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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kent [/i] [B](btw, you forgot to mention chasing amy in your list of his work :D and he also did work for other comics that were not of his own creation, I forget which ones, but I'm sure of it.) [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hope you didn't mean me. . that would fall under one of the movies he directed. In addition to that, that is one of my favorite movies that he directed. I agree with you Kent that Mallrats is one of his best movies. .following that would be Chasing Amy, then Clerks. . all good stuff. . lol[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I don't really think you should bash on nightwingfan because he was curious about something on the show. You all seem to be Justice League experts, all you had to say was "Nope, he hasn't been in the show at all" There is no need to just bash the guy. . I really enjoy Justice League. . they aren't as kiddie cartoon as I originally thought they were going to make it (not saying I still wouldn't have watched it) I really enjoy how everyone has a role in the show, and not just Superman taking everyone on. I used to laugh at my friend Steve (a HUGE Superman fan -- have a question, ask him. . or. . me, and I will ask him) because Superman's job was to get shot at by missles and fly into buildings. . I thought that was funny ^_^ But Steve told me, it isn't the fact that he is getting hit a lot. .it's the fact that he keeps getting up, time and time again. That makes a lot of sense. . to me at least =P As for everyone else, I love the character interaction between everyone. How Hawkgirl is a very uptight woman. . lol I get a kick out of that because many of my friends are like that =P (and yes, I mean the women . . ) I really like Hawkgirl's character (more then just what she says). I like how she doesn't have any lasers. . or any technology that can keep her away from a fight. She HAS to get involved and charge head on. Plus, she relies on wings to fly, so if her wings are tied, she is pretty much grounded. If her thunder mace weapon is gone. . well, she is weakened a lot! I think that is great. .more of a 'human' type of superhero. Obviously, Batman is the most human one among them. . but come on, it's Batman! lol[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Are we really just going to point out movies that Kevin Smith directed? He has executively produced a couple other movies, including Vulgar - which several of my friends and my oldest brother have watched and said it was really good. He also helped edit Daredevil (as well as acted in it), as well as some other producing jobs in some other smaller movies. . I really enjoy his movies, and just like that he doesn't care who he pisses off. . I know that he has gotten a lot of complaints from the character played by Mewes - Jay. . .but. . that's going to happen anytime you are not PC (Politically Correct) in front of millions of people (look at Eminem) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Fairly interesting thread. . I will put in my two cents (granted. . no one is asking me . . lol) I think that if I was to marry a woman, I would want her to take my last name. For one, it IS tradition. Traditionally, the wife takes the name of the husband. The whole marraige thing is about joining two people. .two different people, and making them life partners. . The point of taking the man's name is to symbolize the unity. I honestly don't know what I would do or say if I had a fiance that wanted to keep her last name. Hopefully it would be something we would discuss long before the thought of marraige. .but you can never tell. As for Hollywood - women keep their last name because everything is fake there. . people get married for more publicity and to get their name back into the papers. So, they obviously keep their last name so that they aren't forgotten by people. . it's pretty pathetic. -_- Had a talk about this the other day, thus, why I posted here, and posted about celebrities. . lol [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ya, so I know that I am going to get yelled at for making yet, another, HALO thread. I appologize in advance for this. However, after going back quite a while, I didn't see anything that dealt with this particular question I had going on in my mind (after spending a lot of time playing the game in college). What is your favorite multiplayer matches to play? I will expand by giving some of my friends and mine: [SIZE=2]All weapons, all vehicles, no respawn time period, and usually on the bigger outdoor stages (usually Team Battle but can be Free For All)[/SIZE]- Easily one of the favorites, for good reason. This has everything for everyone, no one gets to complain (except when people keep getting killed at spawn spots. . lol. . can't really help that). The no spawn time lets you be a lot more reckless, giving you the hopes of popping up right next to the person that just killed you and getting to exact revenge :devil: [SIZE=2]Shotguns only, no respawn time, played in the Tombstone level (either FFA or Team Battle)[/SIZE]- This is a group favorite simply because of the mayhem. There are just bodies everywhere, people cursing from other rooms (we play 4 X-Boxes, hooked up in 4 different rooms, usually with 16 people playing total), and just an overall sense of everyone hating everyone! lol It's really great how everyone ever feels that they were cheated by the shotgun not killing the people when they really should! It's funny. . [SIZE=2]Rockets, no respawn time, Chiron43. . or whatever the portal stage is (has to be FFA, but can be done Team Battle)[/SIZE]- BOOM, BOOM, and BOOM!! . . total distruction. . usually a very long battle, since you portal through, and fire without realizing that you are two inches away from your enemy. . lol! Very fun, since you have to run through the level and try to kill, as opposed to being able to find a sniper position to take out anyone. It's just too slow if you try to hide, and you will quickly find that you picked the wrong spot. . =) Anyways, these are some of the favorites that we play. . and these are really just the basic ones. I will list some more if this thread gets any interest. . see you on the battlefield! (I will be the one that is firing on you from accross the level. .)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Does the X-Box make any games other then HALO? . . sorry. . obviously I am not the biggest X-Box fan, and actually had to be convinced to even try to play HALO when I even tried to start playing this particular console. . I obviously think this is the best X-Box game. . far down on the list of any game out there for any system. . but it's great for the Box. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . when I first read the thread title, I was in fear that you would say you used the disk tray as a cup holder. . lol. Seriously, I keep mine horizontal, and while my friend keeps his vertical, I have never heard of any such problem. Obviously it's something that I wouldn't try to fix myself. If you really care, you could send it in to get repaired somewhere? If you don't feel like taking that much time or spending money, just find a spot it works horizontally at. You could move it to the ground or something *shrug* Just a thought. . really don't feel like telling you to pop open your PS2 and tinkering with it. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I was introduced to this band through my friend Jenny. She is a huge rock fan, and loves Tool. She was all too excited to make. . I mean, LET me listen to these guys. I was really impressed with what I heard. Normally, I stay out of music threads, since I don't know music, and I would better serve everyone if I would keep out. . lol. But because of my friend Jenny, and knowing that Avalon (Etarah) is such a big fan, I had to post something! I really enjoy the sound of the band, and am happy that while both bands have the same lead vocal, the sounds of each are very different. I have only heard a few off the new album, but am very interested in hearing more ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Sorry you don't have a tv Arcadia. . nothing worse then missing out on all sorts of good shows. Though, I think I would be a lot less lazy if I didn't have a tv, lol. I really enjoy scrubs. It's not that the show is a rip off of ER, that is the exact oposite I think that they were going for. They wanted a quirky little comedy that would get a bunch of laughs through the writing and the cast interaction. Dr. Cox (John McGinly) has some of the best stuff, with his great attitude of NOT caring what anyone (especially J.D.) has to say. His constant raves that seem to go on are just awesome to listen to. I sometimes wonder if that is really John himself saying those things himself, and not reading off any script. He is a blast, and easily one of my favorites on the show. J.D. (Zach Braff) is another funny character. His insecurities hit a different level then Dr. Cox, and as many have said, his flashbacks are a total riot. I love the fact that his fantasies take place in 'real time' as opposed to *snap of the finger* that fast. Often when he comes out of the imagined scenario, several people are looking at him with a very curious look on their face. =) Dr. Elliot (Sarah Chalke) is just a blast to watch. The great bodied woman that many men fantasize about themselves, and yet a messed up mind that people often wonder, "Why do people even talk to her?" Her character is a really good one, since she plays the 'too nervous to speak up' type of character, who is really more intelligent then she admits. By far, two of my favorites - Dr. Turk (Donald Faison) and 'The Janitor' (Neil Flynn). Their characters just add so much comedy to the show. While I was really dissapointed seeing Donald Faison in another show, after haiting him in Clueless the TV show, I was very happy with his performance in this show, and continue to be amazed at how good he is. I really like the Janitor, since his character is like a little kid and a big bully mixed into one. He has a heart of gold, and tries to be friends, but if you cross him (or even if he thinks you have), watch out for his other side! lol I really enjoy the comedy of the show, how it always turns out to be some very important lesson at the end. I just love the flow of the it all, and how it remains to surprise me that they can keep up with new material after all this time. I also enjoy how they don?t really bring in a lot of outside politics (stuff that is really going on around the world) that will effect the show. They continue to have fresh ideas without the writers having to open up a newspaper to get it. Easily one of my favorite shows out there.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [color=darkred][SIZE=2][font=verdana]Now don't hold back craig8429, tell us how you really feel =P I know this isn't going to be the best acted movie, I don't think I recognize any names in the movie (come to think of it, they didn't even give any names in the previews, as they usually do for movies. . ) I am more interested in seeing some good action scenes with lots of gunplay. This movie is based off of a video game, so I am not expecting an oscar worthy movie here. . just a movie that I can get some thrills from. I mean, how many movies based off video games have really been that good? (besides Resident Evil - only one I could think of). . . Anyways, I can wait till DVD or something, and just steal it from a friend, but if I can get in for free, I wouldn't mind watching this movie in the theater (I think it would be better then on my TV) ^_^ [/SIZE][/color][/font]
  11. [color=darkred][SIZE=2][font=verdana]Ahh. . good old haunted houses. . . *sigh* the biggest waste of money out there in my opinion. . (ok, one of the bigger. . not THE BIGGEST). . ummm, anyways. My friends and I usually go to a couple haunted houses every year. We used to go to this one called Haunted Prison, and the highlight was a rather "unstable" bridge in a dark hall - deemed by us - the Black Hole. The thing about it was that there was a black cover all around the tunnel with holes poked through it. There was light behind the cover, and the cover itself would spin. This obviously messes with the human mind, and as you walk through the tunnel, you feel like it is pulling you to the side. It's a really awesome experience, and I don't know if I am giving it any justice in putting it down here, simply in words. Anyways, that was usually the best thing about the prison, other then the fact that they had a pretty decent maze you could go through. Well. . this year, they moved the prison into some warehouse, so we weren't in a hurry to go back there. Instead, we went to a place called The Haunted Castle *waits for scary music to play*. . . riiiight. Well. . the only good thing about this place was that it was decently long. . we went through it in about 30 - 45 minutes, which for MY haunted house experiences, was pretty long. There were a ton of twists and turns, and since we went with a few easily scared women, it was a lot of fun just to pop out and scare them every other turn :D Two of the women that came with us were horrified with clowns, and most of the time, we just spent our time doing circus tunes which really freaked them out, lol. However, towards the end of the walk, I walked around a corner and just started bouncing with excitement. LOL, there was a huge glow in the dark painting of a giant clown's face! I was so happy, when my friend Becky walked around the corner, her eyes got real wide, then she just turned around and tried to run away. . We pulled the girls on, and my friend Mike went ahead to see if there were any 'real' clowns up ahead. Of course there were, and he told them that the girls were really scared of clowns. . he came out with this little bike horn, honking away at Becky, scaring the bejesus out of her. . . hahahaha. I don't think I would trade that for anything in my haunted house experiences (well. . except to have one of those black hole tunnels in my house). . Good stuff. . good stuff![/SIZE][/color][/font]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Ok. . my only real complaint is that this is a Jack Black movie. Sure, he is pretty funny, but watching his antics through one whole movie >_< It's a bit much! I loved him in Saving Silverman, because he wasn't the movie. . in this movie. . it's all about him! That was just a bit dissapointing, as I thought for once, he would be a bit toned down from his usual role. I really loved Joan Cusack in this movie, and though she added the necessary touch to the movie that Jack Black seemed to suck away. The kids were pretty good at acting, and I was pleasantly surprised that they acted that good. Of course the music was top shelf, and I found myself singing along with most of the songs played (much to my friends many pleas to shut up) . . . I love being an idiot! ^_^ I give this movie 6 out of 10 (the music, the kids and Joan Cusack gives it a lot of props) [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I was a little let down by this movie. I was sort of expecting more of a Matrix feel. Why? you ask - well, I wanted more fist swinging, kick throwing action. . everything was done by guns, except at the end where they had some whips and some swords. . *sigh* I really loved Viktor's character. He was bad, and he knew it, and he was ruthless at what he did. . He really wasn't scared of killing anyone, no matter what side you were on. As for Selena - Well. . it was Kate Beckinsale, so I really wasn't expecting a whole lot. . However, I was pretty surprised, she looked really hot with her black hair. The biggest thing is that at the end, the Vampires were just walking over the Lycan. . I mean, yes, a few Vampires (mainly the ones that got seperated) were taken out pretty fast, but for the most part, the Lycan were just mowed down. Now, I know that they were pretty much scattered, and just recently pulled together, and that the Vampires had a specific group that was led to kill them, but it was painful to just watch the Lycan taken out that fast *sigh* That's all. . I give the movie 7 out of 10 also. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Wow. . I need to read the books *shakes head* I just have to wait till the movies are already out before just ruining it for myself =) My brothers found a really sweet set up for the final movie. They found, for $36, we can watch all three movies, back-to-back-to-back on December the 17th. . . *drools* . . . that will be a fun day. Though. . they found that on E-Bay, the tickets are going for upwards of $450 for a pair (and going up all the time), so it's possible that if for the right money, they might just sell them, and collect some serious cash. . *shrug* We'll see. . [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]*cries* Of course there are a lot of people from Michigan now. . *sighs* I was in Tennessee when I first started posting here, attending college in Kentucky now. >_< Make it Thanksgiving, since I will be visiting family around then. . . no wait, probably no one remembers me now *sigh* That might now work out so well if some stranger would just show up. Hmmm. . well. . have fun guys/gals - I miss Michigan. . lol [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [color=darkred][SIZE=1]I agree that they rushed it a lot, though, as far as glitches are concerned, I have seen more in other games that have taken longer to produce. . I finished the game today, and was very happy about the ending ^_^ That does make me mad though that I have to wait till 11/05 for the finale. *sigh* Oh well. [/SIZE][/color]
  17. [color=darkred][SIZE=2][font=verdana]Well, I don't think my friends and I have the attention span to be that creative. . coupled with the fact that I am really the biggest anime junkie of all my friends. One thing that we used to do was only use weapons that would 'fit' that character. For example - Link wouldn't be able to use the bat, since the bat is more of a 'now' age type of weapon, and it probably wasn't around back when Link was kicking the crap out of Ganon. The Beam Sword would go with characters from the future. . etc. etc. That usually works till someone accidentally picks up some other weapon, and throws it at someone else, then we turn into little kids and start yelling and going all out in the game. It's pretty funny =P [/SIZE][/color][/font]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I love playing Halo still. . we still get together every month or so, and play with 15 people plus. We hook up three or four X-Box's and just go at it. We set up teams, though, since it's only two teams, it kind of gets one sided pretty fast. Me and my friend Mike are the better players of everyone there, so we are usually on different teams. Most of the time, halfway through, someone likes to complain a lot about getting killed the most, and not being able to kill back. They are usually the ones that happen to respawn time and time again near someone close who quite often ends up killing them. It's pretty upsetting, I know. But, I am one of those people who think it's just as funny to die as it is to head-shot someone on the run, jumping behind a tree, tagging them right before they reach that safe point. Anyways, I, like Emperor_Dragon, am really looking forward to Halo 2. I hope that they put in more then two teams, and add in a ton new levels to fight. The addition to a few new ground vehicles and tons more weapons would be nice. I would like a few different style of sniper rifles ^_^ I am killer with those. . mwahahaha. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I traded in a bunch of games, and ended up paying 5$ for the game. I am enjoying it very much right now. I am playing through as Ghost right now (trying to play Niobe a bit on easy, just to see the differences). Some of the camera angles are a bit annoying. The Focus is a very cool ability in the game, I really enjoy some of the moves you can do while using it. I enjoy a few of the guns, namely, the dual Uzis, and the SS Shotgun (totally awesome weapon there) The best thing about the game is the cutscenes. I am very happy that they put in those extra scenes, and especially that it wasn't just footage with only a few characters from the movie. I mean, there are quite a few characters from Matrix: Reloaded, including the two bodyguards that the Merovingian, the Keymaker, and several of the captains and crew of the hovercrafts. I haven't gotten THAT far in it, in fact, I have no clue how far I am, but it seems like I am pretty far along. I am at some power station -- the place where Niobe kicks the crap out of all the security guards, and where she blows the Power Plant -- close to the end of that particular level. I am looking forward to a lot more of the cinamatics in the game. Some of the cutscenes seem to be mirrored from the movie. I won't go into details, since I am not sure who all has played the game. So far, I am giving it a 3 out of 5 right now. . it has it's ups and downs, but a pretty ok game, as for the value of the backstory to Matrix: Reloaded, I give it a very solid 5 out of 5. . . ya, who's the Uber Dork? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]This was a very fun game to me while I was growing up. My brothers and I would spend hours around this game, passing the controllers when someone would lose the match. I mean, we beat the game pretty easily, but that was because we loved games with challenges. We would not put it down until a game was beaten. I honestly don't remember much of the game, besides that Hippo guy. . I think we would just fight him over and over because he was really fun to beat ^_^ I really don't remember how tough Mike Tyson was, but I think I recall an opponent one or two fights before him being more of a challenge then Mike Tyson was. . I might be wrong, maybe it was just tough to me? *shrug* Oh well. . classic game, hands down. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . I pretty much do the same thing every weekend. I party. . . no really, I don't know where the money comes from, but there is always an abundant source of cash for more and more alcohol. I should buy some stock in some of these alcohol companies, because I would definitely be a millionare by now. Now that I think about it, I am pretty sure that we party just about every day possible. We do more dishes in one week then most large families do in a lifetime -_- It's pretty rough, though, luckily dishwasher detergent isn't too expensive *nods* I suppose that I just need more glasses (or at least throwaway glasses) so that we don't have to do too many loads in the dishwasher. We have a game called passout - Basically a drinking game, though, to be sold in stores, the have to put the disclaimer that it isn't for alcohol - which most people love to play. Take your normal Monopoly game, and add squares that say All Drink, or Red take a Drink. . there are four colored pieces in the game. Each time you get to the GO square, you take a card called Pink Elephant Card. It has a toungue twister on it, that you have to say (without messing up). If you do, you have to take another drink. There are also some Pass Out Cards - they have random tasks on there, like Take 5 drinks, or kiss your partner and take two drinks, or Everyone takes 3 drinks. It's a lot of fun. I know everyone will now think that I am a huge alcoholic. . and that's fine. We never let anyone drive home drunk, nor do we contribute to minors. We have fun, but in a pretty safe way. We totally act the fool while drunk (or just after a few drinks, I mean, who is going to know?) and just kick back. Usually we just watch a movie, and cook some food. All in all, it's a great way to have some fun, and just relax after a day of work. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Lets see. . I have been to three different proms. Two while I was in High School, and one after I graduated (see this thread: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24645]Aaron's Picture Thread[/URL]- look about halfway down for the prom info). Ummm, my first prom, I went with someone I really cared about at the time. I guess I could have taken it further then what I did, but I was really nervous and, sadly, she was a bit hung up on my best friend. So, needless to say, nothing was going to happen, and nothing did happen. I ended up driving home in the pooring rain, and almost wrecked *sigh* My second prom, I took my best friends girlfriend. She really wanted to go, and my best friend couldn't (yes, same best friend as one paragraph up), so I decided to take her. It was her senior prom, and everyone needs to go to their senior prom =P We ended up meeting a few friends, and coming back to my oldest brothers apartment. We drank a bit, and one of the guys got drunk and threw up. . there is a very funny story following the next day, but I won't put that here. (I might as well talk about the last one too. . ) The third prom, I took my sister's best friend. Her date cancelled on her one week before prom, so I was asked to go in his stead. I of course went. She WAS my sisters best friend, and it WAS her senior prom. . . plus, the way she was dumped last minute, I was definitely going to help her out. So. . after the prom (like 3am - since we went on a boat ride), everyone I knew was pretty much passed out - So I just headed back to my apartment and watched some tv. *sigh* Well. . that's my sad story. Kinda pathetic to go to proms to help people rather then because I had a date, but for those of you that know me. . that's ME! :D [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . nothing really scares me. I honestly don't think there are any scary movies out there, as some of you have mentioned that you got scared of certain movies. Not saying that movies aren't scary. . but just that I don't get scared of them anymore. Really - I suppose dying alone is the most frightening to me. I don't mean dying without friends and family, but more in terms of a loved one, a girlfriend/fiance/wife. I guess that one just gets me, suppose you could say that I am pretty hung up on not having any luck with women? lol. Other then that, drowning to death. That would be the worst in my opinion. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . I differ from day to day. Sometimes, I can only sleep when there is something on the TV (movie, or just some tv show) Sometimes, I have to be listening to music (usually relaxing types - enya, coldplay, bjork - ya ya, shutup) Other times, it has to be quiet. . Most of the time, I usually just can't get to sleep till my body just shuts off. I usually kill time posting on boards, or surfing the net. I have never fallen asleep at the keyboard, and always manage to slink to the bed (or floor). Umm, sleeping habits -- I, like many, have to have a fan on. I can't stand going to sleep in heat. We usually have the AC on, keeping a constant temperature of 65 - 70 in our appartment. In addition to that, I keep the room fan on, and usually have a smaller fan pointed at me. I also have to sleep under some kind of covers. It doesn't matter if it is just a sheet or a comforter, but I have to be covered. I also need lots of pillows. I really can't get comfortable unless my head is propped up. *shrug* I am a very deep sleeper too. I mean, I have slept through some seriously heavy storms, only to get up to get something to drink, and pass back out when I get back to bed. On that same note, sometimes I will wake up after like two hours of real sleep, and be so wired and ready to go. If someone comes into my room and tries to wake me up, I usually get right up (even though I am really not a morning person) Umm, I guess that's me. . As for 'cuddling' . . I can't do it. I also like to thrash around, and toss and turn quite a bit. Having someone hugging on me really cramps my style? . . I know, many of you are like - Umm, Aaron, you always say you don't have girlfriends, and never get any. .Well, I am the nice guy that certain women like to 'cuddle' up to me when their men aren't around *sigh* I am such a sap. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I knew someone would twist it like that heh. My plan worked :D My dream date involves Piro and some syrupy pancakes. That's all. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]And some powdered sugar? . . *bows head* sorry. . Well, my ideal date would be almost anything that involves a girl talking to me that is interested in more then just being friends. Most girls like to say that they want a sweet, sensitive guy, but everyone knows the want the dangerous bad-boy type. . that is, until they are crushed when they realize that they really regretted that decision to go out with that type at all. . *bows head again* sorry. . kk~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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