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Naruto freak

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  1. D.N.Angel confused me. I didn't really understand what happened to the black wings. Or what happened to Dark and Krad. And is Dark [spoiler]coming back[/spoiler] I mean I know Dark is not [spoiler]coming back as Daisuke[/spoiler] but I'm wondering if [spoiler]his son will become Dark because they said something about Dark being the black wings[/spoiler] or something like that. [INDENT] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Naruto freak, I added spoiler tags to your post. Please be sure use spoiler tags so that people who have not reached the same point in the series don't have it ruined for them. If you have any questions about spoiler tags, PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  2. I think I would go for the Byakugan. I think it would be better if you could see almost all around you and being able to stop your opponents Chakra is better than being able to copy attacks.
  3. I think that Full Metal Alchemist needs a sequel. They ended it so stupid. Another anime they could have added to was Ranma 1/2. I hate how they end shows when they should have kept going. [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Naruto freak, your post needs more content. Otakuboards emphasizes both post quality and post content. Although your post is very easily understood, you have not much to add to the conversation. Although you stated that Full Metal Alchemist needed suquel, you never said why. You expressed that Ranma 1/2 could have continued, but you never put forth your reasons. Conversations can very rarely sprout from lists, especially in the online environment. [I]You are not required to write out entire essays or twenty-page reports, just make sure you are adding fodder to the conversational fire.[/I] "They ended it so stupid," is not enough to justify the post. This is your warning, to prevent your future posts from being deemed "spam" and therefore deleted, do your best to explain your reasons instead of just listing answers. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  4. My favorite element is ice. I love how ice can stop almost anything I its tracks. It would be cool if I could freeze any one at any time I like.
  5. That would be good but I heard that there might be a movie. But I hope there is an anime.
  6. Great work I'm realy happy with it this is exactly what I wanted. Thanks for your help
  7. Can any one make a Kiba avatar and sig theme based on this [IMG]http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e61/Mr-Anonymous/Kiba1024-Qa9ed.jpg[/IMG]. I would like to have the same back round color. No words on it please thanks.
  8. Thanks. I think it's weird that they did not tell you her name untill the third episode.
  9. I saw the first two episodes and it pretty good. What is the name of the girl did they say her name or did I miss it.
  10. I miss Outlaw Star it was great but I think the ending could of been better. Rurouni Kenshin was an other rely good one. I never got to see the end of it.
  11. Yes it continues the story after Gundom Seed.
  12. Naruto is one of my favorite animes. I think there up to episode 180. Gumdon Seed and Gundom seed destiny are good. I haven't seen Gundom Seed Genesis yet so I can't tell you any thing about it.
  13. I think Ebay is the best place to buy anime ,but there is the chance that the people you buy from wont sent what you bought to you. besides that I think Ebay is great.
  14. I think I would be Shikamaru from Naruto. He's so lazy. [INDENT] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo][B]Naruto freak[/B], please put more effort into your posts, simply listing the name of characters you would like to be with little to no information doesn?t contribute much to the current discussion. Please take a moment to re-read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?]FAQ[/URL] located on the left sidebar. One you have done so this will make more sense. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  15. My favorite show on Toonami is One Piece, a old one Tenchi Muyo, and another old one Outlaw Star. [INDENT] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo][B]Naruto freak[/B], please put a little more effort into your posts. For example you could have explained why the shows you mentioned are your favorite. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
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