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Everything posted by Lt.Zero

  1. [COLOR="Navy"]In most cases, I usually fall asleep at around eleven or so. After watching Southpark on Comedy Central that is :D[/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE](Or fill up super-soakers?!)[/QUOTE] [COLOR="navy"]That's a great idea. I told my friends about it and I got two to go along with it. There gonna go around from the sides of the building with super soakers and juggalo faces.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I wouldn't recommend throwing it in the crowd, that'd be scary if people got confused.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I was actually thinking of doing that ( also putting a little spin on it to get some better range) and I hadn't thought of the confusion that it would cause. Thanks for advising against it. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and help. If any one has more, don't be shy. Share with 'em with a juggalo :animesmil[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Navy"]Hi everybody. I need some help real quick. I have a plan for the last day of school which includes me painting my face like ICP, dying my hair blue, getting on top of the school's roof, and spraying soda over everyone. But I have a problem. I'm not sure which method is best to get soda to fizz up and spray the farthest. My friends say to put Mentos in a 2-liter of Pepsi. But does it matter what brand of soda I use? Or do my friends not know what they're talking about all-together? Please, any suggestions?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Navy"]In my history class we recently had to remake the 'TWas the Night Before Christmas' poem with an event from U.S. history. So I thought it might be fun if the people in the good old OB created something like it in a comical form one stanza at a time. The rules are simple. 1. Only post one stanza. 2. Each stanza has to be four lines and has to ryhmn. 3. Each post has to correspond in some way to the last. If you want to post, have fun. If not, oh well.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="Navy"]Well I think that the mass majority of people would agree that Christopher was no man of honor. Anyways I fiqureured out how to get the poll thing up (Thanks SunfallE) so go crazy with the poll...um...polling? Is that it? Anyways, feel free to vote on the poll.[/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Aceburner']This thread is in need of a poll. Like nobody's frickin' business.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]How would I go about adding a poll to this thread?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Navy"]No doubt about that in my mind, Retribution. However, there are still alot of people who find ways to justify his actions.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Navy"]Recently we did a report about our opinions on Christopher Columbus in school talking about whether we thought he was either; A) A 'Hero'. or B) A 'Villian'. So I was wandering where you lot stand on whether he was a hero or a villian (for the lack of better terms). So please tell you're opinion and why. The way part of course being details supporting you're view point.[/COLOR]
  9. I need help help with a part in Till the End of Time. I'm at the part where I just defeated the boss in the cave after Nel saves Fayt and Cliff. I'm trying to get out of the caverns. I can't fiqure out the path to take with the haulers. Can any one help?
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Pie is freakin [B]AWESOME[/B]! I don't know where the world would be without the invention of pie...it's kinda scary to think of life without pie... [/COLOR] :animestun
  11. [COLOR=Navy]I'd go Wild West with two twin 45 Magnum Revolvers. They got enough power to blow someone's head to bits, easy to carry since they're compact, and they've always looked cool to me.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]My freind Jeffery has been writing a story lately and has been asking me and his other freinds for opinions and criticism. I suggested that he let me post his story on the OB and he was all for it. So far he's got three chapters finished. All of the chapters are really short. So here are the fineshed chapters. Please tell me what you think.[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][I][U][COLOR=DarkRed]Chapter 1.[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy]There were many trees there. All of them bare, stripped of their leaves by the cold of past weeks. The branches stretching out with limbs reaching out for the blood red sky. The wind was cold and unforgiving. It was winter. A winter not cold enough for snow to fall and cushion the ground, but still cold enough for the wind to chill your bones to the marrow. At least I think that was what made it so cold outside...or...maybe it was just that place. That cold, dead, place. I had been there for hours and not seen a single sign of life. The bushes had left without leaving a trace (or, maybe they were never here to begin with), the leaves that fell from the trees up high had left with the December winds, and the earth beneath my feet was dry and cracked. I shook my head to rid myself of paranoia and quickened my pace. I had to get out of there. If I didn't, then I would surely die. Not even nine years in the army had prepared me for this. This thought merely caused more paranoia. The army had prepared me for everything in my life. Because of the army I have always been able to conquer everything that came my way...Every natural thing anyway...That's what's so disturbing...What was that place? And what created it? It surely wasn't a work of God. She would never create something that terrible...Was it Satan? No. Couldn't be. Not even Satan could create something so forsaking. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted and I was stopped dead in my tracks. I lost my balance and toppled onto my back, my skull colliding with the harsh ground. Everything started to get dark and I passed out.[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][I][U][COLOR=DarkRed]Chapter 2.[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy]I sat up and felt the back of my head. There was a warm liquid that was ubdoubtly blood. The blood wasn't flowing from the wound and there was very little there to be found so I paid no mind to it. I looked up and saw that I had run into a tree. I had become so wrapped up in my thoughts that I had forgotten to look where I was going. I heard the caw of a bird. I looked up and found myself staring at a raven. As I got to my feet the raven lept from it's perch and started to fly away. [I]A raven?[/I] I thought t myself, [I][COLOR=Green]Where is it going?[/COLOR][/I] A voice in my head. Strange. [B]"I'm not sure."[/B] I replied to the voice. [B]"It might be going back to it's nest."[/B] [I][COLOR=Green]And where it's nest is, there's probably more life. That means food. And water.[/COLOR][/I] With these thoughts in mind, I began to chase the raven. As I ran, the woods began to thicken. I burst into a sprint. But as I ran, it became harder to follow the raven. The sky was becoming blotted out by the criss-crossing branches. There were also branches lower to the ground now which made it difficult to continue forward. I soon lost sight of the raven and silently cursed myself. Not only was the raven gone, but I was now more lost than before. Although the raven was gone from sight, I continued to run. I supposed it was because I began to panic. I had never really panicked before. I was always a rather mellow person. That was another eiry part of that place. What was it that could make such a neutral man as myself break into a panic? I ran faster. As I ran, my foot struck an ejecting root and I fell to the ground. As I was falling, I held out my arm to make an attempt at breaking my fall. As I landed, I heard a wet, sickening crack as my wrist broke under my weight. I blinked away a tear of pain that had found it's way into my eye. I got up and, clutching my broken wrist, began to walk forward making sure not to trip again. After what couldn't be either more nor less then a half hour, I broke free of the forest and came to a clearing.[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][I][U][COLOR=DarkRed]Chapter 3.[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy]In the clearing was a house. It was a large house. Most likely of the Victorian Era. Very old. It was made of wood that was an eiry gray with black roofing. The entire perimeter of the house was closed off by a fence. [I][COLOR=Green]You shouldn't go in there.[/COLOR][/I] [B]"What do you know?"[/B] [I][COLOR=Green]I know that you're afraid.[/COLOR][/I] [B]"I'm not afraid."[/B] I said. I knew it was a lie. Apparently so did the voice.[B]"Besides, if I stay out here I'll die."[/B] [I][COLOR=Green]What ever you need to tell your self.[/COLOR][/I] [B]"SHUT UP!"[/B] I shouted. [I][COLOR=Green]You're the one shouting into thin air. Not me.[/COLOR][/I] Ignoring the voice I moved forward. The gate swung open from a simple nudge. I walked up the stone walk, up the stairs, and, with my good hand, opened the door. Luckily the door wasn't locked and it swung open as soon as I turned the knob. I stepped inside the house and saw and the interior was just as disturbing as the exterior of the house. [I][COLOR=Green]Are you sure about this?[/COLOR][/I] [B]"I thought I told you to shut up."[/B] [I][COLOR=Green]I'm just keeping your best interest in mind.[/COLOR][/I] [B]"I don't need your help, thanks."[/B] [I][COLOR=Green]It seems to me that you need all the help you can get.[/COLOR][/I] [B]"Well I don't. So shut up."[/B] I moved forward. I entered a dining room. In the dining room there was a brass chandelier hanging proudly above an old Victorian dinner table. It was a fairly large table. One chair stood on each end of the table with three seats spaced evenly apart on either side. As I approached the table I heard the voice again. It spoke a single word. [I][COLOR=Green]Move.[/COLOR][/I] At the sound of the voice I took a few steps back and twisted my torso so that my arm was sheltering my head and my face was the opposite direction of the table. As I did this I heard a great crash from where the table was. I looked at the scene of the crash and saw that the table had been demolished by the chandelier. [I][COLOR=Green]What is that?[/COLOR][/I] The voice inquired. I looked up and saw something black floating down from the ceiling. As it got closer I could see that it was a single feather from the raven.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][I]Dammit,[/I] Zane thought to himself as he moved up in line, [I]This armor's gonna hold me back when it comes time for the obstacle course...Same goes for when it's my turn to shoot the arrows. I could probably take off the gauntlets while I shoot. But that still leaves the problem of the obstacle course...Damn...Well I could probably use teleport every now and then...But that takes up alot of energy...And it doesn't get me that far anyways...I could use my wings...But then again this armor was designed to help restrain my father's powers...There's no telling what'll happen if I use them...Ok, I will use the demon powers...I'll have to if I want to win this thing...But only as a last resort.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]It was now Zane's turn to shoot the arrows. He took off his gauntlets and set them by his feet. As he did this, he caught a glimpse of his nails. They had become longer and claw like. [I]Interesting,[/I] he thought, [I]It would appear that I have been in less control than I was led to beleive.[/I] He cracked his nuckles and the nails returned to normal. He picked up the bow and arrow and took aim. Suddenly his eyes illuminated as if fireflys had awoken behind his dark green iris. He blinked hard to get rid of the demonic trait. As he did so, he accidently let go of his arrow and it went flying past the target, missing it by at least a foot. [I]Damn![/I] There were boos, hisses, and taunting laughs coming from the audience. Ignoring this, he picked up another arrow, took aim, and shot. This time it hit a red ring. There were more boos and laughs. He picked up the third arrow, loaded it into the bow, and took aim. His nails grew long and his irises began to glow. The arrow was shot, and it hit bulls eye. Zane blinked hard and was once again returned to his human state. He put his gauntlets on and began to walk to the benches. Akari stuck her arm out to the side catching Zane in the chest.[B]"There is something evil about you."[/B] She whispered. [B]"I know."[/B] Zane replied and pushed past her to get to the benches.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy]I agree with Kenshin DX. All of us teenage boys are, without a doubt, self conscience, hyperactive, jack-assess. And it would be best to wait a little while. I also agree with the people that said that if he only pays attention to you when you give him stuff, then he's not worth your time.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][B]"BEGIN!"[/B] the judge shouted. Everyone started running towards who they thought would be easiest to take down,[B]"And so it begins."[/B] Zane whispered to himself. Out of the cornrer of his eye, Zane saw a man running towards him and couldn't help but to laugh a little. Zane stepped back one pace, and held his leg out tripping the man. [B]"CONTESTANT 134, OUT!"[/B] the judge said. [I]This is gonna be easier than I expected.[/I] Zane thought to himself. He ran out into the middle of the ring to try and get out more competeters. There he saw the witch that had talked to him last night after he had signed up. Behind her there was someone running up to her. He darted past her and closelined the other guy. [B]"Thanks."[/B] she said. They were now standing back to back in case anyone tryed to sneak up on either one of them. [B]"Yeah no problem."[/B] Zane replied. [B]"I never caught your name."[/B] [B]"It's Akari.[/B]" She said. [B]"Nice name. So how are you holding out?" "Decent. I could use some help though. Some of these people are pretty brutal." "Agreed. How 'bout this. We watch each others backs? If I see that you're in trouble, I help you out. If you see that I'm in trouble, you help me out. Sound fair?" "Are you really willing to make an alliance with a witch?" "I see no differences between the two of us. All races share the same air, earth, and sky right? So there should be no problem. What da ya say? Partners?" "Sounds decent...You gotta deal."[/B][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]As Zane was traveling, he entered a new town. Streets were busy, markets adn inns were full, adn all around people were hurrying to get to were they needed to be. Zane walked aroun for a little while until he saw a remote pub. He entered the pub and Sat down at the bar.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]"What'll it be?" [/B] The bar tender asked. [B]"Something cold. Doesn't matter what."[/B] Zane replied. The bar tender came back with the drink and placed it on the table. Zane nodded in thanks. After taking a few sips from his drink, he asked the bar tender whre he might be able to get some gold and a room. [B]"Well as for the room, I got an empty one upstairs for two gold per night. You'll have to get your own fire, water, and food. And the gold, all the jobs in this town are pretty much taken." [/B] The bar thender replied. [B]"Are you sure that there aren't any open positions?" "Well there is the Alabater Cup." "What's that?" "You mean to tell me that you've never heard of the Alabaster Cup?" "Can't say that I have." "Well sir, it's only the single most popular tournament this side fo the sea. It involves archery, jousting, fighting, and a large sum of gold. If you win that is. Midn you, it's mighty dangerous. Lethal even."[/B] Zane was silent for a moment. Then he asked[B]:"And where might one sign up for this 'Alabaster Cup'?"[/B] [B]"Duke?s Mansion Estate, sir." "I see. Well I'd like to book a room. But you may have to wait until after I win the tournament until I can pay you in full. Is that alright?" "Yes sir. I'll pu it all on a tab. Including that drink of yours." "Much abliged. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go to the Duke's Mansion Estate."[/B]With that Zane stood up, and exited out the back door.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Once outside, Zane found himself in an alleway. He looked to his side and saw three men standing in a semi-circle kicking and stepping on something. Zane walked up to the three men. [B]"What exactly is going on here?" [/B] He asked. The men stopped what they were doing and turned to face Zane. The one in the middle was the first to speak. Apparently this one was there leader[B]."This ere's an elf."[/B] He said, stepping aside to show Zane. [B]"I see,"[/B]Zane said.[B]"And why, might I ask are you attacking this elf?"[/B] [B]"His kind ain't got no right to be 'ere."[/B] The left one spoke up. [B]"Yeah. These are human parts."[/B] The first one agreed. Zane stared at the leader for a few moments. Then, with two fingers pointed outward, he struck the man in his Adam's Apple. The man fell to his knees, holding his throat, and gasping for breath. Zane hit him in the bridge of his nose with his kneecap. The leader fell over and rolled onto the ground. The second one lashed out at Zane with his fist but Zane ducked, grabbed the man's arm, and pulled it over his head sending the man hurling onto the ground to land beside his leader. The third man, having witnessed all of this, ran. Zane turned to the elf, and offered him his hand. The elf accepted it reluctantley, and Zane helped him to his feet.[B]"Are you going to be alright?"[/B] Zane asked. [B]"Yeah. I should be good." "We should get you to a hospital." "No, it's alright. Really. My family has many things to help treat wounds and injuries" "Alright. Well, take care of yourself."[/B] Zane said. And with that, he left to go find Duke's Mansion Estate.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]OOC:[/B] PM me if you want me to change anything.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Zane [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Race:[/B] Human. Slicked back white hair, green eyes, shiny black armor, and two giant raven wings that can come out of his back. [B]Weapons:[/B] A sword. [B]Magic talents:[/B] Fire explosion (creates a semi-sphere around the user) and teleport. [B]Personality:[/B] Kinda sarcastic. Rather serious. He hates discrimination more than anything. [B]Bio:[/B] He is a wanderer. He was passing through the town when he heard of the tournament. Once he learned that there would be a cash prize, he decided to join.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy]A quote that my math teacher last year would use. "Nike, just do it." True, it was originally created by a major industry, but still, it's a pretty cool quote.[/COLOR]
  19. I have a rather large collection of qoutes. Usually, when I run across a quote that I like, I write it down so I can put it on my computer. This is my collection so far. [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wise men choose death before war. Wiser men choose not to be born at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An eye for an eye, leaves the world blind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fear is like anger. It keeps feeding itself. And then, eventually, it gets you to feed it. And you just have to stop it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bodies on the pile gather, even as the flowers on the graves wither. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A drowning man knows not the vastness of the ocean, only it's depth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fight fire with fire, and the whole world will be up in smoke. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny days wouldn't be special, if it wasn't for rain. And joy wouldn't feel good, if it wasn't for pain. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would choose wisdom over youth any day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fear does not need a door, nor a window. It works from the inside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We make war, that we may live in peace. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing's never easy when you're concerned. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunt as a pack, or die like a dog. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no victory in battle worth the blood it costs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vision?! What do you know about my vision? My vision would turn your world upside down, tear asunder you illusions, and bring the sanctuary of your own ignorance crashing down around you. Now ask yourself. Are you really ready to see that vision? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- War remains the decisive human failure. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- War is an eternity jammed into frantic moments that will fill a life with dreams and nightmares.[/B]
  20. I enjoy finding new new quotes throught the day. I was just wondering if anyone on the OB new any good quotes. If you do, please post the quotes.
  21. [QUOTE=Dodeca][SIZE=1]Oh, the first one, naturally. All through high school I had a habit of never doing homework, and I got through just fine. Sort of... And since I love my sleep oh so much, it couldn't be the second one. Not ever. Would you rather... Lose control of your body, and become stuck in a perpetual 'YMCA' dance. Or Lose control of your body, and become stuck in a perpetual Forest Gump-esque run around the world.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Wow...um...I think that I would have to go with the Forest Gump run. Forest Gump was one of the coolest movies ever. And I hate the YMCA and it's dance of doom. Ok, my turn to give the choices. Would you rather, A: Be forced to watch Barney for two months straight? Or B: Be forced to watch Dragon Tales for two months straight?[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][I]Heaven? Oh yeah, the war.[/I]Thought Zane to himself. [B]"So this is Heaven?"[/B] Zane asked Katsura. [B]"That's right. You died and so now you're in heaven."[/B]Katsura replied. [B]"So what were you saying about half breeds?"[/B] Zane asked. Katsura explained about the demons, angels, and the half breed name Mahiru. She explained about how Mahiru had died in a war and the two races of demons and angles had died until Mahiru's spirit had entered Katsura's body when she died in a plane crash. [I]"So now, you and I are both half breeds?"[/I] Zane asked. [I]"You are correct."[/I] replied Katsura.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy][B]"Gonna be late, gonna be late..."[/B] Zane murmed to himself as he ran to reach his school before the final bell rang. Just as he was started to climb the steps to his school however, the final bell rang and the assistant principle locked the front doors. [B]"Let me in."[/B] Zane said. The A.P. smiled and held her hand to her ear to indicate that she couldn't hear him. [I]Damn, the teachers here are jackasses,[/I] Zane thought as he pointed to the lock on the door. The A.P. smiled again and walked away. [B]"Shit."[/B] He swore under his breath. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]He walked to the back of the school where the track was located and where there were many people lined up in front of the coach getting ready for the tests that they were required to do monthly (running, climbing, balancing, ect.). [I]Perfect,[/I] Zane thought to himself, [I]now all I have to do is wait for this class to end without getting caught, and I can sneak into the crowd and get to my next class on time.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Surprisingly enough, his plan actually worked. He was amazed at the sudden change of pace as he went to his locker. However, as he turned the corner, he found some of the jocs waiting for him. Among them was the football team's quater back, Scott. Scott weighed well over two hundred pounds and was at least six feet tall. Only being five foot three and weighing only nintey some-odd pounds, Zane felt like an insect standing before a giant. [B]"And to what do I owe this pleasure?"[/B] Zane asked being his usual smart-ass self. [B]"Money."[/B] Scott said in his thick Irish accent. [B]"We've been through this before, I don't have any money. I don't even have a house."[/B] [B]"So how do you get lunch everyday?"[/B] one of Scott's lackies asked. [B]"The principle decided to be a half-way decent person and cut me a break." [/B] Zane started to walk away, but, sadly, nothing is ever that simple. Zane barely arrived to class on time. Even still, he had a bloody nose and a black eye. And he was in such a hurry to get to class, he grabbed the wrong books by mistake. The teacher paid no attention to the fact that he was bleading, of course, and merely scolded him for not having the propper books. Even when he later asked to go to the school nurse, the teacher said that he had no reason to visit the nurse and continued with the lesson.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]After school, he was finally able to relax a bit. He walked over town trying to find some kind of a job. While in one of the stores that were hiring, he heard some kids talking about a program called LR. It sounded interesting so he decided that he would evesdrop for a little while before applying for a job.[/COLOR]
  24. OOC: Thanks for giving me the part True Angel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Navy]Name: Zane (Special character) Age: 19 When and how you died: October-29-3228. Died after being stabbed in the head in a war. Appearance:[/COLOR] [URL=http://moecon.net/gallery/drakengard-caim.jpg][B]Click here.[/B][/URL] [COLOR=Navy]Yes that is his sword, and no he does not always have the blood on him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Race: Both Bio: His sword was a gift from his father. Since he was a young child, Zane idolized his gentle father and longed to fight strongly and bravely in battle beside him. But the dark shadow of an enemy country fell over their peaceful town. His father was attempting to hold back the enemies. "Zane! Take your sister and run!" So ordered Zane's father. But even before Zane was able to answer, his parents were slain before his very eyes. Clutching the sword that was a gift from his father, Zane swore upon it revenge for the loss of his town and the murder of his parents. Even now, an unqeunchable rage still fills his heart. Weapon: Just a plain broad sword. Weighing in about 2.2kg, fine point and edge, made of steel, with moderate reach. Has a good balance of weight and power making it easy to weild. Magic: Fire and Ice[/COLOR]
  25. Name: Zane Age: 17 Gender: Male Sports or Clubs: Soccer High School: Orange Park High Personality: Although he hates the world, he prefers not to let it show. He's rather sarcastic and enjoys a good game of soccer. Appearance: [URL=http://www.fullmetal-alchemist.us/images/Edward%20Wallpaper.gif][COLOR=Navy]CLICK HERE![/COLOR][/URL] Bio: His mother died when he was born. His father taught him how to play soccer and Zane picked it up instantley. Then his father went to war when he was twelve. From then he lived with his great aunt and uncle until he was 14 when they died from a deadly virus. From there he lived in an orphanage until he was 15. After that, he ran away and is now living in Orange Park. He then started attending Orange Park High to avoid trouble with the authorities. At O.P.H., he was exiled by the other students and only finds joy when playing soccer at the local feild. He found out about LR after hearing some other kids talking about it after school.
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