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Everything posted by Takanutsu

  1. i must say the manga was a smash hit in the manga universe,er whatever, but from the looks of the anime I dont know if it will be as good,the graphics fine,the story line on the other hand,is like making Yasuhiro Nightow look like he created sailor moon.DeathNote altogether is outstanding, the characters are flat out, story line is just somthing out of the ordinary, which is what manga readers worldwide needed,but,if the anime turns out to be as bad as most people think it will be,the manga will look bad and just the whole idea would collapse,But, were just gonna have to wait and see and to add to my reply there also would be a problem with the DN manga readers being confused in the anime,adding characters that werent serialized in the manga could completely throw you off leaving you hanging by this one episode and wondering about the rest.
  2. I hear ya Kenshin,you Know Abel from Trinity Blood is much like Vash from Trigun, i mean the glasses,personality.........kinda wierd [COLOR=#007520][INDENT][SIZE=1]Did you have to quote his entire post? Especially because it's so much longer than yours and it's the post right before yours, it makes the thread really... really messy. I removed it for you. -r2[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
  3. You liked Chrono Crusade, you loved Trigun, you know Vampire Huntur D, but have you ever combined anime, have you ever wondered what a good anime is,well let me introduce you to a little anime I like to call TrinityBlood.Heh, yeah thats right Trinity Blood, blood,gore the vatican, gun action, and vampires?!If you havent even heard of this anime I got three words for ya Check It Out. More addicting than The Getbackers, more thrilling than hellsing, more daring than full metal panic, Trinity Blood. If youve checked this anime out read an article about it or somthing whatcha think? Links: [url]www.keiichianimeforever.com[/url] [url]www.MANGA.com[/url] [url]www.TrinityBlood.com[/url] [url]http://www.apple.com/jp/quicktime/trailers/casshern_large.html[/url] [url]http://www.trinityblood.tv/[/url] To be or not to be, is that the question? [color=#007520][size=1][indent]Takanutsu, use the [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Official Threads Directory[/URL] for Anime-specific threads or fear the wrath of my threadkinesis~! -r2[/indent][/size][/color]
  4. Alright listen up, this is awesome.......The control over metal. Ok, say someone shoots me with a bullet before it hits me i could turn it into a sword.(my hands will super heat it so that I could turn it into whatever I want)
  5. Write down people on the OB that you wish were either dead, or banned,if you want to explain why[CENTER](Results may vary)[/CENTER]
  6. I like Bigfoot, i mean hes been around for a while and noones ever had the guts to just shoot him. Hes tall fast and strong[IMG]http://www.channel4.com/culture/microsites/W/weirdworlds/last_dragon/images/bigfoot.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Ok look ive been doing a manga for a month know called Deserted Carcass ask me what its about later i dont have time.Any the Shading is terible and know that ive reviewed it its pretty bad(id give it a seven) what materials do i need to make it better?is there a special brand of products that will do the trick?
  8. Chrono Crusade is so the second best, Trigun is kinda first to me
  9. [quote name='Ver2.0']Last nigh at a Books A Million I was browsing the manga and found Genshiken (I think that was it) about an otaku style club in a high school. I normally just skim through manga to see if they're worth buying, but when I picked this up I read the whole first volume standing in the same spot. So I was wondering if anyone else had read or seen this manga?[/quote] its a fighting manga isnt it? yea, i heard of it.............ok
  10. [quote name='Chikara Kokoro']Okay, just be positive that you're making this the best that you can. I still think that the whole Apan thing is strange since Japan is an Asian country. I can't understand why you feel the need to distinguish the two. If this is the story you believe in then you should definitely stick with it, but at this stage you should consider changing some things about it. No idea is perfect, right?[/quote] the Apan thing will change i thought about it, but this is the manga i just know it!
  11. itd be kinda better all the characters werent Magick Wielders i mean one group of the same kinda people is wierd. If you check out other mangas like Samurai 7 and Trigun Maximum evry body is one group but different races.
  12. [QUOTE=Chikara Kokoro]I am well aware that you probably don?t like me all that much. I?ve been kind of harsh to your manga ideas in the past, but I want you to understand that these are just my opinions. Please read all of this, and at least try to see where I?m coming from with what I?m saying. First and foremost, you should probably learn to stick to one idea and make it the best you possibly can instead of starting something new whenever you get a bad critique. It just seems that you've been discarding all of your old ideas without a second thought. I'm not saying that they needed to be saved, but any bad story can be made into a gem with enough work. The most glaring issue in this idea are the ?Apans.? It took me a while to be certain that you were being serious about this. Japan, despite being an island, is considered to be a part of the continent of Asia. What is the point of wasting the money to be able to molecularly fuse two people together when you can just let them have babies the old fashioned way, anyways? In addition, if you fuse an Asian person and a Japanese person together you could very well get another Japanese person. Note that I said ?person,? molecularly fused humans will still be humans. If you fused them with panda bears on the other hand... The whole ?Apan? thing seems insulting to Asians in general, but I can?t say that I?m personally offended since I?m not Asian. The characters aren?t exactly what I?d call realistic. Try to avoid the extremes like ?the smartest kid? or ?the best fighter? because they can make the character too perfect. In spite of what most people who make perfect characters think, characters without flaws are often disliked, or even hated, by readers. ?True warriors guide to the untouchable? seems like a book based on fighting members of the lowest level of the caste system in India, but I imagine that wasn?t what you were going for. I was just wondering what you actually meant by that title. Why would anyone (other than America) overthrow the Japanese government to make it a democracy ? Somehow I think that it would be more fun to take over the government and become the Emperor of Japan, but that might just be me. What I?m about to say might offend you, but just hear me out. This idea would be incredible as a satire of the viewpoint of the average American teen. The ignorance and the clichés, it?s to such an extreme that I wondered if this was done as a joke. Taking it just as it is now and adding a little bit of irony and smarmy dialogue would make this story fantastic. I know I would read it. There is so much potential for this with just that change that I had to tell you. I truly believe that this story could be amazing if you're willing to poke fun at your own idea.[/QUOTE] You see Im sticking with this forever, im gonna actually publish this A true warriors guide to the untouchable a guide for warriors to read in tight conditions, or for fighting moves.also to look at to get to things that noone else can get to. and hey man who said i hated you? you see Takanutsus family was mured by Makais father who part of a japanese government.Im thinking on changing it to Takanutsu creating an oligarchy instead of democracy the smartest kid? where the hell did that come from, noones perfect in this manga. Infact its gonna be so realistic that it seems like there is no main character. the Apan thing is no insult, its from Takanutsus mind he despites the Japanese and Asian race this is not to offend anyone, its just a manga anything else?
  13. In this manga description you wont be left hanging, along the way ill introduce the three main characters and give away thier secrets. In this action/adventure manga we follow down a teen named Makais path. Know Makai is just an ordinary 15 year old, with an unordinary twist. You see Makai is 15 years old and owns his own house with the view of a beautiful landscape,and hes the most mature kid in high school.The story begins when Makai finds out some madman is trying to conquer Asia and Japan to create his own monarchy with him as king, all to avenge his family who were tragically killed by the guy who happens to be Makais Father. The madmans name is Takanutsu and his quest is to wipe out the entire human population on Asia and Japan, no questions asked. In order for hm to takeover Asia and Japan he takes a man from both of the places. He fuses thier molecules to form one person, a whole new race called Apans.This new race will be his army, his sword and his shield. Soon in the series the other continents around the world nbuild up thier armies and a whole war begins, so called The last war. When Makai finds out he gathers up all the people he can includng his friend Taki, a gang leader named Mountain Man and his gangs. Just one last thing.....Mkais girlfriend is in Asia, one of the places everyone will be killed in. so Makai must save his girlfriend, kil Takanutsu and save the largest populated places on earth. Know for character bios Makai Age:15 [U]Gender:[/U]male [U]Things he carries:[/U]A metal rod, a marker spray paint and a book called a True warriors guide to the untouchable [U]Enterests:[/U]fighting,vandalism,forums,overcoming [U]Best Friends:[/U] Taki,kukochi,MountainMan [U]What makes him tick:[/U]rocks,if anyone touches his girl,idiots, and war [U]Born:[/U]Kohuto,Japan [U]Know lives:[/U]Richmond,Virginia [U]Personality:[/U]Quiet, misunderstood, enraging, easily disturbed [U]Fatality:[/U] in Vol. 4 Makai dies while facing Takanutsu, the rest of the volumes go down Taki and MountainMans path as they fight to destroy Takanutsu. Makai is the last of hs family the others died in a bonfire. [U]Secret:[/U]in Vol. 6 Makai is brought back through reincarnation, when Taki found the crypt of lives that gives 3 people a choice of powers.Reincarnation, power to give others powers, and powers oif mass destruction. Taki Age:16 Gender:Male Motivation:Joins Makai to destroy the Apan empire Things he carries: a lighter,a knife,some matches,and a three year old comb Enterests:fighting,girls,food,adventure shows,Tv,and flying Best Friends:Makai,MountainMan,Jerry Worst Enemies:Takanutsu,Tutol,Manlason what makes him tick:annoying kids, getting weak,defeat,and that wierd accent germans have. Born:Kohuto,Japan Know Lives:Richmond,Virginia Personality:ready for action, upgoing, strong Fatality:His uncle who works for Takanutsu is killed by MountainMan Secret:Takis mother is the mayor of virginia and is the woman in Vol. 7 who sends armies to asia. MountainMan Age:20 Gender:Male Motivation:MountainMan,Gang leader the best of them all, also the strongest. His mission was to lead his gang and other gangs to create a gang army. He would try to over throw the government and make his own democracy. Things he carries:a couple knives, spray paint,a gun or two, and newsweek magazine. Enterests: vandalism, fighting, overcoming the strong ~rest unfinished~ :animesigh [CENTER]any questions[/CENTER] :an
  14. Now I understand, this is how my manga description should be. :animeangr
  15. man this post is still here, wow I gave this manga up a looong time ago im starting a new one. But before you lecture my *** im gonna make a post with full details. This is a manga I cant resist.!!
  16. [QUOTE=Up4anime][COLOR=DarkOrange]Well I guess i can tell you of some things that happen. Well Aya starts liking Jin because Jupiter is so queit and Rikku has already made it clear to her to stay away from him.Aya has already found out about what they are doing but she still dosent know that she is touched.Jupiter and Jin go off to kill this guy who knows he's touched.Rikku dosent go with them because she is throwing up.Since she is the only one who can collect seeds they have to bring his body back to her.Well anyways her and Aya get to know each other more while the guys are gone.Meanwhile Jin and Jupiter are having a hard time because the has this power where he can hurt them from the inside.Rikku who can communicate with them knows whats going on and she see's Jin is hurt.She goes after them.Aya tries to convence her to stay but she cant.Rikku goes they end up killing the guy but Rikku uses up so much strenth she falls out.Jupiter carries her home and says that he will stay with her for the night. Aya starts to see how caring Jupiter is and she starts to like him as well as Jin. When Rikku wakes up she insists on going with them again on their next mission.Jupiter and Jin tell her no but she keeps on insisting until Jin grabs her shouldders and looks her in the face and says"Because i love you I will not let you go."Rikku blushes here i can write it out. Rikku-(just waking up) Aya:"Are you o.k?"Jupiter was worried about you he stayed with you all night." Rikku-(looks at Jupiter)"Im fine." Jin:"Good so Aya you have no problem babysitting Rikku today?" Aya:"I'll take care of her I promise she'll be alright." Rikku:"What are you guys talking about im going with you?"I mean how else are you going to collect the seeds and besides you guys cant last a second without me." Jupiter:"Rikku your staying." Rikku:"No im not im going no matter what you say.' Jin-(Puts his hands on Rikku's shoulders and looks her in the face)"Because i love you I wont aloow you to go." Rikku-(Blushes and sinks to the floor)"Fine i'll stay,But if you need me please let me come." Aya-(grabs Jin's hand and whispers in his ear)"Please dont die for me and for her." Jin-(hugs Aya)"I wont." Jupiter:"You guys enough we get it he wont die I wont let him." Aya:"Jupiter you too stay alive o.k."They know your coming for them your already hurt.Im worried." Jupiter:".........~She's worried about me~ Rikku:"O.k guys just go befor i change my mind." Jin:"Bye ladies.(Blows a kiss) O.k thats it for now oh and this symbol ~ means thats what there thinking.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] great I see you have your storyline all laid out I like that. And hey Up4anime if you need an artist you could pm your address to me and id draw for you.
  17. [QUOTE=Chikara Kokoro]Takanutsu, I wasn't "upset" by your manga, you just didn't post very much about what it was. I can't be upset about something I know nothing about. This story seems to be nothing but violence for the sake of violence. I don't see a story other than a man killing a bunch of people because Satan told him to. It?s just way to extreme for me. There is a market out there for manga that is nothing but blood and gore, but I'm not a part of it. Hopefully you also understand that drawing a manga that is centered around violence is much more difficult than drawing an ordinary manga with occasional fight scenes. You haven't given motivations for any of the characters in your description, and I'm curious about that. For instance, why does Taron follow Satan? Money, power, or something else? Also, why is Satan's right hand man a man, while Gabriel's right hand man a boy? It seems like an unfair advantage for the baddies. Who is Makairongs, and why did you name the city Spin-ku? Please describe to me what a "death defying power" is because the image I'm getting is somebody jumping over a shark on a motorcycle, but I know that's not it. Please remember that I'm not upset by your story, I'm just trying to help you make it better. Answering my questions might make your story seem more developed when you turn it into a manga.[/QUOTE] Damn thats alot of stuff, look i dont have time right know but ill look it over later and give you results.And thanks for all that crap its really helpful.But ill tell you one thing Taron Claims to be Satans right hand man doesnt mean he is.
  18. Alright guys I know you all were upstet about the other manga I was talking about Samurai Night Moon, anyway I decided to make a new manga...... [CENTER]Wars Redemption[/CENTER] Its about a manTaron with death defying powers who claims to be Satans right hand man. His mission is to kill any body anything that doesnt telll him whare one kid his Zaron the Angel Gabriels Right hand man, also Makairongs gaurdian angel. Taron wants to steal Zarons flaming sword and completely whipe out the human race. But when a drug dealer and a couple of gangs get into the mix nothing but bloody hell breaks loose in the city of Spin-ku. Any questions or anything wrong with my summary?
  19. What Id look for in a girl is mainly a sense of humor, someone who likes writing, poetry, and music(cause i tend to go off track with that kinda stuff.)Also a girl whos tough and not afraid of nature.........oh yea and someone who can cook you gotta love some good home made meals(not that i cant cook)
  20. Hey im Taghsiu.. you know the guy with the most rejected threads ever posted in the history of forums.Anyhow if you need any character bios of any anime or manga characters i will provide. just PM me.
  21. Id have Vash from trigun with me i mean thinkaboutit he has alien powers and perfect gun shot aim. A monster or animal comes up automatic food. if a ship goes by he can shoot the pilot from afar and wed build a raft to get to it and take over the ship......thats awesome.
  22. Takanutsu


    hey hey hiyadoin im finding it really hard to find some trigun fans in any forums, so if one of you guys are out there post here man id like to hear from you.
  23. gotta think about that id say my sense of humor, the fact that i can tell of anybody, make fun of anybody, and the fact that though people take me as a dumb *** when i do somthing really great theyre just astonished.......know what i mean.
  24. [QUOTE=Up4anime]It's about 3 cousins:Rikku Jin and Jupiter.They have lived all there lives working for a guy.They are now 18 and they are given there last job beforthey can go free.They must kill all of the 30 people who have been touched and bring there seeds back to Garten(the guy).All of the 30 people who have been touched have a mark somewhere on there body.Some know they've been touched some dont.On there Journey they meet a girl named Aya whom Jupiter saves not knowing she's been touched she reminds him of his dead mother.She wants to make it up to him for saving her.When he finds out he has to kill her he is sad but what can he do.He gets a message that he dosnet have to kill her yet she will be the last one that he kills.He tells her that he knows how she can make it up to him she must journey with him to kill 29 monsters.She agress and tells him she will help him kill the final one but thats all.She dosent know she's the final one.So there journey begins.This manga will just follow up on all that happens to rikku Jin Jupiter and Aya.I want it to be called Joinig Jupiter. What do you think?[/QUOTE] Thats awesome maybe you could show me some of the art youve done to it.O yea and what have the people been touched by?
  25. Hey im new hear im a huge manga fan and even bigger trigun fan!! What anime do you mostly draw like and why? i draw my characters like trigun characters because the maker is a great inspiration to me and his art is incredible.
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