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About prowlinglycan
- Birthday 11/27/1991
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[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkgreen]Name: Aaven Kain Monark he is known as Prowler Age: 16 Appearance and Weapons: Aaven is in charge of the long range small arm weaponry he uses a colt anaconda 44 magnum revolver and a Barrett M-82A1 (XM107 sniper rifle he is 5'11 weighs 149lbs and has short black messy hair he also has light blue eyes he wears black boots camo pants and a black t-shirt but he also wears a burlap cloak that he turned into a gunnii suit. Group: Rebels. Links to others: When they came he was only 14 they killed his family his mother his father and his siblings including 4 brothers and 5 sisters were exacuted in front of him ever since then he had bin living off the streets and killing those black clad bastards from a distance until he met boss and he joined the group.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkgreen]Personality: He loves taking out enemies from a distance but is just as well blowing ones head of with his colt 44 mag. In his spare time he makes long range ballistics charts he is very immature and cocky and never backs down from a fight unless he respects the person he also only respects those that deserve respect or... in his eyes deserves respect he is almost always busy and doesn?t have much time for girls but when he does have time for girls he usually screws it up either by being to cocky or constantly talking about his work......very annoying.[/color][/size][/font]
[size=1]Name: Prowler Kain Monark [/size] [size=1]Job: Reaper[/size] [size=1]Origin: Heaven[/size] [size=1]Weapons: Barrett M-82A1 (XM107) sniper rifle and a 5 ft long syth with a black blade and he also uses a cold andaconda 44 magnum revolver.[/size] [size=1]Armor: he wears camo pants black boots and a black t-shirt and a cloak to cover his wings.[/size] [size=1]Appearance:Prowler is 5"11 weighs 149 lbs. has pale white skin dark black messy hair and light blue eyes he has large black wings even though he came from heaven. Personality: he is a cocky little stuborn bastard even though he usualy shows respect if he feals someone doesnt deserve respect then he shows little if not none he is immature and doesnt act his real age.[/size] [size=1]Biography: he chose his job because he thought it was cool see he died when he was 16 and is still in that stage.....[/size]
Name: Prowler Kain Monark Age: 18 Gender: male Weapon of Choice: colt anaconda 44 magnum revolver and a Barrett M-82A1 (XM107) sniper rifle. Armor: he wears black titanium plated leggings black titanium plated boots a black t-shirt and night vision goggles. Specialty: Marksmanship. Bio: Prowler graduated from the academy 3 months ahead of schedule and then went to sniper camp and passed a week after he joined his parents were killed when he was 13 on a pirate raid and he has wanted to kill as many of them as possible ever since. Appearance: prowler has pale white skin black messy hair light blue eyes is five foot eleven and weighs one hundred forty nine pounds.
Sign Up Dragon Riders(Battle of Heoul) M-LVS
prowlinglycan replied to Akieen Cloud's topic in Theater
Name: Aaven Menen Age:14 Race: human/elf Side: Rebel Specifaction: Rider Bio: no one knows were he came from he was just a varden orphan that a dragon egg picked for a partner Apperance: 6'1 slender 180lbs short black hair and darkn blue eyes he normaly wears all black clothing Weapons: a black dragon rider sword he named "silent fate" and a urgle bow. Magic: darkness Personality: he usualy keeps to himself and his eyes are ever searching for all routes of escape were ever he is he always voices his opinion though. Dragon Name:Prowler Dragon Color and apperacne: black and is only just big enough to carry him. Dragon fire(Color of fire): white -
ishizokia? why do you always have to be such a bitch? well anyway i have an assingment for you i want you to go protect sam and this time dont kill the person that you are supposed to protect you know what it took me last time to keep you from getting excecuted lets just say it took me alot of favors.
prowler tells ishikozia to meet him in his quatars and to bring maps to the city of the cloads with her he runs into his home right after they pass it he was tired and thought he could get a small catnap in before she got there if she chose to come so he sat in his chair and the moment he closed his eyes he fell into a deep sleep
they had come they were few at first but when they started to infest and take hosts they started to breed the plage were now numerous and were scourging the galaxy of all remaining life in the galaxy there were 7 sectors #1 alpha sector #2 beta sector #3 omega sector # 4 toriox sector #5 lymaid sector #6 talon sector #7 arthadox sector a mortar blew a hole in bunker #5 the plage were coming prowler fired off 3 rounds out into the endless ranks of the plage the bunker was going to fall,nobody there was in good condition and the way the bunker looked right know it was amazing it was still standing. the commander called out to the terran marines to duck as another plage mortar hit the side of the bunker killing three terrans the plage had an average size of about 6'5 and had tenticules on the right arm from the elbow down and on the other arm claws.the plage had recently taken all the planets in this sector arthadow and were about to take koadion the planet prowler was on, this was the last defendable planet until earth all sectors were already take except arthodox and alpha sector they were screwed the once fast colonies of the terrans and humans were now nothing but a few planets and about 19 colonys prowler was about 5'11 black hair and green eyes he weighd about 160 pounds and was 17 he was an average grunt for the terran marines. terran batalion 339 was supposed to already be here to back them up but unfortunatly there were only about 300 men spread out all threw the soronding countryside by the city korin batalion 339 was supposed to be coming from the city barracks but prowler didnt know what had happend to them for all he new the city had already been taken and the bunkers were doomed. ok in the rp i want at first the leader of 339 battalion telling the story that they were being held down in the city korin and how they made there way twards bunker #5 a map will be put on as an attachment and i also want a plage alpha male leading the asualt on bunker #5 and the asualt on battalion 339 i want at least a couple humans and tarran marines to be in the fight to make it interesting if you want a speacial character Im me character sheet sign up will look like this name: age: 14-45 race:terran human or plage rank: Private,alpha male ,attalion leader , major, apperance: pic or disciption weapon: 2 weapons try to make them futuristic but i still want them to use bullits. cloths/battle armor: battle armor or civilion clothing explain what each look like personality: at least 3 sentances character snipet: 1 paragraph
[font=Tahoma]the thread open now you can start posting[/font]
prowlers speach: * for those of you i have spoken to already you know what will happen but for those of you i have not spoken to im am here to tell you what will be happening tomarrow i will decieve my father and lead our elites into the heat of battle 4 days before time to show him that we do not need to attack our foe full force and to show him how weak the enemy realy are meet here at the same time noon tommarow and what has been spoken of now shall not be spoken of outside this room. i will choose 1 from your ranks to be my assistnent general herbay will be dicided this time tommarow* prowler dismissed everyone one from the room and walked twards the exit.
Name: aaven menen Age:19 Gender:male Personality: aaven is paranoid in battle he doesnt leave a rock unturned and when scouting he checks out every posable pos. for enemy battle suits he respects human life but if he is threatend he will kill without hesitation aaven is actualy very imature around his friends but people he doesnt know he tends to give the cold shoulder to them. Appearance:aaven is fairly skiny but has a 8pac he is 5'11 and has black short hair light blue eyes. Rank: soldier Side: E.F. Background: the only reason aaven is evern in the war is because a rebel raiding party killed his parents and his little sister when he was 14 and he vowed for revenge before his parents and little sisters death he lived a quite life on eath just as any normal family would Mobile Suit: Deathscythe H also see pic below [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25380&stc=1[/url] discription: Classification: mobile suit Model number:XXXG-01D2 Head Height: 16.3 M Dry weight: 7.4 tons Generator output: 3009kW Thruster output: 75380 kg armor materials: Gundanium alloy armament: vulcan X2 beam scythe X1 hyper jammer X2 active cloak.[size=2] [/size]Additional weapons: 94mm High-energy rifle
[size=2]year 2007 Tori walked into the forest with his freind kegan and his girl freind chelse they had all decided that they had taken enough of there parents they had decided to run away that was 127 years ago now in YEAR:2134 the desendants of tori kegan and chelse and other runaways have been spoted being called the blue ones because of there blue tinted skin and long pointed ears about 8 inch long the government has been informed by the police and have found most of these people at first the government planed to help them but when they found out that the blue ones had supirior physacal strength and were able to harness magic they tried to turn them into weapons of war but it back fired on them when they exacuted one for inobediance the blue ones revolted using magic and there new found military skills they fought the government on there own turms until the government killed all of them exept for 12 these 12 trained themselves for revenge and were soon more inteligent and intulectual then instein himself they had found new ways to harness magic and now they were out for revenge ok if you are one of the blue ones you can either absolutly reak habic or you can try to repopulate your race thats up to you if your human you can either be on the governments side or on the blue ones side thats also up to you remember if you are a blue one you could easily dispatch a human to hell with the use of a few magic words or fight them in hand to hand combat and dont over due it with magic you get weaker every time you use it so some times you will be forced to rest This rp is about retrabution and revenge so remember that when you post if your human you start out were ever you want if you are one of the blue ones you start out in the forest Note there can only be 12 blue ones. character sheet sign ups blue ones disciption: blus ones are 6"0 to 7"0 tall they way 150-300 pounds have magical powers have improved sences and strength they have better reflexes and speed and have blue tinted skin and ears that are 8inched long Name:what ever you want Age: if you are a blue one 40-1100 human 12-40 Gender: self explanitory Side: blue ones government Race: blue one or human any thing else pm me first and let me aprove it Weapons: only 2 weapons if you are a blue one keep it medieval or a military dagger if you are a human government side use machine guns and if you are human blue ones side use like a revolver or a knife something like that if you want to use a specail weapon pm me first Rank: only if your government or if you are a blue one the first male to sign up will be alpha male and the first female to sign up with be alpha female Personality:self explanitory short character snipet: why they are out for revenge Aperance: either describe you person or use a pic if you are going to use a pic for a blue one they look sort of like a night elf only a little shorter ears my sign up Note im not alpha male next male to sign up will be Name: Aaven Menen Age:217 Gender:male Side: blue ones Race: blue one Weapons: a blue long sword having a blue blade and a black hilt and handle Rank: second male blue one Note secon in comand Personality: imature and outgoing he respects all life and will only kill if necisary or if he is being attackd Aperance:short black hair blue skin emerald eyes long pointed ears defined muscles/ 8 pack 6'2 and weighs 198lbs. character snipet: still tryping on microsoft word [/size]
[size=2]prowler met ariel on the streat he asked *how did you come down here?*before ariel could reply he askes her to take him to michael* he followed her threw the streets and twards the outskirts if town they wond threw street after street after street he fanaly asked so were is he?* she kept walking so he kept following untill they made it to the urban areas of town he saw a large male angel within 200 yards of him they were almost there he walked strate up to michael about 5 ft away to be exact he asked michael *so why have you come down here?* is it realy any of you biusness were we fallen go god himself says that all may make there own desciions and yet you come here and kill your own brotherin you discust me*[/size]
[size=1][color=#c64040][b]Name:[/b] Aaven nai [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Appearance:[/b] aaven has black hair and has light blue eyes he is exactly 6'0 and weights 138lbs. his cloths consist of black baggy pants and a black t-shirt his muscles are difined and he has an 8-pac he has 2 inch long canine teath and claws [b]Allegiance:[/b] [i]God's Chosen[/i] [b]Race:[/b][i]Qiraji[/i] [b]Weapon:[/b] a long syth 4'0long and the blad 1 1/2 ft long died black [b]Powers:[/b] [i]can blend into his sourondings and can turn into a shadow[/i]. [b]Personality:[/b]most of the time he acts without emotion but if you are his freinds he always acts imature [b]Biography / Snippit:[/b] when he was 13 he ran away after being severly beaten by other children in middle school if it had been only 2 or 3 of them he could have beaten them up but all the boys in his class and 8th attacked him at once he ran away shortly after that now living in the slums of new york.[/color][/size]
Many decades ago in heaven there was conflict. Many angels didnt like the way god was doing things and didnt want to go to hell so they broke off of heaven. The frist angel to do this was the angel of death the grim shortly after words several hundred left with him. They astablished the order called the reapers but as in history there are always faults in a civilization. The grim wanted them to turn more twards luscifer and ordan a political leader wanted them to turn more twards god. There was a war, a short one at that, but still a war. In the war ordan was killed to be replaced by kardiz. kardiz was a tactision and soon banished the grim and his followers below ground for there ingnorance kardiz named the grim and his followers the dark reapers thereby naming himself and his people the white reapers.But the grim and his people several decades afterwords lost there wings from being underground for so long and gained the ability nightsight which the white reapers still lack. Many years after that moment there were several small wars or skrimishes between the dark reapers and the white reapers neither hav gained or lost ground but know each hav gained in numbers and kardiz fears there will be war soon. note: ok whats going to happen is there will be a war at which the fate of who wins the war will be decided by me at a later date. also no killing eachother unless the person you want to kill gives you permission to kill them. you can choose between dark reapers wich were black cloaks and weild syths they have no wings or the white reapers they were white cloaks and weild syths they have wings or you can just be human note:if you want something speacial private message me. if you are a dark reaper start in the meeting hall with grim giving a war speach. if you are a white reaper start on a white floating hidden city above the cloads having a meeting about the war. if you are human dont start in the catacombs unless you stumble in on accident and go exploring and you can start in the floating city but you can start anywere in new york you want. note: all the reapers including the dark reapers and white reapers used to have wings but after the dark reapers were banished under ground several decades afterwords they lost there wings as a adaptation. And anyone who thinks this whole thread is invalid it not supposed to be valid i made it up. [font=Arial][size=2]pleese make a character sheet and post it: [/size][/font]name: discription: what you look like rank: were you stand in the armys age: 15-700 gender:self explanitory side: human,dark,white personality:explain your characters personality equipment: only 2 weapons writing: sample:at least 2 pharagraphs [font=Arial][size=2]these are the requirments you have to show to join heres my charcter sheet as an example [/size][/font]name: prowler discription: black hair blck wings dark green eyes 5'10 134lbs. or see pic rank: grims son general age:217 gender:male side: dark reaper personality: darkness equipment: syth or see pic writing sample prowler stood by his father staring out over the seemingly endless ranks of dark reapers the war had begun in 2 days millions of dark reapers would overflow the city of new york and force the white reapers to come down from there skyscrapers and defend there city this was war. prowler was grims son they didnt realy have much of a father son relationship but what they did have grim had made prowler one of his generals prowler had comand of about 500,000 elite dark reapers enough to turn the tide of even the bigest battles and prowler had proven his worth many times when the darkreapers and the white reapers had many underground skrimishes. prowler went to one of hi lutenient and told him to gather the elites and to meet him in one of the old meeting chambers prowlers plan was to attack the city before the main bulk of the army arived and copletly over throw it so that he could prove to his father that he was more than just one of his officers but a great general he quikly found the meeting chamber that his soldiers were in and started his speach.
many decades ago in heaven there was conflict many angels didnt like the way god was doing things and didnt want to go to hell so they broke off of heaven the fist angel to do this was the angel of death the grim shortly after words several hundred left with him they astablished the order called the reapers but as in history there are always faults in a civilization the grim wanted them to turn more twards luscifer and ordan a political leader wanted them to turn more twards god this was a war a short one at that, but still a war in the war ordan was killed to be replaced by kardiz. kardiz was a tactision and soon banished the grim and his followers below ground for there ingnorance kardiz named the grim and his followers the dark reapers thereby naming himself and his people the white reapers but the grim and his people several decades afterwords lost there wings from being underground for so long and gained the ability nightsight which the white reapers still lack many years after that moment there were several small wars or skrimishes between the dark reapers and the white reapers neither hav gained or lost ground but know each hav gained in numbers and kardiz fears there will be war soon. prowler stood by his father staring out over the seemingly endless ranks of dark reapers the war had begun in 2 days millions of dark reapers would overflow the city of new york and force the white reapers to come down from there skyscrapers and defend there city this was war. prowler was grims son they didnt realy have much of a father son relationship but what they did have grim had made prowler one of his generals prowler had comand of about 500,000 elite dark reapers enough to turn the tide of even the bigest battles and prowler had proven his worth many times when the darkreapers and the white reapers had many underground skrimishes. prowler went to one of hi lutenient and told him to gather the elites and to meet him in one of the old meeting chambers prowlers plan was to attack the city before the main bulk of the army arived and copletly over throw it so that he could prove to his father that he was more than just one of his officers but a great general he quikly found the meeting chamber that his soldiers were in and started his speach. note: to join there is a thread in the inn