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Everything posted by trucha

  1. hey well this is okay but what inspired you to write about this story? im just asking because i have one that i wrote my self called HANA-SAMA. im not done with it but i figured out that it all relates to me and to what i want for my self. :catgirl:
  2. [QUOTE=shinji172]The probelm i have with these debaits is that just because someone is gay or has sex before marriage/underage, some people will automatically assume that they are promiscuous. Whilst that [I]could[/I] mean the persons involved are sexually promiscuous (and therefore more likely to spread disease) the same can be said about people in a marriage/straight people/middle aged adults (and so on). In terms of disease, the main problem is that more and more people are being sexually promiscuous (regardless of age or sexuality). However, whilst a stable relationship/marriage is less likely to result in STD's, the chance that it could result into one (of many) disease's shouldnt be ignored (id say more but its already been covered). Personally, i dont think pre marrital sex is wrong as long as: 1) you are in a stable relationship. 2) you have past your teen years. [U][B]Reasons[/B] [/U] 1)In a stable relationship (one that is meant to last for the rest of the partners lives) the partners are commited to each other. Hopefully it will result into marriage but certain cercumstances can get in the way of that (lack of funds, said marriage being considered shameful e.t.c.). As far as im concerned, commitment and love are all that are ,needed. 2)When you are in your teen years, your body goes through drastic changes (Hormones being the worst). These have a chance of causing a person to perform irrational actions (e.g. promiscuous, underage and underprotected sex without thinking things through) due to the confusion caused during this time. Well thats my two cents.[/QUOTE] i totaly agree. i think prematal sex is a stupid reason to fit in with the croud. it shouldnt be done. i'm only saying it because of personal experiences with it. if you have sex at an early age then when you get married or settle down then it wont be that special and you will become an absent lover meaning that SEX WILL DIE IN YOU. sure it feels good and its mostly done for pleasure not for feelings but be smart about it and when and how and with whom are you going to do it with. it should be a precious experience for both of the partners. i know it sounds corny but im very honest. dont try to be like everyone else and dont feel preasure to do it. i dont understand why us teenagers are in such a hurry to grow up ? slow down because you have a long life to enjoy and you dont wana spend it in a hospital waiting to die off HIV. i apologized if my opinion is too strong. im just speaking my mind. same way about homosexuals. i love gay people and have nothing against them but be smart on who you wanna loose your soul to. i say that because thats how it feels, like your soul is gone and you cant go back to being you anymore. many may desagree but deep inside your'e just not the same anymore. i love you all ;)
  3. my favorite color is blood red because its exotic and very mysterious. :wave:
  4. [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]Correct he is in fact the same man :animesmil Ok heres another one everyone enjoy I can not be seen only heard and I will not speak unless spoken to. What am I?[/QUOTE] its an echo , right :catgirl:
  5. [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]your correct good job :animesmil ok everyone heres the riddle of the day enjoy :animesmil What is the moon worth? heres another one I move without wings, between silken strings, I leave as you find, my substance behind. What am I?[/QUOTE] is it a spider?
  6. [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]your right on both.Your doing a great job keep it up :animesmil heres the riddle of the day enjoy :D What's the difference between gossip and a mirror? heres another one Break it and it is better, immediately set and harder to break again. What is it?[/QUOTE] a mirror lies and you see what you want to see and gossip you can only hear but not see the lies that u are beein told. im just guessing. :(
  7. hi asamoto. well im new member but i totally love absolute boyfriend. its so mysterious and another great work by yuu watase. she is like the goddess of anime and manga. well if you wanna talk some more about yuu watase or her works then private message me ^_^ i'll be glad to hear from you. :catgirl:
  8. I would have to take tasuki from fushigi yuugi because he is a bandit and knows ow to survive in those conditions. for the food, i'll just eat him because he looks soo good. hehe :catgirl:
  9. wow thats a tough one. i would have to say kagome from inu-yasha because she has the power to travel two worlds and thats an adventure. you can go to such a place even though it is very scary with all those demons. :animeblus
  10. [B][I][COLOR=Olive][SIZE=2]wow thats some deep stuff. well, what i have to say is this: you are not gay or bisexual, all you are is you because no one can help how they feel. not to long ago this lady got married to a dolphin (litterary im not lying) and we ont call her a fish because of it rigth.thats just hows shes happy. same for you , if thats how you are happy then go for it. dont feel confuse because people will love you for who you are inside not what your preference in sex. just make smart choices and dont hide your feeling because you'll drown your self in your own tears. xoxox love you lots ;) :catgirl: :catgirl:
  11. [QUOTE=LoneWolfe]i agree here. a lot of shows are japanese-originated but aired in america. for a non-anime example; power rangers. we got it in 1993, but it started in japan in the late 70s. now to answer "why do i like anime" question. well, because its freakin awesome. anime can be action-packed, dramatic, futuristic, and random all in one episode of a series. whats not to love there?[/QUOTE] wow you are so passionate with anime and thats cool. i bow to you lonewolfe sama --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: Why do i like anime? wow! its the whole fantasy and different worlds thing. it amases me the type of stories that people can come up with. the whole japanese school life experience and how some characters can be twisted. it also has some good romance stories and speaking of romance , the awsome hentai that they sell . :cool: :rolleyes: ;) :p [COLOR=Indigo]Welcome to OtakuBoards [B]trucha[/B], If you need to add something to your post, please just use the edit button in the lower right hand corner of your post instead of posting again. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR]
  12. I would go into the world of fushigi yuugi because i can be in japan and in old china :catgirl:
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]undefined[/FONT] :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: lots of female characters look good. my favorite is ceres ( from ayashi no ceres) she is very sexy and even looks great when shes in battle. another one is "AI" from Ai yori ayoshi.
  14. i love nuriko for the sole reason that he is passionate and you can sit with him when your sad and have some sake. :animesigh
  15. anime is apart of my life. i have a difficult one too so when i feel frustraded i run to my room and just watch anime and enter their fantasy worl. sometimes i feel as though i was really their and can feel their emotions. :animesmil
  16. is there any more fushigi yuugi ovas coming out? :animeblus
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