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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. Very awsome and well thought out post. Thank you for all the great info. I was a bit worried(fractionly mind you) about the whole controller. . but you put me at great ease =) *drools* . . can't wait.
  2. I had fun on that mission . . though, most were very fun. My favorite mission would have to be the villa mission, where you head through the canyon and pick off people as you go, till you get to the mansion and sneak all through there ^_^ Been too long since I played though =P
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]actually all i have heard was 18th... but 19 would make more sense... that is when all system stuff comes out... at least in the last few years... (wensdays that is) so 19 would make more sense... and x-box is being gay w/ saturday release[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, I am a bit confused. The 18th would put it on a Sunday, not a Wednsday(even if you meant the 19th, that is still just a Monday) Oh well. All in all, I will be camping out early on Sunday morning(18th - the new, though old news, official release date) waiting EAGERLY to get my GC ^_^ I will be so happy, I just hope my head doesn't explode.
  4. I think PD was pretty challenging, but not really that hard. As for hard? Try co-operative mode where you try to kill your partner, while both trying to complete the mission. . THAT is hard ^_^ mwahahaha. . sorry I was pretty good at almost every N64 game(been a gamer all my life) but there were some missions in PD that gave some REAL challenge on the hardest difficulty.
  5. I like it ^_^ Not sure how good you are with making signatures(I am horrible, so I just try to help others, if you call it help. . most call it butting in. . so sorry) you could add maybe a ghost image of one of your favorite characters behind the writing. It would be pretty sweet, no? Of course, you could also use a Miyamoto qoute in there too. . ok, shutting up now. All in all though, I like it! *two big thumbs up!*
  6. Never heard anything like that. To my knowledge, never has Nintendo put out a hand-held that was back-lit. All of them require an alternate source of light to be able to see them =) ~~This is to MY knowledge, so I could be WAY off. . just restating that point~~ But to be honest, I don't think that I would like a back-lit hand-held, mainly because it would go through an un-holy amount of batteries to sustain it's life. . and that can be expensive, trust me.
  7. In my personal fav' list: Link(pure hearted warrior, searching for truth to uphold justice. . and one awesome fighter with or without his bag o' goodies. Even when faced with going to another dimension, he is willing to lay it all on the line and go forth, never one to even mutter the words 'give up') Samus(awsome suit, daring, strong willed - who would do what she does? no one I think =P Totally awsome arsenal of weapons. Even when outnumbered, she would never give up!) Pikachu(how totally cute of a character, and super powerful to boot! Always willing to give it his all, even when beaten. . trend being set here?) There are more I will admit, and Mario is too awsome to get rid of. . 'Fonging' to you for saying that!!
  8. ShadowGohan - GAMECUBE!!! Don't know how many people I know that had some dilusion of getting the PS2 that I had to talk them out of =P Couple things that make it rule(in my own mind) . . . since if I wrote more, I wouldn't be able to stop: It's Nintendo man!! quality games. . been around SOOO long. Star Wars: Rogue Squadren 2:love: . . Dolby Pro Logic 2 for crying out loud!! Super Smash Brothers Melee!!! Gonna be sweet =P Resident Evil series. . looks too fine to be real =P ~~Stopping now, sorry. . ~~ There are so many more reasons. . but these tend to sell the majority of people. =P I have a PS2, and can say that I will shelve it away nicely once Nintendo comes out ^_^
  9. I love StarFox64 ^_^ one of the more memorable titles on the system. Pretty easy to beat it, though I LOVE games like this =P Don't remember anything about it, been too long since I have had my Nintendo64(lent it to my bro's friend. . . huge mistake. . yet to get it back, and after weeks of begging, yelling, screaming, threatening . . oh well. . guess I could just break in and steal it). I have everything beat(all difficulties, and all medals), and gotten all the multiplayer secrets. ~~Note though: The BEST way to play is with everyone playing the same vehicle. . If not, you get overmatched very easily. Of course, I am sure they did that on purpose, but Ship > Tank > Running . . . I can kill anyone with the ship, it is just too unfair to even TRY to go against the ship with the tank or on foot. They are way too slow, and have no where near the power that the ship does. Only way to be even close, is if the ship isn't allowed to get any specials, and the other mode gets to start off with both. Find out the hard way if you don't believe me though ^_^~~
  10. I love Nintendo. Be it a kids system or not, they are definitely my system of choice. I have a N64, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance(and at one time, I owned the NES). I LOVE NINTENDO!! To be honest though, there are more games then just what Nintendo has to offer. . and as a result, I have a PSX and a PS2, and am getting a Dreamcast from a friend that is bored. ~~First off, no, I am not rich(I get that a lot surprisingly). I just look for good deals and grab them. Others, I just dropped a weeks paycheck on to get the system.~~ I don't have too huge of a collection on any system inparticular, but the games I get, I love, and couldn't see my collection without them ^_^ I plan to get the Gamecube on launch(meaning, I will be camping outside Target, since I don't prefer to reserve a copy. . that way sucks) and will be getting(with in the following couple months: (on launch) Luigi's Mansion Star Wars: Rogue Squadren 2 Extreme G3 (on release) Super Smash Brothers Melee Eternal Darkness Resident Evil 0 All of these look to be totally awesome. . Can't wait!! ^_^ And there are several titles in the works that look to be just as good as some of these. Once the price drops on others, I see myself collecting several more of the other games. . but money constraints keep me from doing so at the moment =P
  11. Link has to be my all time favorite character. He is just great with the only weapon that returns to you(great surprise, even when the person is expecting the attack). I got really good at him, then started playing other characters. I had slacked off so long with Link, that I got horrible at him. How to fix that problem? play non-stop for the next billion matches(ok, so like 10) and I was right back in the groove ^_^ He is DEFINITELY the one I am looking forward to, as he supposedly has a Bow & Arrow now too *grins* More fuel to my dangerous fire. . . I play DK for purely the fun of grappling(or grabbing. . whatever, since he uses his hands, and not any special tool like others do). I enjoy doing a down attack(the down kick is great to use) when someone is trying to get back on the board =P It causes frustration, and ultimately leads my opponent to me right away, making me not have to hunt another victim down. My absolute FAVORITE attack would be the grab and jump(Note: Use ONLY if you are above on the life counter). Simply grab someone and jump off the ledge. You have to be close enough near one, so the person can't hop off your back, but the results are a lot of cursing, and things thrown your direction, but results in huge laughs from everyone else. Smash Brothers is definitely one of my all time favorite video games. I have had such a HUGE replay value on the game, that I could just NOT see myself getting the one for the Gamecube. I will enjoy learning a few new characters moves, and whooping my friends even more then before. ^_^
  12. I was NOT saying that Bra was the name of the second child. I was adding that I believe that Bra is also the first name of Bulma's mother. Note: Bra = Bulma's and Vegeta's second child [i]AND[/i] Bra (may or may not) be the name of Bulma's mother. If you know Bulma's mother's real name, please let me know. :D
  13. First, let me just say my opinion, both in what I feel, and how I view each character. I say that Goku is stronger, both mentally, phisically, and in his ki abilities. He fights to protect, while Vegeta fights to prove he is the most powerful. Now, I am just going to add my own thoughts here. I have read through what everyone has said, and seen the same thing typed over and over(though many I am sure have not read every thread). I will break down each character in my own opinions, feel free to flame me, or aggree, or disagree with whatever I state here. [b]Goku[/b]: [i]Strenghts[/i] [list] [*]Why does everyone take his kind and sincere attitude as weakness? He just doesn't want to charge into a fight filled with anger, causing him to slip his guard or cause him to make mistakes. [*]He was raised to be kind, and it was in his spirit ever since. He can be mean(in a way more like anger), but that is really only when he is dead serious. [*]In fights, Goku loves the challenge, where Vegeta fights to prove that he is the strongest. [*]Goku gets stronger when he sees his friends getting hurt, sort of like an addrenaline rush(this is amplified a bit in watching Gohan when he senses or sees a friend get hurt). [/list] [i]Weakness[/i] [list] [*]He tends to be over trusting of everyone, causing him to fall prey to traps much easier then others would, causing him to get into real trouble sometimes. [*]He doesn't really go into fights with the serious fighting attitude that is needed sometimes, and can occasionally underestimate his opponents, causing him to lose the upper hand right off the bat. [/list] [b]Vegeta[/b] [i]Strengths[/i] [list] [*]Vegeta knows he has power, and as a result, he usually doesn?t hold anything back in his fights, letting himself go in the battle. [*]He trains very hard, giving his all to become stronger then Goku. He usually pushes himself too hard, achieving new highs in strength and power. [*]He does not let outside distractions play too big of a part in his fights, causing him to be more focused on the task at hand(though this changes from hanging on Earth too long). [I]Weaknesses[/I] [list] [*]His striving to become so powerful often weakens him mentally and physically. He usually doesn?t give himself enough of a resting period and serves to only lose the power which he has. [*]Though he doesn?t pay outsiders to the fight much attention, he becomes filled with rage when anyone he cares about is hurt or even killed. This causes him to become a bit sloppy, throwing everything he has into the fight and weakening himself to a counterattack. [*]He often becomes so consumed with catching Goku?s level, that he forgets what is truly important to him, though he would never tell anyone. [/list] [i]Overall[/i] Goku is definitely stronger then Vegita in both terms of martial arts strength, ki strength, and in heart and spirit. While he tends to go easy on his opponents, opting to give them a second(or third or fourth) chance for their life, he usually doesn't give them a chance to hurt anyone else if they choose to pursue that sort of behavior. [i]Out of Character[/i] I am sure the makers of DBZ kept Vegita in a foul mood with a distructive personality on purpose, knowing that if he was to train like Goku with his heart and spirit, that Vegeta might be able to pass Goku, or at least equal with him. In the saga where Vegeta came to Earth, he was far stronger then Goku, and only through Gohan interfering, was Vegeta forced to run. After this time came the Freeza saga - Vegeta was still hell-bent on becoming the most powerful while Goku was training to become powerful enough to protect his friends. After this time, Vegeta saw Goku reach a new pinacle of strength, playing to Vegeta's jelious side. He would stop at nothing to become as strong as Goku so that one day he could kill him and take the power for himself. Someone posted that while Vegeta is pushing himself to become stronger and stronger, Goku is taking time with his family and friends. In seeing them, perhaps it gives him a strength and power that comes from out of no where. He sees the things that are truly important, looking beyond the strength of his muscles, and looking at the strength of his heart. Oh well. . just my thoughts. I know I typed a ton, sorry~
  14. HAHAHA, if it was a single kid altogether, would he argue with himself like Goku and Vegeta do all the time? :D
  15. I have to admit when I am in the mood to watch the action sequences, the staredowns and flashbacks can be a bit annoying. Nothing like watching a twenty minute show to get three minutes of fight scenes in. But to be honest, I would gladly wait through all of the flashbacks and staredowns(which give a bit of insight to what that person is thinking) to watch the fights unfold. I watch and enjoy the show as a whole, and one part does not take away anything for me :D
  16. I agree with Lady Macaiodh. . on both arguments =P
  17. Isn't Bra also the name of Bulma's mother? I could be mistaken, but I thought that was her real name. . (not too uncommon for a child in the DBZ universe to be named after his/her parent's father/daughter Gohan - Goku's son as well as his first mentor ever(just one example)
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