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Everything posted by queenbakura

  1. [QUOTE=nomad19]hmm, the 2nd one since the world is already messed up...i'd be obliged to use my power for good...if i was the only one, im that noble haha... ok ok my 2nd question, would you rather get your thumbs sawn off (we know how important they are) or lose an eye....[/QUOTE] Lose an eye. I'm practically blind in my right one anyway. OK, would you rather eat ramen or eat ice cream? *I'm hungry*
  2. I recently saw an ad for the new game in the Namco Tales series in my Shonen Jump. I wonder how Tales of the Abyss will compare to Tales of Symphonia. I recently beat that game and I loved it so much. So how will Tales of the Abyss be? Thoughts? I think that you can move in every direction in battle in it.
  3. I had a dream that I was glomping Al once. >///> My friend had a dream that Kaiba was calling me his "googoo Bear" and we were married. I've also had a dream where I was a wolf in Wolf's Rain and another dream that I was the monkey in Fruits Basket. They were all so awesome!!! ^^
  4. [QUOTE=KyuubiKhaos]*sniffle* man, i know exactly how you feel!!!! i cant get up early on a saturday morning if my life depended on it anymore. i miss watching Pokemon on Saturdays, and Yu-Gi-Oh!. but they ended yu-gi-oh, and Pokemon isnt as good as it used to be. the first 4 seasons, and the end of season 5, were Pokemon's best, especially the first 3. Viewtiful Joe manages to give me a good laugh every once in a while, and i couldnt get into Spider Riders. but yeah, KidsWB kind of [B]did[/B] betray me. speaking of early Pokemon episodes, are they ever going to release them on DVD, in season box sets?? i'd really like them to do that.[/QUOTE] Hey, KyuubiKhaos. So bored...I think that 4Kids ruins everything that they get their hands on, except maybe the early Pokemon seasons...They're going to show Yu-gi-oh Capsule Monsters in the fall. And on Adult Swim, Bleach and Basilisk will be on this fall, too.
  5. [quote name='MaRk-0wN3Z-YoU']Well this game is coming out in english it is way better then the first Clash of Ninja! In this game you can have 4 people play like as a team or against eachother it was fun because I played it at Comic-Con I kicked everyones but with Sasuke!! There is also way more charicters then the first one but you have to unlock them so you should play this game a lot more then the first one. Well have you guys heard of this, did you play it and if you played it which charictor are you good with? Oh ya and btw I already have this game and the 4th clash of ninja :D[/quote] I want to get this game because you can play with a lot more characters. I beat Clash of Ninja in about 2 hours. (Playing through 1 player mode with everyone) I really want to play with Gaara. ^^ Wow, 4 Player, too? Cool!
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