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Everything posted by quietstorm

  1. Ive had my eyebrow pierced and ive had a labret...unfortunately ive had to remove both (work related)...anyhows i wouldnt suggest or personally do any self piercing... a friend of mine did his brow and he stuck a knitting needle through the whole-when he tried to cut the needle on both sides the scissors jumped and cut his face...
  2. Deep House music-made it for me "its a soul thing" ive been to some of the best parties and heard some of the genre's best house dj's, before this Drum n' Bass was pretty big in my life-my bro used to play at a club and he had a large collection of DnB vinyls...today im a down tempo, acid jazz, deep house boy through and through....i do however listen to the odd Coldplay cd and Kylie(she's just sexy) :animeknow-right now ive got "The Roots" playin on my Ipod (hip hop)
  3. Between these two(DMC & God of War), ive ad some awesome ps2 gametime(they are in my top 10 PS2 titles)...ive always wondered if there was a battle-between the two who would win,taking into consideration the moves available to each specific character...lets say everything was at each parties disposal...Then again it depends on the skill of the operator, or maybe a CGI animated battle scene whch would play out the best... Would this be a battle to go down in PS2 history...
  4. A pair of night vision, thermal goggles and paint ball guns...then get a friend a find a nice open patch of land with decent cover-wait for night fall and let the games begin.
  5. The Suffering Ties that Bind....had me on the edge of my seat...there are some pretty scary characters running around there...the entire gameplay experience(holucinations and screen flashes and things jumping out of hallways) etc...
  6. In my opinion if u get a tattoo it should be something that has personal meaning to u in your life-we go through changes and experience a lot of hurt, love and other emotions in our time and if your deciding to get a piece done then let it speak for u...i ve got 2 tattoos at the moment and im planning on getting a third. My entire leg knee to ankle covered in one of my own designs....i broke up with my girlfriend no more than 48hrs ago we had a gr8 relationship-it was definetly a period in my life and i intend to use this experience and convert it into art on my body... :animedepr
  7. Yeah there definetly is a good deal in fashion goin into the design of characters apparel nowadays...think this just rounds up the total asthetics of a game. The Final Fantasy titles ave got some gr8 looks-Yuna 's cool but im pretty much gonna give Rikku my vote. Another cool look for me is Dante (DMC series)..very stylish. Peace.
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