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Everything posted by Kimmeh

  1. [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Well, I'm strictly a PS2/PS3 fan so here's my list... -Devil May Cry 4 -God of War 2 -Final Fantasy XIII -Final Fantasy Versus XIII -Kingdom Hearts 3 -and the list goes on... The one I'm most looking forward to though is Final Fantasy XIII. If it's anything like XII, I'm gunna be stoked. ^__^;;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. I'd hate to sound like a broken record, but everyone's pretty much said what I'm looking forward to... 1. No more Naruto fillers. Thank GOD.. 2. One Piece? I've been hearing things about it as well. 3.BLACK LAGOON! YES! And I would loove to see it on AS as well. ^_^ 4. And there are a ton of other random things... But for some reason, I'm failing to remember. Call it a blonde moment. :catgirl: -Kimmeh
  3. Aha, a thread completely dedicated to Final Fantasy 12. Loving it. ^_^ Well, I got the game for Christmas, so needless to say, I'm not super far into the game... Or rather maybe I am and I just don't know it. Haha. I've got the entire party, and after meeting all the main characters, I have to say Balthier is by far one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters ever... Which is saying a lot, because I happen to be obsessed with Vincent Valentine, and Auron... To anyone who is contemplating on whether buying the game or not, like I was before I got it for Christmas, get it. It's an amazing game. The graphics and the storyline are priceless. ^_^
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