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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
[color=darkred][SIZE=1][font=verdana]I think this has to be my second favorite reality show since Meet Joe Millionare. It just goes to show the true shallow nature behind most everyone. You stick some beautiful woman with a ton of 'not so beautiful' men. . and this show is what you get. . I mean, I didn't really watch any of the first one, and I really haven't watched much of the second one. I did manage to watch the beginning of each though. . and just watching the faces on these women. . both of them were like. . "No, dear God NO!!" It was pretty funny. And all the time, they are trying to find some way not to lose it in front of these guys. . It just goes to show you, no matter how many women say the same thing, "I just want some nice guy!" . . . it's all a lie *nods* LOL Though I don't know who has seen the end of the first one. . I will just say [spoiler]The girl chooses one of the 'hunks' . .so, again, going to my point that nice guys finish last. . LOL[/end spoiler] Oh well. . I am looking forward to the end of the second one as well. . just to see. The best thing they did with this show over Joe Millionare was film both series at the same time. . I think it's much better that way. . The second Joe Millionare was filmed after the first series. . and it jsut didn't work as well. *shrug* Don't know why. Fox said they got greedy, lol.[/SIZE][/color][/font]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]Let shave. . Ohhhhhh. . I get it now Charles *ducks* I love Disney, and enjoy most of their movies. I think my all time favorites would be. . Aladdin Emperor's New Groove Who Framed Roger Rabbit(I guess I will put that one too) LOL, like I said, I like all of them, but the top two are absolutely my favorites! [/SIZE][/color]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]I think many people were dissapointed by the lack of Big Fish nominations. . I don't watch the oscars anymore. . ok, I only ever really watched it once. . But, I think it's just to try to get some more sales up for certain DVDs. . Some people may never have heard of some of these titles, but you say it was nominated for an oscar, and suddenly heads pop up. *shrug* I don't get it. . (ok, that's not the ONLY reason. . )[/SIZE][/color]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]My worst holiday moment? Easy! But first, I will have to set it up I think. . Christmas morning, I was woken up by two of my friends. Now, this isn't bad, but it was very wierd. Both were roomates, but one in particular didn't really have much to do Christmas, so both girls came over to my parents house. It was wierd though getting woken up by two of my pretty good friends. . Anyways, my family is pretty big. We have 6 kids with both parents making 8. My second oldest brother is married with two kids. . So, our family is up to 11. . We had 8 different friends hanging out with us that morning O.o It was as close to a party as it could be without having open containers of alcohol everywhere. . lol. Anyways, the bad part comes when it was just the family and a few friends there. . I am sitting in my room, and my dad comes up the stairs. He tells me breakfast is ready. . well. . it's already been served. Seemed, everyone forgot about me. . so, while they were wolfing down their food, I was sitting in my room pondering the meaning of life? Worse then being forgotten, is who remembered me. One of my younger sisters friends counted all the siblings, and asked - Are we forgetting someone? . . *sigh* My own family didn't notice I was missing. . Oh well. . as loud as I can be, perhaps everyone was more then happy to forget about me? Ya, that really didn't make my day though. . just saying. [/SIZE][/color]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1][font=verdana]Hmm. . I remember old threads like this =) Not complaining really ^_^ My name is Noryko Angelcry. . Noryko - When I attended my Freshman year of school, I was stuck playing some video games. . Now, I had a few names that worked, but many games don't allow for too many characters in the name. My last name was Lord Overon. . but in one game, I just didn't like the look of Overon. . so I was thinking about it, and decided (I don't know where from) but, Noryko. It just popped up in there. So, I stuck with it. (I realize in Japan there is a girls name - Noriko, but too late now ^_^) Angelcry - came from a computer game called Everquest (most big gamers know of this one). At level 20, you are allowed a surname. I didn't know what mine would be. . so a friend hinted something along the lines of Angel. . I was a cleric, and love angels, so I went with it. I picked cry at the end, since I was alive in the game, so it was sort of an angel falling from heaven to help out the people of that world. If I was an angel, and I left heaven, I think I would probably cry. . Angelcry! (In keeping with the name of Angel, my brother, who played a Cleric also, put his surname as Angeltouch. . so people who knew us could tell we were brothers). . just wanted to put that in, lol! [/SIZE][/color][/font]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, I remember playing this when it first came out. I ran around with three friends. . It was a lot of fun, but after a while, most of my friends got burned out, and we moved on to other games. . I recently started playing this again. . I have a level 33 umm. . Humar? (the caster guy?) . . lol, I will make sure in a bit I guess. . He has basic gear. . nothing too special. I don't know how or where to find anything good. . He has a 3 socket armor. . and I thought that was pretty sweet. I recently started again, but it took most of my time playing just to get used to the game again (and that isn't even saying I am re-used to it). When I used to run around with my friends. . I was the 'cleric' . . I healed quite a bit, but basically sat back with my little hand gun and shot the whole time. . I knew most of my spells, and could cycle through all my different spells in a matter of just a few seconds. . I never really thought much about looting anything, and would pretty much just take what no one else wanted, with the exception of new spells. I always got them first, since I was the caster of the group. We had a pretty rounded group. . one long range gunner, two tanks, and me, the caster =) Oh well. . gonna have to try and play it again. . just for fun really. [/SIZE][/color]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . I am a fan of the classics. . I love Mario music (catchy. . seems to be the term that works for me too). Metroid games have some great music that really put you into the game. . I remember playing Metroid Prime and just letting it run so that I could listen to some of the music ^_^ Zelda is also one of the best series out there for music. Like Metroid, it's music really does a great job of putting you into the game. If my imagination is going to tell me that I am running around as Link, then I better feel like I am =) And Nintendo's quality to excellence happily goes beyond just the gameplay and visuals. . the music just keeps on shining ^_^ Lastly, one of my big favorites -- Chrono Trigger. . the music is just beautiful in the game and really sets the mood for the story. Whatever age you travel to in this great game, you really feel like you are in that time period. I guess I could go into more games. . but these are my big favorites. . then I have a sub catergory of not as favorite favorites. . and then the sort of favorites, but not as favorite as my not as favorite favorites. . lol. . Yes, I can shut up, but no, I usually don't =) [/SIZE][/color]
Gaming Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
NorykoAngelcry replied to NorykoAngelcry's topic in Noosphere
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . never even bothered to look at who was making this one. . That's pretty unusual for me too. . . Is the new Everquest game you are talking about for the computer or for the consoles? I played the RTS Everquest on the computer. . it was ok, but nothing special. So I am guessing you aren't talking about that one. As for the carrying the stats. . even as I wrote that, I knew I answered my own question. . lol! Oh well, wasted time and effort *shrug* [/SIZE][/color] -
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]I played the original game - Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance on the X-Box when it first came out. I was a big fan of the game, and enjoyed running around the levels with my friend Mike. . I am definitely going to play Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance II for the X-Box as well. . however, I have a few questions that I have not had luck finding any info on. . Does anyone know if they are going to let you upload your saved data from the first game? I got a pretty good couple of characters from the first game. . and would be dissapointed to have to start all of that over again. I mean, as I am asking this, I realize that they have all new characters so I am more then likely going to have to start all over. . lol I have not played the original game in a long time, so I don't remember how many acts the game entitled. . DA II says it has 4 acts, so I am not sure if that is going to more or less then what the original had. . anyone know? More of a spoiler question for some of you. . Not sure who has read many of the Baldurs Gate books? -- [spoiler]In the end of the original DA, you could play the 'Guantlet' . . where you play the Dark Elf - Drizzt, with his two weapons he runs around with in the books. You also get a limited amount of health potions, and you can't save. . if you die, you die! (In case you didn't know what a guantlet was). . It was a pretty sweet little level, and unfortunately, I didn't ever get to finish it before it was due back ^_^ So. . two questions -- 1. What does beating the level do for you? I don't know, but am curious. and 2. Is there anything like this in the second game? If you were a huge fan like I was (and had the money for it), I am sure you would have this game and have beaten it already ^_^ Just curious, thanks much![/spoiler] Well. . all I have for now. . I will try my best to convince my buddy Mike to rent the game *big grin* So, we'll see. . [/SIZE][/color]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, I think that wanting anyone dead, for whatever reason. . is wrong! I mean, what is wrong morally with someone if they want someone else to die? I am not saying that if he killed your mother, you wouldn't want to kill that person. . but seriously, there is just something wrong with that train of thought. *shrug* I honestly don't hate 50 Cent. . I am not as big of a fan of rap now as I can ever remember being in the past. . so, it's very easy for me to say that almost every song I have heard of his gets old halfway through the song. . It's rare if I ever make it through the full length of any of his songs. As for the whole bullet-proof vest thing. . I don't really see it as a gimmick as much as him just doing what he has to do to protect himself. As for shooting him in the head -- most of your 'thugs' out there, aren't really ex-rangers that have had sniper training. The majority of people that do that come in, take as many shots as they can before fear sets in of being caught, and they take off running after that. While the main objective is to kill the person, most don't have the time to sit around and make sure that their target is dead. Just my thoughts [/SIZE][/color]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, it kind of depends. . I enjoy quite a bit of RPG battle-systems out there. . I am a big fan of some of the older RPGs out there though. . For instance, I really enjoy: Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy Tactics Suikoden series Those are just a few. . I could go on for a while listing off games that I really enjoy. . but there isn't any real point in it. [/SIZE][/color]
Gaming The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
NorykoAngelcry replied to ThePikasElbow's topic in Noosphere
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I really enjoyed The Wind Waker for the GAMECUBE. I have to say it ranks up in there in the Zelda series. I don't think that I was really looking forward to the cell-shading to begin with. However, it was a Zelda game, and the big Nintendo guy - Miyamoto - was in charge of it. . that alone told me the game would be good. In ranks of the recent Zelda games, this would have to come in right behind OoT. I think I enjoyed some of the earlier boat travels. I mean, once I was able to move around a lot faster, it made it that much more rewarding to move through the water. I give this game 5 out of 5 stars. . it is highly enjoyable, and some of the games kept you coming back for more and more =)[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I love ICP. . I am not what you would call a die hard fan. . but their music is a trip to listen to . . some of their songs have great beats that you don't hear anywhere else. . My favorite CD would be Great Melinko. . just cause I have listened to it more then any of the others. Most of the friends I hang out with enjoy ICP also. We will listen to it sometimes while just chilling out together. . Well. . I am not saying that ICP is a stand up group. . I mean, their lyrics alone cause old ladies to pass out, and young children to cry. . lol. I guess I am not trying to convince anyone to listen to their music, it's not my job. If you like some humorous music, and don't easily get turned off by foul language (and there is a LOT of it). . Well. . that's all I have to say ^_^ [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]I totally agree with you Krippled Master -- I really enjoyed Chasing Amy. . along with all his other movies. Most people see the corny jokes. . I really enjoyed the level of writing that went into most of the movies. I know that most of the good writing was hidden in a lot of fart jokes or toilet humor, but looking back at all his movies. . the dialog was so intense, that often, I would have to watch it once or twice to actually get what was going on in that particular scene. . And ya, Ben Affleck was in Chasing Amy. . another reason why I like him. . he is a good actor. . but because of some of the roles he does, and how he plays them, it's too easy not to like him *shrug* Oh well. . That's why I am not 'most people' [/SIZE][/color]
[color=darkred][SIZE=1]*nods* I completely agree with you Krippled Master. . .on many points. I have been growing very tired of the Ben and Jen matchup. I remember from an interview that Ben told the press that he and Jen would both be in Jersey Girl, but for those who hated Gigli (sp?), they wouldn't be in it like that, and that Jen wouldn't be in for long at all. . that made me very happy. While I was looking around veiwaskew.com, I noticed that there were comments on the film's trailer. Well, I checked them out. . many were just one liners - "OMG tHis lOOks SOOOOO cooooo!" *shudders* That was stretching it a bit, lol. . but still. . Others were Kevin Smith fanboys who couldn't imagine he would do a *gasp* 'serious' styled movie?! Most people wanted the classic style of movie that Kevin Smith got so good at making. I know I am more then relieved to see the movie looking as good as it is. I will definitely be in line opening day to see the movie. Not just because it is a Kevin Smith movie, and not only because I appreciate what he is trying to do. . but the movie genuinely looks good! [/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I won't drag my post on too long. I eventually would like to have some kids (not as many as my parents - 6 - or as many as my mother's parents - 9 - but. . maybe 3? lol). The only problem I see with that is that I need a girl-friend/fiance/wife first . . and everyone knows that will be a while for me ^_^ On to the names, since I only have a few. . these are names that just sort of stuck out in my mind: [b]Girls[/b] - Crystal, Constance (though, I don't like the idea of her being called Connie) . . ya [b]Boys[/b] - Michael (my middle name, though I always enjoyed the name) Ya, I told you it was a short list. . lol. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I have been really interested in Jersey Girl since I first heard about it. Looking at the trailer (I AM assuming that we are talking about the same movie?) this movie is going to be pretty good. I like Ben Affleck, and think that he is going to do very well in this movie. Liv Tyler also seems like she will do well in her role. George Carlin is always a treat to watch on screen. Also, the girl who plays Ben Affleck's daughter (don't know her name). . she seems to me that she will do well in this role. I appreciate when child actors/actresses do really well in movies. I am really hoping that Kevin Smith has a cameo in the movie (I am almost positive he will, though I heard somewhere that he might not. . *shrug*). I think that his wife has a bit in the movie too, that will be cool. . hopefully a bigger role then in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Lastly, I am glad that Jennifer Lopez isn't going to be just a cameo. While I really enjoyed some of her earlier works, I just haven't seen anything good from her lately. Well. . that's it ^_^ Just some quick thoughts for you there. . if anyone wants a quick synapsis of the movie, just post, and I can give a quick run-down (or perhaps even Angelus might). [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I have mixed feelings on this movie. There were some pretty good parts in the movie, but overall, there wasn't anything happening that I wasn't expecting. I thought the acting was pretty good. I really enjoy Kiefer Sutherland's voice, so that made the movie a bit easier to watch(/listen to), lol. I was pretty annoyed with the whole prostitutes being one of the main antagonists in the movie. . I was ready for them to go away after about five seconds of hearing them. I also really enjoyed watching Forest Whitaker. He isn't as celebrated of an actor as he should be. I would like to see this movie a few more times before I decide if I would ever own it. . but I remember liking it the first time I saw it. . so that will have to do for now =) [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I enjoy Adam Sandler movies. I really don't think that he is trying to make any groundbreaking movies (with his HappyMadison label), he is just trying to entertain some people. I don't think I have ever watched any of 'his' movies thinking, "This is the one that is going to do it for me!" Most of my friends and myself watch his movies for quick laughs, and a story that isn't going to be hard to keep up with or a story that dissapoints (i.e. - sad endings, main star dying. . lol). I say 'his' movies, because I don't think of Punch Drunk Love as one of 'his' that he wrote/directed. . I thought this movie was incredible, with a great storyline. I really enjoyed the acting in this movie, and the music seemed to really fit with the type of characters that were in this movie. (This is definitely one of my favorite movies) We used to watch Happy Gilmore quite a bit a few years ago. It was a movie that we would put on as one of our 'background movies' - or, something that would be on while we talked, drank, partied throughout the night. Granted, this wasn't a long movie, thus, why I said it was one of our 'background movies' =) We had quite a few. . I think even Mr. Deeds has been added as one of them. (The main ones now are - Super Troopers, Princess' Bride, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Van Wilder. . a few others too). . Anyways, I always enjoyed his movies for the quick laughs that they provided. Most people I know really love Billy Madison. . I however am a Happy Gilmore guy myself. That I think was the first movie that I liked of his. . and have really enjoyed about every other one since then. I was quite happy with Eight Crazy Nights also. For an animated movie, it was pretty good. Since others have listed, my favorite movies would be: Punch Drunk Love, Happy Gilmore, Mr. Deeds, Wedding Singer. . I think some of my least favorites would include: Billy Madison and Little Nicky. . not saying I don't like them, just not my favorites. Oh yeah, honorable mention to Eight Crazy Nights =P [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I enjoy listening to Good Charlotte. I am not a huge music fan, and am the last person to catch lyrics, or even understand what they are trying to say =) However, I enjoy the sound of their music. . Also, I was aware of them before their 'Young and Hopeless' album, however, I am in no way a 'die hard fan' . . nothing close like that ^_^ I just like the music.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Pirates of the Carribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl!
NorykoAngelcry replied to Hacker Kite's topic in Noosphere
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, I thought I posted on this topic, but I can't seem to see any posts that are by me. . lol, wether I just kept missing it, or in fact, I have not posted in this thread ^_^ Well. . on the what's important. I was dissapointed by this movie. Overall, I thought it was a pretty decent movie, just not what I was expecting. I saw it a few weeks after it was originally released in theaters. Now, there isn't anything to that. . however, almost every single person in Franklin, TN (where I live) deemed it necessary to come and tell me how "AWESOME / COOL / BEST MOVIE EVER" the movie was. One or two people wouldn't have bothered me, but almost every person I would talk to would ask me if I had seen the movie. . So, I went into the movie expecting one of the greatest comedy/action movies to date. . what I got, was a half-decent movie filled with very few one-liners. The acting by Jonny Depp and Geoffrey Rush really made the movie. I was a little annoyed with Depp's mannerisms throughout the film. Yes, I know that was supposed to be his character, and for all that's worth, he pulled it off masterfully. . but it was tiring to watch after about 30 minutes. . *sigh* The special effects with the skeletons were really sweet, though a little too played out. I mean, there was more to the movie then a couple pirates fighting in a cave with a few selected holes to keep reminding you that they were in fact skeletons. . right? *shrug* Guess so. . Anyways, if I had plenty of money, burning a hole in my pocket, I would probably 'think' about getting this movie. But, since I am not in that position, I don't have to worry about it ^_^ I guess this movie gets 3 stars out of 6. . I could watch it many times, and get laughs. . but it's not something that I would watch if I was in the mood to watch a good movie. Oh yeah, and what was it with the 'idiot twins' . . I mean, the British had the two foolish guys that weren't too bright that Depp's character took advantage of. . but wait, the Pirates also had two foolish guys that weren't too bright that Depp once again took advantage of. . did we really need two different pairs of these guys? . . I digress. Sounds too much like flaming, and not enough constructive criticism =) Take it how you want though. . [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well. . I have gone to the prom three times, once with a date, and two times with a female friend. . so I will try to give some advice, and hopefully it will help. Well. . basic tips: Order the corsage up to two weeks early. Often, most people order them a day or two in advance. This, wether they say it or not, upsets the flower ladies (or men, depending on where you go). Most high school students tend to think of a corsage last. . everytime I have gone in early, I have been thanked for my thoughtfulness (wether I ordered from a grocery store or a floral shop). Make sure you know if you are going as friends or on a date before you go. Reason? - You have to know what you are going to pay for. In my opinion, if you are taking her out on a date, she pays for her dress. Other then that, you pay for dinner, corsage, tickets, and maybe even limo (mr. high roller?). Of course, depending on your relationship, it's totally fine if you want to split the costs down the middle. Talk to her about it if you are short on cash. I payed for everything my first prom (date), most my second (friend), and all my third (friend). The third prom, one of my sisters really good friends was stood-up a week before the prom. I was called, and asked if I could take her. Of course, I volunteered to (we are pretty good friends also. .just not anywhere as close as her and my sister). Well, my sister and her friends chipped in about 1/3 of the price for everything. It was really nice of them, and definitely eased my burden, lol. I popped for dinner ($80 together. . most I ever payed for just two people) Limo or car - If you do decide to get a limo, order well in advance (yes, earlier then the corsage). If you have the time, go and find out what it looks like, what size, check the interior. You wouldn't want to get stuck with a run down limo or anything. If you are promised one limo, and they call and say somethings wrong, and they will replace it, find out with what, and make sure that if they downgrade you, you get some money coming back your way. For a car, make sure you vacuum it out and wash the car. You don't want to show up in just your honda that hasn't been cleaned since you first got it. Make sure you have plenty of gas, and that you have checked all the fluids. Remember, you don't want anything to ruin your night. Rememer as always, be a gentleman. Even if you have been going out for years, or if this is your first date. . treat 'her' to the special evening that she deserves. If it isn't called for, don't complain about anything that evening. (If your food is burnt, don't let that complaint leave the resteraunt. . the table. . or even your mouth =) They can fix it. . so let them.) Well. . I will shut up now ^_^ sorry for babbling. . lol [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, I am not going to comment on anyone's pictures. Mainly because I have no real experience with photography ^_^ I use a basic Kodak camera. It uses the Advantix film (the quick load film). Needless to say, most of the pictures aren't too good. The camera doesn't zoom, so it really doesn't do too well on far away shots (duh). So, I have to get pretty close to whatever I am taking a picture of. This often makes me lose scope of what I am looking to shoot. I got a lot of film at a great price, so I spent the majority of that time wasting shots (I am good at that. . lol). As much as I love taking pictures, I don't really spend time developing any sort of skill. It is pretty nice looking through a roll of film that I shot, and finding one or two pictures that makes the entire roll worth it =) [/size][/COLOR]
[size=1][COLOR=darkred]LOL, my first kiss that I can remember? Well. . it was forever ago. I think I was like 10. . maybe younger, maybe older. I was visiting one of my parents good friends. The family was pretty close to ours, since my dad knew his friend (we will call him Mr. H) before we moved (which in itself was forever ago). My mom made good friends with my dad's friends wife (she is of course Mrs. H). . so both men and both women were very close friends. Anyways, one of the days I visited, one of Mrs. H's neices was visiting. Sadly, I can't remember her name =( It was way too long ago. Anyways, I thought she was very cute, and we spent a lot of time together. I know, this is wierd to do at the age of 10ish. . but we hung out a lot, and luckily, my mom was visiting Mrs. H quite often. So, I got to go over a lot, and spend more time with her. Well, one day we were hanging out together, we got on the subject of kissing. Honestly, I don't know what types of conversations we had, seeing as how neither of us were that educated or learned with events in the world. . lol. Well, we decided to kiss, so we ran into Mrs. H's bathroom, and locked the door. Really all it was was just short 'pecking' kisses, and a few long 'pecks' lip-to-lip. No real kissing went on, no tongue or any feeling each other up. . lol. It was just two kids experimenting. . My first real experience with kissing was with my first real crush. That was in middle school (there is more detail in the first date thread). . well. . that's all ^_^[/size][/COLOR]
[size=1][COLOR=darkred]Hmm. . my first date. . long time ago (Middle School. . I think. . ). I took my date, Christy, to a football game (once again, Middle School. . I think. . lol). We really didn't spend much time 'watching' We spent the majority of the time walking around the stadium holding hands, talking, and some kissing (she really liked to kiss me). . Unfortunately, we didn't date for too long (way too long of a story to get into), though it wasn't either of our faults. There is a part of me that misses her, but it's something I have accepted a long time ago. . . would have could have should have [EDIT]Really didn't put much advice in this thread did I? LOL, sorry 'bout that. Well. . there are the obvious gentlemanly things that you can do. It was a cool evening, and she was a bit underdressed (wether because she was testing me, or because she didn't expect it to be that cool), so I offered my button up shirt (I wasn't wearing a jacket, or I would have offered that instead). She was flattered, and commented on how nice it was to be wearing something that smelled like me. Also, when she got hungry, I purchased some food from the consession stands (keep in mind, we were at a football game and since we were both young, she wasn't really expecting a steak dinner). Since we walked to the school from our neighborhood (it was decently close), to stay close to her, I reached down and took her hand. We pretty much kept holding hands that entire evening. Umm. . other then that, I was fortunate to be able to keep a conversation going throughout the whole evening. At times, she wouldn't have anything to say, so I could easily pick up the conversation. She commented on how happy she was at the length we talked (we didn't really get that much time to talk during school). Well. . I don't know how much of that will help. Some other basic ideas for a date? Well. . some basic ways to impress them would be: [b]Open doors for them[/b] - Some women aren't used to having doors opened for them. I have had a few that were really shocked, and would often fight to try to open the doors for themselves, but then realized that it was nice to have that little of a touch to the time we spent. This doesn't have to be with a date, just women in general. I have heard that some women get offended when a man opens the door for them, but just offer a smile and say it's just manners, and that usually calms them down. Don't comment on how it's a 'mans' job to take care of the woman. [b]Pay for first date dinner[/b] - While some women that I have taken out to dinner offered to pay for it, I think that if I invited them to dinner, I am going to be the one to pay for it. If you go out as friends, it's no big deal to let them pay for it. Don't really get into a habbit of paying for every meal either, unless you have a very padded wallet =P You don't want to spend for everything, because you will find yourself very short on cash very fast. Umm, I could go into more details, but I don't know if any of this is even any help ^_^ [END EDIT][/size][/COLOR]