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Everything posted by lee123

  1. well the prettiest song i heared is whikey lulaby. that song is so good and sad i want to listen to in alot.
  2. lee123


    Hwo is the evilest T.V. character huh. some say the evilest is [COLOR=Red]Sideshow Bob[/COLOR] from the simpsons. It could also be Bart also from the Simpsons, But the most evil is [COLOR=Red]Stewie[/COLOR] from family guy mwahahah! :devil: :naughty:
  3. [quote name='Jeawlcena']I agree with Tatsubei Yagyu Bobobobob or how ever its spelled is the weirdest. :animestun ya never know whats going to happen on it[/quote] I agree BoBoBo is so weired. I must say JoJo's bizzare adventures are kinda weired too.
  4. :animedepr I think the scariest [COLOR=Red]non manga[/COLOR] comic book character has to be Spawn. What a creepy outfit.also Ghost Rider, Joker,and Venom are kinda scary. What do you think?
  5. [QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Alfred Ashford is by far the most terrifying game character ever. Oh wait, I meant hilarious. MOVING ON: To tell you the truth, the only video game character that has ever truely invoked terror in me is the generic video game zombie from the resident evil REmake. It was really a combonation of things more than the zombie itself; the way the camera angles are set up, a zombie could be around every corner, and when you combine that with the clumsy and hard to manuver controles it becomes a nightmare to try and avoid them without losing half your health. Doesn't help you have a grand total of about 7 bullets to kill it with. [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Oh finally someone says resident evil I also thought who was scary was the licker you know the thing on the ground in that 1st resident evil game that scared the heck out of me!
  6. lee123

    The Gorillaz

    [quote name='Nomura']Do we have any Gorillaz fans in da house? LOL, I myself am a fan, and I know we have some other fans. So, come one, come all![/quote] The gorillaz are the best! Fell good inc. 19/200 DARE :D
  7. Should Sadam Get a Trial? I say no,what he done is so wrong. Even though this country gives him the right to hava a trial he shouldn't have a trial. He has been in the U.S. for too long! We should give him back to Irag [COLOR=Red]SO HE CAN HAVE NO MERCY![/COLOR] What do yyou think should happen?
  8. [QUOTE=jigglyness]My first ever digitally colored drawing with my new tablet. :) I like the wings, but I want to know what you guys think. Critique wanted please. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/drawings/mike.jpg][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/drawings/miketn.jpg[/img][/url] click thumbnail for full view[/QUOTE] Hey that's pretty good! :D
  9. :worried: I am realy getting worried when the war will end. Will it end soon or later. Although Sadam is captured Irag is still in war with the U.S.A. Bush said the solders will come back soon hope he is right. Do youthink the solders will come back soon?
  10. [COLOR=Lime]I beleve the scarriest characters in games are the evil people in resident evil 4.[/COLOR]
  11. [FONT=Verdana]undefined[/FONT][COLOR=Red]undefined[/COLOR] Miazaki has his own on toonaimi :animecry: But Naruto is gone for a month too. People are mad but miazaki's movies will tide us over :sweat:
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