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Everything posted by Madmax

  1. Madmax


    FAke and tahnk goodness
  2. Madmax


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]§hit son! I friggin screamed at that. 3:02AM, I'm fallin asleep, listenin to Linkin Park(Kinda hard to do the both at the same time...), and I see that crap. fuÇkin scared me to death. The thing is that she moves so fast. And she's all pale. I need to get about twenty hot showers now, thank you VERY much. Yeesh... as well as a hair dye. That gave me some grey hairs. EEP! I'm only 14! I SHALL KILL YOU MADMAX! Eheh........... Wait a sec. Aren't "look at the pic oh its freaky" topics disallowed? Hmm... [/B][/QUOTE] I'm only 11!
  3. Madmax


    It scraed the (gonna get baned iknow it) SH!T out of me [color=deeppink][size=1]Madmax, in no way am I picking on you, but I do wonder why people keep saying they're going to get banned for little things? I didn't think we were [i]that[/i] mean...are we? Nope, didn't think so :p [i]-BG[/i][/color][/size]
  4. Madmax


    [url]http://gabz.com/blog/files/ghj.gif[/url] omg! stare at that ro a min. :eek:
  5. Now I'm stuck in denden town? What do i do ps I also got rool2
  6. Babygirl that avvy is kicking I was gonna vote for I but I was two late. Me and my friends had a site where we would use legos to make movies it was fun. This one also cool [url]http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~mbsf/sworde.htm[/url]
  7. I looked at the area I need some help on woodman
  8. SD is really cool there the little tikes [img]www.gundamw.net/gif/msgani5.gif[/img] have you seen the models there realy cool. there isnt a series i dont think but there still cool.
  9. Madmax

    I Need help

    This may help [url]http://www.zapchu.com/gaming_guides/gsc84.gif[/url]
  10. Glith? don't know who your talking bout sorry im a :butthead:
  11. Oh crud the robot that gamefaqs said is there ain't
  12. anyone? Glyde(?) ask me to find a mising program?
  13. one of the robots asks megaman to help look for a missing program. And I cant find it.
  14. I need help where do you get the missing program?
  15. Neh like s.s. said not masny people are that far( time wise ) and at that level. It's preaty good 7/10
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Hey, cool man. Thanks for that info, I was wondering on how to do that. Now let me see: Pokémon. Hey cool. It works. Thanks for the info again. :) [/B][/QUOTE] No problem :)
  17. Madmax


    ... tv show would be alot better If it had just battling no ove that. Hahahahah team rockert or stuff like that just clean battling. do you agree?
  18. I used to battle all the time but my team got deleated so I stoped.
  19. wanna make the dash over the e in pokémon? All you do is hold Alt then on the numpad hit "130" (Windows)
  20. Neo 4 is coming out soon. And neo 3 was realesed last sumer and the pokémon center so in my mind no it's not
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