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Everything posted by Papa Smurf
I've already recruited Charles and Alec (Final Remix) to go with me on Friday, and I'm going to finnagle a few more of my buddies (the guys Charles and I play GoldenEye with every Friday night usually) to go as well. Should be good times. At first I wasn't interested in the movie at all. Then I realized it had Samuel L. Jackson, a plane, and snakes. Then I saw that it would be good (to make fun of) and thus, I saw the light. I can't wait for this ****. Charles is worried it'll be disappointing by turning out to be a good movie. lol
[QUOTE=Momiji Love][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Verdana]So what you are saying is ignorance is bliss? Ignoring the fact that you are winning The Game (and The Game itself) is how to win. Like the question of whether you want to know something and have it hurt you, or never know and never have to worry. And since I am normally sort of bitter, I say now that "I lose." No matter if you win or lose, its how you play [b]The Game[/b] .[/font][/size][/color][/QUOTE] Ignorance is bliss as long as you don't fall victim to Tolstoy's White Rabbit Club. Downside there is that The Game is the competitive revisionary variation of Tolstoy's White Rabbit Club, wherein the vicious cyclical downward spiral of a general social consciousness further propels the individual into the pit, when said individual is unable to maintain a separation and/or distance from said social influences. But in the very act of maintaining said distance, one acknowledges the existence of those deleterious social influences and thus arrives at the very same consequences as one who fully embraces the social negativity. Thus, "ignorance is bliss" is a paradoxical perfection perpetually pursued by the participants, but ultimately a futile goal, for the only way to know one is winning The Game is to realize it. If one ignores their victory, and those around them presumably are unable to recognize it, for they are trying to maintain their own distance from the intellectually damaging concepts inherent in The Game...then no victory actually exists. And thus, this brings us back to the original point of the game: Everybody loses.
[quote name='Sojiro47']If this thread doesn't encourage posting, what's the point?[/quote] Because Desbreko is a Site Admin, obviously. Wine and logic ftw! And thinking about the game ftl!
Seems like the -image trick works. I've not had to re-download anything. From what I've read online, apparently "Decompressing" is what "Installing" has become. So...yeah. I think you're in the clear, James. ^_^ In other news, did anyone have any fun times this past weekend? They held an Elite For All event, with free access into two Elite PvE mission areas in Cantha. I didn't have a chance to get there, but my weekend activities were infinitely better than sitting at my computer for 4 hours so I could do one mission. The Jersey shore is wonderful...and it's even better with the woman you love. :-) Great weather, too. The water was amazing. But yes. Any good finds? We should organize a trip in-game. Do a few missions or something.
[quote name='Retribution][size=1']The irony of this situation is that its almost exactly what it was like when America was thinking about entering Iraq a few years back. This time around, it's Israel, and now Bush wants Syria to talk Hezbollah out of all this. We preach the whole "Alright guys, settle down" rhetoric, when just a few years ago, the UN was giving us the exact same sermon.[/size][/quote] Back then, the UN was just as useless as it is now. The security resolutions meant just as little. Did anyone take the UN seriously? Did anyone take their "we're passing a very strong resolution" seriously? No. They didn't. Why? Because there was no way in hell they could enforce it. Same reason why Kim Jong Il can be such a prick about things. There's zero actualized consequence, because there's zero unity among the international community in dealing with the pesky little bastard. In fact, most nations involved in the dealings, from what I've read and heard, are [i]reluctant[/i] to do anything. They're plagued by the same kind of rectally lodged thumbs that cripple the UN. But you are correct in your assessment of there being an irony here. The irony is that the craptacular reluctance we saw three years ago is coming back and biting the international community square in the -ss. It's always been a game with the UN and certain parties of the international community, and it's a game that Bush is tired of trying to play, and I suspect that Blair is also tired of playing. They tried playing that game back three years ago and what came out of the UN? A few meetings, a nasty letter or two. Threat of sanctions. Piddlysquat if you ask me. And why do you think Bush made the comment he did at the G8 summit? Because he sees the asinine cycle continuing again, only this time instead of him being in the firing range, it's the Israeli Prime Minister. I guarantee you that if the UN game continues...that game where nobody wins and everybody loses...we're going to be seeing the same kind of necessary force we saw over the past couple of years. I know Bush won't stand for these piddly antics, and I suspect Blair won't, either. It's just common sense. You don't leave important decisions in the hands of people who can't decide. As much as it's a funny joke now, you really need "The Decider" when it comes to swift action. That "Decider" doesn't even need to be Bush. It just needs to be someone or some group with the cajones to stand up to this stumbling group of airheaded ambassadors and lay out what needs to be done, instead of passing useless resolution after useless resolution. Some are estimating almost [i][b]two months[/b][/i] before the current resolution is in a working draft. And that's not even taking into account the fact that Lebanon demands to send their own reps to the meetings, which does make sense, I suppose, but then again, who knows how long that's going to take, and if, when they get there, they pull some lame fillibuster bull to stall the process. Honestly, I don't think that's so outrageous an expectation, either, because if you look at the common tendencies over the past few years, the groups that have stood in the way of action have been the UN, France, Germany, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, etc. It's no coincidence. These are nations who largely don't give two shats about anything other than themselves. I'm a fan of diplomacy just as much as the next person. But diplomacy and finesse went the way of the dinosaur along with the Cold War, the former Soviet Union, JFK, and Mutual Assured Destruction. In fact, the new-age "diplomacy" is but a specter of its former self, now warped and twisted into self-interest preservation yet still being exercised under the misnomer guise of "diplomacy." See, proper diplomacy helps a situation. It doesn't aggravate it. The "diplomacy" we're seeing in 90% of the international community just aggravates situations through apathy or indifference. That's not diplomacy, pure and simple.
[quote name='Your Mother]And if you're naive enough to think that Israel can stretch its army to fight against Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah.....well, if that happened, you could kiss Israel goodbye, 'cuz, [b]unlike Lebanon, Iran and Syria have militaries and air forces and even a fair share of nukes (in Iran's case)[/b'].[/quote] Who's naive now? You should read up on those militaries, man. Syria's best equipment dates back to the Cold War. Their air force is barely an air force, using out-dated Russian fighter jets from the 60s. Their ground force is even worse; they've got ancient tanks locked in defensive positions that can't make a move at all without Israel noticing by satellite surveillance. Iran is marginally better, having the only military here that can provide something of a match to Israel's. But they don't have nukes. They've got the basic barebones fundamentals of a nuclear [i]program[/i]. That's it. Make no mistake here. Syria and Iran suck in comparison to Israel when it comes to military might. Hell, they suck in comparison to most nations. I'm more worried about Kim Jong Il's military than some desert bumpkin with a Soviet jet that still has USSR symbols painted on it. lol [quote]You're right about that. Hell, America actually wants this to happen. All the goddamn Republicans and conservatives running Capitol Hill are probably throwing beer blasts right now.[/quote] I'm a Moderate. This view isn't some corrupt Republican POV. Bush, while a simple, simple man, sees the situation for what it is. Check out the (slightly) off-color comment he made at the G8 Summit, about "the irony of the situation is how the trick here is the international community needs to get on Syria to get Hezbollah to stop pulling this **** and it's over." He caught flack for that. He shouldn't have, though, because it's the truth. Yeah, Bush is an idiot most of the time, but he's not evil, he's not malicious, he's not so corrupt to where he wants war everywhere. Don't buy into that Skull and Bones bullsh-t conspiracy theory spin; it's asinine and foolish. It's foolish to the extent that both Bush and Kerry were joking about it in the last election. Washington is corrupt, I'll give you that. But dude...you think the UN isn't corrupt? The UN's best people are infinitely worse than the bottom of the barrel in Washington. [quote]Haha. Ahahahahahahaha. I'd like to know where you learned your history, man. Israel may have more firepower than Hezbollah, but do you really think that the entire Middle East hates them just because they're Jewish?[/QUOTE] Are you dumb? What's your point in asking such a question? Have you paid any attention to the press releases/propaganda coming out of Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, and so on for the past 50+ years? Okay, if that's not going to get through to you...if you believe that Syria and Iran don't want to see Israel destroyed...[i]why else would they both be providing military, financial, and public support for Hezbollah's goal of destroying Israel[/i]? Dude, think about this. It's completely obvious. lol. The entire war stems from a 3,000-year-old [i][u][b]religious[/b][/u][/i] quarrel.
You know...I've been following the news a lot lately and the only thing I can say now in response to the "Israel is taking things too far!!1!1 And they're not playing fair or nice!1!1!" kinds of posts is Tough Sh-t. Look, people. You call for cease-fire? You call for peace agreements? People talk about how the U.N. has the power to stop this, but the USA and Israel are impeding progress? We really, really need to clear up some things about the UN. 1. Their resolutions mean absolutely nothing. You remember that scene from Team America: World Police where Hans Blix confronted Kim Jong Il? That's probably the most truthful and honest representation of the UN in film history. [quote][b][url="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005295/"]Hans Blix[/url][/b]: Then let me look around, so I can ease the UN's collective mind. I'm sorry, but the UN must be firm with you. Let me in, or else. [b][url="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005295/"]Kim Jong Il[/url][/b]: Or else what? [b][url="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005295/"]Hans Blix[/url][/b]: Or else we will be very angry with you... and we will write you a letter, telling you how angry we are.[/quote] The UN has no teeth, people. Iran [b]REJECTED[/b] security resolution 4551 (or whatever number it was) [b]IMMEDIATELY[/b]. Those declarations coming from the UN aren't even worth the paper they're printed on. The fact that I don't even know what number those security resolutions are up to by now is extremely telling regarding the effectiveness of the UN. 2. The UN is a real life Jedi Council. Compare the two organizations. You'll see what I'm talking about. They're both comprised of little more than bureaucrats with their thumbs up their *****. 3. The UN stands in the way of peace and progress. They grief nations when it's convenient for them, or when said nations actually take the initiative for once and do what needs to be done. Why do you think the UN is giving Iran a simple slap on the wrist? Why do you think the UN can't do jack when dealing with Kim Jong Il? Why did Saddam Hussein [i]continually[/i] flip them off politically for years? Why did the US decide to screw the UN and take military action across the globe? Why did Israel take the fight into their own hands and begin a long-overdue purge? All of that is because the UN has their priorities completely screwed up when they have priorities to begin with. You people want reality? This is reality. And this reality is that this war will only end when there is absolutely nothing remaining, or until Hezbollah relinquishes the captured soldiers. No UN resolution will stop it. Outside interference will be met with severe consequences (incidentally, the only outside interference we'll be seeing is from Syria or Iran, and Israel alone will decimate them). Cease-fires will not solve the problem, because we've passed the Point of No Return. Any bullsh-t you hear from Condi Rice is prepared public-speak and will never reflect what's actually happening and what's going to actually happen. You know what else I find interesting? The story about the mouse and the cookie. We all know how it goes. Give a mouse a cookie, and he'll want a glass of milk. Give him a glass of milk...etc. Israel has tried giving the mouse a cookie numerous times in the past and catered to damn near every one of that mouse's whims. No more, not any longer. They're going to blow the mouse's head off, folks, and the mouse deserves it.
Quite Possibly The Most Useless Piece Of Legislation, 2006
Papa Smurf replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Retribution][size=1']So I guess you didn't really have any worthwhile opinion to contribute then?[/size][/quote] Not to sound glib, but as if you did have something worthwhile to contribute? I'm sorry, Retribution, but I read your posts (in fact, I read the entire thread, sadly enough) and you had absolutely nothing worthwhile to say, because you either failed to say it well, or you just missed the entire issue completely. Dude, you have the absolute least room here to criticize anyone else's posts, given how inane your previous replies have been and how downright absurd your most recent post is. lol [quote][size=1]After all of this arguing, I now know why people are in favor of this bill, as opposed to a week ago when I was in the dark about that.[/size][/QUOTE] Oh no, you just got bothered by something on the internet to the point where you understand why people support a bill banning a website? Dude, are you serious? I'm sorry, but you really, [i]really[/i] need to get with the program. Do you know why? Because your hypersensitivity here is the precise reason why downright stupid legislation like this is proposed in the first place. You see something superficially negative and then have a completely superficial reaction to it. Your reaction now is neither well-founded nor logical. In fact, it's the same type of knee-jerk reaction we see crapping from misguided, uninformed, mindless politicians who propose bills and laws for little more than political clout rather than because they've actually taken the time to understand an issue and have by their own mental acuity, concluded the bill or law will benefit people. Don't believe me? Myspace has been featured in how many news stories now, and for how long? And how recently has the government started harping on it? I'm sorry, but that's too timely to be a straight-up coincidence. I support protecting children, absolutely. But I do not and will never support protecting stupidity....and both the tweenies Myspace "victims" and this law are utterly stupid. Oh, wait, now I offended you yet again, right, so you're going to reply and say how it's the people like me that give the government a reason to ban websites? Yes, that's entirely appropriate, because someone like me, who doesn't feel the need to pretty something up when something needs to be said is the same type of person who preys on tweens on one of the hundreds of thousands of matchmaking/networking/profile sites out there. :rolleyes: -
[quote name='Your Mother']I suppose you think physical deformities like hooks for missing hands, missing eyes covered with patches, and peg legs are "fun as hell". What's the point of relaxing on the beach if you're suffering from several diseases at the same time?[/quote] Okay, if you want to play with the cliches? What's so appealing about a cliche ninja? There's absolutely nothing compelling about the cookie-cutter-"STEALTH IT!"-OMFG KATANA BLADE AND SHURIKEN11!!1!-Japanese ninja LOVE-ninja. Oh, and talking about disease...Dread Pirate Roberts came back from being mostly dead, and healed to 100% within an hour. Show me a ninja who can come anywhere close to that, and who's friends with Billy Crystal, Carol Kane, and Andre the Giant, to boot. [quote]And dude, no one really cares whether you deem the pro-ninja arguments as acceptable. Don't flatter yourself.[/quote] Don't get your panties in a twist, and post an actualized point next time, and then I won't judge your rebuttal as half-assed or unacceptable. You want ninjas to be taken seriously here, you're going to need to provide more than just "Dude, get over yourself." lol. If you don't like that, tough. It's how things work, mate. [quote]Ninjas live through thrills man, day in and day out. Look at Bruce Wayne. Millionare playboy by day, cold-hearted crimestopper by night. Who wouldn't love to drive that Batmobile around, I ask you...[/quote] Batman is a ninja only insofar as he's got ninjitsu training and implements stealth into his techniques. The Batmobile is not ninja-like at all, so I don't see how it could ever factor into this discussion. Plus, if we're talking vehicles anyway...dude, pirates have got the Jolly Roger, the Black Pearl, the ship of Dread Pirate Roberts...I think pirates have got ninjas completely spanked in terms of travel. [quote]Yeah, I know, not all ninjas are millionares. But they don't necessarily have no lives either.[/QUOTE] Try only one ninja-esque character is a millionaire. The rest are poor as hell and/or god-modded to the extreme. lol
Quite Possibly The Most Useless Piece Of Legislation, 2006
Papa Smurf replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread. Ice cream parlor examples? AIDS analogies? Points that amount to little more than someone getting their panties in a twist because they're morality police dweebs? "Get a job"? How is any of that relevant? lol. Sure, maybe in the sick, twisted, perverse, irrational, and utterly demented state of mind of the people suggesting those counterarguments...they make sense...but realistically, everything there is missing the point entirely: And the point is that this legislation, while having noble goals where those goals are mildly discernible, is ultimately clumsy and misguided. Talking about bandwidth is totally irrelevant here, because from what I can tell, the legislation doesn't give two shats about bandwidth conservation, just how it doesn't give two shats about job searches, just how it doesn't give two shats about some fuzzy economic-based example regarding ice cream parlors in a city. All this legislation "cares" about is "protecting" children from questionable and elicit activities, and the means and methods with which it is attempting to achieve that goal are trite and asinine, just like the shatstorm we saw over government-sanctioned 'net porn bans. Just like the shatstorm we see whenever the government decides that certain reading materials should be deemed inappropriate for youngsters, even when there's nothing wrong with those materials when they're taught correctly. It's just like a bunch of wacko Atheists suing public schools to take "One nation under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance. Just like when a bunch of wacko Christian fundamentalists tried to bring hellfire and brimstone down on a teacher in California for something completely innocuous or misinterpreted. It doesn't take brilliance to see the stupid and absurd pattern going on here. It's the same knee-jerk reaction that we saw when Dogma or Last Temptation of Christ was released. It's the same knee-jerk reaction when South Park ridiculed Tom Cruise's downright and mind-numbingly stupid "belief" system. The (despicable) trend today is summed up rather succinctly: "Something is questionable? BAN IT." And no matter how anyone may try to argue for that rationale...they can't, because it's a stupid rationale to begin with. Don't get me wrong. Protecting kids is important. But for the love of all that is holy and unholy...protect kids intelligently. A library blocking websites themselves? Fine. The government making a law to make it a national requirement, just because a few boneheaded teenagers were stupid enough to fall for some craptacular internet lure? Pardon the language, but are you ****ing kidding me? Get with the ****ing program, people. Pull your head out of your rectums and take one long, strong, healthy whiff of reality. Clean the **** out of your ears and eyes, and start thinking with your head. You know what that is. It's that lump that should be three feet above your ***. -
[quote name='Your Mother][size=1']Think of the standard ninja, compare that to the standard pirate.[/size][/quote] The standard ninja is as boring as batsh-t. Standard pirate is fun as hell. Your example, like so many of the pro-ninja arguments, just fell flat on its face. lol If you don't think standard ninjas are boring, then let me ask you: when's the last time you heard of a ninja relaxing on a nice tropical island with some good alcohol, great fishing, and absolutely gorgeous bright blue water on the beach? You want to talk about standard examples...dude, the standard pirate just ganked your ***. lol
Make your own motivation poster! (56k warning! Image heavy!)
Papa Smurf replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[center][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/5051/motivator5441467ni9.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/center] -
Make your own motivation poster! (56k warning! Image heavy!)
Papa Smurf replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[center][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/9817/motivator7020580qd5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/center] -
Though, I think it's a bit touchy. It seemed to handle 25k files just fine, and then I hit the remaining 32, and GW stops responding. So I guess the trick there is download as much as possible, then just play normally and remove the -image from the file path.
#5. Queen Asuka
Right click on your GW shortcut, then go to Properties. Find the file path name and add -image like so: "C:/Program Files/Guild Wars/gw.exe" -image Leave the quotes in there, and make sure there's a space between the path name/quotation mark and -image. If this works correctly, you should be able to download everything when you doubleclick GW. I just tried it and I've got 20k files left. Those have got to be areas I haven't accessed yet, because I've gotten all of the major downloads over the past few days. Hopefully this will help you on the long run, James. I hear it's much easier on dial-up users this way, because they can get everything in one go, rather than spending 15 minutes loading each map that has new data.
Make your own motivation poster! (56k warning! Image heavy!)
Papa Smurf replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[center][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img429.imageshack.us/img429/5374/motivator1085470qn1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img335.imageshack.us/img335/6103/motivator9920932vf2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/center] -
I'm sorry, but two things. One, you need to pay a lot more attention to basic grammar and word usage. I've counted so many mistakes in those areas that I'm starting to lose count, and the mistakes are so blatantly obvious that they're painful to read. [quote][color=darkred][size=1] Mike [u][b]through[/b][/u] his controller to the ground in anger as the game announcer called ?Player 2 Wins?.[/size][/color][/quote] "Through" versus "throws," for example. [quote][color=darkred][size=1]game announcer called ?Player 2 Wins?.[/size][/color][/quote] The game announcer is saying "Two." Not "2." Rarely will you see numerals used in anything written, because it's bad form. You use the digits when writing numbers that would be...something around more than four or five words when written out. Otherwise, you write "2" as "two," "4" as "four" and so on. [quote][color=darkred][size=1]Wait... [u][b]your[/b][/u] telling[/size][/color][/quote] Again. Word usage. [quote][color=darkred][size=1]is cut off by a shoved to the side by Joe[/size][/color][/quote] This is just sloppy phrasing, and should have been corrected by basic editing. In this form, the sentence barely makes sense. The only way it makes any sense at all is if the reader piecemeals it together. [quote][color=darkred][size=1] I payed you yanks good money for this, I demand some form of reconcilement,[/size][/color][/quote] Okay, you're not even using "reconcilement" correctly, because I know I can't find any definition that comes remotely close to what you're looking for there. Reconcilement has absolutely nothing to do with looking for reimbursement. I'm pretty sure you're looking for "recompense." And even then...you don't really find "recompense" in the day-to-day speech of teenagers (even British ones). So the line, even with the correction, sticks out because it doesn't sound natural at all. Or believable. "Payed" versus the correct "paid." Lastly, regarding grammar and word usage...pick a tense and go with it. You're flipping between past and present tense throughout. Becomes exceedingly obvious near the end of the recently posted scene. By the way, most screenplays tend to be written in present tense. Now secondly...I've read three or four scenes and I think it's worth asking now...[i]where is this story going[/i]? Because so far, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. It's all pointless banter between the characters. Even Chasing Amy and the original Clerks had some sort of direction, albeit mildly meandering, lame, and vague. But this is entirely meandering, lame, and vague. Where's your story? Since this is a screenplay, I'd expect some sort of action by now...something to propel the story forward. Normal screenplays introduce the first plot point at 25 pages. I don't see this as a full-length screenplay potential, so I'm expecting to see the plot point within 5 pages. And I haven't. What's the deal?
[center][URL=http://img149.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gw395webve8.jpg][IMG]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/5572/gw395webve8.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/center] Yeah. Your eyes aren't deceiving you. That IS the health and energy return from Mysticism+CoP. Dervish is obscene? Yeah...it is.
[quote name='Charles']Although all of these skits fall into the "Jackass" mode comedy with people flailing around in front of a camera and acting stupid, the better ones do a fantastic job of showing the absurdity of games.[/quote] Particularly Hitman. Skinny kid+different clothes=indistinguishable from fat kid wearing same clothes. Mister 47 (bald white man)+Hispanic gang colors=Hispanic gang member The entire game has you scratching your head. lol. The MGS and Hitman ones are definitely my favorites, though the "You were arrested" title card in RE4 really hits the sweet spot in a corny, nerdy, real life just bitchslapped you in the mouth sort of way.
Mel Gibson DUI - And it Gets Better
Papa Smurf replied to Albert Flasher's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Boba Fett']Jesus isn't going to be happy.[/quote] No, but Trey Parker and Matt Stone sure as hell will be. This entire thing puts The Passion of the Jew in a whole new light. A drunken, raving lunatic DUI Mel Gibson kind of light. Sweet. -
How do you picture earth and human's in 2039
Papa Smurf replied to liveinmybubble's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]Even if the polar caps melted, the resulting water wouldn't flood the entire world. Lowlying coastal areas would be lost, and the climate of the rest of the world would obviously be majorly affected, but most of the landmasses wouldn't be [i]underwater[/i]. I'm just saying.[/size'][/color][/quote] Plus, Kevin Costner is much too old to save humanity these days, so it's just as well. I think Dennis Hopper has kicked his thirst for world domination down a few gears, too. So we've got nothing to worry about in a Waterworld scenario. ^_^ I'm with Charles on this one. 25 years in the future is much too soon. 150 years? Now we're talking. Those are the types of timeframes when technology really has a chance to develop. Certainly things have advanced pretty rapidly in 25 years, but I see society hitting a sort of plateau presently. The next big scientific developments will relate to biotechnology, I'd imagine, and I wouldn't expect those developments before at least 70-100 years from now. -
[quote name='Your Mother][size=1']SURE! F**K HUMANITY and EVERYTHING THE UN STANDS FOR! WHY NOT?![/size][/quote] I'm sorry, but the minute you implied that the UN stands for something is the minute I disregard everything you say. The UN is hopelessly corrupt and ineffective. Most are too concerned with lining their own pockets than actually doing something constructive...like stopping terror. The United Nations hardly stands for humanity. Though if by "humanity" you mean making sure to cock-block anyone and everyone who's actually getting something done, because the corrupt stagnancy of the UN thrives on the status quo, then yes. The UN does stand for something. It stands for complete and utter uselessness. [quote][size=1]Up for a good genocide, huh?[/size][/QUOTE] The destruction of Alderaan needed to happen. I see no difference here.
[quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray']... That's the whole point of this argument. It's supposed to be dumb and playful. Which it's not anymore, so what the hell.[/color][/quote] I see the pro-ninja side getting flustered. Pro-pirates have been pretty good about things, I'd say. Pro-ninjas are bringing in irrelevant nonsense, then getting all pissed when the pro-pirate people (rightly) fluff it away. For example, see below. [quote][color=dimgray]And to Papa Smurf... what? Shinmaru just stated Batman was a ninja and you don't say anything. BATMAN. You explode at me for calling [i]Miho[/i] a ninja, but obviously Batman is so ninja-like that it's not even questionable. [/color][/QUOTE] At least Batman sticks to the shadows. lol. Think back to Sin City. What does Miho do pretty much the first time we see her? She [spoiler]gores Benicio Del Toro through his head[/spoiler] and does it in plain sight, even though it's at night. She makes no effort at all to work under the cover of darkness. That scene might as well have taken place in the middle of the freaking day, Lunox. Compare that to Batman, who uses the night, who preys on his target's fears and paranoia, who uses smoke bombs, and who was trained to be a ninja, for crying out loud. Shinmaru's example was accurate and relevant. Yours wasn't. Simple as that.
Am I the only one who rarely had problems with the underwater level in TMNT? I got to the point where I could rock through that stage with time to spare, and minimal health lost. Maybe that level just clicked with me, I don't know. Level after that, however, pissed me off to no end. Frigging barricades, sewers, limited missiles... Those jumps in the video were pathetic. While I'll give him that tiny gap one, his efforts at jumping in the hole to grab the pizza were downright pathetic; he wasn't even trying. I counted at least a dozen attempts that were easily successful had he bothered to jump at the right angle. My favorite rant had to have been Back to the Future. I rented that game once when I was five or six and even back then, I had no idea what was going on, what the game was about (because God forbid a movie game actually follow the movie's story), what I was supposed to do, etc. All I knew was that the game sucked because there was an entire survival stage based on throwing milkshakes at greasers. I'd like this guy to review...an old Disney Mickey Mouse game on NES. I forget the name of it, though. Something like Mickey's Haunted something or other. Regardless, it featured Mickey and Minnie simultaneously on-screen, was easy as hell for half of the game, mostly due to how crappy Minnie's AI was so you could exploit it by having her defeat bosses while you, Mickey, were safe. It functioned similar to the Ice Climbers from Smash Bros Melee. Mickey jumps, Minnie jumps. Mickey shoots, Minnie shoots. But Minnie doesn't take damage. Helloooo ladder exploits to kill bosses on an upper floor. Fun game up until halfway, when an entire area was a series of doors that warped you back to the start of the game...or earlier levels. That game f-cking sucked. Angry Nintendo Nerd would have a field day with it, I'm sure.