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Everything posted by Hanabishi Recca
[QUOTE=Tekkaman][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=navy]... if you can't take jokes at your own religion - or at religion period - and brush it off later - or at that very moment - you may need to strengthen up on your faith or / and your pride. [/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] I don't think faith has anything to do with it. Having faith in God doesn't make someone less mad from a certain comment. You have to be pateint and that takes a while for people (like me). So, if someone gets angry if someone makes a joke I think that thats okay. I think it all depends on if they really let it get to them (and blow up because of it).
[quote name='Rain][size=1][color=black]Are you replying to me? If so, let me clarify - in my first post I was saying that although I don't find South Park all that funny, I wouldn't be personally offended by that episode because I could just not watch it.[/color'][/size][/quote] Personally Rain, I think your first post was the best! I don't like South Park. I think it sucks. I have laughed at a couple things but that doesn't make a show good by my standards. If it does to someone else, then thats fine, I just saying that I don't like it for a couple of reasons. If the show was better then I would probably watch more. But, with that in mind, I do have the South Park movie (Probably the best one). But, that all because I say its the best one, that doesn't mean it is good. Just to make sure you understand me and comment that I DO have it. I have two brothers and we watch it - sometimes. Maybe once every four years (and thats South Park in general for me). I don't exactly find laughs in South Park. Thanks for your time and such. Dae
[quote name='Aaryanna_Mom'] In all honesty I feel bad for them that they even feel the need to mock or make fun of others due to their religious beliefs or for any other reason for that matter. And I think it?s equally as sad when those who are religious get all upset and actually attack others over religion. [/quote] Well, reading what you said changed my outlook a bit. Maybe its in-secureity that makes people act that way. That would actually make sense because there are some things in my life that are similar to what has happend in your life (It wasn't anyone moving out or anything, but it was me finding that the problem was within me). Thinking about it more deeply and making my mind secure about my standings made my anger loosen on that subject. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']So in the end, I think it's great that you don't let it get to you. ;)[/quote] Like I said, its all about what you think about yourself. If you don't know your position with God (Or yourself even) then you are going to get angry about that subject. It took me finalizing it into my mind and heart. Thanks for your time and such. Dae
[quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkOrchid'] I do agree that joking about religion can be potentially offensive, and yet at the same time I can complete agree with finding things funny about it. [/COLOR][/quote] Well, I think its offensive to some people because they take it seriously and to others it just the opposite (Or take it alittle less serious than the other). I (Personally) could find something offensive in this thread if I really wanted to. The thing is that I don't exactly care about what other people think (Thats another thing that has to do with it). [quote name='The13thMan']If you love your enemy then you are allowing your enemy to take advantage of you.[/quote] Jesus told us to love, not to be stupid. We (Christians) should have common sense and Spiritual sense we shouldn't be dumb as a log. Now, you should forgive and forget, and wait for fruit to apear that they actually did change their actions. But being stupid is not making a Christian look Christ-like. Thats making other people think that Christ is a idiot, even though he isn't. Thats all for now, thanks for your time and such. Dae
[B]1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why?[/B] I'm Christian. To sum it up, I believe in what the Bible says (Which is what God says and every such thing). [B]2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc?[/B] I picked to be a Christian myself. (My Mother is really easy on things like this. So, I could actually be whatever I want. So I wasn't forced or anything like that.) [B]3. Do you ever feel that people often critisize you because of these beliefs?[/B] Not really. I never actually feel anyone saying anything about my believes and actually down right critisize me about it. People have hinted at it somewhat, but it never went further than that. [B]4. Do you believe that your religion is the [I]one true religion?[/I] If so provide evidence.[/B] Well, I do believe that it is (Obviously). Evidence? My evidence is myself I suppose. The Bible says that a Christians life is to be lived by love and through love and its a horrible truth to say that there are alot more Christians out there not living the way God initially intended for them to live. Alot of Christians live the way they want to not ever knowing who they are or what they are able to even do. I can't seriously change someones mind without having physical evidence. So, with me not being able to come over there I can't actually prove to you guys that God is real in me.
I have a couple actually. 1 - I like to be doing something with my family. Saying that we don't do much together anymore because my Mother always has to work and my Father isn't that willing. So, recently I've been taking trips with my brothers to Dallas (About a 2 1/2 hour drive). I've had fun while doing that but its only going to be one more week to Dallas (Fort Worth actually for this week) and one more week to another place. But its soon going to be over. 2 - I like to be playing football with my family. Thats one of the things we don't do too much. We play through out the year and we have a couple of times when we plan to play (Every year). Like our Turkey day bowl game. Its just for fun though. I enjoy it alot! But, like I said, we don't play football too often. 3 (I know I said a couple - shush) - At times I like to be by myself and just read some random book. I've actually been reading a book about Vince Lombardi. We have alot of books and I like to just pick one to read and just lay down and read. It calms me down at times when I am very very angry. I like to get away from my family at times. Because I'm not always going to like the way that they are acting as they aren't going to like the way I'm acting at the time. I like to spent time with my family as at other times I like to get away and build my own self confidence. Because the way you defeat defeatism is with confidence. Thats all for now. Thanks for your time and have a wonderful day. Dae
*Ponder Ponder* There are a couple places I want to be but for now I really want to be in Denver. The Bronco's are doing really well this year. I want to see some of their games and its colder up there than it is here. I think they are getting snow up there right now :o I want to see the sites also. Have some fun there. See a Bronco's game. I just really think it would be really really fun to see a pro football game - and of course snow. *looks at someones post* -edit edit- Dallas traffic is nothing compared to Houston traffic :o
I'm not really doing anything for Halloween. I'm going to Dallas tomorrow for a video game tournament. I'll be there for Saturday also (Probably come back early Sunday morning). On Saturday I'm going to a arcade. Its $15 to enter and the rest is free. Its free pizza and games. Its basically a Lock In (I've been to a church lock in before, but never a video game lock in :)). They are having a tournament for Soul Calibur 3 (Arcade) and Tekken DR (Arcade). Friday they are having a tournament for Tekken 5.0, NCAA 07, Guitar Hero, and a side tournament for Soul Calibur. I'm not sure if I can actually enter any of these. Because its at a McDonalds (I don't think that they want any young kids entering because I can win money and its going to be help around Midnight). I don't exactly understand, most tournaments I can enter. I'm not sure if they understand how much business they are loosing. I mean, there are alot of kids that would want to pay. They would loose anyway. You have to be 18 to enter though. So ignorant. On Tuesday (Halloween) I'm not doing anything really. Maybe play mini golf with my family. We are doing a first to 5 and the winner of each game gets $20. Its nice for sure, I've only won once so far though. Its almost over though. But thats not even for sure. Thanks for your time.
I don't really think that anyone can be "screwed up". Since there are so many other people out there that are worse off. Because if someone is "screwed up" then there has to be a normal. To pose a question, what is normal? As for your other question, I could always say that the best choice for me was choosing for God to be my Savior. I still believe that is the best thing that I've done in my entire life. :)
I don't really have anything to get away from. I do some things though. I play video games. They really calm me down some how. I guess its just because I get my mind off of whats actually happening. Too bad you can't hide from reality forever though ;) I read sometimes also. Because if its a fictional book then I could pretend I'm them and its all a dream world. Because after I read something I can just 'blow up' that idea in my mind. Music is always a way of excape. I think it is for everyone. Because music can change your mood fast! For example, Eye of the tiger can be a motivational song. So can Heat of a Champion from Nelly. They can change moods faster than a book can ;) Oh God, People undress themselves? Lord Jesus, I've spoke with them before. Why don't they talk to me anymore? HINT HINT HINT!
To Aaryanna, Excuse me for my ignorance. To Death Knight, Alright, I guess you're right. You should pay the penalty. I also ask for you to forgive me for my ignorance. (I also ask everyone to forgive me because that was pretty stupid :o) I still wouldn't wouldn't want to go on that penalty. I guess the thing is that I'm not going to kill anyone..
[quote name='Sho Ayori']I agree with the Death penalty. I believe that if you intentionally murder someone, you don't have the right to exist anymore. [/quote] So, saying it that like that, if your BEST friend got hit with it would you still feel the same way toward the penalty? If someone killed someone then get the death penalty they aren't only hurting the person who commited the crime. Their hurting their family, their friends, and everyone around them. If you killed someone do you think that you would derserve the death penalty? I think that you have to take these things personally for you to get the real answer out of you. I mean, saying that you make one mistake (Worse than your others) then your WHOLE life is ruined. How would you feel?
[B][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Verdana] You know what, most times I think they derserve the death penalty. But after thinking about it for a little bit if it was my family member then I wouldn't want them to have the death penalty. I don't think they should have the death penalty because they are going to jail anyway. They have some time to think of what they did and to see if the time they spent was worth it. If they did it again, then they should make the sentence longer. I mean, its their life they are ruining. The should just notice what they are doing isn't working , right? Its just commen sence. Too bad not too many people have it these days. If they did want to keep on being stupid then they are going to pay the time. PS. Have a good interview![/FONT][/COLOR][/B] (Oh, I don't have time to spell check!)
You know what! I rented Resident Evil 4 (RE4) and then bought it a couple months later. It took all my money and yet, it was worth it. I know it sounds stupid, but I had to get every single thing in the entire game. There wasn't a way I would ever give the game away before that time. Now I would - anyone want it ? (Kidding) I just had to get everything. The hand cannon, random little parasite killer, infinite launcher, Chicago typewriter, EVERYTHING. I had to beat Saddler with out any other weapon besides my Chicago typewriter and take that launcher! Totally - the game was worth it. It might sound stupid to some. But in the end.. all that matters is enjoyment! I mean, if I played through a game and didn't enjoy it, it would have been useless, right? Thats how I look at it. On the same token - Getting the Hand cannon wasn't fun (Or the randon little parasite killer)! But it was entertaining.
Every corner I turn, I see a hideous subject. I almost with I could execute these things which bother me so badly. Yet, it is beyond the bound on possobility. Oh, I with day and night I wouldn't have to learn! Though morning comes and I have to learn something. Though I stay at home, though I hate these books of mine.. I have to learn. Here is a hint: I don't like anything I'm not good in. Too bad I'm bad in every subject.
[quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']Yeah, but you know you still love me. :smooch:[/color][/quote] :o Its almost like every forum I'm on now.. has the game. Wow, what a popular. Besides that it isn't widely liked or appreciated. What unspeakable load of trash this game is. Well, its better than Dragon Master.
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]Hi, I'm sorry that this will be short but I'm pressed for time. Tomorrow- technically today- is the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina which was the most devistating hurricane in US history.[/font][/QUOTE] Wow, one year already. Hurricane season again, what will happen this year? o.o Anyway, I think know alot of people that helped, I'm in a blood covanant with them. So, I know that it will always go good over there. You all know about people sitting around complaining but never doing anything - if anyone does this then they should read this post. I'm guessing that everyone has been in that state of mind. You all know what I'm talking about, 'I care, just not that much'. I just don't want to hear alot of people begging this year. My church helped alot of people out of the danger and housed them. I guess the point I'm trying to get across is [b]its all going to be alright (If everyone gets out of the way of danger)[/b] You know last year was a time to remember for me. Alot of people thinking that they would go to church because it was the 'right thing' to do. I thought it was good alot of people went to church, at the same time no one really went there and stayed. I know alot of you people know what I'm saying. People care, but some people care more than others. I think that if everyone cared the same amount then this season would be a great one OR this season will be the worst one we have ever had. Alot of people are saying that Jesus doesn't care because these things are happening, but the thing is that this was said to happen in the Bible as a for-warning. Anyway, thats not what this post is about, I guess here all I'm trying to say it that if everyone stayed calm cool and loving then this would be a good season (and Jesus loves everyone) Anyway, I'll close with this, if people come together then unity would be a good thing this year! Love you all, and remember... Jesus is Lord!
[QUOTE=Red 6][COLOR=Sienna] But for the record... Yes, yes if a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Sorry people that are thinking this man is right. For something to make a sound it has to travel so someone can hear it. The sound has to be audible for it to actually count as a sound. I know Red 6 said that, but it still doesn't make a picture in my mind today thinking about it. I remember this was raiding our school one school year. Anyway, I'll just leave it at that.
Perfect love casts out all fear! Yes, I'm saying I have perfect love. There are things I dislike to see and such, but not fear. For examlpe I don't like spiders, cockroaches, ect. But besides that, I'm alright with things. I'm not afraid of anything.
How Old Do You Think You Are?
Hanabishi Recca replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
This is a real funny subject. I'm 13 yet very short. Alot of people think I am 9 - 11. I act alot more mature than my age toward most people (Besides my family). I don't think that I would actually look at myself from the outside and guess a certain age. It would all depned on if I talked to myself or not. With outward appearance I would think around 10 :p Yet, if I knew myself and saw my appearance I would think I was 13 or so (Because I'm short). If I only talked to myself I would think I'm alot older I'm guessing. Either that or mature for my age (I'm not actually going by what I think, I'm going by what others have told me. Since I have never talked to myself and not known my age I wouldn't actually be a judge of how mature I am). Thanks for your time and remember... Jesus is LORD!!! *Reads Kurama's post* [QUOTE=Kurama + Hiei]well, I'm now 14 but I've been told that I act like I'm 17 because i act so quite around others. Personally, I think i act like I'm a 5 year old >. -
[quote name='Mafia Blk']This game sucks!!!!!!!!!!! How do you win!!!!!!![/quote] I think you mean, "How do you win?!". It is a question right? I do agree with you MB, since there isn't a way to win at all, "This game sucks!" is the best thing said in this thread since the last time I looked. Moving higher, David
[QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'd say i'm ready and willing. I'm a guy and my body demands certain things, i can't deny it. But past the physical i also yearn for companionship and ultimately love. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE=2] When a mans hungry - He eats right?[/SIZE][/B] He doesn't have to, any man could fight for his own. For me anyway, I don't think I would acually have anyone like me enough for a date or any such thing. I would rather just sit down - and if they come sure - but if not, just wait and be by myself.There might be someone I have my eye on but they already told me they like me - I wouldn't ever fornicate though. End of thoughts - remember... Jesus is LORD!!! [NOTE - I'm not trying to be mean to The13Man at all. I probably won't even check on this thread anymore anyway :p]
[QUOTE=sakurasuka][size=1] I love God. I hate religion. [/size][/QUOTE] I love that statement even though you probably ment it in a different way than I took it. I love God dearly, so most people would call me a christian. I love God and religion I could care less about. Religion is a man made thing. Saying that there are baptists and such things is a man made thing - just because they wanted to have different believes. But in the old church everyone believed the very same thing. They all believed in Jesus, Holy Spirit, and the Father. These days, people are calling each other different religions because thats how they feel. Thats what I don't like. God didn't make people to believe in different things. God made people to believe the same way and thats according to the word of God. I'm not meaning to say anything against anyone - I'm just explaining myself. People would probably call me christian - since I go to church - but I don't believe that going to church is what its all about. I mean, going to church is great to build yourself Spiritually. But what it is all about is having a relationship with Christ Jesus. Anyway, I guessing that if you are reading this then you have some questions for me - I would rather you just PM me instead of making a deal about it on this thread. Too many times. I would rather save some people! Anyway, if you have any questions or just plainly want to be friends, just PM me! Thanks for your time and remember... Jesus is LORD!!!
[quote name='Sojiro47']I'll try again. How can you not think about a subject you're posting about? Better? Maybe not. Here's another; How can you talk about it without thinking about it?[/quote] Thats true! I think SK loses (I never thought different)! [QUOTE]Once you've been introduced to The Game, you are playing The Game for the rest of your life. Sorry.[/QUOTE] Its too bad that all of us have become victims. I wish it could have turned out better. Oh wait, its too good! I LOST!
[quote name='sakurasuka][size=1]So it you tried to [i]avoid[/i] The Lounge, then you'd be doing so [i]because[/i'] of The Game, therefore triggering you to remember The Game and forcing you to lose.[/size][/quote] Correct, meaning there is no real way to win. As Des said, you have to tell when you lose, therefore I lose by the games rules. I lose again by the game rules. I've lost three times in total. So I have ONE way of not losing. I'm not sure if it would count though. If you consistantly think of the game, non-stop then you actually only thought of it once, therfore you would win because you never stopped thinking about it. If you really want to think about it like that then you would enver lose. I might not fully understand these rules, but thats why I'm posting it so someone could tell me if I'm correct or wrong. I guess thats all I'm going to say for now. thanks for your time, and remember... Jesus is Lord!