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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [size=1][COLOR=darkred]I really only knew of the 'Sniper Tower' in Blood Gulch. The only reason that I knew of that was because of one of the guys I played Halo with at college this semester. He never really used it (since it is pretty cheap to use a glitch, especially one that only he knew about), but then again, the time it took to get up there, and the time it takes to get enough sniper ammo to be able to hold yourself up there for a while. . it really isn't worth it. If you play the sniper match, then perhaps it might be. Other then that, I never heard of any other hiding spots like that. I know of a few spots that are not really super secrative, but good enough to catch some people off guard from time to time. The one that a friend showed me was in the Sidewinder level (my personal favorite level). If you come out the left side of the red base, follow the wall around to the left. On the wall parallel to the first rock structure, there is a small little ledge that ramps upwards. It isn't much, and it doesn't even really take you high enough to see everything. But, it gives you a good enough view to see most of the top of the red base, the ledge area in the middle of the level, and enough of the ledge that the red base transporter takes you too. Plus, because it is off the ground a little bit, most people pass over it when they are looking for you (especially other snipers). It is especially helpful if you are on the blue team. Since that area is in the shadows already, being blue hides you all the more. I usually get myself a pistol and a sniper rifle, letting me take far targets as easily as near targets. Since you are close to the red base, enemies that spawn there are easy targets. Catching them off guard allows you to kill them in the confusion, while remaining hidden. It's pretty fun, and only really gives you a few kills, so in that respect, it's not that cheap to use. Even when they learn of the spot, it's surprising how little it enters into their mind once they start getting shot from it. . lol [/size][/COLOR]
  2. [size=1][COLOR=darkred]I think the fact is, that since more gamers tend to be males, more of the games are directed at the male audience. . Why take a risk and start marketing more games toward female gamers when there really isn't much of a market? I personally know of very few female gamers. . one in particular is a fan of just about every game out there. I was surprised hearing about some of the games that she played. I feel very sorry for most of the guys out there that don't give women the time of day to test their ability at playing a game. My sister, while not a very good gamer, used to always watch us play. Thinking back, I can remember how she always wanted to play in turn with all of us. But, because we were good enough to beat level after level, it was far and few between that she would be able to play (let alone some of the other brothers that wanted a turn or two, lol) Now, I am not sure if you are specifically looking for games with a female player, but most of Nintendo's games seem to have all audience members in mind with most of their games. I know this has been posted in the Sony forum, so, I am assuming you have a Playstation (1 or 2). Playstation and X-Box seem to have blood and violence on their minds with the games the put out. Nintendo seems to go for gameplay and overall fun with their games (Ya. . if you know me, I am a Nintendo fan, but everything I said is pretty much true) In closing. . as for every guy out there that gives you a wierd look for reading a gaming magazine, or for every guy that doesn't think that you could be a challenging gamer. . they are just afraid. Most guys don't like to admit that women can be just as good of gamers as men, and even more don't like to admit that they have been beat by them. Sooooo, keep on gaming, you will find some games with women in mind (and I am not talking about the Mary-Kate and Ashley games. . or those embarassing Barbie games. . I mean real games!). . .*bows* I respect all gamers, female and male alike. [/size][/COLOR]
  3. [size=1][COLOR=darkred]I agree with Semjaza. . the original was well worth the $50 that I payed for it, and now that it has dropped well down in price, it is just that much better of a deal. I really didn't play it much on the Playstation, so it was still a brand new game when I played it on the GAMECUBE. There were a few puzzles that kept me guessing for some time, something that is rare for me in video games ^_^ The controls from everything that I remember are good. Nothing really too complex to have to master. . some of the camera angles are a bit tricky, but nothing too rough to get the hang of. [/size][/COLOR]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]This will remain one of my favorite movies. I am always impressed with Tim Burton's work. . I don't know why, but I don't have this movie on DVD yet. It's wierd, I have a few movies that I could watch countless times, and yet, I don't own a single copy of it. *shrug* guess I should rethink some of my selections next time ^_^ As most of you have said, I really enjoyed Jonny Depp's character. It really did hit you on a deeper level then most movies where they 'make' you feel sorry for the main character. I also enjoyed the whole environment of everyone in the town. How classic is it for people to jump on the bandwagon with something is new and exciting, and then jump off the moment something goes wrong (no matter how small). . just my opinion. . [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I was personally dissapointed in the movie. I enjoyed many parts, but it just seemed. . like it was missing too much. For being a really awesome werewolf killer. . Kate Beckensale couldn't hit any of them to save her life. . (ok, I am mainly talking about the beginning scenes). I was also dissapointed with how. . bad of shots. . the werewolves were. My friend, who is a fan of werewolves, was really let down by how poorly their fight scenes were. Yes, there were a few good parts, but the pros didn't outweigh the cons in this movie. I could go into more detail, but I will have to see the movie again. . lol.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOr=darkred]Suppose I have been on an exotic trip for too long. . favorite cars you ask? McLarren F1 most Ferraris, Lamborginis. . I know. . I have simple tastes. . not a big classic car fan. .but I have a few that I like. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. NorykoAngelcry


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Umm, what does that have to do with anything? lol. . . *shrug* Got me. . I love listening to Enya/Byork/Coldplay. . nothing better then coming home late night, and listening to relaxing music to get me ready to fall asleep. . lol. Just my opinion though. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Unholy Newt [/i] [B]Firstly I would just like to point out something about the Witch King of Angmar and Eowyn's battle. It had nothing to do with girl power or some really cool line. Although Eowyn is a reall good character and not to knock her or anything but, her killing the Witch King wasn't to do with her strength it was the fact that she was a woman that she was able to kill him because no [i]man[/i] could kill him. If you want to know where that originally comes from read the play [i]Macbeth[/i] by William Shakespeare. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Umm. . are you sure about that? I really think that it WAS NOT just the fact that she was a woman that she killed the witchking. I mean, Merry stabbed him in the back, so I don't think that was it. . I have not read the books, so I can not say for certain. While I am not saying that the only reason that she killed him was because she was a woman, I think that it was pretty obvious that she was going to kill him. I mean, all that she suffered in being a woman in a male dominated society. . In The Two Towers, she had to stay in the cave guarding the women and children. She also had to lead them to Helms Deep when the Warg Riders attacked. . So, it was pretty obvious to me that she needed to have some major victory in the battle to save Middle Earth. . . That is just my opinion. . I could be WAAAAYYYYY off. . but that's just my thoughts. . Oh well. .I still need to read the books. . ^_^ Have a good Christmas Break, and a very Pippin Christmas. . (friend told me that). . just sort of stuck. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. NorykoAngelcry


    [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Sorry Sweetreyes, I won't be much of a help with other groups like Enya. . I am not a big music type of guy. ^_^ As for Enya herself, I do listen to her stuff. She is very relaxing, and actually has a lot of good songs. I have worked a few late night jobs, and nothing is worse then coming back home, and not being able to fall asleep, or at least relax (I was. . and still am a bit of an insomniac). Another person (that I may be smacked for) that I listen to would be Bjork. . she has a bit more quirky and odd sounds. . but same thing. I would listen to her music along with Enya and Coldplay to help me get relaxed =) Don't know if this helps at all. . just thought I would share ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]*slaps forehead* I can't believe I forgot We Were Soldiers (another Mel Gibson war movie) and Black Hawk Down! lol! Another good one that a few have mentioned would be Enemy at the Gates. A very good sniper movie. . Behind Enemy Lines is also a pretty good one. . . hmm, one movie keeps reminding me of another. . Gene Hackman did great in Red Tide (sort of a war movie), a pretty good submarine movie. A great sub movie was The Hunt for Red October. . Many of these aren't the 'big war' type of movies that most are thinking of, but definitely worth mentioning, either because of their great story, or because of the portrait the movie painted. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [color=darkred][SIZE=1]I really enjoy this series. . I wouldn't say that I am a huge fan, but many episodes have caught my attention and pulled me away from other programs I would be watching at that time. I never really started watching the show until the reruns started up on another channel. I also really don't have a favorite show. . maybe because it was never a favorite show with me *shrug* But, there are quite a few great one-liners, and I agree with most of you that this is probably the best comedy series out there. Has the series come out to DVD yet? I think it would make quite a bit of money if it does/is. [/SIZE][/color]
  12. [color=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, who knows how much stress these guys have to put up with. . think about it. If you put in as much work as the animators did (or worked long as a voice actor), I think you would want to put your little contributions in a major picture too! =P I am not saying that they needed to put in. . but who knows. I have also heard all of the little stories about each of the movies. . but it's not really that big of a deal in my opinion. [/SIZE][/color]
  13. [color=darkred][SIZE=1]I am very interested in this collection. This is one wicked awesome looking disc. I bought the GAMECUBE when it first came out, so I was saddened to learn that that way is out for me. However (I am not sure what countries have access to this way), Nintendo Power - an exclusive Nintendo magazine - is offering the disk with a 1-year paid subscription. That is right up my alley for money and interest. I have not collected those in some time, and to get that disk, a 1-year subscription isn't bad at all. . for everything you are getting in that disk. . *drools* Too nice! [/size][/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]Anyway, I'm suprised no one has mentioned Band of Brothers. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred][SIZE=1]Actually, Mr. Maul did 'mention' it. Didn't go into detail, but it was, 'mentioned' =) Ok. . there are way too many war movies, and even more action movies out there to really be fair about this. . I have seen all different kinds, from all different periods of time. Well. . here goes a shortened list of movies I have seen way too many times and admire: [b]Braveheart[/b] has to be on the top of my list. It is a great recreation of war in that era. I especially love how 'unclean' everthing was. Most movies try to make everything look clean and eye-pleasing, this movie did just the opposite. Another thing that really made this movie was the performance by Mel Gibson. One of my favorite actors, he really projected his feeling into his role. When he felt hurt, you felt like you had been hurt. . when he felt betrayed, you also felt betrayed, and truly felt for him. [b]The Patriot[/b] is easily next on my list. Another great epic war movie. It also stars Mel Gibson, who again, makes you feel what he feels. The scenes are just beautiful to watch, and the story really pushes you to keep an interest throughout the whole movie. The best thing about this movie is the attention to the battle scenes. The flow of every battle is very consistant on both sides. I don't know if anyone knows what I am talking about, but it feels as if they shot the battle scenes all at once. In Braveheart, for example, some of the battle scenes would have everyone in a line, and then the next scene would have everyone grouped up. It was just little things, like attention to detail, that made The Patriot that much better. Other good war movies would be: Glory, Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor. . . Gladiator was really good, though not really a 'war' movie specifically. I loved the opening battle. Though I don't think this classifies, the Star Wars movies, the Lord of the Ring and The Matrix trilogies. . all good war movies too! As for Action. . I won't even get into details about all the ones I like. . but a few favorites? The Count of Monte Cristo (not really a pure action movie), X-Men (1 and 2), Spiderman, Daredevil, The Hulk, Batman (ya, ya. . Super Hero trip). . Mission Impossible (1 and 2), A Knights Tale, Transformers the Movie, G.I. Joe the Movie. . could go on for hours, but I am tired. . For the James Bond movies, the best is Goldeneye, hands down. Best story I have ever seen of all the Bonds, and Pierce's best one. [/SIZE][/color]
  15. [color=darkred][SIZE=1]Though I am sure your intentions of destroying the cd were to prove how much you hate Aaron Carter, I don't think buying it was the right way to go about proving anything. The sale still went through, so wether you broke it or not, the store/record company/Aaron Carter still see a profit because of it. . .just a thought. Next time, just steal a cd to break it. . that way, it hurts everyone (just messing) What you should do is just steal your sister's cd. That way, she doesn't get to listen to it, and it's one less worthless cd out there. . not saying that I know what his music is like, or even if I am the one that should be giving out advice on what is good music or not. . but . . it's just my opinion =) [/SIZE][/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Monopoly wins! I think we should have an OB Monopoly tournament. I'm the banker! ^_^[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]It's funny how the banker always seems to have the right amount of money. . not saying anything. . just an observation ^_^ I will play Monopoly with the right people. I say this because you have to have some sort of intelligence to understand what's going on. A few times I have played, some of my friends would just buy everything they land on, run out of money, and go bankrupt fast. . it's pretty sad -_- But with my family, most of us get it really easily, and it becomes a game of wits, and a lot of sneaky negotiations. . mwahaha (that's half the fun of the game. . forget winning!) As for strategy games, I love Risk. The only problem is that most of the people I play with like to try and get one continent, and think they can win the game with just that. I like to spread out, and just keep everyone guessing where I am going. Before I know it, I have Europe (the continent everyone loves to hate ^_^ lol) and am spreading like butter on toast =) If you find it pretty easy like I do, depending on who I play, I would recommend Axis and Allies. An incredibly long game to set up, but once you get going, it is a sick game. . it is so challenging having to push your forces around, and where to attack, what to spend your money on, where to put reinforcments (ya ya, your tired of listening already). This is a very long game, and is somewhat complicated, so don't play with young kids, and don't play unlless you have plenty of time (or a safe room to play it in where you can come and go when you need to). I really enjoy the strategy with Clue also. The game actually is more of just a time filler, as I think some clone games have come out where you don't have to roll a dice to move around a mansion. The original is still the best though =) Life is my guilty pleasure game. It's a childs game, but still pretty fun to play with my friends now (well, the ones that don't mind playing a childs game). There really isn't too much thought involved, so that makes it that much better. It can be played at any pace really, which makes it even better if you just want to play to fill a bit of time. Trivial Pursuit is a game to play if you really just feel like showing off, lol. I really enjoy the Star Wars edition ^_^ There is a bit of strategy involved. . some people like to go for 'their' catergories first, or the catergories that they know very well. Others strategy is to go for the hard ones, and save the hard ones for last. . it really doesn't matter to me. . I go around in a circle ^_^ Another game I played recently is Cranium. . I haven't really developed a solid opinion, since I have only played it like, four times. . so I will have to get back to this game later =) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I have to resound, like many others have, that this was a great movie. Definitely on the top ten list. This trilogy is easily one of the best (behind the original Star Wars, and only a bit ahead of the new Star Wars, till I can see the third movie. . sorry, but for those that know me, I am a Jedi at heart and nothing will top those) Most people are saying that there was awkward laughing during your movie? Well, it was worse for me -_- Almost anytime anyone in the movie would do something, everyone in the theater would clap. . I don?t know why, most of the scenes were not THAT great. Good, but not really ?applause? necessary. I am not kidding. . it was really rather embarrassing that people were getting that excited over. . say, . Denethorn eating? *sigh* As for the Denethorn scene where he has what looks like blood running down his lip. Perhaps that is to show how sloppy of an eater he is? Perhaps it was an accident that they just left in the movie. ---- For those that don?t know what I am talking about, an example would be Aragorn kicking one of the Urak-Hia helmets in The Two Towers. In the special features section in the extended edition DVD, they talk about how he had to do multiple takes because Peter Jackson wanted a different yell or a different angle on that scene. Well, I think on the final take, he kicked it, and let out a really good scream, dropping to his knees and all. How did he get such a good reaction? Because when he kicked the helmet that last time, he broke two of his toes *snicker* It?s not really funny, but the fact that they let little bits like that in the movie because it really worked, it?s pretty cool. (Another quick example would be when Pippen and Merry stole the big firework from Gandalf?s wagon. When it went off, Pippen shrieked because he was caught off guard. So, that ?girlie? yell (if you will) was really Pippen caught very off guard ^_^) . . . Just thought I would share those with those who have not seen the special features on the extended edition DVD. Touching on another note, everyone says there were ?gay? notes in the movie? Is it wrong to be that close to someone that you are great friends with? I am not saying that there is anything wrong with them kissing, but just being close to someone that you have struggled with that much, I don?t think there is anything wrong with that. I think some people just misread scenes in the movie, or your imagination ran wild with some of the scenes. *shrug* Not saying there is anything wrong with thinking that way, but I just don?t see it like that. . oh well. As for favorite scenes, there are too many for me to list. I will name one of my favorites of those though: [SPOILER]I really enjoyed the whole Rohan army charging into the orcs. I especially loved how the main commander was cocky in thinking that a few volleys of arrows would again stop a group of riders. Seeing his face as he realized his life was over was just classic. The best thing about watching that scene was just seeing the massive army of Sauron get ripped into by the horseman of Rohan. Something about Theodin and his quest for charging recklessly in the battle of Helms Deep sort of resounded here. It was great.[/SPOILER] I think the most predictable line comes from something Circeus said a few pages back. When Eowyn fought the Witch-King (while, a very good fight) the whole, ?I am not a man? or whatever. . it was just waiting there. I have watched enough movies to predict lines here and there, but an eight year old could have gotten that one *cries* Oh well. . I guess they felt that the girl-power message was needed, but the movie would have gone a lot differently if not for two of the main women in the movie. Lady Galadriel convinced Elrond that the humans needed help, in turn, he sent like. . a small army of Elves to aid the Rohanians in the battle of Helms Deep. As for Arwen, if she didn?t come back to her father to convince him to re-forge Narsil, he in turn wouldn?t have talked to Aragorn, telling him about the undead army. So. . I don?t really think there was a need for the whole girl-power scene except that most of the Orlando Bloom/Legolas fan-girls might not have caught that. . just my opinion I guess *shrug* I will post more later, but if I put anymore here, people will think I am writing a novel. Sorry, I just like to put a lot of thought down at once, instead of a post at a time for each thought. I could never remember as much as I wrote here, and I have a lot more on my mind *sigh* . . oh well.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sublime1 [/i] [B]HAH! they got the guy who played Snidley Whiplash in the Dudley Do-right movie to play Doc Oc. That's friggin hilarious. I guess they decided to give Peter Parker the dorkier look he should have had in the first movie. Looks good. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred][SIZE=1][font=verdana]He also played the Butcher in The Man Who Knew Too Little (with Bill Murray) lol. . just had to say that ^_^ As for the trailer. . it looked pretty good. . just enough to leave me wanting more story. I enjoyed the first movie, and am looking forward to the interaction with Peter and Mary, as well as Harry, and what is his interaction with Doc Oc (just what I have gathered from the trailer. . watch again if you missed). . Oh well. . July 2004 'IS' way too far to have to wait, but . . that's what I am going to have to do *shrug* I am sure it will be worth it![/SIZE][/color][/font]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Hehe. . sit for three hours some of you say? . . *cries*. . I say for 15+ hours. . Yes, I saw one of the special screenings where they showed all three movies back-to-back-to-back. . They had, about, an hour intermission between each movie, allowed us to come and go as we pleased, and also allowed outside food in the theaters (talking about McDonalds or Subway or other non-movie resteraunts). It helped a lot! The first movie started around 2:00pm, we got in line around 11am, and got let in around 11:30ish . . There were people from all over the United States, and one lady who flew in from Sweden! O.o Now, I don't know if that was her only reason for coming in, but she was in full costume for the event, as were all of the friends (almost every one of them were from around the U.S. themselves). The first intermission, the theater had a costume party. There were some really good costumes, one guy even had a battle horn, which to some was really annoying, lol! It was pretty cool to see all ages dressed up for the event. One girl had a handmade helmet (with what looked like tin foil, construction paper, and more, done pretty well to make a full fitting helmet ^_^) The second intermission, they brought in Pizza and Chick-fil-a. Pretty sweet deal even though we were pumping a ton of money for the tickets ($36 a pop) The theater had seats for around 350+ I think? they had enough pizza for double that, and ran out fast . . it was ammusing I think. .there really isn't ever enough =P At the end of the movie, New Line Cinema (the people who were really behind the sponsoring of the Trilogy showings) gave a gift to everyone. They gave out a special frame that held a cell from each of the movies. --If you want to know, I got the shot where Frodo was standing in front of the fallen face of a statue, where Boromir soon tries to take the ring, a shot from behind the Urak-hia army where they are storming Helms Deep, and a shot with Gandalf riding up the streets in Gondor (I can't recall the name of the city. . ) As for security, everyone was given a lanyard with a little Lord of the Rings card. It basically showed the time schedule of each movie starting time, as well as plug the theater on the other side. Trilogy Tuesday is what they called it. They taped your ticket stub to the other side (after seeing one of our friends poke a hole in his and put it on the keyring, lol) So they made sure that everyone had to show the card with the ticket stub to get in the theater. . it was pretty wierd. When the crowds for the midnight showing started arriving, everyone wanted to try and sneak in with us. . it caused more of a hassle coming and going to the snack bar or bathroom -_- Anyways, that's my story =) The movies were just awesome. I got to watch every one in theater (many times over, including opening night for each), and this easily ranks up there in movies for me (and I would easily say second best trilogy out there. . depending on how the last Star Wars does *evil grin*) I have never read the books, and definitely plan to after seeing the movies. I am in no way an expert, and don't plan on. . it's hard enough just keeping up with the Star Wars universe (if you can even call it 'keeping up with'. . more like playing catch-up!). For those that think that people like me are just riding the hype, I would have never decided to read the books had it not been for the movies. . so hate me if you will, but thank Peter Jackson for opening up such great novels to the uninformed masses. . . and of course Mr. Tolkien for writing them ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]Okay... what thread have you been reading? I'm the only person who replied to nightwingfan's question, not all of us. Even then, I didn't bash him. All I said was: [color=darkblue]"No, Nightwing has not shown up in JL. No one from the Bat-Family has. Some of them might make a cameo some day (Lois Lane and Jimmy managed to get a couple of cameos, so far), but none of them have appeared."[/color] Please don't victimize certain members and spin perfectly normal replies into something harsh and coarse.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I wasn't referring to your thread(s). . I was referring to a thread a few posts down from yours. . I know your posts have been fine. I suppose I just got upset when I see people wanting to put in any input, and getting critisized because they didn't give as much thought or as much detail as another person did. . it's a little too easy for some to point the finger (I guess I am a culprit myself). I agree with what you said Shy. . Flash is just too lame of a character. . I remember the comic books where he was . . fast *shrug* The example you gave was the exact one I had in my head when I read the comment about Flash. They are making him better. . but his speed is still lacking. . I mean, FLASH . . what do you think when you hear the name? Oh well. . you can't really animate him any other way I guess. . I suppose if they made all the Justice League as powerful as they really should be, there wouldn't be too much to the show. Even still, all of Justice League vs. any opponent is pretty one sided. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Don't think I am not trying to understand. . it's just hard to give you the answer you are probably expecting. . Are the images you are seeing made of the smoke? Or is it something seperate altogether? If you are actually seeing ghosts or phantoms flying around your room, perhaps you are really having some visions. . maybe it's the inscence that is bringing them out? Who knows? I don't really believe in ghosts, so I will have no chance in relating what you saw to a personal experience. . Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, or if it isn't even what you meant. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [color=darkred][SIZE=2][font=verdana]I know what you mean. . I usually don't get much sleep myself. . it's even better when you are driving around with no sleep. . cars just seemingly swerve right in front of me! . . . ok, so it usually ends up me swerving towards them. . but that's not the point. If you have a strong belief in paranormal activities, that may also play in with your lack of sleep and let you see things in the smoke. . [/SIZE][/color][/font]
  23. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Are you smoking something else in addition to the inscense?. . just a question. It's sort of like clouds. . people see images all the time. It could just be the lighting in the room. . could be a lack of sleep. . who knows. It could just be your imagination. . Whatever it is, if you like it, it's all good. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have had MANY speeding tickets. . and the secret ways of being able to avoid, or trick the cops. . don't work as well as people think they do. . I have friends that swear if you do this, or if you do that . . that you will never get a ticket *sigh* Every cop is different, and while one 'trick' may work on one cop, another would never be fooled by it. Some police in certain cities may not worry too much about speeders. . if so, you should hug them =) I have tried the braking when you see a cop to drop down to the speed limit (wether in traffic or not). . all it does is make the cop go, "Oh, look, someone thinks they are smart" BAM, pulled over. . when they see your car rock as you brake, that right there tells them you are doing something wrong. The best way I have found to lower your chances? Drop to a different gear to help your car 'naturally' slow down. It won't work every time, but it will work the occasional time, and one less ticket is always a good thing! ^_^ This obviously won't work if you are the only one down a watched road. . My brother has talked his way out of a ticket here and there. . and I am very impressed with that ability. I have tried, but the people in my car usually ruin that (I will get to that later). He also gave me a bit of advice that could help, but I don't feel like getting a bigger fine from them. He said something along the lines of, "Next time they pull you over, ask them to see the radar. Chances are, they either didn't get a clear tag on you, or didn't get one at all. Then, when you go to court, you tell the judge that you really didn't think you were speeding, and that the officer refused to let you see the radar gun." If you have a history of speeding, the judge might just look at you and laugh, but if you are a first time speeder, you might get off. Now, if the officer does show you the radar, and he is right, well. . you missed out, no real loss, you were gonna get a ticket anyways. I can never remember to do that, since I am too upset that I got caught to think of asking him. . oh well. . my loss =P This isn't really a story about speeding. . but, the last time I got a ticket I pulled out infront of a cop (didn't know it). I pulled up to a stop sign, but instead of waiting for the line of cars to get infront of me, and make me wait even longer, I pulled out real fast. I then noticed the car catching up to me pretty fast. I said to my friends, "Bet I upset this guy" . . two seconds later, lights. . "Wow. . he really is upset" So I pull over, the officer comes up, clicks his light in the car, "You know why I pulled you over?" Me - "No, sir." Cop - "Really? You have no idea?" Me - "Cause I pulled out in front of you?" Cop - "No, you ran that stop sign" Me - "No I didn't" Cop - "Really? Well, let's ask your friends." Turning to my friend in the front seat, Erick, "Do you think he ran that stop sign?" Erick - "I wasn't really paying attention sir" Me - *sigh* Cop - "And you sir? Do you think he ran that stop sign?" Asking my not so bright friend Steve. Steve - *looking up, as if he just realized he was in the car, going to some magical land* "Huh?" Me - "Just write me the ticket." . . . *sigh* Good laughs. . looking back now. . I should tell you the story about the ignorant rookie cop. . lol[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow, these are some very. . interesting. . takes. I want to say that everyone should be pro-life, but fate has a way of working out in this world where everyone really doesn't have the ability, or the income, to agree with me. Yes, there is the whole argument about 'it's the woman's body, it's the woman's choice?. . but that is a pretty stupid argument that basically gives people the only excuse they need for . . well, murder. Yes, you can say that through most of the pregnancy, the unborn baby has no real awareness of anything, and it is just a 'thing' that can be removed with no thought or consequence. . To me, abortion is killing. . but life (as ironic as this whole post is about) has a funny way of dealing its cards. . If you are not ready to have a child, you will excuse me for the harshness of this statement. . don?t have sex! You can practice safe sex all you want, but it isn?t 100%. . Now here is my fair approach to this ? If I was to get someone pregnant, and neither she nor I was prepared for a baby, I know I would have a choice to make. Keep the baby or kill the baby? For me, it would be pretty easy. . have the baby and either raise it to the best of my ability, or have the baby and put it up for adoption. But, then you have the problem of the other side of this very complex example, the woman having the baby. Could she go through all the trouble of having the baby? Would she want to suffer through the whole pregnancy? And I guess this is why you would really want to know someone before having sex with them (If not even taking the extra step to marry them). . I know I wouldn?t want some one night stand to be calling me up months later and say, ?Hey, I am pregnant; I want money for an abortion? Guess this is why people should think before just jumping into bed with someone. . no matter how much they think they know them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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