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About saru-miha
- Birthday 12/02/1991
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Music is my life. I play three instruments and am about to start working on four. Queen is my favorite band. I have several favorite animes. And Die is my favorite musician. I'm always drawing. :) Usually..drawing musicians.
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My brother actually wrote a paper on this. I consider him an artist, but I don't like a lot of his stuff. More than people like 50 Cent, etc. I like some of his songs..but not all. I like songs like mockingbird and the more emotional songs. But I still consider him an artist..just like I consider 50 Cent an artist. I just don't particularly care for them.
I like Knee Deep...I also know Knee Deep. Well... uhm... I "know" Coby. I've really met him once or twice through my brother. ^^; And I like them a lot. Not because I know him. Of course, some people at school got word of the band some local guys started and started walking around in the T shirts. Without actually LISTENING to the music and actually UNDERSTANDING the emotion that the boys put into it. But, sadly, they either recently disbanded or are going through serious problems. Even though he is getting pretty mainstream, Marc Broussard. He's got amazing vocal talent. "Wow, all that soul coming from that little white boy?" Yes, he gets that a lot. XD
Hah... Some people just don't get it. Once I asked this kid who was talking about how much he liked old music and classic rock if he liked Queen, and he said "Those are those stupid opera people aren't they?" I just looked at him, slightly amused...but more annoyed, and turned away. Of course when some kids played We Will Rock You at a later talent show he was stomping and clapping and singing every word. Everyone has different musical tastes, and just about anything can be considered music. So I don't bash people's music. I'll say how I don't personally care for it, but I never try to make THEM feel bad for their tastes. Music is art, and art can be anything. It all depends on how different people see it. So no, it really isn't worth fighting over. It's like saying "You don't like coffee? Your so stupid!"
Moon Child is by far my favorite. No..not because Gackt and Hyde are the stars. I cried, laughed, and was worn out by the time the movie finished. The entire plot and the way it's played out just works perfectly. Other than that..I like comedies. Date Movie rocked, although it wasn't as good the second time. And Monty Python NEVER gets old. Seriously, I love everything those guys do. Star Wars got me addicted to movies. When I was a kid..I had all the figures and models and everything. But they were given to charity. ;_;
[B]Queen[/B] Even though some bands are more talented, Queen's music just helps me. Yes, helps. Freddie Mercury's voice is so powerful, but soothing at the same time. And the variety and composition of their songs just keeps me listening. [B]X/X Japan[/B] I've never heard a band that could bring metal and classical music both together and make it sound so great. And yes, I've heard bands that have done it almost as well..but I just love X more. I love Taiji and Heath equally, they both add something great to the music. Even though Taiji might have been more skilled, I like the composition better once Heath joined in. They make me dance..cry..and always amaze me. [B]The Beatles[/B] Just plain fun to listen to. XD [B]Dir en grey[/B] I know..probably the most popular asian band right now. I miss their old stuff, their last album wasn't as great as it could be. I don't care if they aren't as visual anymore, but I find this last album lacks a lot of the creativity that song's like 304 Goshitsu, Hakushi no Sakura, Garden, Yurameki, and obviously Cage had. And..I find Kyo's live performance not as great as they used to be. He seems like he struggles to keep up, when he used to seem to do a great job. But they're still so great. [B]Janne Da Arc[/B] Yasu has got THE most beautiful voice I've ever heard. Their music is just great. I love everything about them. [B]Los Lonely Boys[/B] Fun to listen to, and the lives are awesome. That was in no order(except Queen is my fave)..and I like just about every band I've ever heard.
They aren't the best band in the world... But I still love them. I didn't pay much attention to their first cd, I didn't bother buying it. My sister just burnt me an iTunes cd of the new one (her friend gave her about 600 songs). But the Helena video is just awesome. It's so well put together. I never get tired of watching it.
The last dream I remember having was kinda cool...but REALLY wierd. I met Yoshiki. And he was smoking and saying "I smoke all the time. But it's bad for you. I really shouldn't. It makes me sick. DON'T SMOKE! DRINKING IS BETTER! Drink all you want! Nothing is going to happen! Just have some booze. It makes everything better." o__O It was..a wierd dream.
Name:Camille I'm a girl. 14, though supposedly I'm mature for my age. I have a brother and a sister, both in college, my sister is about to graduate. They don't live in my town. I go to a Catholic school at the moment, but I hate it here...I know everyone hates school...but I mean I REALLY hate it here. My parents hate the place also, so I'm leaving after the year ends. I have wierd self esteem issues. I guess you can say more social issues than anything. Even online I'm shy and probably won't talk to you first, but I love making friends. So if ya wanna chat...whatever. The emails [email]saru_miha@yahoo.com[/email]. From then I'll give you my aim and whatever. But I have confidence when entering art work in contests and stuff..just have a hard time talking to people, being around people, having people look at me...looking at other people...even in my family...yep. More social issues than anything. I'm trying really hard to change, I really want to be known more, not just happen be there. Favorite anime? I dunno, probably Hellsing or Trigun..Akira..they're all awesome. Favorite Manga? Azumanga Daioh. I've died laughing at that one. Music is my life. I started playing the piano around fourth grade, and started playing guitar about a year ago. I used to have a teacher, but now I'm just teaching myself. I can play the ukulele fairly well, and I have two harmonicas that I'm trying to get used to. Favorite Band: Queen Favorite musician: Die (Dir en grey) Favorite song: Carnation (Janne Da Arc) Current song: Jolly Mon Sing (Jimmy Buffet) I really listen to just about anything but country and rap, and foreign rap is ok sometimes. I like pop, but can't really get into it. DDR music rocks though. It works...makes me want to dance. I live in the US, southern Louisiana. It isn't a very long drive to the gulf, I guess you'd consider my heritage cajun...but cajuns are highly stereotyped to be uneducated, unsophisticated, morons. Don't believe it. Most of us aren't. The weather is evil here. Hot and humid almost all year round. I also draw...alot. Charcoal..pastel..paint..whatever. I'm always working on something. I haven't uploaded fanart in forever though..lack of a camera/scanner. So uhm, I'm really short, pale, weigh somewhere around 95, have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, am about to get my braces taken off, about to get contacts, and always have SOMETHING around my wrists. I know, I sound like a nerd. But hey! I am. XD Star Wars
Will we ever even have a good president? Not everyone will love any president we have. The government is too controversial. The government is flawed, no doubt about it, but I admit I don't like a lot of the things Bush does. But now just about all the media is either far to the republican or far to the democratic side. I don't like either...I wish there was a president who'd just meet in the middle. But the chances of that happening are really little. And about Iraq... War isn't good in any circumstances. Leads to lots of killing...but that's not saying there isn't any positive side. Even though you don't see this on the news, I know plenty of people serving in Iraq. And everyone that I've talked to is being thanked often by the Iraquis. So don't think that we're completely hated, the majority actually appreciate us. And I have no clue how all this works...but according to my history teacher Iraq can tell us to leave whenever they want and we'd have to...i dunno. I don't pay much attention to that. So I have no clue if he's anywhere close to being right or whatever. Hmm..the hurricanes, I think Blanco is more to blame. Setting aside a time for prayer was just stupid. A moment of silence? Great. It's respectful. But setting aside so much time for prayer..she should have been getting something done. I live in South Louisiana..and I never really personally hated a politician...but I REALLY hate her. I knew before she was elected she'd be a horrible governor. And us being hit by the storms I think just kind of proved it. >_> No, I didn't read through all of the pages. No, I'm not very involved with politics. It all pisses me off really. And even though I'm neither for or against, I don't think Bush is that bad.
Not saying I'm an amazing guitarist or anything >_> I play electric and acoustic. I'm really teaching myself at the moment..but a teacher really does make a difference. I used to have a teacher..just a family friend that would help me out. And hurricane Katrina kinda screwed it all up. But let me tell ya..he was the most amazing guitarist I've ever seen. The phrase guitar god? Yea..this was literal. But anyways.. I have an Alvarez thats almost my size for an acoustic. It's just hand me down..and it isn't great for beginners. (I'm serious..it's huge) But if you're serious about an electric, I'd suggest a Stratocaster. I have a squier strat and I love it. It wasn't the best to begin with, but I took it to the earlier mentioned guitar god and he tightened a few things adjusted a few things..etc. And it's really a great guitar. Good for beginners also. So if you do pick up the intsrument, it's great. Really is a lot of fun. And good luck to ya. ~_^
I wanted to fix street lights. >_> You know the guys that go up in the lifters and work on the lights? I have no clue why. I also wanted to be a power ranger. Correction...I STILL want to be a power ranger. XD
I guess you'd consider me a Christian... I believe in God and Jesus and the like... I don't really believe in hell though. Because if God is so merciful and loving, why would there be a place for just eternal misery? I do believe in a really long time in purgatory. And basically the only thing keeping me believing in God to begin with is how I can't seem to grasp how the complexity of the human mind and the universe..etc...just came to be. I DO believe in evolution. But where'd the apes come from? Started off with a single celled organism..where'd that come from? To me the whole idea that ONE being has been around forever and created others to be more logical than just "Everything came to be on it's own." But I wouldn't call myself religious. Mainly, what bugs me about Christianity is the whole "against gay marriage" deal. I don't see a thing wrong with it, and yes I see several different views on the subject. And I do keep in mind that Christianity isn't against homosexuals..but "homosexual acts"..which I find just stupid. Who's to tell you what you can do with who you love in your own private time? But...basically..with the MAINLY known arguments where Christianity comes into play. I support same sex marriage I'm completely against abortion. I don't believe in hell. And personally I have no clue if the end of existence will ever even come. Keep in mind, these are just MY views. Everyone has their own.
Well, My favorite song for the music is Carnation. It's just plain beautiful. But my favorite for the lyrics is In My Defense. Freddie Mercury
First of all love the sig and all, Alice Nine rocks. But the prettiest song I've ever heard is by far Carnation. It's my favorite. Carnation Janne da Arc yasashii hizashi ni yureteru CAANEESHON chikagoro anata no nukumori kanjimasu. kizukeba anata no egao wa toshioite ima sara osanai wagamama kuyamimasu. A carnation swaying in the gentle sunlight, these days, I feel your warmth. If I notice your smile growing old, now, childishly selfish, I'll mourn. hiraita ARUBUMU no natsukashii omoide tachi to watashi wo tsutsumu no wa itsu no hi mo anata deshita... You were always the one that wrapped the dear memories of this opened album around me... tooku hanarete hajimete kizukimashita. anata no ai ni itoshisa to kamishimeta "arigatou" kono kotoba wo ano hi kara sukoshi otona ni narimashita. demo nazeka anata no mae ja kodomo ni narimasu. itsuitsumademo... Leaving into the distance, I realized for the first time. With the beauty in your love, I reflected on this word "thank you" and because of that day, I became a little bit more of an adult. But without knowing why, before you, I become a child. For a long time... tooku hanarete hajimete kizukimashita. anata no ai ni itoshisa to kamishimeta "arigatou" kono kotoba wo ano hi kara sukoshi otona ni narimashita. sasayaka ni "genki na egao misete" to negaimasu. itsuitsumademo... Leaving into the distance, I realized for the first time. With the beauty in your love, I reflected on this word "thank you" and because of that day, I became a little bit more of an adult. I pray modestly for you to "show me a happy smile". For a long time... And credit for translating goes [URL=http://www.geocities.com/nm_trans/]here[/URL] But I do love Classical and all. And Save Me by Queen is almost as good.
They're pretty good. Illuminati! :D They aren't my favorite, but by far better than Moi Dix Mois.