksgiving break I will try to catch up on some. . *shrug* Course, I will probably be too busy playing my Gamecube. What am I saying, of course I will be too busy with my Gamecube. . how silly of me ^_^ *looks around room* What?! . . . *sighs and shuts up*
Do any other girls feel the way i do,?
NorykoAngelcry replied to MysticalShawty's topic in General Discussion
I had two friends who were going out after for some time. Well, Paul was feeling like he wasn't getting enough space from Stephanie, and he wanted to break it up. In my mind, he was the center of her universe, and would have done anything for him. When he finally broke up, she couldn't take it, and kept on(what am I saying, she still does it) calling him, or talking to him for long periods of time. She is very emotional over the whole deal, and I feel really bad for her, because she is a very awsome person, and he acts like a complete idiot almost 24 / 7 . . it is sad, but hopefully for her, she will get over it, and move on to bigger (not that!!) and better things. I have a feeling this might be what you are going through MysticalShawty? If so, trust me, perhaps if this person is dumb enough to dump you, he doesn't DESERVE you back. You are trying way to hard for a jerk? Don't worry about it, guys are attracted (at least I am ^_^) to someone who actually will care for them, instead of just being there for having sex. . . (what am I talking about. . that is almost all the males out there . . no offense to real men! LOL . . . hmm. . . lost my train of thought here. . . *sighs*) Sorry. . don't know if this is much help, but *two thumbs up* You rule, even though it will hurt, forget that loser (and pay attention to ME!!! . . errr) . . . *shuts up* -
Friends of mine tried to get into the Star Wars game, and at one time, Warhammer (midevil times I guess?), but at both times, there was just not the enthusiasm by anyone other then me >_< so I junked/got rid of all the stuff I had. . oh well. Not really a good painter (LOL. . one more thing that I am pathetically awful at), but I had fun trying different attempts . . maybe if I had better paint/brushes? . . . nah, didn't think so =P They looked really awsome, and I even played a few times with some pro's, and they totally showed me how much they played this game ^_^ . . *shuts up*
An aquantance at the school I used to go to tried to sell me a fake game. I forget the name, but it just looked totally weak and fake. . I was like - 'Man, get a clue, no one is going to believe these are real' Well, I never saw him trying to sell those again, and laugh every now and then when I think about it ^_^ Good old days. . . *shuts up*
My feelings can change from time to time, but basically, I am an all out happy person ^_^ I love making people laugh and smile, and generally have a good time. I usually go out of my way to try and please everyone, and at the same time, this takes it's toll on my emotionally wise. I will start a day in a good mood, and by the end, I am mentally drained, and still feel wide awake, wanting to make more people happy. At the same time, a simple touch from one of my girl friends(friends that are female. . . not a pimp or anything), a simple word or phrase directed at me, or even just a thought can throw me into a depressed state. I guess I am wierd, though I suppose everyone could go through times like this. I just get all silent, and try to feel like I should be left alone, and yet there is a part that tells me to just let it go and try and have fun =/ Almost all of my friends are going through tons of needless emotions right now, and they keep mood swinging like crazy. I try my best to cheer them up or to try and help out (serious. . I am a sensitive guy ^_^) but my effors usually go un-noticed, or just plain ignored, and they stay in that wierd phase. It is wierd, since almost none of them should be feeling like this. Their life is all going well, and they complain about the smallest things. . guess that is wierd, since I have a crappy job, sucked big time at school, big time debt that I am dealing with, no girlfriend(real one this time =P) for. . a LONG time, always out of money, finding myself way too busy at work, and un-able to visit my friends, thus causing me to be even worse of a mood at times. . . At least I have a REALLY great friend that I met on AOL one day, and she is really awsome and nice to me, helping me big time with my 'phases' that I go through. ^_^ Sorry for venting, but feel a bit better now =P *shuts up*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]A steady relationship is for me! I'll go out with ppl I really really like and know they really really like me, and that I can trust them. I hold morals really high, like no lieing to each other, no hiding secrets, no nothing. [/B][/QUOTE] To be honest, that is how I feel about relationships. If I was to get into any relationship, I would want it to be longterm and make both people happy. I can't stand people being sad or upset, so I like to make them laugh as often as I can. I love just having a goodtime, but who says things get boring over time? Not me ^_^ Course, most people that know me refer to me as 'a sweet guy' . . . /sigh. . insta kill mode there . . back to subject though =P Soooo. . Babygirl or Anna . . . *cough* =) *looks around the room* What?! BAH!! *shuts up*
Anime * Who Was the Strongest When Goku Came Back? *
NorykoAngelcry replied to Goku213's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]no way was gohan stronger than vegeta during any of this. [/B][/QUOTE] I have to agree. . Gohan seemed much weaker then Vegeta. *shuts up* -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B]o.O Tsk,tsk...:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry. . . *shuts up*
Gaming Woo Hoo! Time to break your piggy banks!
NorykoAngelcry replied to Turkey's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stormbringer [/i] [B]The way most people are talking where I live, there'll be plenty of copies, and plenty of GCs to play it on [/B][/QUOTE] They are just saying that so that everyone will think that no one else is getting a Gamecube, then they are all going to see each other before the stores open to get the Gamecube ^_^ LOL, evil evil people where you live. . . . what, you don't believe me? Fine then. . *shuts up* -
Gaming I played the xBox, The good, the bad and the ugly.
NorykoAngelcry replied to Princess Nadia's topic in Noosphere
It's sorta funny how you never really see yourself as biased, but can point out everyone else who is. I am not really directing this at anyone, but Pave-low's post sort of made me laugh. I picked up the X-Box controller, and had to set it right back down. It has the feeling of the Dreamcast controller, and I don't like that very much. I will have to try it again sometime, but the buttons are WAY too small. As for the Gamecube controller, I enjoyed it immensly! Everyone keeps on saying that it is a wanna-be Playstation controller - WRONG! The Playstation hurts the hand if you hold it longer then 5 seconds. The Gamecube controller fits in perfectly, and I could easily play the games and reach every button with out any problems. The L and R button are very nice as well, giving a nice feel when you press them. The C button takes a bit of getting used to, as it is more of an analog stick now then 4 individual buttons, but I am happy with how it feels as well. [EDIT] All in all, it comes down to personall preference. I can not tell you NOT to get an X-box, just as you will have no luck getting a Gamecube. If you feel 'said' system is better then the other ones, rock on! Have fun and enjoy the system, and don't worry about how others feel about it, it comes to how YOU enjoy it. Have fun~ *shuts up*[END EDIT] -
D-E-T-R-O-I-T!! *throws hands in the air while bouncing a bit* LOL, I never really saw it as that, I suppose if I went looking for trouble, I could find it, though that is the same for everyplace nowadays. But I love walking in downtown Detroit =) it is fun. I suppose that is all I have to say, but nice to know there is another MI resident in the forums *hugs Babygirl* . . ok, sorry. . *shuts up*
Hmmm. . for forums, I usually put *shuts up* at the end. . why? well, one forum I used to visit, an ingame friend would reply to my posts with 'Hey Noryko, shut up' Well, I took him seriously, and WOULD =P just in fun, but it became a trademark of sorts for me. My 'Evil People Suck!! >_
Lets see. . . I was born in East Detroit, Michigan - they didn't like being associated with Detroit (since all the crime happened in eastern Detroit), and changed their name to East Pointe sometime after we moved. I still claim Detroit as my birth city, and wouldn't have it any other way. Well, when I was seven, we moved down to Franklin, Tennessee, and been here ever since (now 20, do the math - 13 years here :D). Well, that is about it I suppose. . can't wait till I can move out of this tiny town/crappy state. . NOTHING goes on here unless you are a redneck, hick, country singing, truck driving, tractor pulling, farm tending. . . nevermind, don't like where this is going. . . . needless to say, I can not wait till I can move to a real city ^_^
Anime what is YOUR favorite episode of DBZ?
NorykoAngelcry replied to goku jr.'s topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zenmonkey [/i] [B]hi-lo, i must ask a question, i noticed this on another post, when you say mr satan, i imagine you mean hercule right??? what's the difference between the two??? or is it just a board nickname for him??? obviously new, but thanks for the help . . .[/B][/QUOTE] Mr. Satan and Hercules are one in the same. As for my favorite episode? Hmmm. . . *ponders* There are way too many. I loved it when Trunks made his first appearance, and kicked Freeza and King Cold into the next dimension ^_^ I also liked when Goku first arrives on Namek, and whoops up. All of the transformations, and how they explain them are totally awsome, Gohan being my absolute favorite, since me and my friend KNEW Cell was going down for that! Vegeta's Pride was a pretty nice one, where he just totally snaps, and confesses that he WANTED the power to defeat Goku. And even beyond that, I love how no matter what he did to Goku, he kept coming back seeming to be even stronger then before, showing the true power of his heart. Watching the shows, it is nice to know that these emotions can be invoked even in an anime. Even other shows have their moments, and I find myself wanting to watch them over and over again, trying to get everything out of it as I can. Funniest part for me would be when the Cajun fighter gets knocked out of the ring by Trunks and Goten. When he lands, he sort of mumbles some un-intelligable words, and I just balled laughing there on the floor. Me and my friend Jay were both watching this, and had to watch it like ten times straight. We just couldn't stop laughing, and woke up another of our friends who was passed out on the bed. She was like - 'what is so funny' and after a while, joined us in laughing at it. ^_^ -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yuri [/i] [B]Is it any monty python quote or just holy grail or flying circus oh I'm sorry this is abuse... [/B][/QUOTE] Started off a Monty Python, but you can not cut out the other great movies as well =P Post whichever you want. As for abuse and spam - do you not like this thread or something? you don't have to post if you hate reading this. I enjoy catching up on memories from the movie, playing it over in my head, and laughing out loud when I think about it. You say it is spam, I say it is TOO FUNNY! :D But that is my opinion, and no one asked for it ^_^ *shuts up*
*holds up two big thumbs-up with a huge smile* I liked it! :D I like reading poetry about DBZ. . wierd like that I suppose =P *shuts up, after one more big smile and a thumbs-up!*
Going to put my review in here, so no one gets mad at me for starting a new topic. For some, this may seem a bit biased, but as eager as I am looking forward to this game, I couldn't see anything wrong or dissapointing at all. Played the Gamecube at Target today, and had to say I was blown away. First, they had a tiny screen, and the arm attached to the controller at just the height to make it almost un-enjoyable to play, but I managed happily ^_^ While watching the kid before me, I was just amazed at the graphics. Even on the small screen, the detail was very sharp, and the images were very clear. When I asked one of my friends that worked there, he said they were using the simple RF Adapter to hook it up to the TV. I was happy with that, since if I want to take it to other people?s houses, I will have no problem getting it up and running on almost any TV set-up. Finally the father sensed my growing desire to play *evil grin* and hurried his kids along. I could almost see that he wanted to play himself, but opted to let his children have fun. As I was watching him, his eyes were glued to the Gamecube screen, and could care less about the X-Box or Playstation2 screens. Controller ? I grabbed the controller, and had to do a double take. I couldn?t believe how good this felt in my hands. I could barely tell that it was there, and my fingers fit nicely across the whole pad. The buttons were easy to reach, and I found little trouble getting to each button without even trying. Everyone keeps comparing it to the Playstation controller, and I have to disagree. I never liked the Playstation controller, it was bulky, obtuse, and very uncomfortable to hold. The Nintendo controller was like they crafted the controller to fit my hand! Finally, I started up the game for myself. I was given the option of Star Wars, Luigi?s Mansion, and Waveracer. I started off with Luigi?s Mansion, opting to save Star Wars for last =) When I started up the game, I was happy to see how fast it loaded. I think the only reason it seemed to take long at all was because they had to give credit to the makers of the game (like they do on all games, flashing the companies who took part in the making at the beginning). Once I started though, I was amazed at the graphics in the game. Though I didn?t play for too long, I got used to the controls very easily, and was sucking up ghosts in no time. It took a minute to get used to the whole ?flashlight on the ghosts and use the vacuum to capture them? attack, but soon, I was in the swing of it. I didn?t want to spoil the game too much for myself, so I opted to just take what experience I had and run with it. So here comes Star Wars ? I started up the game, and saw a group of Stormtroopers dancing to the Cantina song from the original Star Wars. I laughed out loud when I saw this, and to contain my embarrassment, I skipped this, and went right to the game. The demo was a fight over the first Death Star, and this just blew me away. The laser filling the screen had me banking hard in all directions hoping to avoid it. I revelled in the explosions that seemed too real to be a game. When I fired the torpedo, the ripple effect created by it?s flight made my jaw drop. The voices and music were also awe inspiring, being way life like, as if I were watching the movie right there. I finished with the first objective, and then the ties came on =) I was blasting them left and right, flying through the explosions as I locked onto another. This was making me smile, and I had to stop myself due to all the looks I was getting (though I didn?t care much). This may seem a bit biased, but I love Nintendo even more now, and can not wait . . . so if you all have any concerns at all still, take it from me ? GET IT!!! :D
I get basically all my information on games from [url]www.ign.com[/url] They are a well done site, even if you don't sign up for their membership (which, I do not). They have tons of pictures and movies you can view, and with a cable modem, they dial up very fast. Anyways, I never really tried to look at these before, but was happy when I did. They have 9 different movies of the game, being directed by one of the producers of the game, and someone from Nintendo of America. This was done at E3, and do not really show you anything big that could possibly ruin the game for you. They took out tons of stuff, and don't really go that far into the game, but give you enough to wet your appitite, and make you want this game even more. As for the thread to go to? - [url]http://cube.ign.com/news/39431.html[/url] enjoy~
I agree. . crazy indeed - crazy cause I COULDN'T DO IT MYSELF!! BLEARG >_< LOL, seriously, I could see myself doing something like that =) I am that crazy, plus the blue paint would hide my blushing for dressing like that in front of tons of people (insecure aren't I?) Honestly, I wish the Nintendo club would come through Nashville, TN . . . I would SOOOO be there. I wish that they had the contest too, because I would also be there, trying my best to be a nut to win one. I would just walk in a giant cube or something ^_^ maybe a themed cube at that. *shrugs* Too bad, now I have to wait in line like everyone else to get my hands on one =P
what is a moderater, otaku, jr. member, etc...
NorykoAngelcry replied to goku jr.'s topic in General Discussion
Basically has to do with the amount of posts everyone does. Newbie is 0 - ? god is over 1000 [EDIT] Guess I was wrong on that one, LOL[END EDIT] not really sure on the numbers here, but basically that is the run down. Moderators are the ones that edit and lock or delete posts. they are here to make sure the boards stay clean and not cluttered with useless threads. My personal favorite(though I suppose new) would have to be: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4560[/url] rofl, go coolkam007 rofl! But the moderators help keep the good threads alive, and close the bad or degrading threads. *claps for moderators* [EDIT] LOL, guess I posted a second after Forte. . sorry for wasting time ^_^ not trying to sound redundant, but at the time, no one else posted. *shuts up* [END EDIT] -
Where Does Everybody Go On Holiday To?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Break's topic in General Discussion
Originally from Michigan, moved to Tennessee when I was 7, so I visit family in Michigan quite often. That is the biggest place that my family has really visited. Been to Florida a few times, and Canada once (Sunday night, nothing open, waste of time *sigh*) But other then that, nothing really out of country. Bunch of friends and myself are wanting to do a large trip this summer. Go to Detroit (visit my family) and Chicago (visit friends family) for about half a week to a week, and then come back to TN, swap around some friends, and head down to Florida and party on the beach! ^_^ talk about fun times ahead. . hope we go!~ -
. . . I didn't mean they were into Flash for their site. I mean they use flash personally, for fun and stuff, and often post links to new works they made. *shrug* Suppose I could have made that a bit more clear though ^_^
Hehe, I love this movie. Weekly ritual (well. . was at least) for whole group of us to get together and watch this movie, qouting all the lines as we went ^_^ Have to say that the majority of the lines I love have been taken already =P But here goes. . . ARTHUR: Old woman! DENNIS: Man! ARTHUR: Man. Sorry. What knight live in that castle over there? DENNIS: I'm thirty-seven. ARTHUR: I-- what? DENNIS: I'm thirty-seven. I'm not old. ARTHUR: Well, I can't just call you 'Man'. DENNIS: Well, you could say 'Dennis'. ARTHUR: Well, I didn't know you were called 'Dennis'. DENNIS: Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you? ARTHUR: I did say 'sorry' about the 'old woman', but from the behind you looked-- DENNIS: What I object to is that you automatically treat me like an inferior! (can't go on. . too funny) ARTHUR and BLACK KNIGHT: Aaah!, hiyaah!, etc. [ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's left arm off] ARTHUR: Now stand aside, worthy adversary. BLACK KNIGHT: 'Tis but a scratch. ARTHUR: A scratch? Your arm's off! BLACK KNIGHT: No, it isn't. ARTHUR: Well, what's that then? BLACK KNIGHT: I've had worse. ARTHUR: You liar! BLACK KNIGHT: Come on, you pansy! (ROFL!! . . next?) BEDEVERE: Tell me, what do you do with witches? VILLAGER #2: Burn! VILLAGER #1: Burn! CROWD: Burn! Burn them up! Burn!... BEDEVERE: And what do you burn apart from witches? VILLAGER #1: More witches! VILLAGER #3: Shh! Will stop for now. . since I am laughing too hard (must go watch movie again. . course. . have to steal it back from a friend first. . )*grabs herring*
Another forums page that I visit has several people that are into flash. I will try to ask a few of them for some sites or tips to use, but if I don't get back here, it is because they ignored my thread ^_^ so, sorry~