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About KyuubiKhaos

  • Birthday 10/21/1990

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  • Biography
    Well, I like anime, I read manga.......that's what's important, right?
  • Occupation
    assistant at my library

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  1. This is (slightly) irrelevant, but go to youtube, and you'll be able to find old cartoon network/Toonami/Adult Swim commercials. I tell you, these videos will make any long-time faithful Cartoon Network feel nostalgia
  2. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Yes that is true, but after a while it turns to annoyance, than turns into a thorn on our backs, and soon it will become worse. Oh yeah, metal right... One is one of Metalica's early metal songs, if memory serves me. But anyways, isn't the newer Metallica considered Hard Rock, or is it still considered metal?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Yeah, "One" is back from the 80s. But to answer your question, Metallica's present genre could possibly be considered hard rock, since it doesn't seem to be as heavy as it was in the past. That's only my take on it.[/COLOR]
  3. ahh so they're returning BLEACH, that's good to hear I suppose.... I'm glad!
  4. [size=1][spoiler]Suigetsu cant help but be lovable in his own unique way. "Because he's retarded??" I mean, DAMN. Poor Sasuke, being egged at no matter what team he's on!!! I like the direction the manga is taking, focusing on Sasuke's escapades only, for a while. I wonder when they'll go back to Naruto's side of things, though.[/spoiler][/size]
  5. [quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink]You'll be interested in [URL=http://kotaku.com/gaming/rock-band/harmonix-mtv-ea-to-bring-us-rock-band-248792.php]this,[/URL'] then. I'm not too happy about the singing (can't sing worth a damn), but this sounds totally awesome.[/color][/quote] [size=1]DUDE, I was just about to say something about that!! My friend told me about it today, actually, and said he has plans on getting it, since he has a PS3. I think it's totally awesome. But for now, I'll have to stick with Guitar Hero[/size]
  6. Hmmmm.....[I]Back in the day[/I].......wow, there's actually a thread like this......heh, well...... Let's see, back when I was a kid? My first anime was, well, Pokemon!! That's mainly because I didnt have Cartoon Network at that point(I didn't get it until years later.). I was restricted to Kids WB and Fox Kids, which had my second anime, Digimon. over time, there must've been others that I possibly don't remember, but.... Somehow, Cartoon Network became available on basic family cable, as I found out when I switched over to channel 32, and saw Super Saiyan Goku, in his prime, against Frieza. Since then, I was spiritually transformed.....into the Otaku I am today. But really, the older Cartoon Network, in many ways, [B]much better[/B] than how it is now. I really miss all the old schedules, the old format, the old.......lots of things... Ah, the memories..... .....yup.....
  7. Yeah......Konohamaru......uhhh, [spoiler]You can only imagine what he was doing over the two years with his Sexy Jutsu. I wonder, what kind of "research" he did for the "Double Knockout Guys Jutsu", and where he got the idea for "Double Knockout Girls"......Kid's been reading too much.[/spoiler] Sasuke?? Heh, who really [spoiler]knows what that kid's planning? This Suigetsu guy is what interests me the most at this point. I'd really like to see him go up against Kisame. As for that girl, yeah, her vs. Sakura.[/spoiler] Hardcore.
  8. [I]TOO[/I] time consuming. Still, [spoiler]as mentioned before, having Orochimaru die now would kill the entire story. Technically, Orochimaru [I]is[/I] the lead villain, and to have him killed in such a vague fashion? Anything BUT epic. He's still there, I can tell. With Itachi going blind, will that serve as a problem concerning his strength?? I mean, will he be as strong as he was when he was able to see? Or will it greatly affect his ability to do....well, anything? Does Sasuke even [B]know[/B] about Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan? Because then, I could understand him trying to chase after him...[/spoiler]
  9. One Piece is, well, just plain incredible, we can only leave it at that!! And yet, we [b]can't[/b] leave it at that!! One thing is, that I haven't started watching the subs. I want to, though. I need to, seeing as- 1)I've only seen the subs so far, and I've already missed most of them. 2) If it's on YouTube, Hells yeah, I'll watch it!! So, there.
  10. Pokemon, yeah, that's just one of those "back in the day" shows that I myself am proud of! It's one of the most joyful things of my youth, and I'm glad to say, that as long as it's still here, I can hold on to my youth for just a little longer.... It also formally introduced me to the art style that is anime. Since then, I could always tell whether something came from Japan, or was Japanese-oriented. Then, I decided to expand my circle of interests.....and here I am!!
  11. [QUOTE=xmystic_silverx][spoiler] It is strong but it seems that Naruto hasn't quite mastered how to use it without using up all this chakra, but I guess he didn't really finish his training, did he? I'm kinda worried that even if he gets the [i]Fuuton: Ransenshuriken[/i] perfected that he still won't be able to beat sasuke. I don't know if a close-range attack will work against him.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] That's true, he still has some ways to go, but [spoiler] the [I]Fuuton: Rasenshuriken[/I], don't forget, was used 2-3 times in that battle (2 if you count the one that messed up and the one that hit, 3 if you count the one that the clone was holding) Unlike the regular [I]Rasengan[/I], which supposedly had no limit to its use, the Rasenshuriken now has a supposed 3-times a battle limitation.[/spoiler] As for Sasuke, [spoiler][I]Rasenshuriken[/I] versus [I]Chiidori Nagashi[/I] would make for a very interesting showdown.[/spoiler] ....hey!! Maybe Naruto should [spoiler]try to develop a Jutsu that surrounds his body in wind, similar to how Sasuke envelops himself in Lightning!![/spoiler] Just a thought.
  12. [quote name='Phenom']Sure, I guess. It's hard to judge something when you haven't even laid eyes on it though. (speaking of the fillers of course.) But what I meant about me not being excited about the fillers being over is that I see everyone getting stoked about Naruto getting back to it's original storyline. Sure that's good news and all, but it's nothing I'd find myself getting amped over, that's all. (Think of it as a personality trait. I'm not motivated by much. :animesmil )[/quote] Well, I suppose it's understandable for someone to feel that way. The fillers [B]have[/B] been going on for a good 90-something episodes. It's ok for someone to miss those humorously annoying fillers. Of course, I just can't wait for the new episodes to premiere on Thursday! But, what about [spoiler]Kakashi Gaiden[/spoiler]???
  13. The fillers are D-E-A-D!!! Thank the Holy Anime gods up above for this miracle!!......oh, and Kishimoto-san too! Well, seeing [spoiler]the new Sasuke in an animated form as well as the new Rasenshuriken![/spoiler]. But, it still leaves me to wonder whether all the fillers will make it here or not. Do you think they will skip the fillers enitirely when we reach that point in the series here in the states??
  14. Naruto is an excellent anime, no doubt, but one can't help but complain about the vast number of fillers there are. Of course, that's not the creators' fault. In any case, when it's tie for those episodes to premiere in America, will they show [I]all[/I] of the filler episodes in the states, seeing as they have no relation to the original storyline whatsoever???
  15. [QUOTE=Kei][color=darkblue][size=1]So, 340:[/color][/size] [spoiler][size=1]So you were right, Ikillion. The "Rasenshuriken" turned out to be a close-range jutsu after all. Seems like he wasn't unpredictable enough to come up with a long-range Wind jutsu, though I'm interested in seeing "how cool it looks," haha. Also, for some reason, the random Sasuke cameo ticked me off. I don't know why. >.>;[/spoiler][/size][/QUOTE] And as for 341: [spoiler]Yes, indeed the [i]"Fuuton: Rasenshuriken"[/i] is close-range, and a devastating attack at that, as shown against the poor Kakuzu. Yet, it still remains if Kakuzu is dead or not, whether all of his remaining hearts are destroyed. On a side note, Sasuke also makes a brief cameo on the cover page for the chapter. [/spoiler] Sorry Kei.
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