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Everything posted by lee123

  1. yes im leaving cuz i dont come here much and the rules are too strict for online(no ofence but the mods are very good) now i leave you with my last topic what kinda shoes you were? :catgirl: bye bye!
  2. [QUOTE=UnemployedNinja]In my school we used to have Improv Fridays, where everyone and anyone would come into the theater room to play Props, Questions and whole bunch of other Whose Line games. Needless to say, it was hysterical, rather short lived but generated a lot of memories. I love Whose Line, but I wish there were more episodes. I feel like I've seen the same episodes over and over again. But the best was when Ryan accidently broke the light on Drew's desk with his head. (Does anyone else remember that?) And Colin is my hero! =D[/QUOTE] lol that is funny
  3. :p :laugh: Its realy funny! Hwo thinks its funny?
  4. [quote name='lee123']solve my riddle someone a potato's favorite object, brings it up when its gone, brings discomfert when its gone it is so obvious another hint the objects changes stuff thats my last hint. its so hard :D[/quote] This is old the answer is a remote. :(
  5. Now you rule the world the world called Pluto theres no air and its below freezing. I wish I was Godzilla
  6. Wish granted! yay you! you controll people's minds now. you accidently say you rather get killed then go to school so someone kills you cuz you said that. I wish i was godzilla
  7. :animecry: Why is no one trying to solve riddle why.
  8. Ha those critters are so funny. I like the one vetrin like creature i seen on a episode when he went crazy. Lumpy is also funny hes a retard though.
  9. congrats you get a villin from scooby doo sadly its the cat ladies in an old scooby doo cartoon movie they grab you and turn you into a zombie. I wish i was Bill Gates with a shot gun
  10. solve my riddle someone a potato's favorite object, brings it up when its gone, brings discomfert when its gone it is so obvious another hint the objects changes stuff thats my last hint. its so hard :D
  11. [QUOTE=lee123]I say none because you said wich one is true and they are all false heres one what is a potato's favorite thing ? Hint: It brings it up when its gone.[/QUOTE] Isnt anyone going to solve it heres another hint when the object is gone it brings discomfert to the potato.
  12. [quote name='NekoSama101']i'm speaking for my brother here, when the stupidest thing he's done is eat cat s**t. my parents had to clean his mouth out with whiskey. i wasn't born yet but my mom told me everything about it. It happen when he was 2 i think. He's now 17 and we still aren't letting him forget it.[/quote] :animeshy: whisky he was two didnt they had anything else? Well I once got hit by one of my freinds so i did a [COLOR=Magenta]FREINDLY[/COLOR]punch on him my teacher said dont hit him and the thing is this happend more than 3 times :animesmil
  13. Wish granted you eat many many chickens whats this you got a [COLOR=Red]deadly disease[/COLOR] from raw chicken and there is a mob of angry chickens coming to peck you to death your to fat to get up and get help and the antidote well................................. bye I wish i was captain america :animesmil
  14. HHHMMMMM....... I would get a tiger against dragon that would be on my sholder.
  15. There are stuff scienc can answer and there are stuff they cant answer. For example how did exsistence came? Science can't solve everything.
  16. lee123


    I had a series of dreams basedoff of the legend of Zelda ocerina of time a never ending darkness came. I searched for what caused it it lead me so many places searching. I always remembered a guy with a mask then i came to the temple of time i went in the door was closed ( the wall you can see in the temple when you come in). A man was there it was the man with the mask. He was telling me he had somrthing i needed. then a stairway came i chased him up it. Then i was going through a swamp jumping on turtles trying to find him then the dreams were over it was a long period of time during those dreams. I think that would make a good game.
  17. rather have you babble, better then school would you live with Ronald mc donald or a vampire
  18. wish gwanted you have a realy big pizza. Whats this a mob of fat guys came in a stampede and you cant get away the Pizza's too big you cant get around the pizza you get trampled and you lose your pizza I wish I was a invisible sniper.
  19. [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]wow good job ,your right on both.Nice One :animesmil ok heres another riddle.See if you can get this one hehehe Which of the following statements are true? 1. At least one of these ten statements is false. 2. At least two of these ten statements are false. 3. At least three of these ten statements are false. 4. At least four of these ten statements are false. 5. At least five of these ten statements are false. 6. At least six of these ten statements are false. 7. At least seven of these ten statements are false. 8. At least eight of these ten statements are false. 9. At least nine of these ten statements are false. 10. At least ten of these ten statements are false. enjoy :D[/QUOTE] I say none because you said wich one is true and they are all false heres one what is a potato's favorite thing ? Hint: It brings it up when its gone.
  20. Depends on which they came across legaly. Ileagaly nahaIf they cant come a member if they come in leagaly that be wrong.
  21. Happy Tree Freinds are the nost funniest things online you may think its a childs cartoon at first :animesmil then.... :blulaugh: You will laugh your butt off Cause of the violence,blood and what not. It is so bloody and messed up its funny.
  22. me here likes Gorillaz,Slipkot, Loslonley boys,Loslobos,greenday,linkin park, black eyed peas.
  23. [QUOTE=kayutori_sama]Dun dun dun! Now your wish of a bucket of paint has been granted. The only weird thing is that this is outer space paint which is made from hydrochloric acid. While in the process of checking out your paint you accidentally drip some on youself and it begins to melt your skin. Being so startled, you drop the bucket of paint all over yourself and sadly, your skin, bones, and internal organs melt. Leaving you as a puddle of what was previously Ziggy Stardust. [b]I wish I had the power of teleportation.[/b][/QUOTE] Im your magic god mother wish granted DING you can telaport but what this you cant controll where you go now your in the center of the earth. I wish I had a bottomless suply of [COLOR=Red]Jerkey[/COLOR] :D
  24. my sig show i like :bdance: and i like retarted stuff :flush:
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