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Everything posted by lord_brocktree

  1. :excited: My favorite types: Dragon, Water, and Electric:excited: Sorry fire isn't my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
  2. :( I think my thread has died in anyone still would like my opion please email me at [email]lord_brocktree@hotmail.com[/email], sorry that the site died, please email me k- Tim Lord Brocktree:(
  3. I am attempting to catch up. I am going to rate Gotenks Team right now. Lv100:Charizard Item Charcoal Flamethrower Fire Blast Fire Spin Fly Great Charizard for r/b/y but a charizard for g/s would have a moveset of wingattack(STAB),Steel wing,Earthquake, and Flamethrower. That makes him very versitily. Lv74:Mewtwo Psybeam Psychic Flash ???Forgot Legendaries are fun to use, He has to many attacks of the same type. A good moveset for mewtwo is psychic,Recover,thunderbolt and submission. Submission is for annoying pokemon like Umbreon and Blissey. Lv55:Skarmory Metal Claw Fury Attack Toxic Fly You Must have a Crytal, Lose Toxic for Sandstorm and your good to go. Lv88:Lugia Fly Hydro Pump Gust Drill Peck Two Psychis lenderies on the same team??? I don't know if this is a crystal moveset with drill peck. The moveste I go with is Usually, Aeroblast,Surf,Recover,Psychic. STAB Attacks plus versitility make unstoppalbe. Lv66:Tyhplosion Charcoal Flame Wheel Flamethrower Thunderpunch Dig Loose Flame wheel replace it with return. Lv88:Sunflora Solarbeam Razor Leaf Mega Drain Giga Drain Lose sunflora, Replace it with a fighting type to help stop the standard tyranitar. I replace it with a machamp that knows Cross Chop, Earthquake,Rockslide, and lightscreen/focus energy/Fireblast. I use I fireblast as a curve ball move to attempt to throw everybody off. It is a pretty good team, I think you like using legendaries. There is nothing wrong with legendaries as long as you don't use rare candies. See ya all later.
  4. For all you people out there I am a gold/silver/r/b/y expert. I am sorry I know very little about crystal. The best pokemon that you can have is one that is raised from an incredibly low level with out rare candies. I don't think alot of people know that. The team I have hasn't been beat yet. The key to beating people is versitility. I can't spell worht crap. Thanks posting teams, I'll Try to catch up soon. I promise!!!!!!!!!!
  5. :ball: Hi every one, I am going to try at setting up my own team rating system to maybe help you complete all the pokemon games:ball: I'll have my first team to help break the ice. Tauros: Mintberry Nickname Brocktree Earthquake Rest Thrash Thunderbolt I did some trading to red to get that on him Kinda as my suprise move. Scyther: Metal Coat Nickname Midge Swords Dance Double Team Steelwing Wing Attack Steelix: Leftovers Nickname Steeljaw Curse Explosion Rockslide Earthquake I traded the onix to my red to get explosion. Machamp:Scope Lens Nickname Sollertree Focus Energy Rockslide Earthquake Cross Chop I traded him before he learned cross chop. Entei: Charcoal Nickname (I need a good nickname for it) Sunny Day Roar Flamethrower Solarbeam Now he can Pseudo-Haze Espeon:Blackglasses Nickname Sunflash Psychic Bite Moring Sun Hidden Power Water This is my all time favorite team. Please list your teams this is a helpful site so don't be afraid to post your team.
  6. Here I go with my pokemons move set Scizor-Quick claw(Midge) Steel Wing Return Light screen Double Team We are supposed to have the movesets in right now, right? Tim
  7. Name:Tim Side: Trainer Pokemon:Scizor This sounds pretty cool I'll give it a try!!
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