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Everything posted by Tallgeese-

  1. I'm not sure if he is talking about Baki the Grappler, I also saw this anime movie a LONG time ago I completely forgot the name myself, but like he said it was an underground fighting tournament where EVERYTHING went they could hit below the belt, pull hair or/and even bite. I remember the first guy he fights he dislocates his arm and he puts it back in place. But it's not the main character that has red hair, it was the final guy he fought which stuck his fingers in certain areas to damage the nerve to his advantage. i.e he pulls a nerve out of opponent's neck to stop his eyes sight, or out of his arm to stop the use of that arm.
  2. Greay job with the anime feud, hope to see it again soon.
  3. How cute everyone basically has the same answer, haha. 1. Pokemon 2. Trigun 3. Cowboy Bebop 4. Fullmetal Alchemist 5. Hellsing
  4. Great thread. [B]Top Tier[/B] [B]1.Gundam Series[/B] (Honostly ALL of them except for maybe SD Gundam haha) How can I put this. The scene the way of the Gundam world how everything happens, I love it. It's basically a futuristic way of our world it's war 1 major side vs another with maybe a few neutral "countries". It's a futuristic reality, instead of using tanks they are using giant robots known as Mobile Suits and war ships and people live in colonies, I can go on about their advanced technology all day, but that's not the only reason why. As much as I love Sayajins, Nameks, Ninjas with super powers and all that good stuff but, I love the fact that the Gundam Anime series are more realistic, kept within humanity, it's a war between sides, nations, people, it isn't people in giant robots fighting off aliens from Mars or hell another galaxy, it's kept withing Earth and by that I don't mean on Earth's floor I'm also counting the moon and possible things floating around it. Next is the art, it's alwa ys amazing to me how beautiful the art of Gundam is, the scenery, the characters, everything just looks good, even the first Gundam which obviously isn't very good looking if you ever seen it but for an anime developed in 1979 it's amazing in my honest opinion. Character personality = outstanding to me, the way they are, the characters, they go through hardships and difficulties and build upon them. The characters change, they evolve, they all have their own personality. I had such a hard time deciding which Gundam was my favorite I put it all at the top, Gundam is the top of my anime list. I absolutely LOVE mecha anime I've seen quite a few if anybody wants to recommend a mecha anime that you think I would like PM me I would appreciate it. [B]2. Naruto[/B] Sorry for being so boring. I started up Naruto very late, I always heard people talking about it, how great it was and what not so I had to see it for myself. I'm going to have to say there were 200 episodes already out when I just began watching Naruto and let me tell you, I got so hooked on this anime that the last filler arc didn't even start by the time I caught up. It was just amazing to me, this show had it all, the action, the romance, the comedy, I just couldn't get over it. Each and every individual character had their own purpose whether they were minor or main characters, the development, the growth the change of everyone just was amazing to me. I like how they all have their own societies(villages) with different cultures and different people with different abilities. The tasks they are put through, and there is this huge plot behind another plot and a plot behind that one, it's just amazing. I was hooked on Naruto like it was a drug or something, I couldn't wait to see what happened next.........until I hit fillers. And now I'm waiting every week or 2 weeks for an episode to come out :animecry: It's much better when it's all out and you don't have to wait. [B]3.Rurouni Kenshin(Samurai X)[/B] Wonderful anime. Evolved around a time where Samurai and Ninja were a "rare specie" of course, not at all in Kenshin's life. Again not to repeat myself like I did about Naruto but Kenshin just about has it all, the romance, the action, the comedy...you get the picture and again going back to the thing I said about Gundam, it's realistic, so they exaggerate with the speed and power of a man, but hey? what anime doesn't? I called Gundam realistic but there are 16 year old kids riding giant mechs. Kenshin is great an all, it has the awesome art and the sweet action but one thing I think it lacked was a little story which is important to me, don't get me wrong it's a great show that is why I have it on my top tier list, but there is only 1 major "saga" and that's the Shishio saga, the rest are minor, sure they matter but nothing too drastic happens. Another thing that kind of bugged me is it went DBZish, everyone was strong at the beginning but as time passes, Kenshin gets super strong (Goku) and there is only another that keeps up, Saitou(Vegeta). Speaking of characters, Saitou has to be my absolute favorite Kenshin character, I always liked Sanosuke the most but when I finally got the anime and watched it all Saitou is my favorite, by far. His attitude, he's like the mean good guy, he's tough and funny. Also explains why Vegeta was my favorite DBZ character. [B]4.Fullmetal Alchemist[/B] I can't stress enough how speechless this show had me. It is an amazing show, and for all anime fans out there I really recommend watching this it is for everybody to see. The whole idea of the alchemy, the army, the homunculi, just piles and piles of questions that will all be answered by the end of the show. Remarkable anime. [B]5.Hajime No Ippo[/B] Amazing. Simply amazing. This anime is by far one of my favorites. Though exaggerated, the realism of this anime was so good, and they were so on the dot with the anatomy, the exercises and all the science of boxing. The development of characters and the different hardships they went through. Let alone how funny it was. Just a great show, plain and simple. [B]Mid Tier[/B] [B]1.Fist of the North Star/Hokuto No Ken[/B] It has been a very long time since I have seen this anime. This was the first anime I watched, at the time I was outside of the States, my older brother used to watch it when I was young and some other anime like Ronin Warriors, Tiger Man, Holly and Benji etc and me being young I watched it all. It eventually grew on me. The plot basically is that it's the aftermath of a nuclear war, somehow humanity was able to survive, humans weren't extinct, I would have to say an endangered species. Basically it's anarchy, there are gangs running around, people are desperate, they believe what they hear etc, you get the point. I still can't get over the fact that unlike most anime the main character, you know he is your usual good guy, helps out who he can makes friends etc, but he doesn't ALWAYS lose then come back and beat them later, he is just straight up strong. Kenshiro (or Ken) is a strong martial artist, he rarely is defeated in the show, which I like some of you may think well that's dumb, no it's not, doesn't it get repetitive when the character fights the "boss" loses goes trains comes back beats him, sometimes it gets annoying. For the record my favorite character is Rei, he had this cool fighting style which gives him the ability to literally cut with his fingers. I just thought it was cool. [B]2.Escaflowne[/B] Some of you are like what? Like I said I LOVE Mecha anime, unfortunately Escaflowne wasn't good enough to be my top tier. Basically it's based around a girl named Hitomi that is transfered to a parallel planet to Earth that you can't see from Earth but you can see Earth from it. It is very different from her own world and she ends up meeting a guy named Vaan that accompanies her along with others in her journey while she tries to get back home. [B]3.Zoids[/B] I've only seen New Century Zero so far and I LOVED it. I haven't seen the other Zoids but I hear they are even better, as I said before PM to let me know which other Zoids are worth seeing. The way the show is, it's kind of unique, yea I know it's kind of like G Gundam, but not in story line. It's some sort of tournament where contenders pilot a mechanical type creature known as a Zoid, and of course there is always some sort of bad people but they don't have a diabolical plan to destroy they world or something, they are just cheap during the tournament. Bit Cloud and his Blitz team just contend in the tournament, and of course there is always something special about the main character. Over all a good anime I used to watch it on Toonami when I was younger, HAD to see the ending, worth watching it. [B]4.Case Closed[/B] I cannot talk much about this anime I haven't seen very much of it. I want to see it all, simple as that, I love the mystery and I like playing along with it trying to guess who the villain is in the end of the episode, I really want to watch the whole thing it's hard to find. I would say it's one of my favorite anime, but this is a one time thing, if you see an episode more then once for as much as I know, there is no point in watching it, all the suspense is gone and the mystery that is why it's in my mid tier. [B]5.Trigun[/B] Quoted from 2007DigitalBoy the creator of this topic. Trigun was just really cool in every way. Vash and Wolfwood are some of the coolest heroes ever, and the show was especially awesome because of the bad guys. There were a whole ton of villains and they were all really cool. Great plot. I couldn't have said it better myself. Sorry for stealing it for you but you phrased it perfectly. [B]Low Tier[/B] [B]1.Monster Rancher[/B] Make fun all you want. When I was young I used to wake up SO early on Saturdays to watch this show and they kept switching the channel on me and I went through hell just to see the ending and they just stopped showing it out of nowhere I never got to see it I was broken, and that was like 7 years ago, after 7 long years I came across it and found it and watched it all from beginning till end, and boy it was a good feeling, I HAVE to put it on my list even if it's low tier. [B]2.Dragon Ball/Z/GT[/B] We all know what happens in this anime, everyone has seen it thousands of times, I just had to put it because, I know I said before that I watched anime when I was little (Dragon Ball was one of the btw) but not until I started watching DBZ. It was the reason I like anime so much now, I just liked DBZ so much I just spent hours on the computer researching about it and eventually I got fed up with waiting for episodes and I downloaded everything starting passed Cell and Pikkon or whatever and saw DBGT, and that was the beginning of anime for me, also the first anime I watched dub. [B]3.Inuyasha[/B] Just another anime from my prime, I used to stay up to watch late night adult swim to see this show, and man was I pissed when school came around and I couldn't do that anymore and when summer came again everything was different so I gave up on that until recently, some guy at the mess hall at my college that hangs out there ALL the time knew I liked anime and said he found the 2nd season box set of Inuyasha and it was sitting there for hours nobody claimed it so he gave it to me, and I do plan on seeing all of Inuyasha. [B]Honorable Mentions[/B] [B]1.Yu-Gi-Oh![/B] It was one of my addictions for a while, I was into the card game and what not, I no longer watch it, I left off at season 2 of GX you never know I might go back and pick the show up again just to see it, definitely not the cards though. I just think it was worth putting as an honorable mention, we all know what it's about. [B]2.Berzerk[/B] You know, the first 5 minutes of the show when I first saw Guts I was like, what happened to this guy...wouldn't you know the whole series is a flashback about what happened to him up until that very moment. I need to pick up the manga and read it, Berzerk is just amazing. I know I'm missing more, there is still anime I want to and need to watch, again like I said before, you see what I like and if you have recommendations just PM me.
  5. 1. Sailor Moon 2. Card Captor Sakura 3. Escaflowne 4. Fruits Basket Never seen fruits basket but enough people put it down to convince me it's true.
  6. I'm going to start watching Gundam Seed Destiny real soon, I saw Seed and it was great I hear it's better then Destiny, but right now I'm working on the original Gundams, I.E. 0079, 8th ms team, 0080, 0083, zeta etc I've seen them before just, re-freshening my memory. =]
  7. I don't think they would put it on your record or arrest you for thinking you were stealing the DVD(if you are under 18), maybe if you grabbed it and booked out of there, the worst that would of happened is probably called your parents, as they did, and make you pay 10x the price of the item and/or ban you. Kind of unfair for the cop not to wait like 2 seconds to see where you were going with that DVD, for him to just jump at you as soon as you moved is overreacting on his part. Good thing nothing bad happened to you and I also agree with a previous poster that you have the right attitude towards this by forgetting it and continuing on going to your yearly convention. I myself have gone to only one convention, my experience.....it was TERRIBLE, it was so boring and annoying, I actually found out that that one convention is considered the worse (it was called JFAX for those who care), I was going to go to another one that you had to pay to get in but I had to skip it. Hopefully I will find a good one to go to.
  8. 1. The Philosopher's Stone 2. Alchemy 3. Automail 4. Transmutation 5. Homunculi Wouldn't say the best anime but very good.
  9. Point taken, very well said. But Naruto no powers? Come on.
  10. 1. OHHC 2. Trigun 3. Gundam Wing 4. Prince of Tennis 5. Case Closed 6. Rurouni Kenshin 7. Lupin the 3rd How is Pokemon not superpowers? How often do you see yellow rats shooting electricity? Naruto no super powers...............HA!!!!!!!!!!!! If you consider controlling sand martial arts or a little chakra you haven't seen much Naruto. RASENGAN!!!
  11. 1. Martial Arts 2. Basketball 3. Soccer 4. Track 5. Baseball 6. Car racing
  12. Currently I'm waiting every week to watch Naruto. But of older anime I'm watching the original Gundam and sequels like 0080, 0083, 8th MS team and what not, and believe it or not Monster Rancher (hahahaha).
  13. 1. Blue 2. Green 3. Purple 4. Bkack
  14. 1. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) 2. Tenchi (Tenchi Muyo/Universe/in Tokyo) 3. Sailor Moon's boyfriend I forgot his name (Sailor Moon)
  15. 1. Naruto (Naruto) 2. Ash (Pokemon) 3. Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!) 4. Jaden (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) 5. Goku (Dragon Ball)
  16. I recently seen some new vids of little kuriboh, yugioh the abridged series is far better then the rest.
  17. I can't believe only 1 person put Kenshiro, wow 1) Kenshiro (Hokuto No Ken/Fist of the North Star) 2) Goku (Dragon Ball/Z/GT) 3) Vash (Trigun) 4) Himura the Battoussai/Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin) 5) Orochimaru (Naruto) 6) Kagato (Tenchi)
  18. 1. Naruto 2. Inuyasha 3. Yu-Gi-Oh! 4. Rurouni Kenshin 5. Tenchi 6. Lupin the 3rd
  19. Of course it's Goku, obvious reasons. Wouldn't we love Vegeta to be though?
  20. 1) Buu 2) Vegeta 3) Bulma 4) Cell 5) Krillin
  21. Very hard to give anime shows a title like, action, romance, comedy and etc. because they have all of those in all anime, weather they tilt over to one side rather then the other.
  22. 1) Pikachu (Pokemon) 2) Inuyasha (Inuyasha) 3) Alphonse Elric "armor form" (FMA) 4) Kyubi (Naruto)
  23. Yea the competition 1, Zoids new century zero is the name.
  24. Pokemon a train wreck? From what I hear/see it seems to be doing very well recently, maybe it died out for a while when Yu-Gi-Oh came out and became popular but it seems fine to me. That's such a hard question for me, usually I like most of the themes of animes I watch but if I must pick, Rock the Dragon, the original American DBZ opening theme, I'm sorry it was cool back then but when you look at it now, it sucked compare to the others, in my opinion at least.
  25. Dragon Ball and the sequels are good old school animes. I like older Gundams like the original, 0080, 0083, G Gundam, Gundam Wing. Fist of the North Star, good old school anime, very rare to find, I recommend it for those who haven't heard of it. Ronin Warrios, come on? Thundercats, how can you not like it? I'm not sure what it was called but it was about a masked wrestler he had the mask of a tiger, really old, I know in the Italian version (the one I saw years ago) it was called Uomo Tigre witch means Tigerman, not sure if it ever came out in the U.S. I like the 3 Tenchi shows that came out but I'm not sure if they are considered oldschool? I guess oldschool should be before the 90s maybe? Speed racer was cheesy like nik naks from what I remember but I used to watch it. Lupin the 3rd, bad *** show, with bad *** characters, you can't get more bad *** then Jigen. I want to say Escaflowne and Zoids but I don't know if you guys consider them old school. There are so many, help me out people. -.- :p
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