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Everything posted by KyuubiKhaos
i didnt reach that episode yet, but [B]MAN[/B] THAT LOOKS TERRIBLE!!!!! i'd hate to see how Shikamaru looks... :animeswea [QUOTE=Fluffeh]*looks over at everyones' post and eyes widen*I'm on episode 120...obsessed much? Oh yeah... When is it on Toonami? i thought it was on Adult Swim*bangs head against wall*[/QUOTE] ...Bleach is on Adult Swim. i dont know if that helps your dillema, but it will be on Adult Swim, along with Trinity Blood. Naruto is on at 9 pm on Saturdays, with last weeks episode at 8:30, i think. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]KyuubiKhaos[/B], it is not necessary to quote everything when responding to someone else's post, especially when it's right above your post. Also do not double post. If you need to add something just use the edit button located in the lower right hand corner of your post. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Aceburner]Okay, post overhaul. I like One Piece. It is my favorite anime (my least favorite company is 4Kids.) My favorite character is Portgas D. Ace. I think he is totally awesome because [spoiler]he has complete control over fire and is Luffy's older brother.[/spoiler] This anime is my favorite because of the wacky artwork, the good story, and, of course, the zany adventures of the Straw Hat Crew. And the idiot that is me has figured out how to use spoiler tags. Yay.[/QUOTE] One Piece is an excellent anime, despite how it was screwed up by 4Kids. I mean, it already has [spoiler]7 movies!!![/spoiler]. its already a cult classic, there's no doubt. i mean, what kid didnt/doesnt want to grow up to be a pirate?
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
KyuubiKhaos replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Meru-chan']Yeah i agree with the whole" Belive It!!" thing.. It so annoying... I've been watching naruto for about three or four years now...BUt i wonder what Cartoon network is going to to about Jiraiya...is he like going to be his perverted self...or have a nose bleeding problem.... :animeswea .[/quote] holy crap, you're right!!! what [B]will[/B] they do with Jiraiya??? and...Tsunade? are they going to...reduce her...um, you know :animeswea . but back to Jiraiya, i guess they cant do anything to cover that up. they'll probably just remove the major details and keep minor things, such as him hitting on or getting hit on by women. -
when you really get down to it, Inuyasha is a very unique anime in the sense that it brings the perfect balance of action, comedy(mostly slapstick), romance, suspence, violence, horror(ok, maybe not horror, but there are some scary moments, you have to admit), and other thematic elements. the only problem with the show is that it's not as consistent as it should be. what i mean by this is that certain pieces of the storyline have been dragging out for years, such as the love triangle between [spoiler]Kagoma, Kikyo, and Inuyasha[/spoiler], Sango's attempts to [spoiler]save Kohaku[/spoiler], and the central conflict between Inuyasha's group and Naraku. other than that, it's an excellent anime that should be respected among many an otaku. [color=#007520][INDENT][SIZE=1]KyuubiKhaos, especially since you quoted a post with my warning in it, you should already know about pointless quoting and spoiler tags. I also deleted your double post. Make an effort to read the rules, before continuing to post. As I said in the post you quoted, ignoring warnings from a moderator are grounds for a ban. -r2[/SIZE][/INDENT][/color]
If anyone out there is listening, i'd like somebody to make an avatar for myOtaku using some pics from Samurai Champloo. here are a few pics you could use- [URL=http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g71/RyuhouUchiha/amalgam_1x3.jpg]pic #1[/URL] [URL=http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g71/RyuhouUchiha/SAMURAI_CHAMPLOO_0804.jpg]pic #2[/URL] [URL=http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g71/RyuhouUchiha/Samurai20Champloo20Volume201.jpg]pic #3[/URL] i'd like it to have my name on it written in graffiti style, just like from Samurai Champloo. and dont forget-it's for myOtaku, so it has to be(i think) 125x125 pixels. if not, then you know what it should be. thnx to anyone who can help!!!
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
KyuubiKhaos replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=Ilyayef]That doesnt seem to be it, [spoiler] it sound to me like there reffering to the 3year training he had received from the prevert{forgot his name] and they will continue something unsetteled, oh and except for the fact that naruto has more energy and chakara and is faster he has not improved in his technique and skills he still uses two hands to cast out his resengan [or w/e] what the hell did he do in three years hopefully something more then endurance under the foxtails chakra would be nice of they put in another chapter where he shows off more power cmon he went away for 3 years[/spoiler].... [/QUOTE] actually he did. this is still in japanese, but during a fight scene between [spoiler]Naruto and Orochimaru, Naruto goes into a Fox-demon state in which he has three tails(compared to when he had one tail against Sasuke). over the course of the battle, Naruto gained the fourth tail. Orochimaru even claimed that Naruto, at this point, had the power to kill him.[/spoiler] however, Naruto can [spoiler]keep his conciousness and remain sane up to three tales. At the fourth tail, however, he begins to lose sanity and his clear state of mind. there's even a point at which he attacks Sakura while she tries to get Naruto to turn back to normal.[/spoiler] so he did [spoiler]improve his synchronization with the Kyuubi, by a lot![/spoiler] Sasuke wasnt the only one training! :smirk: -
[QUOTE=animeloyalist91]I Won YEESSS (Pants Ripp) :animeblus Any Way here is my Pic [url]http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/9462a66c36.jpg[/url][/QUOTE] OMFG i know that person but dont remember the anime!!! [spoiler]****!!![/spoiler] it sicks cuz [B]I read the manga at my library!!!!!!![/B] it was such a good manga too... :animecry:
[quote name='Kanariya][size=1][font=georgia][b]Do As Infinity[/b'] are a nice band too listen to also; Tomiko Van has a wonderful voice and it sounds really good with the melodies and instruments. I only bought two albums, but hey, I can't get everything.][/quote] oh, yeah! that group who did those songs from Inuyasha! they're good too! [[quote name='Kanariya][b]Peelander Z[/b] would count too; those guys are [i]crazy.[/i][/font'][/size][/quote] i saw them on Most Extreme Elimination Challenge(MXC), that import physical challenge game show from Japan. they are [B]too[/B] weird. but nonetheless, they rock out loud! :animesmil
[quote name='uchihagirl']Is it true that there are two versions in the anime version of Naruto? Like an adult version or something? I was wondering because there seems to be two different ones, like before, they say the episode in anime ends at 188, but then I found episode 189...Is there two versions of Naruto?[/quote] well, in the anime, not yet. in the manga, which is wayyyy ahead, they have "Naruto", and something called "Naruto II". ya see. at one point in the series, Naruto goes with [spoiler]Jiraiya in seclusion to train for about 2.5 years.[/spoiler] the same goes for Sakura and Tsunade. what they did with the manga is called a time-skip, where they dont show you [B]anything[/B] that goes on in those 2 or so years, so when the next issue comes out, 2 and a half years have past since the last chapter/episode. they consider the period after the 2 years "Naruto II". i wont spoil it anymore for you guys, unless you already know this stuff. but i will say this for those who dont know-[B]all[/B] the characters have changed dramatically. stronger, more mature. and they learn plenty new things too! ok, i'll stop now... [COLOR=SeaGreen][INDENT][SIZE=1][B]KyuubiKhaos[/B], I added spoiler tags to your post, please use spoiler tags. Not everyone is familiar with a particular anime and it's no fun to know what's going to happen even if it's just a small reference. Instructions on how to use spoiler tags can be located at the top of the Anime Lounge. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
hey, is there anybody out there that can make a good Samurai Champloo banner? here, i'll provide some pictures for you- [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y189/smplmnd/SAMURAI_CHAMPLOO_0804.jpg]pic #1[/URL] [URL=http://www.dlounge.org/archives/images/samuraichamploo.jpg]pic #2[/URL] if anyone can, thank you so much!!! if you cant, please try to find someone who could. i'll be sure to give whoever makes the banner 100% credit for it too! thnx again!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa! there's a thread all about Yu-Gi -Oh! cards?! THANK YOU!!!!!! now, onto my question, and this concerns the Sacred Beast Uria, Lord of Searing Flames. I know that it can [B]only[/B] be special summoned by sacrificing three face-up continuous trap cards. and traps [B]can[/B] be activated on your opponents turn. so my question is this- can you activate three continuous traps at once on your opponent's turn and [B]immediately[/B] afterwards, special summon Uria by sacrificing them?
[QUOTE=Papa Smurf] The buttons felt great, the new look is perfect--the re-design came at a perfect time, by the way, with the Wii coming later this year...DS Lite looks like Wii's cousin, it really does--and the screen quality is unbelievable. The improvement was similar to GBA-->DS, which is pretty remarkable, I think, given that DS and DS Lite are basically the same system. Gotta agree with Charles about the look. It is very sexy. Incidentally, I think the look of the DS Lite alone will help the connectivity features we're undoubtedly going to see with Wii. Having an overall design theme will attract gamers, I hope. Cause I know it's attracted me already. Of course, successful connectivity will largely depend on if Nintendo avoids making those major mistakes we saw with the GCN/GBA connectivity trainwreck, lol.[/QUOTE] The DS Lite is nothing short of astounding, especially for a portable system. a sleek design, brighter screen, and from what i've heard, an enhanced wi-fi web connection similar to that of the PSP-it's brilliant. i still have the old DS, but i might trade it in soon and get a DS Lite. then i'll just have to get some more games for it...
[quote name='MiyamotoMusashi']Fat Jon, Force of Nature,Minmi,Nujabes,and Tsutchie Are my Absolute Faviorites. Basically, The Samurai Champloo Soundtracks![/quote] Forces of Nature rule! ya gotta love "Battlecries"! i also like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION. "Haruka Kanata" is an awesome song(from Naruto) and Reweite(from Fullmetal Alchemist). other good bands are Orange Range(Naruto, Bleach), Stance Punks(Naruto), Flow(Naruto, Eureka 7), and Analog Fish(Naruto). other general bands/singers i like from Japan are the Pillows, Yoko Kanno, Melt Banana, Namie Amuro, Puffy AmiYumi and several others. their songs are just so catchy and addictive! they also helped me learn some Japanese! another band i was recently introduced to was Dir en Grey. They're creepy!! but in a good way! they rock!!!!! well, i had fun here! i should come back soon!
[QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]FINALLY I'll get to play this one...I've only been able to play the Gekitou Series for the Gamecube, so I've been looking forward to this for a long time. :D English voices? Ha! It won't bother me because I actually watch the dub. :cool: [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] well, all the more reason for me to get PS3! man, the Ultimate Ninja series looks mad awesome!!!! i mean, the ultimate attacks [B]actually[/B] have real cutscenes!!! moreover, this game has a lot more characters than Clash of Ninja. but i have Gamecube, and i'm desperately trying to save up for PS3.(cuz there's no point in getting a PS2 now) overall, it looks awesome. i [B]will[/B] get PS3, and i [B]will[/B] get Ultimate Ninja!!!!
well, i know that people can have a favorite anime/manga character. But, when it comes to a superpower, special ability, personality trait, etc., what's your favorite, and why? My favorite personality is that of Hiei from YuYu Hakusho. Dark, arrogant, yet with a soft side. Hiei just seems to spark my interest(not that i'm [B]gay[/B] or anything. when it comes down to a superpower, Kazuma's(s-CRY-Ed) ShellBullet Fist takes it all the way home! first, you have to love the appearance. A giant orange arm mutated from your own arm, with three spikes(first level), then a gold plate-like object(second level) on your back. and the arm itself just [B]screams[/B] "beastly" all over it! and [B]then[/B], comes the best part- the last form. a full body makeover based on the Lv. 2, your whole body is covered in gold, with a long orange hood over your head. and [B]BOTH[/B] arms contain the power of the alter! enough about the looks-let's talk power! the ShellBullet is [I]the[/I] most destructive alter there is! how can you lose with an alter with(i forgot to mention this before) speed that matches its strength?! you can't! But those are just my takes on this. I'd really like to hear what others have to say about this.
[quote name='Hunter DX']I cant wait for this one. I think they incorprated special attacks into this game like Kirby cooking people alive.And Links Triforce Slash. this game is the reason im picking up the Wii.[/quote] The Wii is an incredible console. i'm kinda pissed at Sony for copying Nintendo for the whole "motion-sensor" concept. i cant wait for SSB:Brawl! the new characters look awesome! i cant believe that [spoiler]Solid Snake[/spoiler] is gonna be in it! but i hope that the game has a ton of more secret characters like Melee did. Damn, the new Samus looks soooo hot!!!
[QUOTE=xmystic_silverx]I think I started watching anime when I was in third grade. Of course, I never knew that pokemon was an anime (I don't think I even knew the word [I]anime[/I] back then) or that it was even from japan. Then in fifth grade I started watching Tenchi Muyo, Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Card Captors and Digimon and I had a period of time when I was obsessed with them. At that age I still didn't know that they were called anime. I just watched them because they were cooler looking than Spongebob and the characters were so likable. Then after I got a computer I learned a lot about the anime that I liked and I contiued to watch more and read manga, too. Now, I read more manga than watch anime. Mangas can be just as interesting as a novel. The only difference is that it's drawn out in comic style and it reads from right to left (or atleast, thats the only difference to me)t. Reading manga and watching anime entertains me. There are simply too many reasons to list of why I like it. I don't know if I'm sure of why I like it; I just do.[/QUOTE] the thing about anime is that it's totally unique and original. it also covers a vast area of categories. i totally agree with and feel the same way as who i'm quoting. pokemon got me into anime, although i didnt know what it was. then DBZ and Digimon came into my life, and i [B]still[/B] didnt know what it was. when i got Cartoon Network, i started watching Adult Swim, then i found out what what anime was. and i had an excellent introduction to it too, because i watched quality shows such as Cowboy Bebop and YuYu Hakusho. Then Inuyasha came, and I immediately became an otaku. Anime is a [B]very[/B] unique art form, and should be respected as such. :p
Anime If you could be any anime character, who would you be?
KyuubiKhaos replied to Shadow Blade's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=gwynva]I would love to be ed from cowboy bebop He seems to be so free and happy all the time, lives in a world specific to him he is so good with computers plus he has a superb dog :)[/QUOTE] Ed is also an excellent hacker, which is a useful ability for me, since i barely kmow anything about computers. for manga, i'd pick Hao Asakura from Shaman King. I mean, he has the [B]Spirit of Fire!!![/B] How awesome is that?! and he's pretty handsome. i'd kill for those looks! -
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Well one of the major problems with replacing the major cast members would be backlash from fans who might see it as simply replacing higher profile actors with lower ones for the sake of profit. I mean sure these films cost a fortune to make but they've always recapped their costs and more once they're released. Personally I think if Marvel is interested in changing the line up, they might be better off to focus the next movie on the younger X-Men seen in Last Stand, characters like Shadowcat, Angel, Rogue, Colossus and Iceman, that way you keep the continuity but cut costs by hiring younger actors. At least that seems the most logical step to me.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] well, if they [B]did[/B] change the line up, it probably wouldn't hurt. To focus the movie on the younger X-men generation, that's not a bad idea. it would be just like that show "X-Men Evolution". that would be fun!
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
KyuubiKhaos replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
well, i'm just glad that IGPX is back. This new season's going pretty good so far! i highly doubt that Team Satomi will win this year! I have no time to watch Inuyasha on Tuesdays, so I catch them on Saturdays, which are [B]way[/B] behind. Hey, is Ghost in the Shell over? I missed the episode two weeks ago, and now they dont show it anymore. What happened? -
[QUOTE=Dead Leaves]Sorry but I cant say any Anime character is corny, because its anime...and I cant hate anything about it. So I'll just state why most people dont like some anime shows but like others (very shallow in my point of view but thats just me...not trying to step on any toes XD) 1. Never seen it in japanese which means they have only seen the american interpratation of it. 2. Never seen the uncut version of it (4kids...should die) A good example of this is Yu-gi-oh , if you have seen it on TV then you are seeing the 4kids version (If you have read the manga/shonen jump has it if you cant find it/ or watched the uncut version in japanese/ the way it is suppost to be/ then you know it is NOT a kids show, and you know what Im talking about. 3. I said this in 1 but I will restate it. If Voice actors are a reason then just watch the japanese version with subtitles which will be much more enjoyable for you. 4. It is very played out on TV (meaning that you dont like it because they show reruns/its an old anime/ lots of people like it) *How is this even an excuse? :animesmil Thats all I have to say hope you like my imput.[/QUOTE] those are my sentiments exactly! anime isn't lame-just remember that certain shows are aimed at certain audiences. For example, Pokemon and (sadly) the American dub of Yu-Gi-Oh! are aimed at the younger American audience. Others such as DBZ are aimed at the 7-13 age group. Whereas Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha are geared toward the 14-and-older group. Then there are special cases, like Neon Genesis Evangelion, which, by our standards, is for people 18 or older. other than that, some people dont like anime for other reasons. Some of my friends don't like Naruto Uzumaki's(I use his full name because i'm singling him out) english dub voice, saying it's too raspy and because he ALWAYS says "Believe it!" I don't mind this, but i still prefer his Japanese voice. 4Kids will perish. I will personally see to it that they do. ;) If there are any lame anime characters, i suppose i could name a few. Sailor Moon was pretty lame. If they were trying to make a popular [I]female[/I] hero, they failed miserably. She practically [B]always[/B] had to get rescued by Tuxedo Mask, who was also lame on his part. No offense to anyone, but i find Sasuke Uchiha to be quite lame also. For someone who wants to get stronger for a just cause like avenging his family, he shouldn't have to rely on a crazed devilish villain like Orochimaru.