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Everything posted by Myoga115

  1. " Its a new moon! I'm changing back" that's all i got
  2. I would have to be Inu-Yasha fo both anime and manga. sometimes i feel like him and it would be really cool to be him and have the tetsaiga and use wind scar whenever u wanted to that would be awesome!
  3. [quote name='frankieanime']inuyasha has always been my favorite anime and I always will like it although i think the ending wasnt all that freat i mean it was kinda bland[/quote] dude i know its friggin' awesome it was my first anime love and although the last episode was kinda lame im still hooked :animenose :animeknow
  4. [quote name='frankieanime']I would have too say kagome from inuyasha[/quote]i agree with u but i would like to add that i also kinda have a crush on kikyo from inuyasha
  5. [quote name='ManjoumeThunder][Color=Blue']Hmm well I wouldn't be able to answer for everyone in the world on why "we" like anime. But I can certainly answer what are my reasons for liking anime. Mostly it has to do with the fact the storylines are actually for the most part well written. Unlike animation in the USA which is for the most part considered for "children" only. Anime tends to give us all the workings of a great adult series. They tend to have a great deal of romance, action, drama, and even comedy. With anime you can find something that will appeal to anyone you know, whether they are a fan of animation or not.That's a trait rarely found in american animation.[/COLOR][/quote] what are u talking about american anime like inu-yasha and one piece (theyre made in the us) have great qualities and the plot lines are what draw me in
  6. [quote name='frankieanime']I would have to say inuyasha. i have always been a fan of inuyasha and still am. :D[/quote] same here dude i am all inuyasha and always have been but ive recently sucked into others like one piece and dragon ball (dragon ball; dragon ball z; dragon ball gt)
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