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Everything posted by girlofwolves

  1. Zalina yawned, She was hungry, tired, and anooyed. She stood up after listning to the digimon argue. "That is it. I am going somewhere else. If this is the best this place has to offer Id rather starve!" She growled. Gabumon stood up and followed her. She was a little to hungry... If she acted like that you knew something was wrong. She grummbled all the way out of the building and went to the edge of town. "Gabumon you have the nose of a dog right. Which means you can sniff stuff out real well right?" "Well of course" He said striking a pose as if to say 'im the grandest ever!' "Then perhaps could you sniff out something to eat?" Without an answer gabumon ran off. Not long after that did he return with a few fruit like things in his arms and a few stuck on his horn. He gave the few in his arms to her and pulled the ones off his horn and bit into it. "Hmm these are sweet." She said biting into the orange one. Gabumon frowned, "If you like sweet thats fine but if you dont like salty dont touch the green ones... blech.." He said tossing it aside. "So gabu... where did find this?" He smiled and gobbled a red fruit down... She could tell it was spicy because he suddenly needed water and ran to a river to drink, he was back in a few moments though. "I found a bush by the river. Had some fruit on it. I had smelt it when we first entered town so i located it easily." Meanwhile Azari was getting fed up too. He finally growled and went outside and joined Zalina. He nibbled on the fruits that Zalina could not finish and Rraikmon finished off the salty ones gabumon didnt like. "So uh... You get the feeling our rest is about up?" He said suddenly. Rraikmon nodded, "yeah we felt it as soon as we got into this village." Zalina nodded, "Now that you mention it..." Gabumon snorted, "You are all imagining things..."
  2. whoooshh.... Whooosshhhh.... Shpllllsshhh She heard this noise and leaned upwards. She was sitting on the edge of a jungle, looking out over a large ocean. She smiled and looked around. She didnt know how she got there or remember much about, well anything. But for some reason she liked it here. She stood up and looked at herself. She had one green shoe and one red shoe. The foot with the red shoe had a green sock and the foot with the green shoe had a red sock. She smiled. This seemed normal to her. She followed up her legs. She was wearing pants, no shorts, wait... pants and shorts? One leg was long (the right leg) and the left leg was cut very short like summer shorts. This seemed normal to her too. Moving on up she was smiling. A purple t-shirt with one blue sleeve and one orange sleeve. They seemed to have been sewed on by ... "Myself" She giggled as she remember, "But uh... who is myself?" After a few minutes more of not really caring who she was she looked around. She noticed her hair was shoulder length and and dark brown. Myself...Myself... Who is myself.... Karen, no... Karla, no.... Kayla... Yes that was it... but she had a feeling no one called her that. Kay... just kay. She walked down to the waters edge and was the water washed around her ankles she looked down at her reflection, or what of it that she could see from the moving water and foam. She had blue eyes with green mixed in randomly making her eyes look rather strange but to her this seemed normal. There was cut on her forehead but she ignored it even as the blood dripped into the water below. She smiled and saw other people gathering farther down the beach. She skipped, or tried to in the soft sand, towards the others and soon she was there. She walked right up to a man and got about four inches from his face and smiled. "Uh..." He backed away, "Are you ok... your head is bleeding!" She smiled, "Kay! Monkies live in my shoes! See!?" She said happily holding up one of her feet for him to look at. He glanced at her shoe and then at her. She smiled at him strangely. "What is your name?" A lady asked, she hadnt heard the monkey remark "Kay!" "Lovely name. Why are bleeding? Can you remember?" Kay got this very determined thinking look on her face and then ran in a circle, "Because mommy said jesus loves me!" She sat down in the warm sand and lay down in it. She flipped off both shoes and socks and set them next to her. She quietly whispered to both shoes as she crammed her soggy socks inside. ---- [b]Age:[/b] about 16 [b]Description:[/b] ..... One red shoe with green sock, one green shoe with red sock. Pants shorts... one leg long one leg really short. a purple shirt with one blue sleeve and one oreange sleeve. Dark brown hair and green and blue eyes. [b]Personality:[/b] Crazy as a watermelon.
  3. Azari didnt like the look of this place and Zalina didnt either. Neither of them voiced their opinions though. Suddenly, as they were walking, their digivices started making noises. Zalina took a look at hers and saw some dots a ways off. "Look at that. What do you suppose it means?" She asked quietly. "Enemies maybe?" One of the dog digimon said quietly. "No no of course it isnt. If it had our devices would have gone off when duskmon got near and blackwargreymon AND that NeoDevimon." Azari said, "I do know what it is thought. You are newer to digimon than I am Zalina and if they explained it they did not do a good job. I remember finding out from Kalem, one of the tamers in our group." She glared at him, "So? What does it mean?" "Each of those dots represent a digivice. Meaning each dot is a person with a digimon, or perhaps Skye who has no partner but a digivice all the same." Gabumon smiled, "Then we should go towards those blinking dots!" "Why then do they not flash nad beep when we are together?" Rraikmon asked suddenly as they walked along. "Oh, Well They all probably know we are together. Had someone else come closer who had a device they would have gone off." Azari said but all the others kind of knew he was guessing. "Well it must not apply in some cases then because it did not beep when every one vanished and I was looking for your partner. It never told me you were laying where i left you. And if that duskmon character was a kid like Skye shouldnt it have reacted too?" "Hmm I am not sure. Dont ask me I didnt program these things." He shoved his in his pocket and they both followed the lead of Zalina's hot pink digivice. They all pushed through some deep thick bushes and saw Mira, Skye, Masaru, Agumon, and Hawkmon. They rushed out. It was apparent that Mira had just gotten there too and she was using her device. One of the others saw what Zalina looked like, Signs of a bleeding nose, several still bleeding cuts, and many bruises that were quite black by now. With seeing her one of them said, "Sheesh what happend to you!?" "A large teddy bear and I got into a little spat. Ill heal..." Gabumon shook his head, "WaruManzemon actually. He was about to tear me to shreads while I was garurumon and she started kicking and punching his leg. He didnt like it much and gave her a swift kick." Zalina glared at her partner, "Anyways who are we missing?"
  4. Zalina heard a groan next to her as Gabumon got up from the ground. She could hear him dust off his fur and sighed. It was so dark she couldnt see the hand she held out in front of her face. I angered her a bit. "The moment I find that BlackWarGreymon I am going to kick him in face..." "He is a bit tall for that." "I really dont care Gabu." She said standing up nad digging through the pocket of her zip up sweater. She yanked out a big heavy object and searched for a button. Within seconds the area they were in was flooded with light. Gabumon stared at the device, "What is that?" "It is called a flashlight. Now lets get out of here." They walked about for about five minutes when she stopped to listen. She heard snoring. She spun around looking for what was causing it. She shone the light right in the face of a huge brown bear with a tattered red cape. It opened one eye and she could tell it was a glare. "Why, I never heard of such a thing. A kid walking in the dark with a light stick. Such manners! Dont you know not to shine lights in peoples faces. Especially the ones who are sleeping. I aughta teach you some manners." The bear had both eyes open now and it growled as it stood up. Zalina glared right back. [img]http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/WaruMonzaemon.gif[/img] "WaruManzemon" She read, "Well I am not afraid of you, No matter how ugly of a teddy bear you may be! I didnt know what you were when I heard your snoring." "Ugly!" Well hearing this the WaruManzemon was rather furious with her. He couldnt seem to speak anymore and Zalina had hoped the strings holding his mouth together had tightend so he couldnt talk anymore. His voice was raspy and strange to listen to. She would have rather not heard it again. "Gabumon digivolve.... to Garurumon!" The wolf stood there and growled. He was going to protect his friend. The bear lunged forward and flung a claw into the ground near garurumon sending rocks and such into the air. Garurumon used his head and tail to hit the rocks away from Zalina. She didnt seem pleased about any of this. Garurumon ran at the bear and slammed into it and bit it in the arm sending a bit of fluffing into the air but aside from that it had no real effect. The bear slammed his claw in to the wolf and he leapt off into the air and landed a few feet away. "Broken Heart Attack" A heart shape formed in front of the bears belly nad he sent it at garurumon. Garurumon leapt up onto the wall to avoid the attack and as soon as he felt himself falling he launched off and came down claws stretched out as he flew downwards towards the bear. The bear however saw this coming, "Bear Claw" he swung his claw and hit garurumon really hard in the stomach. Garurumon fell against a large rock with a yelp. Zalina was frustrated at this point and ran up to the bear whos attention was fixed on garurumon. She began to punch and kick the bears right leg. Zalina in her regular life liked to fight even though she was this cute little girl as most would say when looking at her. She didnt likethat much and she didnt like this situation. Judgement had kind of left her at this point. For if the bear had been her size he would have been black and blue already but because he was so much larger and full of fluff that he felt barely anything. He glanced down at her and frowned. "Stupid Human..." He then gave her a big kick and sent her flying. When she landed one of her knees had been cut up from the rocks and her face didnt look so good either. Her nose was bleeding and she was brushing rocks from her eyes. She mad no noise or sound. Garurumon growled and glowed. "Garurumon Digivolve tooo.... Were Garururmon!" [WATCH ME!] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgH9cksD9Zk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgH9cksD9Zk[/url] WereGarurumon stood there before Zalina and Warumanzemon and he looked more alive than he ever had before. He leaped into the air and kicked the bear hard in the chest sending him backwards. He was hit once with a claw attack but leapt backwards and readied his fist. "WOLF CLAW!" He shouted as he leapt forward. He slashed the bear so hard that several rips appeared in its belly and shoulder. Stuffing pooped out of the rips and Warumanzemon growled in pain. "Again!" Zalina shouted from the ground. "Wolf Claw!" This time he slashed the other way right across the bear again and this time more stuffing went everywhere. In a few seconds of screaming bear moments it burst into data, including the stuffing, data that WereGarurumon absorbed without thinking. He walked over to Zalina nad helped her up onto her feet. "My, I apologise for not digivolving sooner. You might not have gotten hurt if I had." "It is my fault really, I should not have been so stupis as to think i could have done anything to it. I just kinda lost my brain for a moment." "You look in pain." He said being very gentle with her as he picked her up. "Quite a bit in fact." "No tears either... I am Amazed." "I am not weak!" She shouted suddenly and WereGarurumon walked with her in his arms in silence for a while. He put her down after a bit and devolved back to gabumon. "Sorry energy ran out... I see light though." They both came out of the cave next to another tunnel and saw Azari and Rraikmon standing there. "Ah.." She ran over to him and hugged him. He pushed away slightly and looked at her, "Dear lord what happend to you." "Nothing. Had some bear trouble. Anyways where are we." She said looking around. Both digimon replied at the same time, "The Dark Jungle." --- OOC: If you guys know how to put those you tube things in your posts could you send me instructions on how to do it too... i couldnt get it to work so i want to know how to do it properly.
  5. Zalina patted gabumon on the head near his horn and smiled. She was happy he helped in this battle but she was also saddened that two of their traveling companions had suffered losses. A few moments later Zalina was sitting on the ground with gabumon. Both resting silently on the grass. Zalina remembered first hearing about the digimon thing and seemed rather "meh" about it. It wasnt untill one of her friends had talked to her about it where she finally decidedto try it. Once she tried and chose Gabumon she grew to enjoy it alot. And to think that wasnt very long ago. [i]"Hey Zalina, can you beleive this place? I mean look how huge it is, not only that but all the many things to do..." Her blond haired friend said spinning around. Her partner, A DemiDevimon, flew around her as she spun.[/i] [i]Gabumon and Zalina both stood there, "Yeah its a wonderful place. Hmm what should we do next?"[/i] [i]However before she could say anything more or suggest something all four of them were knocked onto the ground by some silent unseen blast.[/i] [i]Gabumon and DemiDevimon both digivolved. Garurumon and Devidramon stood waiting for their opponent. After all anyone suddenly attacking from no where were considered enemies instantly.[/i] [i]A large digimon had appeared, It was a huge metal tyrannomon. It growled which sounded rather mechanical like for a moment before he swung his huge claw at the two champions. His eyes were red and he seemed to be in quite a rage. Perhaps over territory, the girls thought.[/i] [i]Garurumon and Devidramon both went to battle with it and soon it was obvious two champions wouldnt be able to stop this higher level digimon. Eventually he had worn them down and Garurumon let Zalina get on his back. They were going to retreat. He could run faster than the heavy metal monster and Devidramon could fly higher than it could reach.[/i] [i]One thing led to another and devidramon didnt make it off the ground. He was data withing minutes and an egg the next. Her friend and the egg joined Zalina on garurumon who ran for it. Her friend had lost her friend all because of some teritorrial dinosaur. She decided to take a break from digimon but before she could actually leave she introduced Zalina to a group leader so he could make sure she wouldnt get to lost. However before her friend could go away for a while most of the people vanished. It was like a nightmare.[/i] Now it wasnt that great either. Two people lost their digimon, Everyone was tired and they were no where near finished. She felt so tired though she didnt do much of anything during the battle except for cheer her partner on. She felt exhausted.
  6. ooc: ANOTHER SEASON? Are you kidding me? I swear that i swore i thought they were stopping at four. I thought a fifth was like a faint dream, an impossible thing... holy cow. but now that i look at savers... i like the agumon (a little large...) and greymons extra details rock. -------- Howling blaster! A huge blue blast slammed into the spider that just sent Rylonamon into the tree. It came from the recently digivolved garurumon. He stood there in the dust with a snarl. "Im not about to sit here and let other people protect us just because they can go past champion. I refuse to be saved all the time." He growled as he ran at the spider. He leaped into the air and slammed into the spider sending it back a bit. By this time rylonamon was up again and her horns were sparkling. Both of them looked at each other and nodded. "Sonic Horns!" "Howling Blaster!" The same blue blast mixed with a sonic ring attack that sparkled with the colors of the rainbow. It was only heard by the other digimon however. It was high pitched and annoying. What they heard was small compared to what the target heard though. It was a super powerful high pitched screech that would cause pain to the ears and brain. The two attacks hit and in no time that one dokugamon vanished into little bits of data. "Good Work! Right On Garurumon!" Zalina shouted, "Dont give them a chance to harm you or us!" You could tell by the way she talked that she wished she could be in there helping too, like what that one girl could do. Be the digimon. She wouldnt want to give up Gabumon but she would love to be able to fight back. Because she couldnt though she wanted to point all her confidence towards garurumon's abilities. If she couldnt help fight she would at least keep his spirits up.
  7. Zalina and Gabumon both yawned at the same time which made Azari and Rraikmon want to do the same. Zalina thought about what this new girl had said and wondered what she could actually do to help her. "Ill Help, Whats your name?" She asked. "Mira. And this is my partner hawkmon." Zalina smiled, "Nice to meet you, My name is Zalina and this is my partner Gabumon. We were in a large group of tamers and they all vanished. Me and Azari are the only people left. If there is a way to save everyone and bring them back I am all for it." "As Am I!" Gabumon said throwing a fist into the air as if to cheer for the idea. He seemed rather confident. She was still rather new at the digimon thing but she felt confident enough to give it a try. After all, Mira couldnt do it alone.
  8. [font=Courier New]out of character: Sorry about that me and Frankie had a bit of a slight mix up, and I am kind of silly like that... We talked about it and I figured out how to solve the problem. I will post my first post and then she can edit hers or something so check it out for slight differences...[/font] [font=Courier New]---------[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]Zalina stepped over a cold rock and around a bush before she let out a sigh. She was tired of chasing after this digimon but knew she had to so kept going. She turned around a tree and ducked under its low branches. There at the base sat a large dog like digimon. It was white with blue stripes. I was also wearing a collar and its body from the collar down was slightly transparent as it lay there.[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]Zalina smiled, "Why do you keep running?"[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]"Why is everyone vanishing? Will I vanish too?" It said in a light childish voice.[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]"I, I really dont think so. I think what made the others vanish is gone now. What I do know is you need to return to your tamer. I left my partner with him while i looked for you but you should really go back now. He might need you."[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]The digimon stood up and her body turned solid. "Oh my! I forgot about Azari. I cannot beleive I let myself panic and leave him like that."[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]"Oh I wouldnt worry, moments after it happend he passed out so I dont think he knows you left him. So what was your name again?"[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]The digimon nodded, "I am Rraikmon. You are Zalina are you not? One of the newcommers to the group. Azari and I both saw you talking to the leader but all this happend before we could introduce ourselves."[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]"Yeah, My partner Gabumon is watching over your friend now so lets go back."[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]The dog nodded and began to sniff her way back to her friend. Her shoulders were up to Zalina's waist and her body was long. She sniffed a few more times and decided to run. Zalina ran along with her. A few moments later they arrived in the clearing where Azari and Gabumon now sat.[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]Gabumon leaped up and ran to Zalina, "Your back! Thats great!"[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]"So you are Zalina. Nice, Well thank you and gabumon for helping I guess. Oh Rraikmon there you are."[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]"I am sorry for running away when I did, I just did not want to vanish like the others in our group."[/font]
  9. [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Hey Frankie, I am not to late right? I mean considering my only computer access is when i visit your house... So yeah let me get right on down to buisness![/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#9932cc][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Name: Zalina[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Color of Digivice IC: Hot Pink[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Age: 15[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Appearance: Attached[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Digimon:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Rookie: Gabumon[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Attacks: Blue Blaster, Horn Attack[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Champion: Garurumon[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Attacks: Howling Blaster, Slamming Attack[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Ultimate: WereGarurumon[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Attacks: Garuru Kick, Wolf Claw[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Mega: Metal Garurumon[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Attacks: Ice Wolf Bite, Metal Wolf Claw, Giga Missile[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=darkorchid]Digimon Appearance: I was going to have a picture of each (meaning 4) but i googled and found a picture with all of them on it (like what frankie did) so ill use that.[/color][/size][/font] [color=darkorchid][img]http://www.toonmasters.hpg.ig.com.br/entretenimento/18/Animes-Cartoons/Digimon/Adventure/Digimon%20-%20Evo%20Gabumon.gif[/img][/color]
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