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Anavel Gato

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  1. I bought this series about a month-and-a-half ago, and I've already watched the whole thing twice. It's absolutely amazing. Everything about it interested me, and I even used: " The world is not beautiful; and that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty." as my senior quote. For those of you who have not seen the whole thing, I highly suggest you pick it up. ADV's thinpak boxset is cheap and quite nice. Anywho, I really hope ADV picks up the movie and OVA- I'd love to see those soon. I look forward to reading the novels- does anyone know where I can find more infor about the novels that have been liscenced by Tokyopop?
  2. I would count it as anime... but it is a tough call. Like others have said, it all depends on your definition of anime. It [I]is[/I] technically animated, and it [I]was[/I] made in Japan... so I suppose it could be counted as such.
  3. For me, it's a tie between Alucard and Alexander Anderson from Hellsing.... I think. There are so many awseome badass characters in anime. I suppose those two would be my first two picks. Others would be Tetsu Hayami from Blue Submarine No. 6 and Vincent Volaju from Cowboy Bebop: The Movie.
  4. I suppose I'd either be Char Aznable from Mobile Suit Gundam or Vincent Volaju from Cowboy Bebop: The Movie.... or maybe Darcia from Wolf's Rain. Tough call. Manga- I'd want to be L from Deathnote. He's awesome! [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Anaval Gato, Otakuboards emphasizes post quality over post quantity. This requires posts that further conversation, rather than just lists. If you want to post a list, explain your choices by adding your reasons. Any future posts with poor quality will be deleted. -r2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  5. If I could pick any single Gundamit would be the Gundam 'Alex' Rx-78NT-1. I think it's a great design and I really liked its weapons- especially the fore-arm mounted gattling guns. If I could pick any mobile suit I would pick the MS-18E Kampfer- another amazing suit (From the same OVA, no less :D ).
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