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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Never read any of the books, however, I enjoyed the movies so far, and I am sure this one will be great too. My brother says I have to read the books, but I don't know. . I am also really looking forward to seeing Gary Oldman as the. . prisoner (sorry, I am bad with names). It's also interesting to see all these teens go through puberty in phases (each movie, different phase of it. . like red-head kid and his voice in the second movie! LOL) . . ok, that's all I have to contribute~ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Wow. . old school games. . One of my favorites has to be Jump Man. The game was too awesome! [img]http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/9060/jumpc64game.gif[/img] Anyways, I have too many memories of old games. Wether it be something like Final Fantasy VII and just watching my brother play all day long, or sitting with my buddy Jay till around 6am in the morning playing Goldeneye. . I could just go on for too long, so I'll stop now. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Ouch SoapyShoes. . not a fan of Animal Crossing? . . It's not a girly game! And why would you be embarassed playing it? A little insecure about your sexuality? . . just kidding around. You sound like a lot of the Playstation/X-Box fanboys; if the game doesn't have tons of blood, violence and gore, then in your eyes, it's not a game worth playing. I kind of feel sorry for people like that, your missing out on a lot of great games because you look at the violence over the gameplay, the blood over the storyline. . Whatever though, you are allowed to play whatever you want. . go freedom! -_- I have been going through a phase where I have not played any multiplayer games lately. . It's getting rather depressing, I miss kicking the crap out of people in all sorts of games >_
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]This movie does indeed look good. . I know Will Smith has been in the occasional 'just ok' movies (in my opinion), but this movie seems like it will be really good. . I like the dark feel that this movie has. . not the particular 'fake dark-feeling' that other movies try to put up there on the big screen =) If that makes any sense. . I am really hoping that they show some good fighting scenes, and hopefully they won't just end the movie with something lame like - "Hurray, I've cut the main power! Just now, as it seemed like everyone was seconds away from getting killed, I saved everyone." I hope there are some intense fighting scenes, and it doesn't come down to Smith's character having to do something like. . fist fight the robot -_- . . Oh well, my deepest concerns will probably be true, so who knows *shrug* [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]This is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. . I think it's the perfect example that the music industry is going to . . . well. . *points down* . . I was at work the other day, and we had a guy come in that said he signed musical groups for major labels (don't remember the exact lable he does it for). . this guy said he came from L.A. and had signed bands like Counting Crows (I may be wrong on that one. . but I want to say that was the group. . *sighs* sorry. . ) Anyways, we talked for quite some time on how bad the whole industry is getting, where looks/sex/and moves can take your further then actual vocal talents. . Now, if you know me at all, you know that I am not big into music. . however, when I turn on the radio/pop in a CD, I expect them to be some good group that I am listening too (yes, I research the group/sounds before I even decide to spend the money on it). . I am very sickened by the fact that a joke is leading to a label. . even worse, this execs that signed this guy are going to make a ton, and while Hung will make a pretty penny, he is clearly being taken advantage of. . Oh well. . good for him. Not my style of music (I prefer the groups with talent and good vocals) . . flame me all you want, I refuse to lower myself to the types of people that are going to get this CD. . [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Gaming Best Cooperative Military/War Game
NorykoAngelcry replied to superfreak07's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Ashura']IMHO, I believe that the single player experience in the Doom 3 style of game would be easier to get scared in (as games like these are always scarier when you're by yourself), and that seems to be a big premise of the game. Although, I agree that co-op with a hot chick friend who is good at FPSs but easily frightened would top that easily![/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]ROFLS. . I need to find myself a few of those types of women. . I got the few that are easily frightened, but sadly, none that are willing to play any video games -_- [/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]Hahahaha! Time Splitters 2? Yeah it is challenging (some of the MP challenges, that is) but overall I'd have to say it's one of the worst FPSs I've ever played (it's a pathetic pretender to Goldeneye as far as I'm concerned), and I was angry at myself for purchasing it. Halo isn't all that hard (unless you're playing Legendary), but I think it was still fun. And intense doesn't necessarily mean hard. And you only run back to a spawnpoint if you make it through the onslaught, mind you. There were plenty of times in Halo where our survival was in question. If it wasn't for respawns the co-op mode would be way too frustrating at times. And it'd be even more dumb. Every time you lost your shield you'd run away and wait until it recharges or something (if you can). Eh, why am I defending Halo I don't even care that much. Anyway my fav FPS is still Perfect Dark, followed by Goldeneye. The rest don't come close. But for co-op I'd have to say I found Halo most enjoyable. I hear that the new Bond game Everything or Nothing has a really cool co-op mode as well. I'll look into it sometime.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]What's wrong with Time Splitters 2? Sure, playing multiplayer wasn't the best, but you could add bots that weren't so bad, yet far from a pushover. . I wouldn't say it's a pathetic pretender to Goldeneye, just couldn't reach to the plateau that Goldeneye did. The best thing about the co-op version of Team Splitters was that it required both players to have a head on them. Sure, some of the levels could easily be owned by just one player, with the other just sitting still the whole time, but some of the levels required stealth, and a bit of strategy (I remember some levels where my friend would sneak through long hallways, and I would snipe everyone from a distance -- he could get away without having to fire a shot in different parts). I think the co-op in Halo just makes it too easy. There are parts where you don't get a chance to run back and respawn, and parts where you had to just hold down that fire button, and hope for the best. . but overall, one player could easily carry the other through the entire way. I am not really trying to criticize you ScirosDarkblade. . merely pointing out a lot of the problems with Halo ^_^ And I do think we have come to an almost agreement -- I think that Goldeneye is one of the best FPS out there, followed closely by Perfect Dark (I think I am one of the only ones that see it that way though. . ) My friend Jay is just like you though. . He loves Perfect Dark first, and then Goldeneye. lol As for Halo. . great multi-player game (up to 16. . that just rocks!) As for Everything or Nothing. . from the demos, I just wasn't impressed too much, but I am tempted by the co-op just to get to hang out with some of my friends in an in-game atmosphere. [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
Gaming Best Cooperative Military/War Game
NorykoAngelcry replied to superfreak07's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='ScirosDarkblade']While it was not as complex or involving as some of the more tactical or team-oriented shooters out there, I'd have to say that Halo did have the most intense and fun co-op mode I've played. As simple as it is, there's nothing more fun than trying to get your slaughtered teammate to respawn by blowing away 30 or 40 of those head-exploding stumbling Flood bastards with a shotgun at point-blank range. Oh yeah, and taking turns doing suicide runs at a tank. That's good fun too. I'm hoping Halo 2 stays away from the repetitive levels, though. That's really the worst part about the original.[/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred] :bash: Most intense? . . running back to a spawnpoint?. . that doesn't make for a fun or challenging or even intense. . it makes it easy!! And easy isn't a good thing. . I prefer the games where if you die. . you are dead! Don't get me wrong, the levels in Halo had enough aliens to kill players multiple times over. . however, your suicide runs take a bit of the intensity away from the game also. . A great co-op game in my opinion was Time Splitters 2. . My friend Erick and I played that game a very long time, and really enjoyed it. Decent amount of challenge, and with the level change, came a change in characters/weapons/objectives. . some of the levels were really challenging! [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Hmm. . I worked in all of my spring breaks. . Most people would travel to Florida or Mexico. . or wherever. . but me? I got to stay home, go to work, and try to hammer out as much money as I could (especially when I was in college).. So, don't let it bum you out that you have to stay at home. . just get online or play some video games. . watch a few movies that perhaps you have never seen before. . I don't know where you live, or what there is to do around your location. . so, I can't really give you much more advice then what I have already given. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gaming Best Cooperative Military/War Game
NorykoAngelcry replied to superfreak07's topic in Noosphere
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]WHAT?!? Halo is NOT the best Military game out there. . far from it. It's an interesting FPS for sure, but it's story was too boring in my opinion, and the gameplay was also pretty weak. It's only strong point comes in the fact that it's Multi-player allows for so many people at one time. . There are far too many other games out there that take the cake with the Best Co-Op Military Game. . Maybe Halo 2 will be a little stronger with story and gameplay. . I don't hate Halo, I just don't think it should get as high of ranks as you guys are giving it. . It's definitely a system seller for the X-Box though. [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I was surprised by this movie. I expected it to have it's funny moments, but not THIS many.. I was rolling in a few of the scenes, especially the scene where they bust into the guy's apt. and the kid defends his dad *evil grin* I almost fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard! I was actually surprised by Snoop Dog's roll in the movie. I was expecting something a lot worse. I really loved his henchmen.. they were too funny themselves! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=The Vampire: Ed][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Anyway, I haven't seen the original Dawn of the Dead in quite a while so my comparisons of the two aren't quite fair, but I do know I enjoyed this new version, the "remake," much more than the original. The movie pretty much keeps you on the edge of your seat through the whole movie, and thankfully they strayed away from doing to many predictable things. Also, I liked that they pretty much thrust you right into the zombie horror rather than have you wait for a half an hour or so for them to come into play. Not to mention the zombies are actually quite lethal in this movie as opposed to the usual zombie stereotype of slow, groaning, stumbling, mindless cannibals. They actually move swiftly for the most part, and show some intelligence. For example [spoiler] when they go to turn on the generator in the mall's parking garage, the zombie that attacks has no legs so it uses the pipes on the ceiling of the garage to get around by hang from them with his hands.[/spoiler] I loved that part. Overall, it's a really good movie, and surprisingly pretty long, but you hardly notice the time passing by because you are so into the movie. My only complaint is that it wasn't gory enough. Maybe it's just me, because of all of the really bloody and gory movies and games I play, I might just be too use to blood and gore. The movie just felt to clean for me, as strange as that may sound with a movie of flesh eating zombies. But I would have liked to see much more detail in the gore department, because it isn't nearly as bad as some of you people claim it is.[/B] [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred][b]You paid for the whole seat. . but you'll only need the edge!!![/b] LOL, I couldn't resist. . Acutally, you said you liked [spoiler]about the zombies being lethal - like the zombie that climbed on pipes who didn't have legs. . I hated that! I'm sorry, that really big zombie (that was unloaded from the back of the truck that was a few hundred pounds. . I mean, looked like she could barely walk. . she hopped up and started chasing the lead actress. . WHAT?!. . *sighs* There's a line that was crossed in this movie. . I almost want to be a zombie so that I can get in shape, rofls~ [/spoiler] The movie really did a great job of passing the time. . I mean, I really forgot that it was a longer movie, so the movie definitely gets props for keeping my attention through the whole thing. . Kent, to answer your question about the ending. . [SIZE=3][b]HUGE SPOILER!!! Do NOT READ if you don't want anything about the movie ruined!!!! WARNING!![/b][/SIZE] [spoiler]At the end of the movie, they are in the boat. . and they start having problems. . They run out of gas, then they run out of food and water. Finally, they find a land mass, and dock the boat at a nearby marina/docks. . Anyways, I didn't stay till the very, very, very end. . but from everything I saw, they docked, and jumped on the dock. While they were walking up, the dog ran off ahead, and started barking like crazy. Well, it seems this island was also infested, and through the rest of the 'credits' they start shooting the zombies that attack. . but, I'm guessing to no avail. I didn't want to stay till the very very last second, but pretty much, they all die. . If I am missing anything important (like. . they didn't all die?). . let me know. I was sort of happy that everyone died (pressumably), but honeslty. . you survive a world problem, and then you ruin it by landing the boat AT A DOCK? What happened to swimming from the boat to the island and investigating a little bit? *sighs* Oh wel. . [/spoiler][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]First off Orlando Bloom fan. . how did you end up in this thread? rofls. . second, take a minute. . breathe. . take off caps lock! ^_^ Better? You really shouldn't compare this to Resident Evil or 28 Days Later, because this movie's predecessor was out well before those movies were thought up. This is a remake of an older movie. . and a bit more gory then either of those two. Still though, they are sort of zombie thrillers, but there has been a TREMENDOUS amount of change in the movie industry in the past 10 years!. . that leads to tons of changes in films. You honestly think that Lord of the Rings or Pirates of the Caribbean could have been done this well say, even five years ago?! I sure don't! . . Just my thoughts, definitely go see this movie if you want to see a good one this week! ^_^ As for Haven. . no comment yet.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I agree with pretty much all the movies you guys have listed (I love movies, what can I say?). . but I didn't see anyone say anything about Crocodile Dundee!? The first two were awesome! "You call that a knife?" *pulls out HIS knife* "Now this is a knife!" *preceeds to slice up thief's Michael Jackson jacket* . . LOL [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I was also personally dissapointed with [spoiler]the alien baby. It just seemed so lame and out of place. I was really happy with the elder lady killing his wife and him. . He just seemed to lose it, and wouldn't have come around at all. The guy was just way too hung up on having a family and didn't care. So, that made me happy that she shot first and took out as many as she could! [/spoiler] I was really happy about the ending too! [b]MAJOR SPOILER!! DON'T READ THIS PART![/b][spoiler]As they escaped on the boat, I leaned over to the guys that were with me, and said, "I can't believe they made it! I was looking forward to everyone dieing! . . soon enough. . lol, everyone dies! I mean, who pulls a boat RIGHT up to the dock and gets off?! Why wasn't there any scouting being done?. . perhaps by the ex-marine?! *sighs* Oh well. . [/spoiler] I will post more comments later~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Have you seen the original Sara? That is quite a fine movie itself. . Though you don't really have to watch the first to get anything in the remake, it's still a great movie that really set the pace for blood and gore in future movies. I haven't seen it in forever though (tempted to buy the special edition one that they just came out with). . perhaps start a whole Zombie collection? ^_^ lol [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]The preview for this movie, [spoiler]showing an eight year old girl becoming a zombie and mauling her farther right in front of her mother[/spoiler], disturbed me in a way that a horror movie has never disturbed me before. Seriously, it's been two weeks, and I'm still disturbed by that image. So, while not making any value judgement of the film, I can safely say that I won't be seeing it. I'm sorry, butt hat juist ain't right.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOr=darkred]Well. . to be honest [spoiler]The girl in the preview wasn't their daughter, but a neighborhood friend of theirs. Probably hung out with them whenever her parents visited or whatever. . anyways, it was pretty gruesome. I mean, you only saw bits of it. . . read the next piece if you want to know what you miss ^_^[/spoiler] extra spoiler warning!! it's gruesome too! >_< [spoiler]She takes a huge chunk out of the guy's neck, and it sort of slowly tears away as she pulls back. [/spoiler] Yuck. . lol. . like I said, lots of violence, gore, and blood. Parts of the movie make sense. . others. . don't. Don't worry, I won't go into any details right now, because I don't want people to be upset that I ruined anything (with or without the spoiler tags up). Once it comes out, I will critique it a little bit more for everyone. . and what I would have done in any situation ^_^ "Jay Leno" . . . yuk yuk - You'll get that later! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Ok, so I got to watch a sneak preview of the movie (a remake of the original if you didn't know there was an original floating around). I had to sit in. . the second row of the theater, because we were running behind getting there. . Oh well. Minus a migraine at the end of the night, it was a decently fun experience. For those that don?t know the story line, the movie starts off with a strange plague spreading across the United States, turning people into zombies. The zombies, in turn, killed regular people. Once killed, the dead rise again to kill in others ? multiplying the zombie?s numbers. Well. . something to do with ?residual memory? makes these people head to the mall (something to do with everyone remembering there was a sale at Abercrombie. . *shrug*). Anyways, I won?t go into anymore details, besides having to state a few obvious things: -If you hate blood, gore and violence, DO NOT go to this movie. That?s the whole point of this movie! -If you hate movies were everyone seems to do anything but the smart thing. . well, you can still watch this movie. There were some stupid parts in it that made you want to shout out, ?No! You fool, don?t do that!!?, but overall, most of the people that were ?alive? were smart enough. Oh well, I really enjoy how the movie started off. . I won't ruin anything until many others get to see the movie and start posting their comments, but all in all, I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. Obviously, with a bigger budget, Rubenstein was able to make this look a lot 'prettier'. . the action looked pretty good and gory. There were a lot of amusing parts in the movie. . In particular [spoiler]a survivor that made it to the mall cracked me up almost any time he opened his mouth. There were a lot of other sarcastic parts and just plain funny moments that really took away from the whole ?trapped with a ton of zombies outside? atmosphere. [/spoiler] So I guess this is the part of the post where I am supposed to ask. . -Who is looking forward to this movie?? -Has anyone seen the original?? -Do you think that this movie will hold up to the original? Or blow it out of the water?? -Ummm. . who thinks that they would do better in a zombie situation then anyone ever in these movies? (I spent like an hour with a couple people that went with us discussing how stupid some of these people were, and how things would have been WAY different if I was in the situation. Though, knowing me, I would be the first to go, because I think it would be that easy, lol). . . ok, ?nuff stupid questions. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I can understand your concern. I am sure there is a member or two out there that no one really knows what gender. I am sure the more dramatic would say, "What's it matter what gender they are? You should treat everyone the same!" . . -_- I am a [b]male[/b], though sometimes the way I act or the avatar (see now avatar) in these boards confuses people, and I am asked ever so often. Personally, I don't get offended. . it's not like they are looking at my picture right now *shrug* It's all text based here, short of going to the picture thread and posting a picture, there are only a few other ways of letting people know, unless they ask you. Sometimes people have a website, that you can check out *nudge*. . lol [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well. . my favorite cinematic would be the opening of Suikoden III. . it hands-down had me captivated. I don't know how many tmies I reset my PS2 just to watch it again and again. I mean, the music was FAR TOO stunning! I mean, getting to see all the characters and each of them moving 'real-time' . . it was awesome, I don't know if I will ever see anything like that from a game again! I loaned the game to a friend, but now I am really missing it. . must watch that cinematic opening again!! >_< I don't remember if they had a lot of movies throughout the game, I just remember that ONE opening. . *cries* I miss that game. . lol As for other games that play movies throughout the whole game? Well, the Zelda series has always done well in my opinion. The opening to SSB:M was pretty sweet, some of the poses Link did for us?! *drools* That is one wicked awesome Elf. Gotta love Zelda in that thing too. . just something about seeing them both posing in the game. It's too wicked to speak any more on, lol. I really agree with Shinmaru. Eternal Darkness was just great with their cinematics, hard to find games that make it feel that real. I have always been a fan of Blizzard and all their work. Even more-so then Square. True, I think Square uses them a lot more, but Blizzard really takes the time to raise the bar time and time again. [spoiler]I loved watching Tyreal fight Diablo. . wing'ed goodness![/spoiler] I could go on for a while, but I don't think I will. . so. . later! ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]For anyone that knows me, I think that you would know how I feel about snow!!! I LOVE IT!! I lived in Michigan for the first seven years of my life. I loved it! I miss it!! I moved down to Tennessee when I was (you guessed it) seven, and am very sad that I had to. I lived in East Detroit (now East Point), and moved to Franklin, TN when my dad was given a job working for Saturn (the car company). I don't regret that he is working for Saturn, but I do regret having to move away from all of my family. Anyways, moving on to what the topic is -- I love snow!! The very first time that it snowed here in Tennesse when we moved down, it was nothing to us (the Michigan natives). I mean, we dealt with many inches of snow in Michigan. . When we moved to Tennessee, and there were a few inches of snow here, we decided, hey, it's time to get some groceries. When we went to the local Kroger's (our grocery story in the states), it was stormed by rednecks and hillbillies claiming that it was the end of the world. . (I kid you not!!). Well, everything was closed the next day. . I mean, EVERYTHING!! It was like a sick epidemic, that no one knew what was going on!! I was seriously disturbed. No one here knows how to drive or act when it snows, and that is a problem. Luckily, my family is very good at doing both, snow or not. So, anyways, behind our house is a decent size hill. . we love sledding down the hill, into small trees and many broken branches. . it's fun, especially when you aren't looking (via - sledding downhill lying down, facing up, and into the trees - head first). . it's awesome! lol. . So what do you guys do? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Definitely. . I mean, what?. . I have gone of quite a few dates. . some that led anywhere. . some that didn't. .Still though, I often find that some of the women that seem a little too 'willing' to give a guy some 'action' (not necessarily sex) turn out to be psychotic, and not really mentally stable. . That turns out to be a problem in the very short run. Which, in turn becomes a problem in itself. I have gone out with a few women. . and unfortunately, they all turned out to be crazy. Some turned out to be dinner and a movie type. Some turned out to be a picnic type, some turned out to be just a relaxing around the house type *evil grin*. . Anyways, you never know. . just ask, and find out what they want to do. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . a few more titles that you guys are bringing to my attention. . curse my short attention span when Adult Swim is on. . lol Apprentice - Kind of comical, somewhat like Surviving Nugent (With Ted Nugent), where I have found that the last person one would think would get kicked out, turns out to be the first person Donald Trump ends up kicking out. I think some of the bickering between the 'teamates' is pretty funny. I mean, even if the person does win the game, what's to say that after the first week, he doesn't just drop them (off camera) to say, "Hey, you suck, bye!" American Idol - Not a big fan of the regular show. . but the auditions are humerous and worth a few viewings. I think that Simon just tries a little too hard now to insult some of these people. I mean, I know he has every right to, but now that it's his 'angle' it is just a little stale. Still funny to watch some of these people that have no clue how bad they are. I know I am not a singer, even though sometimes I impress myself. . but, I am not trying to fool anyone. [/SIZE][/color]
[quote name='Charles']I just had to quote you because of how utterly silly and unfounded this comment was. Any point you were trying to make with your entire post was defeated right there. Better luck next time.[/quote] [color=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . to an extent you are correct. It was very foolish of me to put that in this particular post. I have no right to try and throw my own personal beliefs on people. Something especially silly of me, since I haven't even seen this movie, nor am I anything close to an expert on religion. . I appologize for my comment: [QUOTE][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred] "Basically, anything that puts the truth out there, people are always going to have problems with..." [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I think it was coming from someplace that I thought was right. . but being way too tired, I didn't think about it before I wrote it. However, unrelated to 'this' particular topic, in all my dealings with life, no one likes to hear the truth! Everyone is too big of a hurry to listen to whatever it is that they hear first with out considering what that is. . so I suppose, in my experience, I was right and wrong for different reasons with that statement. I suppose that I let myself get a little swept up in the curiously silly nature of the argument. I have no grief with Jewish people or any other religion. And I am not really Catholic (I am non-denomination Christian), so I was just looking at it as a movie first, and contraversy second maybe. .Just wanted to put my two cents in, and I ended up getting change back. . lol! As for the whole anti-Semitic groups spawning up. . sure, why not? I mean, as long as there is anything to fight about, people are going to fight about it On a side note, are any churches in anyone's areas buying up viewings in the theater? What I mean, is that we have many churches around Tennessee where I live that are buying up three or four viewings at a time to show their congregation. It's pretty big news around the church belt area that I live in. . front page and all. . perhaps that might be because nothing big is happening around here though? [/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Wow. . those screens are mind blowing! I haven't seen anything with that beautiful of in-game shots in a long time. Now, there are beautiful games out there. . but nothing that makes you shiver like this game does, and that's just from the screen shots! All the originality that is going into this series is blowing my mind right now. . I am low on cash, and was passing up quite a few games that I was interested in. . this game, however, I am going to put on the wish-list! From everything that you guys have been discussing, this has blown the door wide open on what I was expecting from this game (obviously what they were going for!). Can't wait to see more, and get a chance to play this. Gonna have to play this with a couple friends. . they are such suckers for scary movies, I figure a truly scary game is what is needed. *nods* Leave it up to the gaming industry to again set the standard. .be it horror, action, or anything else. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I had a talk about this with my mother, and she is a big Christian who was able to explain some of the contraversy and why it was around at all. I had heard about this long ago, like Semjaza, before any trailors or any talk from the masses of the movie goers. Basically, anything that puts the truth out there, people are always going to have problems with. Thus, why people like movies, tv, wrestling. . they are all fake! (Ya, I put the wrestling in there on purpose ^_^). I can remember a while back when Willem Dafoe starred in The Last Temptation of Christ (1988?) - There was a lot of contraversy surrounding that movie as well. . and it turned out to be a great movie! People are going to over-react on anything when it is different then what they want to see. . especially movies about religion. It's just the way it is. I really enjoy Mel Gibson from a directing standpoint, and think this movie will be one of his finest to date. I also think that James Caviezel is a pretty good actor who will do really well. However, you won't truly know till it comes out and you can make your own decision on if you liked it or not. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]