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Everything posted by Nemphtis

  1. [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Mo' info fo' to come yo. ;) [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] LOL, that was awful. Mo' info to come, fo' sheezy! (",) I don't want to see this until I complete the game, if Disgaea is fun I may get myself La Pucelle Tactics or whatever it was called, that's basically the same thing apparently but different storyline and some changes in the gameplay mechanics.
  2. Haha, I'm interested in seeing how well the English voice actor for Ed will fair when it comes to Ed's infamous 'midget tantrums'. The Japanese actors are usually good at raising/lowering their voices suddenly like that for some reason, yet ironically the American actors can't do it as well generally. :animestun
  3. Only volume one is available here at the moment, I am totally wondering what the English dubbing will be like, lately I've been paranoid about this. Full Metal Panic was fine in English but Gunslinger Girl felt sort of weird, I think the budget for voice acting needs to be expanded for some series'. :catgirl:
  4. Oh yeah, I got a question. Seeing as I usually download my anime, and THEN if I believe it was enjoyable I purchase it on DVD I happened to see the complete series in Japanese with English subs, what I want to know is when Volume1 arrives through the post in a few days am I going to see some horrible voice acting or is the English Dubbing pretty good?
  5. To be honest I've never seen Cowboy Bebop yet, I've always put it off since the series doesn't seem like it would appeal to me but I have volumes 1-3 of Samurai Champloo [waiting for volume 4 to be released] and I'm really enjoying the comedy aspect of this series, plus being a big Hip-Hop lover the main reason this series attracted me was this big change from other series' which focus on classical/techno music for their soundtracks. My only problem so far is [spoiler]the final episode in volume 3 where it's just a complete re-cap of everything that happened was a total waste of time in my opinion[/spoiler].
  6. I was just discussing this on my own forum actually. The problem with Dubbing which I have noticed is simple, sometimes it can be really good where you don't even notice it such as in the Ghost in the Shell movie, and sometimes it keeps smacking you in the face when you've watched Love Hina in Japanese so many times and then find out that Kitsune sounds like she's from Texas in the Dubbed version. So my conclusion is simple really, if the Dubbing is quality like in my first example then I prefer that, but if it isn't up to that standard then I'd rather watch the film in Japanese with English subtitles. That's my two cents, anyhow.
  7. Just watched episodes 1-16 of Samurai 7 yesterday and it's pretty cool. To be honest it didn't inspire me as much as Gunslinger Girl or Full Metal Alchemist but I think it's still safe to say this is a quality & above average series. Can't wait to see the rest of this series, also since it's above average and managed to entertain me I have decided to collect it on DVD so volume one should be on its way.
  8. Oh really? I have the game but havn't played it even once, I'm still in process of completing HL2 & ICO, yes I'm aware I'm a little behind on my gaming but trust me when you want to complete so many games yet have so little time it's so tough, after I finished ICO I'll be moving onto Disgaea and obviously if I like it I'll be looking forward to this if it's true.
  9. The bad news is, it's a bit too late for that because I downloaded something! The good news is, it happened to be FMA: Conqueror of Shambala! So yeah, I just finished watching the sequel movie and to be honest it was pretty good but the lack of plot twists and the slight originality that the series offered wasn't displayed much in this movie, but still it gave the happy ending that I expected to see at the end of the series [spoiler]which was to see Alphonse and Edward back together in the SAME world living normally instead of being seperated and totally ruining it, glad they 'fixed' that in this sequel movie, haha[/spoiler]. So now that I've watched that, I need to find some place which has the OVA's available for download because I deffinately can't be bothered waiting for it to be released on DVD in the UK when the actual series hasn't even been fully released yet let alone the OVA's and the Movie. Which order should I view the OVA's in anyhow, assuming I can find someplace that has them.
  10. Yay, I just finished watching this series like five minutes ago, I'm surprised I liked it as I thought it was going to be like DBZ or Naruto yet it turned out to have a very interesting plot with many excellent twists, battles are pretty decent too. Also can someone tell me what the code for spoiler tags are so I can ask some questions I want to know about the series which I don't fully understand. Seeing as everyone's discussing the OVA's, maybe I'll see if I can find them anywhere and watch'em as well, even though I've still got to watch my newly finished Samurai 7.
  11. Ahhh, I see now. So wait, how do I change pages when browsing through the review database then?
  12. This thread is to point out some things I'd like to see on TheOtaku plus questions I want some answers for, so if anyone can answer any of them I'd be grateful. Let's begin with my suggestions though... I've noticed you don't have "hubs" for everything, I searched for a Gunslinger Girl hub on the website and couldn't find one, so naturally what did I assume? These guys don't cover it, I'll go find a better website which does. Now the sad part is, there's barely any 'better' websites I've found out there, they are always lacking in something, be that design, features, quality of articles, there's always something. Funny how when you search videogames you find awesome websites like Gamespot yet when you search anime you find websites that look as if they've been designed by 15 year olds, but TheOtaku's design made me smile as it was pretty. So my suggestion is simple, when a new anime is coming out make the 'Hub' for it, don't wait until someone submits content for it. When they see that there is no content for it, more people may be willing to write some content for that title. Also your suggest a category feature would not be needed if you decided to do what I just suggested, but I did notice you say "Every month, we follow a natural evolutionary process with the site. We delete old, never-used categories and add new, exciting ones." there will never be a category that nobody will ever check again. A 49 year old might come and want to see if his favourite old series was covered on this site only to see you had deleted it because it wasn't used much. Coverage is an important thing, if people can't find any coverage on what they're looking for, no matter how crappy/unpopular it is, they assume your site isn't top-notch but infact second rate. If you visited Gamespot and realised they don't have any coverage on Halo, you'd be surprised and think "Wow, I guess these guys aren't as pro as they look..." so what makes TheOtaku any different from the general judgment of internet browsers looking for information on their favourite anime or even doing research on an old anime series to see if it's good or not. Take GunslingerGirl for example since it doesn't have a Hub. I've never seen the series before let say, and I want to see how many episodes it is, check out a few screenshots, read comments about what others think and such but wait, I search for it yet can't even find it, hmm... Then I search for another anime and what the hell, that's not on here either? Hmm... Also, I write videogame reviews for various sites in my spare time as I'm studying to become a journalist. I would like to know if normal users are able to submit reviews for Anime to be displayed on the website or must I become some sort of 'staff' member for this to be possible. If so, how is the process done. EDIT Also, two more things I've just noticed. The back & forward arrows that are used at the bottom of the website don't work for me, I went to the reviews section and wanted to get to the next page yet the arrows wouldn't take me back or forward but the Home button works. I'm sure you already knew this though. Another thing I want to suggest is screenshots, you've got Related Fanart, Wallpapers and whatnot but what if I'm looking for screenshots from the anime, where do I find those on the site? I think adding at least one or two screenshots for each Hub when possible would be great, then I don't have to leave the website to Google search them or try and find another site that has an extensive screenshot database or something.
  13. Oh boy. Oh boy, oh boy. Surprised there's no topic about this series yet, but you heard it from me first (or maybe last) this series is quality. I just watched all 13 episodes back to back and I haven?t felt this depressed (in a good way) since the days of Evangelion. The final episode made me cry, the action scenes make the ones from Kill Bill look like everyday stuff and my favourite weapon; the P90 appears in the first episode. What more could I ask? Oh yeah, I could ask for a great soundtrack to back up the great animation but hey, they provided that too with lots of Violins & Pianos. I watched it all in Japanese with English fan subs via a torrent I found, but as I am pleased with the quality of this series (unlike Najica Blitz Tactics which I recently downloaded) I am more than happy to collect and re-watch this series on DVD in English this time. Volume one should arrive soon, but until then I?d like to know if anyone else has seen this series yet or are interested in it, I?m not very easy to please but in my opinion this series just has so much to offer if given the chance. PS: I don?t usually cry over movies, but the final episode just really hit me. [SIZE=1][INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed]Actually, there is a topic about this series. Check the Official Threads Directory (a sticky in Anime Lounge) before creating new threads about Anime. If you want to talk about only one Anime, you should use the Official Thread. -Arvi[/COLOR][/INDENT][/SIZE]
  14. Great fan of the series, got all of Full Metal Panic! on DVD, currently waiting for volume two of Fumoffu to arrive via post, I've also taken the liberty of checking out the next season and it also looks kickass. Military freaks rules.
  15. I haven?t seen this yet, but I did happen to stumble across the official website a few weeks back. After reading about it on the website and watching the trailer it does look pretty funky, and the quote at the end of the trailer ?Ha-ha, I OWN this desert, bitches!? really reminded me of myself. When it comes out in the UK I?ll be sure to check it out.
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