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Everything posted by Dooxy

  1. haha, you guys drunk ? ;) [B][I]YNGWIE MALMSTEEN[/I][/B] Hands down this man is considred a god for his fusion of classical and modern guitar and playing in scales not many other do and not to mention his blisteringinginging speed :animenose . Everyone else mentioned is good but this guy has literally created a kickarse new style of guitar playing. I recommend you "aquire" some of his stuff it is AMAZING. Check out his speed metal symphony. Also. Idk wo exactly the guitarist is, but the band DragonForce has some AWESOME guitarist(s) xP Edit: DragonForce dude was mentioned above :P :D
  2. I think fillers are garbage and boring, like whats happening to bleach now. If it was me, I would stop making episodes until the manga went a bit further ahead. I wouldnt care if the fans complained it's for their own good, Its quality over quantity!! And plus in x amount of years when all the eps are out and someone else watches it they will think its the greatest thing since sliced bread, and tell everyone else about it. Stuff that owns like NGE and are still selling strong.. WHY? Because it was the perfect size and there was no fillers. I also think animes with 150+ eps are a waste of time. *cough* Naruto.
  3. DoC revolves around vincent right ? And Ive seen some gameplay footage from the FFVII AC dvd. But.. Isnt Vince Valentine supposed to be invincible lmao? when he does that whole cape thing xD If i was him.. lmao screw the guns, haha i would just cape around the world and pwn everyone haha
  4. Lord Dante has the right idea, Everyday when I get to school, I sit there. And I think how perfect life would be,if i was at home, if i could get a few more hours of sleep, sit there watch a good movie on the big tv in my house :catgirl: sit on the couch and just play my guitar until like... 6. And then go outside, and the sky would be the most kick@$$ kind of dark purpley blue colour and there would be alot of stars. And I would walk until the sky turned a kick@$$ red colour :animeswea No one said it had to be realistic haha, but honestly.. who wouldnt want a day like that ? x]
  5. Ya I've been playing like half a year now, my fingers still hurt when I'm learning new chords ^^. because your fingers develope a callus where you play the most, so when you learn new chrods its a new place on your fingers. Bass is lower notes because the strings are thicker, if you want a song where you can really hear the 2 diferent guitars listen to Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades by brand new, tis a good song :D As for school you I wouldn't really be concerned, I'm assuming you are right handed so, it's your left fingers that will hurt. If you are a lefty it might be a bit more difficult to find a lefty guitar at a local store, with the strings reversed and a cutout on the opposite side. If you are buying an acoustic you don't have to worry about the cutout.
  6. I guess it's just different where I live, there's no "prep" kids or whatever the hell they are, everyone here is into rap music and all that kinda stuff. If you walk down the street here you just see everyone with there buzzcuts :animeangr because its the "in" thing to do. I want a hawk because they are just different, and everyone has wanted one at some point in time xD But ya.. what I really needed to know in this thread is what should I use to make it stand again? and has anyone ever heard of using wood glue ?
  7. I felt like this after I finnished watching Neon Genesis Evanglion, the oddness of the series and the fact that things don't really go "according to plan"? I don't know I just felt depressed after watching it, and I finnished watching it the last saturday of spring break, so i had to goto school on monday feeling all wierd :S It sounds odd that someone would be getting all depressed over a "cartoon" but I dunno. Watch Neon Genesis, and the movies, and then you will know the feeling. But you're not alone xD
  8. I have this game for PSP I just started playing it, it's actually my dads ahaha cuz he has a PSP too :P But this game is wayyyy too cool. It's like an awesome RPG Strat, I have never played Number 1 but from what I've heard it's worse than 2. But yeaa, does anything happen after you beat the whole "Pwn one planet @ a time thing?" do you get more planets ? xD Cuz there's 10 there now... and that is by FAR my favorite mode :P Ya space battles are awesome, playing this game owns while you are watching Star Wars too xD. The one downside about this game is, theres like.. too many modes, I started playing like 2 days ago and I'm like "OK I'm just gonna turn this one, slice some people in half, chill with the wookies yadayadayada :catgirl: " 2 seconds later... "choose a mode" omfgwtfhax!!1!1!11!eleven!!11 theres was like 7 modes and after you click a mode theres like more subcatagories! It was a bit confusing cuz i didn't know where the hell to go again. And after you play a battle in the planet taking over one, why does it ask you to save twice ? anyone ? ^_^ ty :P =The numbers in the above post may not be accurate :D give or take that number times itself and you should be good=
  9. Well it all started like this, My first year of highschool now, and I was pissed off because looking through the yearbook there was NOT ONE person with a mohawk :animestun .. something's wrong there, but because my school is predominantly into the whole "rap music is the coolest thing since sliced bread" thing. I wanna mohawk, and if my friend does it me and her will be the only ones with hawks, but i kinda got one smalll problem, my hair is curly, not afro curly xD its just curly, and I wouldn't want to be straightening it any time I wanna spike myself up. My hair is about 5 or 6 inches long? Took a fair while to grow about 7 or 8 months, and I just dont wanna cut it all off, seems like a waste to me :animesmil So I might as well do something cool with it. People always wanna do stuff but they don't have the balls. So when I'm 80 im gonna havs pics for my grandchildren and I wanna be able to say, I HAD A MOHAWK! I HAD LONG HAIR, IT WAS !!! :animeswea just stuff like that :P and lately the new "cool" hairstyle at my school is getting a buzzcut, psshh I had that last year.. before it was cool :P but it was really a haircut gone wrong and thats what I ended up with :P [strike]Or maybe I am just really craving attention! a self-deprived emotionless teen who just wants attention from ANYONE!!![/strike] :animecry: Scratch that last line, I'm good ;) And thx for all the replies guys :D
  10. Hey people waattsaappp! Ok me and my friend are planning to get our mohawk on! Any suggestions ? Ive already tried to make my hair stand on end right now but i cant do it, so if I get a hawk what should I use ? and should I dye it ? =o xD. My friend said shes gonna do hers 3 inches, o well shes gonna look like a tard then.. But Im gonna keep mine what it is now, about 6 1/2 inches :D Anyone ever had a hawk ? got any cool pictures? and tips? hellp meeehhhhh!!!!11!1 plz :)
  11. It wouldnt hurt... u just might need to tune it more because everything has been broken in already. But I would buy cheap first partly because I'm broke and if you decide to stop playing u wont b cryin the blues cuz u spent millions on a guitar lmao :D but if u buy a decent guitar and an electric tuner all should be well :cool:
  12. Dude, I play electric, and I wouldn't rush into buying anything like a "fender strat pack" or something like that, I would look for a cheap starters guitar with an amp and some basic stuff, and make SURE to buy an electric tuner. Fender is a pretty big name in the industry so I wouldn't advise buying that first, could be a bit pricey. My first guitar was an ION guitar that came in a beginners kit was about $200 Canadian x) It worked just fine for me, had no problems with it so I wouldn't rush into anything too name brand. Ya and once you start playing a guitar and learn some scales you can play piano like nothing :D Edit: Thanks for the chord chart Boo :P
  13. Mwuahahahah I feel evil today... Create a new email add her and say you are him. If you add him on sum other email uve created observe his typing patterns ie. his greeting and whatnot xD, his fav emotions (:D), try to get in the habbit of typing like him. And commence with the impersonating! :D hope this helps ;)
  14. I currently take lessons :D Don't expect to get good fast either x) that's what I wanted to happen lmao, its been about 6 months and im OK... After I started learning I asked alotta ppl at my school how long it took them to get pretty good, most said aboit 1.5 - 2 years :animecry: But don't quit if you start! waste of money. I suggest you buy Hal Leonard books and learn the Linear msuic scale first, makes reading guitar music (not tablature) alot easier. :D Good luck if you start.
  15. [quote name='Nekova']I just saw the first episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion, and couldn't believe how much I liked it [/quote] I was definatley sucked in by NGE, in the first episode there's sooo much going on, it had a pretty cool story and like non-stop some kind or another action, I think what really sucked me in from episode 1 was when [Spoiler] They are shooting the nuke missles at the angel and it just stops it with his hand and the missle just "crushes" around it's hand[/Spoiler] the animation there was soooo cool :animestun . The rest of the series didn't dissapoint, although it left me with some kind of depressed feeling after watching the whole thing :animedepr , but after I got over it I would say this is my favorite anime so far. :animesmil
  16. Dooxy

    Date Movie!!!

    Lol, ya there was ALOT of spoofing, but its different from other movies because these spoofs look almost EXACTLY like the other movies, the King Kong part, the people look the exact same! even the kid there too :P [Spoiler]and then they pull out cell phones lmao[/Spoiler] meet the fockers/parents spoof, Is the mother thats played Gregs mom the same one in this movie? and the dad too? if not =o WoWoWo they look exactly like them. :D
  17. Dooxy

    Date Movie!!!

    Mwuahaha i almost pissed my pants like 3 times watching this movie hahaha. Anyone else seen this ? what is your favorite part haha ? Mine is when the gir gets on the motorcycle to find the guy shes gonna marry, then in the next scene she just turns into a black guy and she does a wheelie away, i laughed so hard there, hes wearing a yellow dress and all, that was one of the funniest parts in the whole movie, if you are reading this it might not seem so funny but you have to actually watch it x)
  18. I don't really have one right now but don't hate me for saying this! xD Right now im borrowing Cowboy Bebop from my friend. From what I've seen online and everything it looked pretty cool and all, but now that im actually watching it, it's not living upto expectations, the CG looks all wierd and i dont think it really fits into the picture well. And the art style is a little different than what I like x) but some people seem to love it! I'm on about episode 5 right now and I dont see much of a storyline, I'm starting to regret watching it because if I get too far in i will have to know how it ends and then i will waste approx 650 mins.(estimated time on the box lmao) of my life watching an anime i didn't enjoy xD. Ya like it said don't snap on meh If you love this anime lol. Just my opinion :animeswea Anyone try to sway my mind on this anime ? And what anime(s) do you really hate or think smells worse than that one fat kid in your class who never showers..? [COLOR=Indigo]Welcome to OtakuBoards [B]Dooxy[/B], Since your thread is essentially the same thing as this thread: [B]what Anime do you wish you never saw it the first place[/B] I am merging your thread: [B]our Most hated, worst, cheapest, suckiest anime?[/B] into it. As it says in the stickly: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37269][COLOR=Indigo][B]IMPORTANT: How to Post in Anime Lounge[/B][/COLOR][/URL] [quote name='How to Post in Anime Lounge']Before you post a new thread, please perform a forum search on that subject. That way, you can determine whether or a thread already exists about the subject you have chosen to discuss. Forum searches are very easy -- simply click on "Search this Forum" at the top of the forum page. Type in the name of the anime/game that you want to talk about and then see if it comes up on the list. If it does, use that existing thread to make comments. If it doesn't, you may create a new thread.[/quote]In this case a simple search of ?anime I dislike? would have pulled up the thread I am moving yours too. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the forum rules before posting again. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR]
  19. [quote name='Lan']Senses Fail[/quote] mwuahahaha sensed fail rocks sox by the minute. I'll look into some of the bands above :D u ppl seems perdy coolio. The Sitcom also rock out loud xP listening to them while skating mwuahaha totally owsome. 112, Placebo and Closet Monster rock. :p
  20. I was playing Socom Fireteam Bravo online and i just needed a username no one had so I made a name up lmao. So I used it here too. xD
  21. None of these bands get regular or literally any airplay here. Never seen any one of these on MuchMusic or MTV but I got MTV like last week lol, where do ya'lls live? Maybe someof these band are huge in Europe because i think HIM are pretty big, and in Canada the Highest Coheed has ever reached was 23rd on the charts i think, don't see them anywhere considering most countdowns start from 20 :( I put Motely Crüe there cuz theyre old lmao:P ya k they are mainstream lmao but if you ask 10 teenagers on the street i dont think they wud know who they are.
  22. Bleach is pretty funny, Rukia's drawings xD Ichigo & his dad lmao, and has an amazingngng story line. But now the fillers are starting :( I've seen some excel saga too, a bit odd :P kinda funny.
  23. where do you ppls live up here in canuck land? I'm in the Gta =D those are some perdy cool bands.. @ least the ones I've heard of there. But I think P!atd are over rated, Im not hating on any type of musicks here.. But lemme compare P! to rap music, they are comming up too fast, these artist arent all that good, rap music is like u goto bed on Fri. night, wake up monday morning and this guy is #1 on the charts. Last month who knew who Ne-Yo was?... exactly... same with P! but this is just my opinion :D
  24. My favorite non mainstream bands arreeeeee Coheed and Cambria HIM 30 Seconds to Mars Alkaline Trio Live Kasier Chiefs Rammstein Taking Back Sunday Zebrahead Motely Crüe and more. Anyone heard of any of them? love 'em or hate 'em? I live in Canada in the year 2006 :D Soooo Depending in what country or time period you are currently living some of these bands might be pretty mainstream :P
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