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the Samaruimist

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About the Samaruimist

  • Birthday 10/30/1992

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  1. My favorite color is black and i can't say why
  2. Gumdam wing, naruto,salior moon all the old show when toonami came on mon-fri 5:00p.m-7:00 p.m that was a great time for t.v,cartoonnetwork,and all toonami fan all over the world.
  3. Big O, Wolf rain, S-cry-ed,full metal alchemist,this confused me because of the twister they all have like s-cry-ed the ending left me with question like what happen did [spoiler]they win or did the main land.[/spoiler]Big O, what happen to the city did they [spoiler]rebuild or not.[/spoiler] wolf rain,[spoiler]why did they kill everyone (not EVERYONE)[/spoiler]and my favorite person.finally full metal alchemist, did they [spoiler]find each other again?[/spoiler]I like to know all of the question. :animesigh [INDENT] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][B]the Samaruimist[/B],I have added spoiler tags to your post. Please do not assume that everyone is familiar with a paticular anime. To avoid revealing what happens to someone who has yet to see it, always use spoiler tags when including key plot elements. For easy instructions on how to use them just look here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]Spoiler Tags[/URL] If you have any questions please pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  4. I don't live by the laws of t.v. I have my own alcheme water control like the flame alchemist i can make water out of anywhere but i have no tranmutantion circle.it be so cool have the use of alcheme man i can fight my brother with alcheme.also my name be ''the hydra alchemist''.for the people who don't know what a hydra is a water serpent that live in the deep sea - greek mythology
  5. inuyasha's abiliby to smell,kagome abiliby to see the jewel,sakaues suringan eye,naruto's iner demon,and my own power i made the abiliby to make & control water because of all the move i could have fused with all of them i be unstoppable. my water power is very hard to get a first but i'll give you a run down i can make anything out of water it be so cool picture i making wings pop out of your back and fly and have a super fist like kazuma on S-cry-ed.
  6. S-cry-ed is my favorite show and the ending didn't make sense.I really need to know what happen to all of them.who won the mainland or the lost ground.well i can find a ending but for now i :alcohol: than :drunk: have :2women:than :rotflmao:than :sick:than :alcohol: again
  7. Have ever show a show and ask yourseif "why am i watching this" :animestun :animeknow [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]Samaruimist, I merged your thread with the current "What makes us like anime?" thread since they're so similar. Please be sure to look around a bit more before creating new threads. The thread that you may want to create may already exist. ^^ Also, we do expect a little more in most first posts than what you have provided. At Otakuboards, especially in the Anime Lounge, we encourage conversation and discourage short spammy posts. This is especially true for the first post in a thread. Make sure that in the future you include proper grammar and spelling, as well as more content than what you have. One way to do this is to maybe answer your own question and give your reasons. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -Arvi[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. well not to make you mad but does he really like you maybe he may still have feeling her and you need to prove it. if you see her show her you like this guy and he likes you.but if that dosen't work and she trys something stay cool to prove you can keep your cool. also if he can have that happen maybe you need to move on( tell him the plan). :D
  9. that is hard for me because i'm a Final Fantasy fan and a kingdom heart fan. i say kingdom hearts because it over boarder it horazion.the game has my favorite diseny people and Final Fantasy. :animestun
  10. well i can't give a corrcet date of relaese because i get game magazies(Game pro,elecrict gaming).they say one is in may or march and i can not tell a accrauy one (both 2006).
  11. I really do not have a ideal girl right now.but I think it be kagome fusion with sango. :animeswea
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