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Everything posted by Madmax

  1. i made them up [url]http://tripixel.zollonet.com/[/url] you can make them here
  2. rico whats your screen name? you can emagin what mine is (madmax)
  3. [url]http://www.geocities.com/dustin529/Screens1.html[/url] ps whet sose ccn mean?
  4. rico do you post on pgamers.net
  5. 545? somw thing like that
  6. here's a site i made to show 'em off [url]http://www.geocities.com/dustin529/[/url]
  7. thank you nintendo (in more ways then one)
  8. [SIZE=4]SWEET[/SIZE] [COLOR=red]
  9. i title it: for me you shount have [url]http://www.geocities.com/jay_c690/forme.gif[/url]
  10. [url]www.Gameshark.com[/url] of cource and [url]www.pgamers.com[/url]
  11. they made a gameshark espeshily for crystal so it would not freez
  12. that nintendo was sorta responsible for the ps1? nintendo wanted a cd version for the snes they sony do do it but then nintendo droped it. but sony still went on whith it whicked cool right :)
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