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Everything posted by mcvegalt

  1. I use the latest version of Yahoo n it works fine 2 me. n I use AIM also (ID mcvegalt) n about msn I'm not sure coz every time I try 2 download it crashes so I du use it.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kileone_s_n [/i] [B][COLOR=firebrick]Ok, people, this is such an easy quiz, and ill congradulate whoever is first to answer why or how these ssj went ssj[/COLOR] ok just list 1-5 and tell me why they went ssj, and if they areny real or whatever just disregard and answer "fake person" 1. gokou, why did he go ssj 2. gohaun 3. vegita 4. future trunks 5. goten [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Frieza killed Kuririn so his anger explode n he went ssj. 2. Gohantrained w/ Son Goku n when Son Goku fired a ki at him he got pissed about his dead friends n went ssj. 3. Vegeta was so angry on him self that he's weaker then Kakarot so that made him go ssj when he crashed a big rock on some planet (there his anger exploded) 4. When Androids killed Son Gohan (future) he was so mad that he went ssj. 5. Son Goten, Chi-Chi trained him n after few punches he got bit pissy n went ssj. then chi-chi started 2 cry n saied him not 2 turn into ssj again lol^^ these all were writen by me n I didn't even read those others so dun say dat I copied 'em from u^^
  3. read da posts belov urs.
  4. aghhhh >.< I mixed up >.< ya rite :P
  5. hmmm ... every1's ages r the same in the begining of DBGT and in the ending of dbz.^^
  6. wanna know how did I found out those ages ?? well that's simple I saw DB/Z/GT many times so here's what I did: I counted all the years since the DB begining Bulma saied that she's 16 so 3 years passed she's 19 n so on^^
  7. oh well etleast I know the spellings^^
  8. k here's all ages^^ 1. Goku - 42 2. Bulma - 46 3. Vegeta - 48 4. Chichi - 44 5. #18 - unknown 6. Master Roshi - 485 or so^^
  9. in the begining Bulma is 16 22nd Budokai bulma is 19 the end of DB she's 23(I think) dbz 28 cell saga 29 - 32 buu saga 39 the end of dbz 46 k that should explain it all^^
  10. Kame Hame Ha !! woohooo!!^^ ya wanna know who is responsible 4 this name ?? well that's simple it's Toriyama's wife^^ n it's a name of some Hawaii king^^
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gee-enki Dama [/i] [B] whats colour are my boxers? you did say [i]anything[/i] :p :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] I mean anythin DB/Z/GT related^^
  12. well u can ask me 2 ^^ coz I saw all db/z/gt about 10 times n I used 2 spend all my time on internet just in db/z/gt sites^^ ask me anything an I give 99% that I'll answer^^
  13. hey no need 2 search the net 4 db/z/gt info. u can siply ask me^^
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