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About animeloyalist91

  • Birthday 07/17/1991

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Well not much to me I learning to play the ukulele
  • Occupation
    Student soon to be Icecream scooper yay?

animeloyalist91's Achievements

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  1. naruto sucks. I can not stand it. In english or japanese. Come guy what selfrespecting ninga wears those clothes. all The ninga in the anime wear bright clothes. WTF. The storyboard is so crappy.The diouloge is the worst. I will give it this tought the fighting is really smart. [indent][size=1][color=DarkOrchid] I'm sure you know this by now, but we hope that your posts will be a little longer, with a little more content. In addition to being written with attention to grammar and spelling, don't make a statement and forget to back it up. Why would no ninja wear such clothes? What part of the show is bad and why. This is just to help keep the boards spam-free with intelligent conversation. Right now your current post is spam and further posts like it will be deleted. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -Aaryanna[/color][/size][/indent]
  2. I do not know if I have that on my computer. and have no idea where to get it. ps sorry for no new uploads computer on the scanner is crasy.
  3. [quote name='sikaurai']Okay, I saw the two links that you submitted. They were pencil sketches, and from what I saw, you have potential. What media do you normally use? According to what I've seen so far on theOtaku, a majority of the young talent out there are utlizing wacom/photoshop/illustrator, and the likes. (I, myself, have been heralded back home as a prodigy of sorts, but I use only colored pencils. And compared to a lot of what I've seen, my pieces are kind of sad.) With that said, don't compare your work to others. Don't engage in rivalry as far as art goes. If you have the art bug, go with it, use it, improve it if you feel you must. Your sketches are nice. You should post more so the others can get a better feel for your work. . . good luck. I wish you well on your endeavors, and maybe I can see more of your work. I'd like that.[/quote] what do you mean by using photoshop. I have never used it for artwork.
  4. I got this game for my psp a week ago it is a korean inport.It is called dj max portable i is also for computer has anyone else got this game I need help unlocking everything.
  5. only hobby and kind of career. I want to make games so i'm not sure
  6. sorry. hear are some of my dawing not all of them are origanals [url]http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/7727/randomcatqd3.png[/url] [url]http://img431.imageshack.us/img431/6604/metalheartht1.png[/url] [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I changed your pictures into links so that they don't stretch the OB layout. It's a rule, and if you didn't know that, please read them. Thanks. [b]- Retribution[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. Ok hear is the problem. I draw and draw I have been drawing for about 10 years now and I am not getting any better. I can't beat my rival I can't catch up with my friends. I asm at a cross roads should I stop drawing or keep going. I will upload some of my pictures later.
  8. I really do not know what this will go under so sorry If I get it wrong. s :animeswea but any way does any one have any info on the new psp update 3.0 is coming out and any info on it would be great. Thank you :animesmil [color=#4B0082]I merged this with the main PSP thread. You can read the stickies to find out how things work in here. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  9. [quote name='Ezekiel][SIZE=1']That, my friend, looks to me like it would be Negima. Magister Negi Magi Negima if you want the full title. Gods, I haven't read the manga in ages.[/SIZE][/quote] You Got it good Jod. Your up
  10. I Won YEESSS (Pants Ripp) :animeblus Any Way here is my Pic [url]http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/9462a66c36.jpg[/url]
  11. I want to play to is it Gatekeepers !!!!!!!!!???????Or somethinglike that?
  12. I Was flipping the channels yesterday when I saw this tv show. It was a show about a boy with a super Wacth that can give him the powers of 10 UfO's. The story board was solid and it was really good. Just I did not know wether to concider it anime or not. But is is a really good show. Some one help me figure this out.
  13. I Bought this anime box-set from gamestop for 10 bucks. It Was so funny has any one else seen this. [INDENT][COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][B]animeloyalist91[/B] I am moving your thread to the existing Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi thread for the following reason: To avoid confusion we ask that you do not create another thread. Please go ahead and post in the current one no matter how old it is. Before you post any thread, please check the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=Sienna][B]Official Threads Directory[/B][/COLOR][/URL] to see if there is already a thread on that topic. It is also a good idea to perform a forum search on that subject to make sure another thread does not already exist. Also Otakuboards places an emphasis on post quality. This is especially important when creating a thread as it sets an example of what is expected. That means proper grammar, spelling, and having [U]content[/U] in your posts. Something your post does not do. Once you re-read the rules this will make more sense. Also, please take a moment to review this sticky on [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37269] [COLOR=Sienna][B]How to Post in Anime Lounge[/B][/COLOR][/URL] . If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  14. Let me re frase myself It is not humans filling humans it is humans [spoiler]trying to make a god.[/spoiler] Also outlaw star and cowboy bepop are not the same I am refering to the over all plot If I am right then in outlaw star they were [spoiler]serching for a tresure[/spoiler] to but in cowboy bepop spike was [spoiler]looking for julie and trying to kill vicous.[/spoiler] There carrer is not what i am saying is similar. The over all plot is what I am talking about. As for samuri champloo and Flcl they are nothing alike not even in the same gene. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]animeloyalist91, I added spoiler tags to your post. You can't reveal plot elements without covering them up with the spoiler tags. It ruines the series/movie for those who haven't seen it yet. [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]Click here[/url] to read more about spoiler tags. Not only that, I can barely understand what you're trying to say. Work on your spelling, work on your grammar, and work on when you should make a new paragraph. Not only will nobody reply if your post is beyond comprehension, it's against the rules. [URL=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Click here[/URL] to read the rules. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other mods. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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