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Everything posted by Nadeshiko

  1. [quote name='rene23']i havent seen the movie can anyone tell me what it is?[/quote] yeah its about a princess named mononoke,who lives in forest that is threatened to be cut down and put in danger by machinery,etc.then this prince dude/guy who was banished from his clan thing is going to help the princess save the forest but first they have to find the spirit of the forest..
  2. i love this movie!!ive seen it since it first came out..well along with spirited away..but whatever..i love the attention to art as with all miyazaki films..
  3. i love fruits basket!!i have seen all 26 episodes and read the magna!!im in love with kyou and hatsuharu!!>_< lol!!my favorite quote would be the ultimate spring answer..
  4. the one that confused me was .hack//sign i didnt get how it ended....
  5. blood +.the art and story plot are amazing.i've never sat through a whole horror anime and seen three episodes and fall in love with it.for me this anime can rival naruto and bleach.
  6. both are good and hard to pick which one is better..i wont choose because i enjoy them both the same..i havent found a magna or anime that is the best in each category(mainly because my anime resources are low) and can surpass each other...i love both...and i made no sense..later
  7. bobobobobo?i cant even say the name..i gave it a try and on the very first episode when it premiered and couldnt stand to watch it for more than two minutes...personally i think the person who created the series just slapped a whole bunch of ideas on paper and called it..bobobobo.wat ever!!sorry if i insulted someon...
  8. i love this magna series!!i only have volumes 1 and 2 and i should be getting three tomorrow!!lol!!my fav part so far is volume two chapter 15(beauty on the run) page 171.and its the leash box.i love how all the main characters come to be on the beginning if the series.ja ne
  9. i love naruto!!or err...the series!!lol!!my fav characters would have to be kakashi(hes hot,perverted,and an awsome ninja),neji(i love his attitude!!),sasuke(i love his seriousness!!),and tenten(love that shes one of the only chick who doesnt play the damsel in distress!!)
  10. i would like to be: 1)Tenten 4rm Naruto:shes a kick a** chick!!shes a jounin,and about the only brunnette chick i have seen,and she gets to spend more time with neji!!lol 2)Keade 4rm Shuffle!:Shes super sweet!! and shes a good cook(which i am not!)!! 3)Mayumi Thyme(also from Shuffle!):i love her personality!!Shes just an awsome loud mouth!!lol!! 4)Sango 4rm Inu Yasha:She has an awsome fighting style and miroku likes her!! 5)Anna Kyoyama 4rm Shaman King:i love her 'tude!!!and everyone is scared of her,which means:CONTROL!!!lol
  11. [QUOTE=sanzy]the bishounen i [b] LOVE [/b] the most is [b] GENJO SANZO [/b] from [b] SAIYUKI![/b] actually, cho hakkai caught my eye first but as soon as the story goes on, little by little i started to like sanzo-kun! [how can i like a good man at first but it turns out that i'm more addicted with the ill-tempered one? O__o] i just like him for him... everything that has happened seems so very painful for him and he's just like "i couldn't protect him." a man full of solitude and just don't want to lose someone important in his life anymore.. T__T [i'm really so into him XD][/QUOTE] i like sanzo too but i like gojyo better!!something about his gruff attitude and pervertedness attracted me!!XD!!!lol!! :animesmil
  12. [quote name='mllrygoddess14][FONT=Arial Black']I know what makes me like anime so much...i guess its just so much of what we would want to happen like the dreamy romances and the guys saving us :catgirl: [/FONT][/quote] i agree but i also like anime/magna for the art and story line..if i were to find an anime that had a crappy story but great art..i would have to watch it..lol!!!but most importantly are:the guys!!lol!! :animesmil
  13. [QUOTE=Kinetic][color=royalblue] I just yesterday started watching this series, and have seen the first two episodes...and I have to say it is hillarious! I already like the setting more than evangelion. I really like the comedy level too. Anyone share my views? [/color][/QUOTE] :catgirl: yup!!i sure do!!its a good series!!i havent watched the whole thing myself but i have seen some episodes and the first two volumes..just as a warning though,some of the filler episodes are boring!!later!! Nadeshiko
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