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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. Hmm. . . well, I can't say that I have been in ANY situation as rough as all of you, but I can just reply with what I know. Ok, when I was very young, like 4 - 6 years old, I would swing on our swings outside my home (when I lived in Michigan). I would constantly fall out of the seat backwards, and slam my head into the ground, giving myself concussions on a regular basis. I say this laughing now, because my mom told me she used to freak out as she watched me get up a few seconds later, and hop back on the swings. She says I had a guardian angel with me (she is HUGE into God and the Bible. . sorry if that offends anyone) that kept me safe. Well, one day in the kitchen (still around 4 - 6 years old), I was sitting on the back of a seat while my sister was actually sitting in the chair. I don't remember why, but I fell out backwards, and slammed the back of my head against the corner of the molding in the frame of the doorway. My head got split open, and I needed like 12 stitches for the injury. Doctors said I was very lucky that it wasn't serious. For car accidents? ^_^ Well, first one, I was driving a full size van (My pimp ride if you will. . hehe)back from a friends house, and for some reason, I sort of phased out the road while talking to a friend. He sort of got this quizical look on his face and was like "Uhh, Aaron?" I was like What?! when I looked forward, and slammed on the brakes. I hit a total of 4 cars (5 including my van). Nothing was serious, but they were so close that all of them were hit. Bad thing was that I couldn't have avoided it. Oncoming traffic to the left, and a foot drop off to the right (construction was being done to the road at the time), so I had no way to avoid it. Second accident, I was driving my station wagon (I know, I had some wierd cars. . *shrug* But now I drive my 1994 Oldsmobile Achieva - AWESOME CAR!!)coming back from Home Improvement. I was driving sort of fast, but didn't think anything about it. My brother (second oldest) was reading a magazine, and I was reading from behind the wheel, LOL. Anyways, I got over a decent sized hill, and noticed a car stopped in front of me >_< Well. . . 5 car wreck this time (6 including MY car). Same instance again, since it was on the same road as my first. There was construcion being done, and I could not get out of the way at all. Again, no one seriously hurt, but there definitely could have been. I am pretty glad that everything worked out - well, besides our insurance dropping our family after a few weeks later ^_^ Opps As for falling out/off a car =) One time, a friend of mine (lived in the same neighborhood as me) stopped by my house, and I ran out to get in his car. Well, he was playing around, not letting me in, so I hopped on the back of his Camaro (oh yeah, smart idea me). Well, he thought it was funny, and took off. I was slowly lossing my grip (well, there was absolutely NOTHING to hold onto back there) and tried to get him to stop with no avail. I was slowly getting closer and closer to falling off, when I decided to try my luck at jumping and running (Oh yeah, great idea number 2 right there). Well, I got about two steps in before I fell, and slid forward for about 3 feet (maybe much more). My hands were tore up, and my stomach and knees were both ripped up bad as well. I am very lucky nothing more serious happened, but trust me, I didn't hop on the back of his car again (what? I am not the brightest crayon in the box you know) :D Ok, not sure how many people this has ever happened to, but I have woken up MANY times, unable to swallow, or even breath or move. This is the most horrifying experience that I have ever gone through. I felt as if I was going to die sometimes, but after a while, everything gets better, and well, I get over it. But some of the most terrifying moments have been when I would wake up like this. . . All I can think of for now (ohhh) There was this one time in a cave, where a bunch of friends and us lost the path we had taken up, and I sorta got a bit freaked as if - What if we never get out? - Oh man/woman, was I hungry then (what does this have to do with being lost? *shrug*)
  2. It will definitely be a pretty game, that is for sure. Too bad I am going to get Eternal Darkness instead of RE. ED is promising to be ten times better then RE, and hopefully I will not be dissapointed. I will have to get the RE series once I start to get a grasp on my money conditions, but we will see, no? =)
  3. I have the American dubbed version, with Billy Bob Thorton as the monk ^_^ and all the other great voice actors/actresses being the voices of the characters. I was truly impressed on how good of a job they did, and was not dissapointed in the least with this movie. I LOVED the artwork, and the story line was superbly done. The main thing I tell my friends (and that we discuss to deep lengths from time to time) is to remember when watching this movie, is that there is NO bad guy/girl in the whole movie. Sure the demons are evil, but are just trying to drive out the humans. Sure the monks are evil, but are just trying to get their job done. San may seem bad cause she wants to kill the leader of Irontown, but she is only after her to help drive the humans out. And the leader wants to kill San and the wolves to keep Irontown safe for all those she helps. At the very end, you see both sides come around a lot, and realize without Ashitaka's help, neither would have succeeded at all. Seph - you said your favorite part was in Irontown where he bends the sword and breaks up the fight. I could not agree more. That whole section is my favorite as well. I find myself skipping to that part right away just to watch it, LOL.
  4. To be honest, the best one that I have ever been to was [url]www.zsnes.com[/url] Nice emulator site, and when I just reviseted, their site has gone through some MAJOR changes. I will have to reinstall it sometime soon, I miss playing chrono trigger on my computer ^_^ Pretty cool thing is that you can hook up joysticks and controllers to your computer, and play 4 player games. I believe that is still able to be done on ZSNES, I loved playing Streetfighter on computer with friends at college(while I wasn't partying or sleeping in and failing all my classes. . shhh). Hope that helps(well, not the part of failing college. . cause that is a major no-no)
  5. The F**k you say?! Cool Meter goes up 3 points See?
  6. ?What if everything you see is more then what you see-the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn?t? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it really is a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you?ll find many unexpected things.? -Shigera Miyamoto That is what is on the back of the Gamecube box ^_^ Pretty awsome, and kind of sets the tone for how AWSOME the system is going to be *waits nerviously. . . hoping his head won't explode* :nervous:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Well, it's not even out in the UK yet... So, when I get it next year (Feb2002) I'll probably get Starfox Dino Planet and/or Metroid 128... NOT Rouge Leader, sorry I despise Star Wars games.... PS. Luigi's mansion looks a load of crap... wtf do you actually do on it, because I bet it's just pants...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Hehe, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that is why these boards rule. For Star Wars, if I had the money to drop a week early, I definitely would. Not only am I a huge Star War fan, but have you seen some of the screen shots or movies for this game? They totally rule, and make this game one of the best even if you hate Star Wars. [EDIT] Meant to mention that the gameplay and abilities in this game are totally awsome, and make it worth the game even if it didn't have the title. [END EDIT] Starfox looks good, and Metroid sounds really awsome(supposed to switch from 2-D to 3-D depending on environment and if there are enemies. . sounds very interesting. As for Luigi's Mansion - you should definitely check it out. I have heard that the gameplay is very awsome, the graphics are great(including a VERY detailed Luigi), and the game is just great fun. The basic plot(without going into the storyline) is that you run around a haunted mansion, and have to get rid of ghosts. You use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the ghosts. Won't go into it any farther, but there is a lot of puzzle solving involved as well as the fun of searching out ghosts.
  8. After reading everything, I have to put my own opinion on this matter.(quick note - I had a friend like that, and running away, or lieing, or trying to gross the person out is not only the wrong way to go about it, but it is unfair to EVERYONE involved, even though you may only be worried about yourself - with good reasons of course) Running away - if they are like they seem, they will call the cops, and have them looking for you, and that would lead to more trouble down the line. Regardless of what you see on TV, and see all these 'if they are not gone longer for 24 hours, we can't do anything' it isn't true. I used to know several people, and would have the cops out on them FAST once the parents called. If your parents said you were a threat to yourself, you could get busted bad and even end up in a worse condition. Saying you are a lesbian - like many have said, major over reaction again. Not the thing to do. Lies cause more trouble for you in the end. Freaking out to-be-husband - might not work, and then YOU would have screwed yourself. If it does, your rep could be screwed(if you care about that) Talking to your parents - Obviously the best choice. Tell them no, but make it clear WHY you don't want to, and why you don't feel it is right. Get a friend or relative that will stand firm with you. YOU are the one that has the choice, and shouldn't feel like they can force it on you. Let them know if they MAKE you walk to the alter, that you will blatently protest it to the minister that you WILL NOT get married against your own will. Just my thoughts, you can talk with my in AOL IM (Noryko81) or PM if you want more in-depth insight. . if not, just tell me to shut up and I will ^_^
  9. Mine is Noryko81 Basically on at nights(Mon - Fri from about 12:30am till about 7:00am) and on the weekends(Sat and Sun about 10:00pm - 4-5:00am. . depending on how the weekend goes activity wise) Happy to chat with almost anyone that drops a line =P
  10. I LOOOOOOOVE Soccer. . It is so awsome to play real life, play in video games or watch. I started when I first moved to TN(when I was 7 . . wow 13 years ago. . ). I started playing recreation soccer(more fun then on school teams, TRUST me). I was pretty good at it, and since I had a stronger foot then most, I was put in midfielder position(this position makes you run the most of all positions). I was really horrible when I first started, as it was a totally new experience for me. I picked it up fast enough, after hopping around every possible position ^_^ Finally, I got on a good team, and the coach actually worked with the players(instead of just sending us out there to put on a show for the grown ups. Soccer is about HAVING FUN). He taught us the true skills involved, and I learned a ton. Then I got on a new team, and the coach was all about having fun ^_^ I loved him because he knew what it was all about. Not winning or losing, but sportsmanship and having an all out good time(as a reward, we kicked the crap out of all the other teams, LOL) I love watching it on TV, but don't have the good sports channels. . so I settle for watching it on the spanish channel =) [Edit] - Oh, and I love Mega Man Soccer ^_^ Was TOO fun playing that game. . think I have that lying around somewhere . . .*shrug* [END EDIT]
  11. Played it for about ten minutes. . laughed at my friend for renting it ^_^ He got angry. .woulda broken the game, but then he woulda had to pay Blockbuster some $$ for it. . more then the game is even worth too, trust me. Hmmm. . games that induce anger in me? I hate games where the main character dies(or one of the main key players). More saddening then angry, but when I first played Chrono Trigger, and he died, I was like *jaw drops* . . . NOOOOOOO!!!! But then I played on, and was SUPER happy ^_^ shutting up now.
  12. Just thought of something. I hate when they have a really tough 'pre-requisite' mission, that forces you to do a great deal of tough objectives before you are allowed in the game. Half the reason I hate this, is because it doesn't give you enough time to actually learn the game before they thrust a super hard level like that at you. >_< Superman was what brought this to mind, since I believe you had to fly through all the rings to get out of the first mission? . . might be wrong, but that was all I played, and I hated it.
  13. It's a start. . I suck at drawing, and wish I could even draw THAT good. . . I used to be decent, but majorly neglected what little talent in drawing I had. Now that I look back, I am too sorry =( Stick with it, and you will be doing great in no time. :)
  14. I say, If you have the money and the time, go for it. Better to be safe then sorry I think. What if you don't get it, and find it sold out before you get a chance to get it? Talk about MAJOR stress on you. . I wouldn't know what to do myself. . I would sit down and cry. . then go play my Gamecube of course, feel better, and be happy. . but that is NOT the point!! :mad:
  15. I am really happy about this. Though I am not the hugest fan of the series, I like the way the story was done, and love the secrets that Capcom adds to their games ^_^ I am sorta looking forward to these, though doubt I will have the money by the time it is released to get it(Yes, I am still getting the Gamecube and the games that I want . . don't worry) Main reason for never really getting these was a combination of lack of money and lack of that particular system. . but now. . we shall see, no? :naughty:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]yea im pondering that too... what is a gamecube advanced? i think u mean gameboy advanced right? im still having a hard time w/ all thes hard core gamers not having a virtual boy... that system KICKED... i mean yea the games werent all that but it was fun as hell... for the few games it had... it could have done a lot better but i mean i LOVE the wario game and the bomberman game... those things kicked butt :)[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] First. . . got me what a Gamecube Advance is ^_^. . maybe I am going to get it at an advanced time then my friends? *ducks and runs* Second. . . I would have gotten the Virtual Boy, but I didn't have money at the time =( I played several games, and thought it was pretty fun to be honest. Lack of titles are only downside, but other then that, the ones that they have are VERY awsome. Might have to look for it again sometime soon, and see how cheap I can get it.
  17. HAHAHAHA, that is totally awsome! Would be funny to read some peoples opinions on that =P Thanks for that, provided an excellent laugh(even if not intended)
  18. I love hearing opinions, especially when it is not the same repetative opinions as everyone else gives. I will have to try one out this weekend, though as the commercial says - "Save your hands" . . . ^_^ Once I try it, I might add my own thoughts(better to do it now, then after everyone else gets one and fills the page with their own voices of praise =P Just kidding, I love Nintendo and all of you
  19. I don't really like most sport games, and don't really prefer games with little depth or no real story to it at all. Basically, I like almost all games, and give about everyone of them a fair chance before I 'hate' it
  20. Ok. . N64(got on release) Gamecube Advance(got on release) Playstation 2(got on release) Playstation(got about a year ago) Dreamcast(got from a friend a little while back) Super Nintendo(handed down in family till I stole it) NES(handed down in family till I stole it) Gameboy Color(got on release) Gameboy(don't remember where I got it from) Computer(which I consider a system. . though, I suppose that means everyone would have this down right?)1 Sega Genesis(had it, sold it) Gamegear(had it, sold it) Atari(had it. . don't remember what happened to it) Commadore64(JUMP MAN FOREVER!) GAMECUBE!! (Getting on Release) Think that is about it? . . . *ponders*
  21. Hehe, nice collection of game systems there ^_^ Have a few myself, though find myself only going to the older ones for the really good games. As for the controller. . how long is the cord going to be? read it somewhere, and. . well. . forgot ^_^ P.S. Nice little comic you have there :D
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]oh ya!!, after playing pokemon, i can chuck a pokeball at a weedle 500 yards away!, now thats skill!! lol:D [/B][/QUOTE] ROFL!! :laugh: I think Tetris helped with puzzle solving(be surprised how much that comes in when I have to stack a tiny little pallet with tons of odd shaped boxes.) I work in a huge warehouse, and it really comes in handy. I get people commenting on how good of a job I do, since mine looks like a square, and their stacking looks like the Leaning Tower of Piza(sp? BLEARG!! >_
  23. *nods and chimes in* Jet Black. . . how awsome is that color? ^_^ If not available, I will just beat up some kid and. . oh wait. . nm :angel: But if I can not get it, I might just get indigo. . or maybe another color(not that weak orange though - just my opinion)
  24. Man. . that seems low. . I will have to go back and check that out. . cause I am not THAT sure what mine is now. . =/ *sheepishly fades back into nothingness*
  25. I enjoy NP immensly. I find it annoying that every other page in your other magazines are all ads, and that you practically have to scour to find the section you want. Even then, you find the one game you are really looking forward to has been cut down to a small paragraph because some 'highly anticipated' game is taking up 8 more pages then it really should be. As for NP, it is all about Nintendo ^_^ the way it should be. I find most of their reviews pretty good, though all in all, who is to tell you what a good game is or isn't? I really don't pay too much attention to magazines at all, but I really like Nintendo, as they tend to get a bit more insider information then most other magazines.
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