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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I agree with Queen Asuka. If you really don't want to get your friends into trouble, simply because they were letting you know what they were told, it might be best not to bring them into it at all. I suppose I echo everything that was already said by Asuka. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . I just want to say that wether or not you think I am a bad driver after this post, don't hold it against me, kk?~ Alright, here we go: First Wreck - My very first vehicle was a full size GMC cargo van. It was the family car, and it got handed down from brother to brother till it got to me. Now, technically it really wasn't my car, it was just the starter vehicle that my parents 'lent' to each of the children. Ok then, one day after school, I was giving a ride to someone that lived the opposite way from my house. I wasn't really supposed to be doing this, but I figured, no harm no foul. Well, I dropper her off, and was coming back with my neighbor Will. We were talking back and forth about school, and I was really more focused on the conversation then on the road. He was the one that noticed the cars at a dead stop in front of us. I looked up in time to see that I couldn't go anywhere. There was oncoming traffic in the lane to the left, and where there should have been a curb, was a foot and a half drop of. I probably would have rolled the van. Instead, I just slammed on the brakes, and let it carry me. I ended up hitting the bumper of the car in front of me, which hit the bumper of the car in front of them, which hit the bumper of the car in front of them, which in turn, ended up hitting the car in front of them. -_- Needless to say, I hit 4 cars with my first wreck. It wasn't cool, but after time, it worked itself out, and I got on. Months down the road, after it was repaired, I got grounded for some reason, and my parents ended up using the van for a few weeks. The very first day I got it back, I ended up driving to Nashville with a bunch of friends, and on the way back, the car just died on me. It turned out that it was out of oil. . I knew nothing about cars except how to turn them on. This was a bad learning experience. Second Wreck - Chevy station wagon. I was coming to my high school from Home Depot. My dad and mom spent a lot of time working with the band, and this particular day, my dad needed some material. Anyways, I was coming back, and rounded a corner going pretty fast. I didn't even see the 50 cars stopped in front of me. Well. . hit the brakes, but to no avail. I ended up hitting five cars this time. (No, I was not going for any sort of record here) We ended up just scrapping the car. Third Wreck - Ok, this was my third car, a Pontiac Grand Am. Now, I didn't wreck this car, but I felt like putting it up there. My brother actually got it into a wreck. The front bumper and hood were pretty banged up. To try and save money, he decided to repair it himself. The only problem was that he got parts for a different year. He got parts for a 1988 Grand Am, and I owned a 1996 Grand Am. The parts were colored different, and the whole car just looked trashy. I drove it until I got my next car. Fourth Wreck - I got a very nice car, an Oldsmobile Achieva. It was a very sporty car, and it drove great. At that time, I drove to a warehouse job 30 - 45 minutes away from where I lived. To me, that was quite a drive. I usually left the last minute possible, and sped the whole way to work. This wreaked havoc on my brakes, and ended up killing my rotors(?). . It ended up costing $1,000 to fix just the front breaks (and rotors). At that much of a cost, we decided to just leave it at that. The back tires needed something done too. . not sure if it was rotors on them or not (I am not a car person). Well, I was working at the time, and was asked to go get some copies for some store flyers. I went on my lunch so I could kill some more time and hang out with some friends at the mall. It had been raining all day, and it was very cold outside -- yup. . ice -- I was rounding this pretty curvy part of the mall road, and noticed that my back tires were slipping out from under me *sigh* I swung around and hit a tree. My airbag deployed, and as a result, the car was deemed totalled (too much money to replace the airbag of that car's year). Well. . that was fun. I am now on my fifth car, which I am taking great care in driving it carefully. It would be my luck though that the one car that I don't wreck finds a way to die on me. The timing belt got loose, and the car died on me one day getting off of work. My dad decided to work on it himself instead of taking it in to get repaired. I helped him, and in turn got my car back with a lot more knowledge of cars as a result. It drives pretty good, though I still have a problem with driving too fast. I know it will just be a matter of time before I make a mistake with this car and get it into a wreck. I just hope it is after I become a $6.4 billionare, and this is my 'go-kart' car ^_^ lol. Anyways, that's my story, thanks for listening. By the way, I am 22 - and if you weren't paying attention, I am on my fifth car in six years. Not too shabby, guess I need to save and buy a real car so I have something to be proud in and not wreck it? We'll see =) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well Charles, while I am not a huge fan of Jeepers Creepers. . *shudders* I am looking forward to 28 Days Later. I am not saying that it is not the cheesy'est (umm, that's a word, right?) movie, I am just saying that I hope the feel of the movie will be surprising. I honestly don't know if it is a B movie or not. I mean, I am not an expert of British geography, but they seem to have gotten a pretty good sized street area with just one guy running around. And to me, it doesn't look like a staged area like was used in Resident Evil. Just one guys opinion. I am not saying that other parts of the movie will be below 'now' standards, but from what I have seen, it's the eerieness of the emptyness that is shown that is going to frighten people. What better to scare people then to show nothing?! I mean, if you showed some guy in the middle of a - normally - busy street, alone, I would be freaked out. Oh well. . perhaps that is why I surround myself with so many friends and family? *shrug* As for anything else coming close to this movie in terms of horror genre, I am with you again Charles, in that I agree that nothing will come close -- this summer -- mwahahahaha!! Errr. . sorry. . [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [color=darkred][SIZE=1]While I think Wrist Cutter makes a good point about the snakes in the letterbox, I think most girls would rather enjoy what Delian suggested (she is a girl, she might know about these things) I don't know though. . hosptial visit, or flowers and poetry? *shrug* With the single flower, she has something to look at, or show off. . ? (what?) And with the poem, she has something to reflect on weeks, months, or years down the line. Just this poor sap's opinion ^_^[/SIZE][/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]Well, they do say small potatoes make the steak look larger... ;) I'd donate my feet, minus the toes. I have great feet but my toes are all wierd. My second toe is larger than my big one. They all have hair on the toe-knuckles, etc... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, if this person already has some feet, I suppose I will step up and donate my toes. *looks around* What? All the good ones were taken! I guess I could donate my ability to be the worlds biggest punching bag. I can take anything thrown at me - mental and *rubs arm* physical - I don't mind people dumping on me, and usually I will make myself the butt end of jokes if it will save someone else, especially when they don't deserve to be. Now, I am not a pushover or anything, but those sort of things just don't bother me at all. =P [/SIZE][/color]
  6. [color=darkred][SIZE=2][font=verdana]Well, though it isn't out yet, I can tell you as much as I know about the movie. First though, I will mention that I am really looking forward to this movie. It will be quite interesting, and I am hoping that it is as good as the previews show (well, the previews look good to me) As for more info on the movie, the best I can give you would be . . hmmm. . A British research facility releases some virus out. It spreads across the world, and it's hard to contain (it can be carried by animals and humans). Anyways, -- 28 Days Later -- there is a small group of survivors left, and they find themselves trying to stay alive from the infected. I read somewhere that though that is the part you see, it's more of a suspense horror due to the fact that the mental strain on the survivors minds cause each other to be more of a threat to each other then the infected humans. Recaping: Virus spreads, people get infected, survivors try to survive, everyone hates each other. Ummm. .pretty much like normal life without the whole infected people trying to eat/kill each other (wait, perhaps it is more similar to real life then I thought) [/SIZE][/color][/font]
  7. [color=darkred][SIZE=2][font=verdana]I think this is probably the second best Pixar movie I have seen yet - Monsters Inc. being the first. I wasn't a huge fan of the Toy Story's, but I really enjoyed A Bug's Life - love Denis Leary. I also loved the Crush scene, especially with the kids. The whole movie was also amplified with Ellen DeGeneres' role as Dory. My favorite would have to be in the scene with the Sea Turtles, [spoiler]where all the children gather around (with Dory) in the middle, and when Marlin, voiced by Albert Brooks, was convinced to tell about his tale to that point - Dory looks around and says something like, "Oh, this will be good" I almost died laughing there.[/spoiler] One of my favorite characters was Jaques from the fish tank. When Willam Defoe's character (forget his name)[spoiler] decided a plan to escape, he tells Jaques (the Crawfish, right?) not to clean, and he replies - with his French accent - "I shall resist!" . . lol, and later when he sees Jaques trying to clean the tank, Jaques turns around with scum all over his lips, and drops his head saying, "I am ashamed" [/spoiler] [/SIZE][/color][/font]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, I have been off the boards for a while, so I am sorry to say that I probably wouldn't have been able to put up a post on the boards about the NHL finals. In addition, with Detroit losing in the opening round, I especially wouldn't have been in any rush to start a topic. (I was REALLY dissapointed by their playoff bouts -- and yes, I know that the Duck's goalie did brilliant). That being said, as sorry as I am about the Red Wings not making it in a sport that I really love, I wasn't even close to be thrilled with the Pistons. Although they did much better then the Wings, I am not that big of a fan of Basketball -_- I used to be huge into it when the greats played, but now, I am so out of the loop that I wouldn't be able to get in if I tried. *shrug* Anyways, rock on San Antonio, have a few friends that were happy that they won, so that is always good. I am especially happy that the L.A. Lakers didn't make it. They needed to get knocked out and I suppose it's just too bad that it won't make that much of a difference in their pocketbooks or their egos. That's just me though ^_^ I will shut up now. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . let's see now. If the Matrix was real, and I was a part of it, I would be pretty upset. Simply put, no way would I let any of those programmers still be in existance. Artificial Intelligence or not, no way would I still be single. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]While I have a few ideas in my head, I can at least tell you that I would hire many of you as cabinet members =) I honestly would be too terrified to be the President, simply for the fact that while I have a lot of good ideas, I wouldn't want to make any mistakes. -- Now, it's not like taking risks isn't part of being someone that high of a roll, but seriously, it's always a lot easier to say things then it is to actually go through with them. -- You see the good, because the people that aren't as blessed as most would benefit, but how do you know that you aren't messing with someone elses life? I am not the most intelligent person in the world, and I think I would be scared to have that sort of power at my fingertips. . All that being said, the first thing I would do as President would be to invent a time machine and kill the person who invented remote controls (the first reason that people got to be lazy). . wait, can we change the President to just a really smart scientist? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have come and gone on the boards a bit, mostly because of time constraints (i.e. - job, school, or WAY too busy to get online), and I have even served as a mod (Nintendo forum, very long time ago. . wouldn't be surprised if no one remembers me *cough*). Anyways, my whole time here, I have never had a problem following the rules, and am actually quite surprised when people take offense to what some other person (who, might I add, you have probably never even seen, nor really gotten to know), and can just rant and rave a three paragraph sentence about that person, calling him everyword in the book, and then making a few up. I think the rules are fine just how they are. As for people crossing the line and thinking that they are being treated unfair, that is human nature. Just like off the net, when you get into an argument, and an adult/peer breaks it up, the last thing most people think was that they were treated fair, and deserved what was coming to them. *shrug* That's what makes humans great =) Anyways, I hope these boards keep on rocking along, and if anything, I really hope that people learn to lighten up and just take it easy. Sure it is easy to vent to a bunch of names (and not faces), but the names also come with personalities and feelings, and when most people start to realize that, I would hope that levels of emotions wouldn't be displayed when they aren't warrented, saving the mods the trouble from being the 'bad guys' on the boards. *sigh* I will shut up now. . .[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . I have a lot of favorite things about the net. Of course, my favorite would be getting to know some of the great people I have through AIM, the OtakuBoards, and through some other sources ^_^ I wouldn't trade most of the friends I have met for anything. Another favorite of mine is the ability to download songs, videos, games, etc. I have never really been big into music, but I have become a lot more into it due to the computer. Music sites and downloads. . all that and more. I still know nothing about music, but I love it *shrug* Ya ya, I'm an idiot. Umm. . I suppose the last favorite thing about the internet is the ability to play online games. Not only have me and my good friends been able to duke it out over a wide variety of games, but like the first reason up there, it's a great way to meet new people =) I guess there are more things that I am thankful for, but for now, these are my favorites =P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, I have to admit that I am a HUGE Detroit Red Wings fan. . . I am very dissapointed in the way their season had to end. . losing to the Ducks as bad as they did. I am happy that the [SPOILER]Ducks[/SPOILER] went as far as they did, since it is always better to lose to the guys who go as far as they did. -_- Anyways, I am so very happy that the [SPOILER]Devils[/SPOILER] won the Cup! I was almost flipping out when [SPOILER]the Ducks took it to game seven[/SPOILER]. . that was messed up *still shaking* Well. . sad that Detroit didn't get there, but, happy that you know who didn't win it all! =) I am a mean person *ducks flying objects*
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I really enjoyed that scene too Semjaza - I think it worked a lot better, because [SPOILER]Sy seemed just as stunned as the audience was about them just talking to him as casually as they were =) [/SPOILER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, depends on what type of movie goer you are. If you are in the mood to make her smile and laugh, while still getting a kick yourself, then I would suggest Finding Nemo or Bruce Almighty - Both are very funny! If you are in the mood for something more exciting, and don't mind having her fascinate about some of the stars on the screen, then take her to 2 Fast 2 Furious - It is probably one of the more action packed movies out there. This will probably be a movie more suited for males though, as most (NOT ALL) women aren't big into cars and racing. (again, I stated that not all women are into this, so please don't spam saying how much you DO in fact love racing and cars. . that wasn't my point at all!) Anyways, if she really doesn't have a preference, then go to a movie that you are going to be comfortable with. Make it something that you have been wanting to see. Ask her what she thinks of it, and judge your decision on her response. Just a thought~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well. . I will be honest here. First impressions don't mean as much to me as most people think they should -_- umm, ya? Most people try really hard to make a first impression. The problem is, nervousness and anxiety tend to play such a big part in meeting new people, that they tend to only base their idea of the person off that one meeting. It's pretty sad. I think I used to base most of my impressions off the first. . but now, I tend to give people a few chances to get to know. I don't like the idea that if someone tries to hard that it should be held against them. That's all. . *shuts up* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, I am not too sure if I am thinking the same 'errors' that you are thinking. . but in my opinion, there are a ton of them out there. Especially early in the series, they love to put new or different meanings for the card. I could list quite a few, but there really isn't a point to it, I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about. An example of what I am talking about would be when Bandit Keith (controlled by Marik) was dueling Yugi - He used Solemn Judgement to reverse a spell back at Yugi? (something like that). . There is usually a few mess ups like this in every show. It's just there to add to the drama of each duel. I mean, some of these duels last two or three episodes. It's how they sell the show. They leave you hanging, and wondering what is going to happen next. Crimson - the type of errors you are talking about, I have seen a couple, and like Agatio stated, the animators can't catch everything. . Sometimes they have to re-use footage that they have, so that they don't have to waste more money for more of it. It's pretty common with animated series (points to G.I. Joe). *shrug* Oh well, just my thoughts =)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]There are WAY too many good comedies to have it ruled down to just one or two. . In terms of classic goofiness - Airplane(both), Animal House, the Naked Guns. . those are some of my favorites there. . I also enjoy eightys/early ninties - Beverly Hills Cop series, Fletch/Fletch Lives, Caddyshack. . More on recent years movies - Bad Boys, Saving Silverman, Payback(comedy to me),Keeping the Faith, Super Troopers(great movie!), almost anything by Adam Sandler and Kevin Smith
  19. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I really enjoyed this movie. I really like Robin Williams in more serious roles. Insomnia and One Hour Photo are two excellent movies that show how versitile he can really be (Yes, I know that he has been in a lot more serious movies then this, but my friend brought both over a few weeks ago, so those are the freshest on my mind). I think my favorite part of the movie was [SPOILER]when Sy was standing in the middle in the aisle in the store he worked at - everything was clean and nice, the aisles were all perfect - And when the camera closed in on Sy's face, his eyes opened and blood just poored out. . it was an amazing scene.[/SPOILER] Also, watching the behind the scenes, it showed that they had everything's color done in a very drab look and matched Williams' character so that he 'blended' in with everything. . It was pretty cool hearing about that.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink][b]*Possible Spoilers[/b] Am I the only one who really loved the sex scene? ::mummers of "Pervert." are heard:: :p I seriously thought that that particular scene showed the extent of inner turmoil Neo was going through at the time. He and Trinity hadn't had a chance to have sex for [i]weeks[/i] and yet he still couldn't even enjoy it because of his vision of Trinity's death. [That would suck, wouldn't it?] I think that scene, while maybe not entirely needed, fit really well. I loved loved [i]loved[/i] it, it was probably the one element that prevented me from falling asleep in the theater ^_^;[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I totally agree with you. I had a post earlier stating why I thought it made a lot of sense to be put in the movie. I do have to say, I only gave it one 'loved' out of three *ducks* It had it's purpose in the movie, as well as the whole rave scene. btw - Syk3, thanks for the imput on the Oracle. I really need to play that game >_< I figured they would come up with some sort of story like that if Gloria Foster wasn't going to be in the third movie at all. Also, a lot of what you said in your post, me and my brother have come to a lot of the similar ideas. Some of what you said, we have talked about basically word for word, while others, only slight variations on. I was curious about something. . How many people dressed up for the movie? I did not (any of the times I went to this movie), but the thought crossed my mind that it would be interesting. I think it would be even more interesting to get a bunch of people to dress up 'Matrix' style and go see Finding Nemo or something to that effect =) [/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Tom Cruise's movies are sort of a rollercoaster in my opinion. Some are really good, others are really bad. . He seemes a bit of a skitish(that's a word right? . . maybe I am spelling it wrong?) actor, and I just hope this is one of his better movies. From the storyline everyone above has mentioned, it looks interesting, and I will be looking forward to seeing it. It is looking like it will be an epic type of movie (see We Were Soldiers, Braveheart, etc.). The costumes are great, and some of the scenes look absolutely astounding. I will definitely be seeing this opening day, no doubt about it. *nods* Time will tell how good the storyline and acting is though =P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Spoiler tags are fun (ya. . so I didn't even know how to do it when I first posted in here. . had to edit my own post with it) =P I suppose the greatest thing about the movie is that it makes everyone think. It shows that they are doing their job right if no one really knows what is going on. It's whole purpose is to make you want to come back for the final movie (ok, that's not really the 'whole' purpose. . ). ^_^ I wanted to talk about a few things that I was thinking about: [SPOILER]In the resteraunt scene, as Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus enter, a man is escorted away from the table. Now, they took the time to show Neo's face follow the man off, and go back to the man turning to look at the new party entering the room. I am very curious to see if this is someone who will make a more grand entrance in the next movie, or if he was just . . there? Another thing I noticed was that when Trinity jumped out of the window, chased by the Agent - a couple bullets passed through the Agent. That makes me think why there weren't as many guns being used in this movie. Sure, Neo is The One, so for him, they are pretty useless, and of course the bad guys have a ton of guns, since Humans can still be killed easily. . but Trinity and Morpheus were really only using hand guns. Just something I was wondering about ^_^ I also wanted to end with a little bit of the discussion about the Oracle being the 'mother' of the Matrix. I am slightly beside my self on what I think now. Sitting at work, playing scenes of the movie over and over in my head again (Trust me, that is all I do at work. . well, almost). Anyways ^_^ a few good points I thought about that would swing me in the direction of seeing her as the Matrix's 'mother' First - Seraph (the Oracle's protector) told Neo that he "protects that which is most precious" That to me thinks he is protecting someone a little more important then a 'fortune teller' =P Second - The role of a mother is usually to take care of her children right? Well. . I can't think of anyone closer to that then the Oracle, guiding and watching over all the Humans. She set in motion Morpheus' search for the One, Trinity's search for her true love (also, the One), and indirectly helped Neo to realize realize that he was - yup, once again - the One. Those are some pretty strong points in my opinion, and though I still believe that she isn't going to be the 'mother', I can definitely picture her in that role. On a sad note, Gloria Foster (the Oracle) passed away a few years ago (2001). I was surprised to read that, but thought, well, they could have just recorded her scenes earlier. . but now, I am curious what amount of time she will be in the final movie, if she even will be. I would hope that they got the scenes with her, instead of getting replaced (though, as it is a computer program, it would be easy enough to say she was just 'updated' or 'upgraded'. . or what not).[/SPOILER] Oh well. . I will probably end up watching the movie once or twice more this weekend. . I found a few friends who still haven't seen the movie. With me, that just won't do -_- [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . I don't really get scared at movies. . I mean, I think everyone has moments that they jump in a movie, but that is because they plan it that way. . half the stuff isn't even remotely scary, but because it just pops out at you, you jump. . I don't really count that as being scared *shrug* The absolute scariest movie that I have ever seen would be: Arachnaphobia. . . I was messed up for weeks on end. I watched it when it first came out to video (like. . when I was 8ish?). . I couldn't get to sleep under my covers, cause I thought there would be spiders at the end of the bed, trying to bite my feet. . *shudders*. . Least I am over that *looks down at feet*. . yikes. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]The CD is great. I enjoy listening to the first CD while driving down the road, and the second is great for kicking back after a day of work. . yes, I did feel like sharing that with everyone ^_^ After watching both movies as many times that I have, the one problem that I face is that I can't concentrate on any other thoughts besides the movie. Scenes keep playing over and over in my head, so if you have seen the movie a few times, and want to keep watching it away from the theater, get the CD =) lol, rock on! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I think my favorite part of the series was just the opening tryouts. That being said, I wasn't ever planning on watching the show again, save for one reason - Clay Aiken - I don't exactly remember the song that he sang, but it was amazing! I have missed quite a few shows since that time, but seeing that Clay is still in it, I decided to record the show to watch when I get back from work. I watched tonights episode, and was still amazed at how great of a singer Clay is. Simon made a comment about how handsome the show had made Clay, and when I watched the clips from his first appearance to now, I definitely have to agree. I have no comment on his sexual preference, that's his choice, not America's. Rock on Clay, and hope you win! =P Though, at this point - both Clay and Ruben will make it. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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