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Everything posted by Tallgeese-

  1. Did someone say investigator? [IMG]http://i1.iofferphoto.com/img/item/414/382/76/DETECTIVE-CONAN-TV-SERIES-PART-1-101455.jpg[/IMG] Well then, Jimmy Cudo is your man.
  2. [IMG]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/thumb/4/4c/Jeice.JPG/250px-Jeice.JPG[/IMG] What's your point? I love rock music.
  3. [IMG]http://www.gundams.net/files/html/ggundam/char_george.gif[/IMG] You may be French, but you're not from Neo France ;]
  4. [IMG]http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/trigun/knives/trigun_knives0013.jpg[/IMG] Did someone say cute little boy?
  5. [IMG]http://www.postanime.com/files/posted_images/user_2_candidate_for_goddess_1.jpg[/IMG] But is your robot considered a Goddess?
  6. [IMG]http://www.projectbag.com/trigun/pics/gunghoguns/midvalley_5_01.jpg[/IMG] A man that uses a trumpet to cause powerful sound waves as a form of attack, and wears a pink button up. Nuff said.
  7. [IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/mdragon4ever/images/old%20kai.jpg[/IMG] Go back to bed young one.
  8. [IMG]http://images.myfavoritegames.com/gallery-db-z-gt-x/Vegeta/Vegeta_SSJ4/vegetassj4blah.jpg[/IMG] Your MC hammer pants got nothing on my disco pants.
  9. You may have nice abs, but mine go through my shirt, not to mention the rest of my body is gigantic. p.s. I'm the a Muay Thai master [IMG]http://blog.seiha.org/images/kenichi49/kenichi49%20(57).jpg[/IMG]
  10. [IMG]http://www.foroswebgratis.com/imagenes_foros/1/4/9/5/9/609674Fat%2520Buu.jpg[/IMG] 1 donut store is not enough for me!
  11. [IMG]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/thumb/4/4c/King_Yemma.jpg/250px-King_Yemma.jpg[/IMG] He decides whether you go to heaven or hell. =]
  12. This guy's argument is so lame I shouldn't even have to comment against it. But I will make one comment, anime teaching me bad lessons in life? Quite the contrary, if you ask me.
  13. I just finished watching Hajime No Ippo...what an amazing show, probably one of my favorite Animes by far. I'm about to start watching Zoids Chaotic Century. I've Seen Zoids New Century Zero and Zoids Fuzors and liked them both. But I have a friend telling me Chaotic Century is complete trash and the other, telling me it's great. Can someone give me feed back? Thanks.
  14. Tallgeese-


    [quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]I think the only thing we are going to agree on is the [spoiler]twisted[/spoiler] bit. XP I just finished this show and my opinion is even more firmly in place for Legato. He was a [spoiler]sick and demented character, killing others for the sole purpose of hurting Vash.[/spoiler] Anyway, I was a bit surprised to learn that Vash [spoiler]wasn't human[/spoiler] o_O I don't know why, the hints were there all along. I suppose it was just because he was so cheerful and attached to life in general. Overall, I enjoyed it. :catgirl: I'll have to be sure to keep an eye out for when the movie comes out. Hehe. [/FONT][/QUOTE] Well the thing is Legato thought [spoiler]humans were imperfect and they should all be gotten rid of[/spoiler] that is mainly what [spoiler]twisted justice[/spoiler] is usually about. But I don't know you are pretty much right, I think the main reason I liked him is because of [spoiler]how calm/cool he stays and his way of wording things[/spoiler]. Good show though huh? Definitely worth watching.
  15. Tallgeese-


    [quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]I agree that the cat is fun but Legato? >_> Uh no. That guy is [spoiler]creepier and meaner than hell.[/spoiler] But then that's expected of a character like that right? XP [/FONT][/QUOTE] I see where you are going but. I wouldn't see him as [spoiler]creepy/mean[/spoiler]. Maybe in our point of view it looks like that, but he has a sort of [spoiler]"twisted justice"[/spoiler] of a sort. I don't know, I like him. ^_^
  16. Tallgeese-


    Yea that black cat is probably the best character in the show next to Legato. =]
  17. I used to think I look like Knives from Trigun, but I think I look more like Zabuza from Naruto. [IMG]http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j302/Surami-Fox/Random%20Naruto/zabuza.jpg[/IMG]
  18. If Sasuke kills Itachi = ****ing gay. Seriously, if Itachi was so much stronger then Orochimaru in the first place, how could Orochimaru train Sasuke to level up to Itachi. Bull crap.
  19. I think I was misunderstood, I meant it like for example, let's say Outlaw Star came out in 1988, then we could say that like Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Trigun and all those came down from that direction. You know what I mean? But yes you hit the mark when you said it didn't break any new grounds.
  20. Ok judging by your list you like all kinds of Anime. Like someone said before if you do enjoy Mecha, which I assume because you watched Big-O, but then again you say you disliked Neon Genesis and Eureka 7. I do recommend Gundam Wing and Gundam Seed, even non-mecha anime watchers seem to like those, if you do enjoy Mecha I also recommend the original Gundam and the sequels. Also if you liked Trigun and Cowboy Bebop I recommend Outlaw Star like someone else did. If you like mecha a lot and are open minded and don't really care for maturity level of anime Zoids is a good way to go. You say you like action? Berzerk, amazing show, though it doesn't end, even if you will not read the manga it is definitely worth watching. I'm actually in the middle of watching Hajime no Ippo if you like sport/action anime, it seems very good and interesting. I'll make this easier on you. [B]Recommendations[/B] Gundam Wing Gundam Seed Hajime no Ippo Berzerk Outlaw Star Escaflowne (can't hurt to watch 25 episode animes :box:) If you end up getting into Gundam: Gundam and the sequels which is, Gundam Gundam 0080 Gundam 0083 8th MS team Zeta Gundam Char's counter attack If you get open minded in the mecha, Zoids :P
  21. I wouldn't consider Outlaw Star a classic, thought it's great, I don't think it's old enough or has had anime "decent" from the idea of Outlaw Star. Still a good show.
  22. [B]Action:[/B] [U] Fist of the North Star/Hokuto no Ken[/U] (no idea why it's nowhere to be found on otaku site) Just by the art you can tell that this is old school right here, very classic, I think it came out around the 80s. I used to watch this anime when I was very young back before I moved to the states that was around 12 years ago, my brother used to watch it so I tagged along. It was post nuclear war time, and due to anarchy only the strong ruled, Kenshiro, the main character travels with a few friends and fights using the fighting style known as Fist of the North Star to save his loved 1 (this is part 1). Part 2 there is a time skip and he goes up against his strong brothers. Very good show, I really recommend this if you like old school. The thing I liked most about this was that it wasn't so repetitive, Ken was just strong, he beat the crap out of everybody, he did have his hardships but it wasn't anything like, oh I can't defeat him I'm going to go train be right back, non stop. Was cool show, very violent also. [U] Dragon Ball/Z/GT [/U] Come on now. Whether liked or not by us (the crowd that's more into anime) it IS a classic, though it hit the states really late compared to all the other countries in the world, we know the Dragon Ball series is really old and was once ranked as the most viewed anime in the world. [U]Knights of the Zodiac[/U] Can you say old school. To be completely honest it's been so long since I've watched this show that I can't really re-call very much, there are knights obviously, and they each represent a Zodiac as the title states. I remember though the strong ones were gold armor, I can't put my finger on what the plot exactly was. [B]Mecha:[/B] [U]Gundam[/U] There are so many Gundam shows and I just absolutely love them and mecha anime all together, this started it all, it IS indeed a classic to a great franchise known as Gundam. I've seen most of the sequels I just got to find Zeta Gundam somewhere so that I can wrap this up. This aired on toonami a while back, for those of you who don't know, it's the same plot as lots of Gundams, big white ship, civilians, kid pilot, but 1 Gundam (at least on 0079) really great show, recommend it I like the sequels more, that's just opinion. [B]Comedy:[/B] [U] Lupin the 3rd[/U] Show is hilarious, do I really have to say why it's a classic? Just look at the art haha, great show. It's about a band of thieves ran by a young man named Lupin that are always being chased by Zenigata (if I'm not mistaken), funny show good plot, cheesy ;p Romance: ? Not sure of a classic one of this.
  23. Tallgeese-


    Man this show brings back many memories. I used to love watching this show on T.V. even when Pokemon was still around, and they randomly took it off and put it too early in the morning to watch so I never got to finish. I can't say which were my favorite because I only watched the ones that went together i.e. season 1 and 2, I finished the finally some time last year, they were great. I hate starting an anime getting into it and never finishing it, that really pisses me off.
  24. Sad story when they replace cool anime shows for kids to watch with random cartoons that don't even have a plot/story. Also, not a fan of Naruto ending themes. The openings are great, the endings, not so much. I don't know if it's because they don't compare to the openings but for some reason I just don't like them.
  25. 2007digitalboy, rage essay, just because you don't like them doesn't mean others don't enjoy them. Serious grammer? LOL, it's grammar..............
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