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Everything posted by Papa Smurf
Shinmaru, you don't even have to interpret Empire Strikes Back, thanks to Lando as he talks to Han Solo: "How you doing, you old pirate?" And in the script to ESB, when he's seducing Leia aboard the Millennium Falcon, Lucas says "the space pirate moves closer to her." The Millennium Falcon itself is called a "pirate ship" throughout the script. Han Solo is a pirate, definitely. Space pirate, but a pirate nonetheless. I think it's a suitable reference, given the downright absurd and stupid pro-ninja references we've seen. lol
[quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] :rolleyes: Even after it's proven that we can kill you guys instantly, why do you persist?[/color][/quote] You mean you proved something by posting pictures of annoying furries donning swords that remind me more of Dustin Hoffman characters from the 1980s than any type of killers? Or by pointing to non-ninjas like The Bride or O-Ren Ishii? Lunox, you haven't proven anything, except that out of a few dozen posts, you still haven't been able to surpass the amazingness of Shinmaru the Gangsta Pirate, Kiera Knightley, Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Pirates of Dark Water, Captain Hook (as played by none other than Dustin Hoffman), and so on, and so on. I mean, and you can also consider that ninja sex pales in comparison to pirate sex, especially if you like it rough. Pirates have some great sex toys, too, like chains and whips for the S&M fans here. Being rowdy and loud is a hell of a lot better than being quiet all the time. Who is more fun to be around? Someone who knows how to have a good time, or someone who dresses in all black, never says a word, and sticks to the shadows all the time? To illustrate, which Powerpuff Girls Buttercup was better? The regular Buttercup, who was loud and rude, etc., or the Buttercup who did that weird shadow thing for most of an episode? The monster obviously wanted the rowdy version, so in terms of social interaction, loud and outgoing is definitely better than being some weird shadow-lurker. Because nobody likes a lurker. And during sex, even. Would you rather your partner be vocal, or do you enjoy sex more when you're making love to someone like Ann Coulter? *shudders* Seems pretty obvious to me.
[quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray][img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06304/kakshinin.png[/img'][/color][/quote] Lunox, look how far you just stretched. You posted a picture of heavily armed dogs/cats/tigers/leopards/foxes/whatever that remind me more of the mentally handicapped than something I'd ever be scared of. lol. I asked for a killer, and you tried to give me a group of Rainman. [quote][color=dimgray]Though I have to say, Keira Knightley is not a pirate. She pretended to be one.[/color][/quote] Nah, because [spoiler]she handled a sword pretty damn well (she was fighting off Davy Jones' soldiers by herself, because those other two guys were useless), looked unbelievable any time she had to get down and dirty, tricked an entire crew into believing there was a ghost on board, and she shackled Jack to the ship, when the Kraken was about to destroy it.[/spoiler] That, my friend, is totally bad-*** pirating right there. She was pretending? Like I pretend to be born yesterday. [quote][color=dimgray]When the lights are out it's the body that counts. ;) [/color][/quote] Yeah, and even without lights, I'd still jump on Kiera Knightley. No straight man or gay woman wouldn't. lol [quote][color=dimgray]P.S. If you're not going to accept The Bride as a ninja, why did you even ask for a picture of her in the mask in the first place? [/color][/QUOTE] To prove my point. That's the only time in Kill Bill Volume 2 when she dons a ninja mask. I knew it from the very beginning, and I knew that's the part you were going to reference. And I also know the finer details of that scene, so I knew how to counter your point. lol [quote=Acheron][font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][b][i][color=darkred]1)[/color][/i][/b] I can't believe you went there... [u]God-modding?[/u] :animesigh Honestly dude, I'm not even gonna waste my time... I thought we were having friendly debates, [u]not getting mad at each other[/u]. And about the challenge, it was all supposed to be friendly, that's all. I wasn't trying to be mad at you, I was actually having fun posting. But I didn't know that I was [u]pissing[/u] you off. [b][i](At least that's how the paragraph sounds)[/i][/b][/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][color=darkred][b][i]2)[/i][/b][/color] I'm not gonna reply with how you're making excuses. I just wanna make sure that we are on [u]common ground[/u] first. I'm not trying to take this conversation into realms that could get us in trouble with the [b][i]Moderators[/i][/b]. I just wanna have fun posting, that's all. :animesmil [/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][color=darkred][b][i]3)[/i][/b][/color] I [b][i]profoundly[/i][/b] apoligize for making you think of me this way. As I stated earlier, I was having fun debating with you and [b][i][u]Retribution[/u][/i][/b]. I think that [b][i][u]Retribution[/u][/i][/b] understood how I felt but why are you taking out all of this [u]animosity[/u]?[/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][color=darkred][b][i]4)[/i][/b][/color] Dude, the name of this post is [b][i][u]'Ninja's or Pirates?'[/u][/i][/b] There's only [u]two[/u] answers you can pick so of couse there gonna be [u]debating[/u] and [u]counters[/u] and [u]information[/u] spewed across the battle grounds. The purpose is to post and make it interesting [b][i](While staying on topic)[/i][/b]. Once again, I apologize.[/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]Anyway, [b][i][u]Ninja's rule!!![/u][/i][/b]:animesmil [/size][/font][/quote] Forgive me, for I pose no offense, but in reading your reply here, there's only one thing I can possibly think of...and it's a quote from Tommy Boy: "Did you eat a lot paint chips when you were a kid?" [quote name='The Boss']1. Chris Farley is the most awesome human being to have ever lived. He chose Ninja over Pirate, so that's a big up for the Ninja side.[/quote] Chris Farley's goal in life was to become the next John Belushi, but he was nowhere near as brilliant, as evidenced by his choice of films. Belushi wouldn't be caught dead playing some lame ninja. When he did play a sword-wielding maniac, he became Samurai Tailor, and was so bad-*** that he was going to fix the fly on Buck Henry's new pants...without damaging Buck Henry. Wink wink nudge nudge. Farley the most awesome being to have ever lived? He never came close to Joliet Jake, Samurai Tailor, or Bluto Blutarsky. So since he's not the most awesome human being to have ever lived, his decision to play a husky ninja has no weight here (pun intended). [quote]2. It's a movie. I might aswell say, "Johnny Depp? You mean that guy who played the dude with scissors for hands, and then quoted the famous 'You sh'tole my sh'tory...' in the Secret Window?"[/quote] We're talking about physical prowess, at least I was. A ninja needs to be physically fit, and have impeccable reaction time. Chris Farley does not, as shown by his cranial hemorrhages in Tommy Boy. Hence, Chris Farley is a substandard ninja whose biggest asset is similar to the Skipper from Gilligan's Island: standing around and stuttering very loudly, then falling down to scream/stutter some more. [quote]3. Apparently you havn't seen the newer Mortal Kombat games. They have almost nothing in common.[/quote] I've played them. Scorpion and Sub-Zero have been long outclassed by the new characters, and the revised older line-up. Performance-wise, in the games, Scorpion and Sub-Zero pale in comparison to what can be done with Raiden. In the movie, Sub-Zero is killed by a bucket of water. I forget how Scorpion dies in the movie, but I'm fairly sure he was bumped off by some loser Hollywood C-list celebrity (aka Johnny Cage). Let's not forget that the first Mortal Kombat movie came out in the early/mid 90s, which means the newer generation MK games hadn't even come out yet, which means at that time, Scorpion and Sub-Zero were even more lame and ineffectual than they are now. [quote]4. While I will admit that Pirates of Dark Water was a great show...[/quote] No cartoon relating to this topic can ever top Pirates of Dark Water, because their voice talent included Tim Curry and Jodi Benson, the woman who played Ariel in The Little Mermaid, and mermaids have more to do with pirates than ninjas, including making appearances in Peter Pan, a movie whose main villain is a pirate, again completing the circle to show that everything eventually comes back to pirates. Pirates of Dark Water also featured Peter Cullen, who played Optimus Prime in the 1980s Transformers cartoon. Optimus Prime. Stick that in your ninja pipe and smoke it. Acheron, chains+heavy objects+adult male pirates+being out at sea>>>>>>>>baby ninjas. You've shown me doctored photos of a baby kicking an asian in the chin. Guarantee you that unless the baby is something like the rabbit from Monty Python on the Holy Grail, those pirates would have baby filet for dinner.
[quote name='Your Mother][size=1']Why? Why should we be angry at Hezbollah, not Israel?[/size][/quote] Why should you be angry at the Empire, instead of the Rebellion? It's a relevant point I'm making, so think hard about it. [quote][size=1]some [i]UN workers[/i][/size][/quote] Oh, man, I know! I saw that on the news the other day and just about joygasm'd in my white pants. The entire thing keeps getting better and better. And you know the beautiful part? Most of the international community isn't prepared to step in and stop Israel, because 90% of the world knows exactly why Israel is finally throwing its weight around. [quote][size=1]When a WHOLE F**KING CITY, and not just any city, the CAPITAL, gets torn down over a country's desire to find a handful of militants, I would damn well fire rockets in retaliation.[/size][/quote] If that country were so distraught by it, why didn't they fire rockets? Oh,that's right. Because Hezbollah are the dicks in this situation, not the country itself, but the country itself can't very well exile Hezbollah, and Hezbollah [b][i]hides[/i][/b] in residential/suburban houses and such...so I can't imagine why Israel has no choice but to target key locations to smoke out Hezbollah. [quote][size=1]The point is that this is a seriously disappropriate reaction. Are [i]two[/i] soldiers worth waging war? Maybe, maybe not. But I don't see how ripping Beirut to pieces and forcing people to spend decades rebuilding it again is going to solve anything.[/size][/QUOTE] Maybe if you'd just spent 50 years or so trying to play nice with these people, only to have them turn around and be complete ******** to you, you wouldn't be so pleasant after they pull this crap. I've said it before, I'll say it again. If Hezbollah doesn't stand down here, Lebanon will no longer exist. Israel's had enough of the crap; they're going to be ending it.
[quote name='Lunox']Is that's not a ninja mask, I don't know what hell one is.[/quote] A ninja mask is all one needs to become a ninja? Sorry, but her donning a ninja mask was only for the visual. Why? Because if she were an actual ninja, [spoiler]Bud wouldn't be sitting there, in a lawnchair, with a shotgun to blast her in the chest with salt rounds. If she were a ninja, Bud would be dead, instead of her being buried alive.[/spoiler] That doesn't seem to be very Ninja-tastic to me, Lunox, and your example again falls on its face. lol [quote]Pirate sex is probably disgusting, seeing as most of them can't bathe or anything.[/quote] I disagree. Keira Knightley was unbelievably hot in Dead Man's Chest, and she was busting out her pirate-ness. [spoiler]Hell, she even tricked Jack, like a good scallywaggess.[/spoiler] Plus, during good sex, you're going to get sweaty as hell anyway. If you're not sweating by the end, you're not sexxing hard enough. [quote]Also the Power Rangers totally kick ***. They save the world like... every week or whatever.[/quote] Yeah, by calling on their Megazords, which are less ninja and more awful after-school pretend science fiction with guys in big, clunky, disgusting robot costumes. [quote]*rubs chin* And the Ninja Turtles are pretty cool. [/QUOTE] [b]Were[/b] pretty cool. Their new cartoon is awful, and the old one from the 1980s hasn't aged well at all. The Boss brings up Chris Farley? The same Chris Farley who gets his *** kicked by some random slow-moving conveyer machine in Tommy Boy? That Chris Farley? Who couldn't even dodge something that attaches brake pads to cars or whatever? Who falls on tables? Who is like Chevy Chase, only not funny in the least, even when Chevy's falls were marginally funny at best? The same Chris Farley whose most memorable character is a motivational speaker named Matt Foley who, while hilarious, was a complete idiot who eventually fell on tables? Yeah, very ninja-ish of him. lol Liu Kang? Robin Shou? How is he even a ninja? Come on, be sensible. You'd have a better shot at Raiden or Shao Kahn...or even Kano. Scorpion and Sub-Zero? Palette-swap characters whose main claims to fame were not their combat skills, but rather "GET OVER HERE!!!" and throwing ice around? I don't really think that's very ninja-like, either. Retribution has already provided the rebuttal to how Power Rangers can be considered Ninjas, so I shant be touching that one. What I will touch is Miho, however. She's an assassin. She is not a ninja. There's a tremendous difference, especially in Sin City. Never do we see her infiltrating any enemy compounds. Never do we see her sneaking around to selectively kill a single target. Whenever we see her, she's leaping off of a building in plain sight, with two katana blades unsheathed that are ready to taste brain matter. Ninja? No. [i]Assassin[/i]. Acheron, your bit about Adventure Square is entirely irrelevant, because I guarantee you the only way you'd be able to put up a fight is if you God-modded the shat out of the match. You'll now reply with how I'm just making excuses, and that if I'm so confident about that, why not go ahead with the match. And I'll pre-counter by saying it's not worth my time and that it's useless to this discussion, because it doesn't establish anything more than your overzealous desire to prove that ninjas are somehow superior, even when everything pro-ninja in this thread has been countered to the nth degree. lol If the pro-ninja side could stop stretching for counters, that'd be great. None of you have still come anywhere close to matching the greatness that was and still is Pirates of Dark Water, anyway.
[QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray] In addition: [img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06304/Image11.png[/img] Ninja chicks are hotter. [/color][/QUOTE] How is she a ninja? She's got a martial arts background. That hardly makes her a ninja. You're confusing [i]assassins[/i] with [i]ninjas[/i]. Lunox, show me the screenshot where The Bride wears a [i]ninja[/i] mask. It needs to be clearly a [i]ninja[/i] mask. And honestly, if this is what the Pro-Ninja side needs to stretch to...Kill Bill and Sin City...to try to prove that ninjas are better...seems to me to be even more of a confirmation that pirates shat all over ninjas. lol
[quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray']When did the Power Rangers become ninjas? If ninjas are random people who go around kicking ***:[/color][/quote] But the Power Rangers don't kick ***. lol. They're ninjas because they dress in spandex, jump around like morons, are Japanese, wear masks, pull hyperactive imitation kung-fu/ninjitsu, strike ridiculous poses (just like Ninja Turtles, Ask A Ninja, etc)... Face it. Pirates are better, cooler (Geoffrey Rush), sexier (Johnny Depp and Shinmaru, people), more dangerous, less embarrassing, have better sex, get booty calls...the list goes on. Plus, pirates have Geoffrey Rush, Johnny Depp, and freakin Cary Elwes. Edit: The Bride isn't ninja at all. lol. She's a Klingon in disguise...hence why her story opens with "An Old Klingon Proverb."
[quote name='Acheron][font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][/size][/font][font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]But still, even with your [b][i]compelling[/i][/b] pictures, [b][i][u]Retribution[/u][/i][/b], ninja's, [b][i]undoubtedly[/i][/b], take the cake. [b][i](And while you're not looking I might add)[/i][/b][/size'][/font][/quote] [center][u][b]Pirates:[/b][/u] [img]http://potc.arwen-undomiel.com/images/barbossa/Barbossa_sc3.jpg[/img] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5b/Captain_Jack_Sparrow.jpg[/img] [img]http://myspace-281.vo.llnwd.net/00021/18/21/21161281_l.jpg[/img] [u][b]Ninjas:[/b][/u] [img]http://www.itsonlyamovie.co.uk/COVERS2/TEENAGE%20NINJA%20MUTANT%20TURTLES%203.jpg[/img] [img]http://ed.fnal.gov/lincon/w98/projects/jrebstock/graphics/orangeback.gif[/img] [/center] Sorry, but there are simply more high-quality pirates than there are ninjas. There's visual proof.
Since the premise and goal for this piece is some sort of rebuttal to things that have been said in recent threads, I'm going to treat it as such. And with that in mind, the first thing that needs to be mentioned is how the dialogue is vastly improved here. The reason for that improvement, if it's not totally obvious, is that there's no script being altered word for word. The content/subject matter is original, though the format/tone obviously is not. This story doesn't read like a Find-->Replace, and that's why it works. I don't hear Dante arguing about Star Wars; I hear the main characters arguing about Metal Gear Solid. So that's the main reason why the dialogue works so far. It's not a straight plagiarism. Instead, it's a story told in the style of Clerks, which is what a parody should be. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about. The story starts getting annoying when Stephen and Alex appear, though. They're exterior characters that don't serve much purpose yet, and if they are the Jay and Silent Bob of the story...I can't see them being much use. Lord knows Jay and Silent Bob have always been random characters popping in when the leads can't say anymore...Dogma, Chasing Amy, etc. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was such fluff it annoyed me. I see similar problems here. Overall, the story is functional, and thankfully, a better utilization of OtakuBoards members than previous entries. The use of style is vastly improved here, which lends itself to actual structure, generating interest rather than contempt or annoyance. Mind Games is closer to parody, so you should feel good about that, at least. I just hope you're able to keep the dialogue in control, because apart from a few brief witticisms in his canon, Kevin Smith isn't terribly strong of a writer when it comes to meaningful dialogue.
[quote name='Sojiro47']Your choice seems bonehead, but I wouldn't call Ninja Sex frigid. And as a self proclamed sado-masochist, I'd take the Ninja sex! You do know that young ninjas are more likely to get away with sex than young pirates! And ninjas do use beds and can find isolated places where sound doesn't matter, to you audio-oriented people! your choice was based on a single situation! Ninjas are the masters of mastering situations! If you can't do it here, go somewhere you can!!![/quote] You're wrong. One of the most important concepts in any martial arts is discipline. In order to be an efficient killing machine, the ninja must be focused at all times, and be in control at all times. Passions hinder that. If you doubt that, when have we ever seen a ninja that wasn't the strong silent type? Ninja Turtles? They were large amphibians that lacked genitalia. Or Ask A Ninja on YouTube? He's funny and all, but he's a loud-mouth a-hole. Very un-ninja-like. But what about Ninja Gaiden? Ryu almost never speaks. He's always somber. Always dedicated and focused. True ninja. Face it. Ninjas do not yell. If you're a ninja and you yell during sex...you aren't a ninja. You're just faking it. If you're into S&M, pirate sex will be better for you anyway, because pirates are more than willing to get down and dirty. They've got chains, whips, shackles, etc, which fit into a bondage theme a hell of a lot better than throwing stars, grappling hooks, smoke bombs and katana blades. Pirates are clearly the superior here.
I remember suffering through Red Zone Cuba. That was pretty terrible, but the only thing that ever made it bearable (like 90% of what they watch on MST3K) was the comments and wise-*** remarks. But I think my all-time favorite episode was this movie about a scientist who turned into a bat. Or something. The premise was gold, because it gave MST3K a chance to throw out cracks like "Oh man, I just guano-d my pants!" when the scientist veers off the road, flipping over his stolen ambulance. I forget the name of this other episode, but it was memorable only because I got to hear the guys say "Wood for sale!" when a redneck hick was carrying around a 2x4, and "Saw him? He was delicious!" in response to the main character asking about his father. lol Great show. Bad movies. Sarcastic robots. Perfection.
I'll run Arborstone with you guys. I've been toying with the idea of going A/E for Ward of Stability to negate the KDs in the mission. Provided I can tweak my Assassin's Promise build a bit (the attribute levels are tricky with the 4 attri spread), I could probably do fairly well. [quote]Critical Strikes: 11 (10+1) Dagger Mastery: 14 (10+4) Deadly Arts: 9 (8+1) Earth Magic: 8 - Assassin's Promise [Elite] (Deadly Arts) For 11 seconds, if target foe dies, you gain 14 Energy, and all your skills are recharged. Energy:5 Cast:0.75 Recharge:45 - Black Lotus Strike (Critical Strikes) Must strike a Hexed foe. If it hits, Black Lotus Strike strikes for +26 damage and you gain 16 Energy. Energy:10 Cast:0 Recharge:25 - Twisting Fangs (Critical Strikes) Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, Twisting Fangs strikes for +17 damage and struck foe suffers from Bleeding and Deep Wound for 16 seconds. Energy:10 Cast:0 Recharge:15 - Falling Spider (Dagger Mastery) Must strike a knocked-down foe. If it hits, Falling Spider strikes for +34 damage and target foe is Poisoned for 19 seconds. Energy:5 Cast:0 Recharge:8 - Ward of Stability (Earth Magic) Create a Ward of Stability at your current location. For 18 seconds, non-Spirit allies in the area cannot be knocked down. Energy:10 Cast:1 Recharge:30 - Mark of Instability (Deadly Arts) For 20 seconds, the next time you hit target foe with a dual attack skill, that foe is knocked down. Energy:10 Cast:0.25 Recharge:20 - Critical Eye (Critical Strikes) For 28 seconds, you have an additional 5% chance to land a critical hit when attacking. You gain 1 Energy whenever you score a critical hit. Energy:5 Cast:0 Recharge:30 - Death Blossom (Dagger Mastery) Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, Death Blossom strikes for +38 damage against target foe and all adjacent foes take 38 damage. Energy:5 Cast:0 Recharge:12[/quote] Something like that I think. 18 seconds (if the duration is accurate) is pretty respectable, and provided I can still chain kill with the lower CS and Dagger Mastery, that 18-second window will be peachy. I may even be able to drop Earth magic down a bit more and boost up Dagger Mastery, since when I kill a target, Ward of Stability will get recharged. [quote]Assassin/Elementalist Level: 20 Critical Strikes: 11 (10+1) Dagger Mastery: 15 (11+4) Deadly Arts: 9 (8+1) Earth Magic: 6 - Assassin's Promise [Elite] (Deadly Arts) For 11 seconds, if target foe dies, you gain 14 Energy, and all your skills are recharged. Energy:5 Cast:0.75 Recharge:45 - Black Lotus Strike (Critical Strikes) Must strike a Hexed foe. If it hits, Black Lotus Strike strikes for +26 damage and you gain 16 Energy. Energy:10 Cast:0 Recharge:25 - Twisting Fangs (Critical Strikes) Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, Twisting Fangs strikes for +17 damage and struck foe suffers from Bleeding and Deep Wound for 16 seconds. Energy:10 Cast:0 Recharge:15 - Falling Spider (Dagger Mastery) Must strike a knocked-down foe. If it hits, Falling Spider strikes for +35 damage and target foe is Poisoned for 20 seconds. Energy:5 Cast:0 Recharge:8 - Ward of Stability (Earth Magic) Create a Ward of Stability at your current location. For 16 seconds, non-Spirit allies in the area cannot be knocked down. Energy:10 Cast:1 Recharge:30 - Mark of Instability (Deadly Arts) For 20 seconds, the next time you hit target foe with a dual attack skill, that foe is knocked down. Energy:10 Cast:0.25 Recharge:20 - Critical Eye (Critical Strikes) For 28 seconds, you have an additional 5% chance to land a critical hit when attacking. You gain 1 Energy whenever you score a critical hit. Energy:5 Cast:0 Recharge:30 - Death Blossom (Dagger Mastery) Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, Death Blossom strikes for +40 damage against target foe and all adjacent foes take 40 damage. Energy:5 Cast:0 Recharge:12[/quote] In both of these builds, there's no Rez, I know. I'm working on that, heh. And now that I think about it, the only problem with the build is lack of Rez. Though I don't know. If I can utilize the Ward appropriately, I could probably help cut down on the team deaths in the first place (KDs suck), which then is basically acting like a team-wide Divine Intervention. lol
Think about this: Pirate sex versus ninja sex. One's loud, rough, and rowdy. The other is completely silent, almost frigid. One involves booze. The other involves throwing stars. The obvious choice here is pirate.
I read Chabichou's latest reply and had to resist the urge to reply with what would be a two-word reply: "F--- you." But I have a feeling that wouldn't be appropriate from a rules standpoint, even though as it relates to the inane gibberish of her reply...it's entirely appropriate, because I don't think her reply deserved much more than "F--- you." [quote name='Chabichou][color=#004a6f']People are only supporting Israel because they are racist against arabs.[/color][/quote] Yeah, because it has absolutely nothing to do with 40+ years of unchecked aggression coming from the Arabs. Open your eyes. [quote][color=#004a6f]The idea that anyone can support Israel after how many innocents it has killed, after how many people it has tortured and punished unfairly, shows just how skewed people morality is.[/color][/quote] You haven't the slightest idea of what "morality" is. [quote][color=#004a6f]You still think we're all terrorists and we all want to kill you. Grow up and start thinking for yourselves, and stop parroting your power hungry leaders.[/color][/quote] No, I think you (you as in the militant Arabs in this case) are a bunch of terrorists because you just don't give a shat about the well-being of anyone, being more than willing to intentionally target train stations, public areas, buses and so on, you exercise absolutely no self-control in anything I've seen/heard/read, you'd rather kill civilians before military personnel, you believe that the world should entirely bend over for you so you can do nothing more than shove another few rockets up its rear, you don't honestly care about peace because if you did care then you wouldn't be blowing **** up for scare tactics. I call you a bunch of terrorists because you rely on straight-up TERROR to get what you want. So open your Allahdamn eyes. [quote][color=#004a6f]Why do they deserve peace if they don't give us peace and justice?[/color][/quote] Yeah, because even five years ago, when Israel [b][i]voluntarily[/i][/b] withdrew from Gaza, West Bank, etc., to work toward a [i][b]cease-fire and peace agreement[/b][/i], there was still aggression on the part of who? Oh, yes. The militant Arabs like HAMAS and Hezbollah. Israel is more than willing to give you peace and justice. It's just ideologic puppets like yourself make that impossible. [quote][color=#004a6f]People want peace in the region, but to the Israelis this means that palestinians leave them alone and let them carry on occupying and oppressing our people.[/color][/quote] Occupying and oppressing? I haven't been here all that long, but are you really that stupid, or are your replies here an act? *checks your recent posts on stuff like this* Oh my God. Is this for real? You've gotten even worse? [quote][color=#004a6f]*ideologic stupidity snipped*[/color][/quote] Read up on the militaries before making such stupid comments. Israel can singlehandedly obliterate Lebanon and Syria, and if Iran gives them any trouble, they've got 100-200 nuclear warheads stockpiled. But they won't use nukes. Do you know why? [i]Because they're civilized[/i]. Hell, the fact that Lebanon even still exists with the kind of military might that Israel has should tip you off that Israel really is not some oppressive foreign regime. At any moment, it's incredibly easy for them to blanket Lebanon and turn that entire country into dust. And that's not happening. Take a guess why, Chabichou. [quote][color=#004a6f]They only want Hizbollah out of Lebanon because it was Hizbollah that drove Israel out Lebanon. They want Hizbollah out so they can occupy southern Lebanon again.[/color][/quote] Yes, because finally being rid of some punk-*** emo desert troopers who don't know jack about anything and who have continued to provoke Israel in the past...would never, ever, ever be the goal, would it? Chabichou...you sicken me. You're even more vindictive than HAMAS and Hezbollah, and those are organizations who kill for the fun of it...who behead people on national television. They're the types of people who blow themselves up to try to prove some idiotic point. They're the people who tie bombs to their chest and detonate in public places. And after reading your reply here, I've come to the conclusion that HAMAS and Hezbollah are not the villains...YOU are the villain. Edit: I re-read what I said and think it sounded a bit harsher than I intended, and I normally would apologize, but in all honesty, I don't think you deserve any nice words at all. The Middle East has been wracked with violence for centuries now due to the exact same simple-minded, misguided, short-sighted, ill-advised, unwise, infantile, juvenile, blind parroting kind of tripe you're spewing here. You want the violence to end? Here's the solution. Shut your mouth.
I was watching the news earlier today, and some analysts were talking about the military strength of the opposing factions. It's interesting to point out that apparently, the [i]only[/i] nation over there that can come anywhere close to matching Israel's military is Iran. Syria has numbers, but their equipment is ancient WWII Soviet leftovers. They've got out-dated Russian MIGs from what I've heard. Meanwhile, Israel has got state-of-the-art everything, including some 100-200 nuclear warheads in storage. Methinks that HAMAS and Hezbollah are tragically stupid at this point...as is any Middle Eastern nation wanting to start **** with Israel. See, Israel is only the "evil" one here if you're sympathetic to the kids who have been picking on the shrimp for years on the playground, then the shrimp grows up and learns how to fight...and fights a hell of a lot better than his tormentors. And I'm sorry, but that's pretty much exactly what's happening now, so HAMAS, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, etc, get absolutely no sympathy from me. It's time for payback, and payback's a *****. Only this ***** is armed to the teeth. Huzzah!
[QUOTE=Retribution]I don't think that's necessarily true. Sure, this was a great way to get the word out about it, but it might've been a negative word getting around through some people. Someone might've heard a one-sided and biased view of it, and decided it was racist. That person probably would not buy the white PSP. Yes, they have recognition now, but amongst some it might've been notoriety.[/QUOTE] Actually, Sony has entirely won, because if there's one thing I've learned about advertising, it's that there's no such thing as bad publicity. For example, in this very thread, only Charles knew about the White PSP, right? Someone mentioned how racist the White PSP ads were, and then what happens? People start talking about it. Some Google searched for the full ads, like I did. The more we post about this, the more entries are added to various search engine results. Try searching for "OtakuBoards" on Google. Guaranteed you'll have quite a few hit results. The more people talk about the White PSP in this thread, the more Sony is winning, despite whether those people are screaming "THAT'S RACIST" or "That's one brilliant ad campaign." Either way, it's getting the product name out, and nobody can deny that's a trademark of successful advertising.
[quote name='Chabichou][color=#004a6f']As far as I can tell, it is only the civilians being 'flattened right now, while Hezbollah countinues to fire rockets into Israeli towns. Israel isn't really accomplishing anything. It isn't stopping the attacks from Hezbollah, and instead is killing innocents with their disporportionate attacks.[/color][/quote] So maybe HAMAS and Hezbollah should not be using [i]civilian[/i] buildings as rocket/missile launch sites? Please be sensible.
Tical, what would I get out of this? I've explained already that it's not my intention to insult anyone. I've already explained how there's no ill feelings toward Boss or Retribution. I've already explained that there's no bad blood from me regarding anything here. So please, if you know of something I might get from engaging the authors here in a debate regarding their story as a whole...other than finally having something worthwhile to talk about on this messageboard...tell me. I would like to know. I don't know why people are reacting like this. Do people see the New Member title and automatically assume I don't have anything worthwhile to say, or shouldn't contribute, because I'm a New Member? Because that's what I'm getting from a few people here, and it bothers me. It's like my opinion doesn't matter, and I just think that's unfair. Why should my opinion about this story be less important than someone who's spent a few months or years here? People have said that I shouldn't be saying anything because I don't know the characters in the story personally...not in those exact words but the meaning was pretty clear...but in all honesty, how many people here can confidently say they know anyone closely? Especially over the internet? If you have the answers, answer that question for me? Why do you automatically assume that I think I've uncovered some giant mystery? I never made any type of claim. What I said is obvious to everyone: it's a copycat story, aka plagiarism. It's not a parody. And if you get that, why attack me? What have I done wrong? Was I wrong to think that this part of the messageboard is used for more than just posting copycat scripts, and expecting the negative reviews to shut-up and move on? If I'm wrong, tell me and you'll never, ever hear from me again. But if I'm right, I would appreciate less attacks and more constructive discussion, because I know I've tried to be as nice as possible, and I know I haven't included any personal attacks on anyone here. In my first few posts, I said how [i]reluctant[/i] I was to even mention plagiarism. So when you think I have something to gain here, I guess I do. I'm hoping that people will stop looking at my New Member title to judge how valid my opinion is. It kind of hurts when regular members do it, and it's even more troubling when a moderator does it. I repeat my point about the plagiarism because it feels like if I'm not a Member of three years with a few hundred posts, I can be ignored or disregarded without worry. Or people use me repeating my point as reason to ignore me, even when I'm making a perfectly valid point that's being ignored because people don't feel like seeing the problem for what it really is. Since when does age or join date have any bearing on anything?
[quote name='The Boss][color=darkred][size=1]We intentionally read and copied the script, we purposely did that.[/size'][/color][/quote] Yes, that's what plagiarism is. So why insist on calling the story a parody? I am really not trying to insult you, or cut you down, or break your spirit or anything. I'm asking you a serious, relevant question. If you've just admitted it's plagiarism--and presumably you've known all along it's plagiarism--why have you been trying to call it a parody? And you know, nobody ever had to reply to me? You and Retribution didn't even have to read my posts. Since we're being honest here, had you never replied to my original post, I would have never continued the discussion...and really, that's all it is. A discussion. What's wrong with a debate about certain details of your story? Isn't that what this forum is for, or did I not read the rules correctly? I thought posting stories in here was to get feedback and have discussions about the stories? Am I mistaken? Is this part of the messageboard only for posting stories and having single replies after you post each new chapter? Replies that are basically saying the same thing about each new chapter, rather than saying something about the story as a whole? I just don't understand why I'm so in the wrong here, and why you're able to be so offended. You reply to me because you believe in what you're saying. I reply to you because I believe in what I'm saying. Why should I not reply, especially when I think I have a valid point to make? Or when there are others here who share those opinions, like Boba Fett and DeadSeraphim? Or is it just because I'm a new member, like Revelation said, that I shouldn't be posting and engaging you, an older member, in a debate like this? I mean, Revelation even liked that this debate was raising some good questions. He or she even said I was creating a "good debate." So if I'm creating a good debate, and I've said time and time again that I'm not trying to insult you, and I seem fiery at times because I'm just as if not more passionate about writing as you are...why should I stop? I don't mean to sound uppity or anything, but I don't understand why I shouldn't say anything while the positive replies aren't a problem. Or is plagiarism not a problem? I'm confused. -_- "[b]ยท Plagiarism:[/b] As OtakuBoards allows for artwork to be posted online, we also ask members to respect artists' original content. That is, any original content is not to be copied. Artists cannot take credit for another's work, as this violates the spirit of our online artwork forum." If the work isn't original, and it's just Pulp Fiction...another artist's work...isn't that plagiarism, even going by this messageboard's rules? The main graphic of the story [i]does[/i] say "Written and Directed by The Boss and Retribution." But the story was written and directed by Quentin Tarantino.
Since Boba Fett posted the definition of parody, I'd just like to re-iterate what I've said. A parody is a work written in a style similar to an original story. It's something like Young Frankenstein, Monty Python and the Life of Brian, or even various South Park episodes. Those are parodies, because they lampoon the original stories, but have entirely original dialogue, pacing, description, etc. Otaku Fiction lacks all of those. It does not have original dialogue (and no, changing a few words does not make it original), it does not have original pacing (it's the exact story arc from Pulp Fiction), and it certainly does not have original description (again, changing a few words does not make it original). I'd encourage people here to read the shooting script to Pulp Fiction ([url=http://www.weeklyscript.com/Pulp%20Fiction.txt][u]Pulp Fiction's shooting script[/u][/url]) and then try to still say Otaku Fiction isn't plagiarism. Or that it's not a Find-->Replace.
I spent ten minutes trying to figure out how to say this diplomatically, but I realized there was no nice way to say it. So here goes. If Hezbollah and HAMAS continue to provoke Israel, Hezbollah and HAMAS will cease to exist, because Israel [b]will completely obliterate them[/b]. This is no exaggeration. Israel has a far superior military, and can make tactical/surgical strikes apparently from what I've read. You want peace in that area? It'll come in one of two ways: 1) The Militant Hezbollah and company get exiled. 2) The Militant Hezbollah and company get annihilated. Israel has put up with a lot of **** over the past 50 years, and quite frankly, I view Israel as very similar to the United States back before World War II. After Pearl Harbor, the situation was described as "having woken the sleeping giant." Well, in that part of the Middle East, Israel was that sleeping giant. Now that giant is awake and is on the warpath. People need to learn to make nice with the giant, or else they're going to get flattened. And getting flattened is exactly what's happening to Hezbollah right now. Maybe those militants should learn something?
Ridley is from a colorful game called Metroid, a game that features Christmas rejects sucking out brain matter. All the times I've seen Ridley, he's not terribly realistic-looking. So something tells me he'll fit just fine. :p
I'm more with DW on that one, because [spoiler]Tia seemed to have knowledge of everything throughout the film, and if the monkey were to have revived Barbossa with a gold piece, I don't think Tia would have seemed such in control. Sure, I guess someone could say that Tia was aware of the monkey, and controlling him or whatever, but I don't think there's anything in the movie to suggest that. The monkey, like Lee Harvey Oswald, was acting on his own, for himself. I think it's fairly clear in the movie that Tia had a direct role in reviving Barbossa.[/spoiler]
Yeah, but even in that part, I don't think it felt forced much at all. Seemed like [spoiler]yelling at them for behaving like children[/spoiler] is what anyone would do. I know I would, because [spoiler]falling all over themselves and the beach in a triple swordfight[/spoiler], especially considering what they needed to be doing, was juvenile. She became the angry mother. heh Then when she noticed what [spoiler]Ragetti and Pintel[/spoiler] were up to, she brought the heat herself. And how hot was that, too? :-D
But remember, DW, that after she noticed, [spoiler]she started to open up a can of whoop-***, and she definitely rocked house during most of that chase sequence that followed.[/spoiler] So if anything, she was...more of a man? than Jack or Will, especially during that scene. She was a man; the men were boys. ^_^