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Everything posted by Madmax

  1. If they Put it on the gamecube and maxed the harware of the gc the game would be big. Because even if the character looked as good as the mario sunshine version (or ever better) It still save space by not having to do extra coding for a bigger engine. in fact it would a very small engine that it could be like at leas 20 hours long even looking the best it could.
  2. I have about 43 shines and I need to now what do I do about the ray of light at the docks? Its realy messing with me P.S I came back for the fact that I like this place more than I originaly thought.
  3. Madmax


    still dsent work. :bawl: but hay I judt beat the game with mullen so I dont care.
  4. .txt files are fine unless your comp is a mac. :rolleyes: I did that cause it cant put on that stupid geo. I have a ton screens ror the new dbz game that I uhhh... got.
  5. Madmax


    [URL=http://www.tritonlabs.com/]Someone is finally made/working on a good light kit that you install to you gba!!![/URL] ^ Clicky for linky I I
  6. I was wondering if any of you have gp32? [URL=http://www.upstategames.com/gp32_hw_sys.phtml]Hers a link[/URL] Its made buy a korean company and its supposedaly the Gbc/a killer. They had a site but to my best efforts it was untranslaitable. sorry if this dont belong here.
  7. Madmax


    Hmmm on THPS3 the code "MakedCards" dosent seem to work. I winder why all ther others do.
  8. I got some rockman zero 2 pics [url]http://us.share.geocities.com/madmaxdude/rockit.txt[/url] dont ask how caude I just did. :rolleyes:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I think that this news is enormous -- maybe you can't see it. This is huge news primarily because it deals with Nintendo entrusting SEGA with one of its own franchises. This is a very rare thing -- Nintendo has never really done this before, except with second parties (and even they are owned partly by Nintendo itself). Nevertheless, the creative potential is huge. There is already talk of players being able to make tracks in the GameCube version (using the SD Memory Card, which has yet to be released) and actually taking that to the arcades...and playing your custom track on the arcade version. Of course, it's just speculation...but what other reasons would there be for using memory cards between arcade and console? Certainly, other things could be done (such as custom vehicles and bonus features), but this could really be the feature which will sell the SD Card.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That would be sweet. And it's on the gamecube so the grafix should be great.
  10. Madmax

    Sonic 2

    What levels on hero/dark to get the kart race in 2 player? I'm stuck
  11. C'mon please join I beg Ill make some mods.
  12. Opps i mean [url]http://lugia.pgamers.com[/url]
  13. If tyou want a good site go here [url]http://lugia.pgamers.net[/url] dang i love these smiles :angel: :angel: :butthead: :freak: :naughty: :whoops: :mrt: :blush: :laugh: :tasty:
  14. go to the bottom to get your pokémon [size=1][COLOR=red]Don't advertise anywhere outside your signature. -Justin [/COLOR][/size]
  15. Lol you like pokemon? I di=ont I like facking and rpging so go here and then to the botom k. [url]http://www.logsdon.org/james/cgi-bin/madmax/YaBB.cgi[/url] Thats the same for all yall and unlike here pics can be posted. :)
  16. [URL=lissaexplains.com]go here[/URL]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Ooooooooooo yes, I love the replay value on it. Very nice..... :) Wha?! Super Mario Advance 3?!?!! WOW!! Yoshi's Island? .....well then, very kewl indeed..... :D :excited: [/B][/QUOTE] Sm2 is currently out in japan just to let ya know [url]Http://www.wind.prohost.com/dbzfan2k1[/url]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kristoff119 [/i] [B]The next pokemon adventure game will be coming out christmas time 2002 in japan and probably spring 2003 here. It'll have 350 pokemon and I'm hoping it will include the merging thing. [/B][/QUOTE] How can you be shure you have to have sources
  19. Dont you people remeber my old cards?
  20. This weeks card is [URL=http://www.geocities.com/madmaxdude/geodude.htm] geodude[/URL]
  21. Madmax


    [url]http://www.katunk.com/insanity/[/url] LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO :laugh: :laugh:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chibi-Trunks [/i] [B]Where can I see Trigun? I have wanted to see it for a long time, and was told it was on the Action channel, but I can't find it, does digital cable have it? [/B][/QUOTE] Go to [url]http://musiccity.com[/url] get morpheas and dl em there mostly japanees eps with eng subs.
  23. I checked NOJ release site but nothing. so yall have to wait.
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