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Wolf Rider

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Everything posted by Wolf Rider

  1. I like: T.M. Revolution: I got Coordinate, Seventh Heaven and Vertical Infinity Yoko Ishida: I got Sweets and All of me Angela: I got Voice of the sky (will soon get I/O) Dir en grey: I got Gauze, Macabre and Withering to Death. Gonna see them at the Family Values concert in Phoenix in august. Woohoo!!! L'Arc~en~ciel: I got Smile and Awake Para Para Max: I got US Mix 1 and 2 Maaya Sakamoto: I got singles collection + Hotchpotch still going to look for more.
  2. Post up some music videos here. I don't know if this has been done already. Artist: E NOMINE [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcT_qv7-dEQ&search=e%20nomine]Das Tier In Mir Wolfen[/url] [url= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YmtFUPWF1M&search=e%20nomine]Mitternacht[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtuGTkxJk1w&search=e%20nomine]Deine Welt[/url]
  3. Actually, I thought that picture was really funny. I have a huge sense of humor. :D As for skinwalkers being good, there is no good skinwalker. They are all evil. Another thing I forgot to mention is that they can attack you in your sleep, when that happens don't expect to wake up so easily. :D Also, they don't bother non-natives, unless your like Tanukioh. If you mess with a skinwalker, you drag your whole family into it. :D [CENTER] ---------------------------[/CENTER] And back to science. I'm only into the Astrology part of it. [SIZE=1][INDENT] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Please do not double post [B]Wolf Rider[/B]. If you need to add something use the edit button located in the lower right-hand corner of your post. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~*SunfallE[/COLOR][/INDENT][/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE=Ayokano]I doubt any non-mammalian can have a higher thought level than mammals do, seeing how they have small brains. Reason is a very high level of thought, and reptilian brains probably can do very little of it, if any. It is also highly unlikely they could have had any benevolence. Also, you never answered how they floated or why they had the ability to control water and weather. If we could shape shift, our whole bodily systems would had to be rearranged, and we would have to gain and depose of the features of the object we would had transformed into. But, that is ultimately impossible, and the only creature that has such an ability to change form is and octopus. Though, octopus can only change the shape and size of their bodies, because they lack any skeleton, and have a soft body. So maybe if you could explain to me how skin-walkers change form, which would be helpful.[/QUOTE] I was kidding about me being an actual skinwalker, so I don't really know how they change form but they can, I've seen one myself. I lost my mother and my uncle because of one. All I can say is that they are really scary. And I wouldn't want to be one. A Skin-walker is a shaman with a supernatural talent to turn into a certain creature. Possibly the best documented skin-walker beliefs are those of the Navajo yee nadlooshii, also sometimes referred to as a Navajo witch by outsiders. The yee nadlooshii are human beings who have gained supernatural power by breaking a cultural taboo. Specifically, a person is said to gain the power of a yee nadlooshii by murdering a close relative. And also, if a family member of a skinwalker dies, then the years of that person will be added to the skinwalkers life. The skin-walker will sometimes travel through the community by night, spreading misery and desecrating holy things. He or she is usually described as naked, except for a coyote skin. The yee nadlooshii is also said to have the power to assume the form of a coyote or other animal. The main power of the yee nadlooshii comes from its use of corpse powder which is made from human cadavers. Touching the powder will curse a person with sickness or death. This is an inversion of the use of pollen among the Navajos, which is sprinkled to produce blessings. Another form of this is a bone pellet which the yee nadlooshii will shoot into a victim's body. Here's a picture of someone holding a skinwalker statue. [img]http://www.aliendave.com/files/Photos/Creatures/Skinwalker_Lawrenceacquez.jpg[/img] Here's some skinwalker stories told by people who had these encounters. [url]http://dineunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=2716.0[/url] Oh yeah, and seeing a skinwalker is something you'll never forget. Anyone interested in encountering one? :devil:
  5. [QUOTE=Jakehammaren]DragonForce and Children of Bodom = HELL YES. DragonForce's guitar work is utterly and completely rediculous. They are elite musicians of the highest order. And their sense of melody is amazing. Love 'em. As for Children of Bodom, they're quite possibly my favorite band. I haven't been so into their latest 2 albums, but the first three are where it's at. Hatebreeder is probably my favorite album of all time. My top three favorite bands right now are: Ensiferum - Heroically amazing Viking Metal from Finland. Tons of melody, amazing guitar work, epic/symphonic keyboards, and great vocals to boot. The vocals range from scream to epic, swelling Nordic chants. The lyrics are good ol' Viking fare, and every song is written exactly as it should be. Ensiferum is one of those timeless, untouchable bands that will be listened to far into the future. Unfortunately, they've lost their lead guitarist/vocalist, so we'll see how things turn out in the future. Children of Bodom (their old stuff): Extremely melodic band from Finland. The vocals are often a turn off to people, as they aren't that great, but the music makes up for it a hundred fold. Layer upon layer of beautiful, haunting melody is added as the songs progress, along with keyboard atmospherics that add an ambiance to the band that is as awesome as it is cheesy (in that great "you know they're having a blast playing this stuff" kind of way). Opeth: A band from Sweden with a style of their own. Opeth has it all: everything from death metal to psychadellic rock influences make their way into Opeth's twisting, turning, progressive albums. The latest offering, Ghost Reveries, has even thrown some keyboards into the mix, giving the whole ordeal immense atmosphere. Mikael Akerfeldt's vocals, both death and clean, are top notch, as are his lyrics. Definately a band to watch. EDIT: Yes, yes, yes! You and I need to talk music.[/QUOTE] Let's talk music then.
  6. The answer to my riddle: it's a secret.
  7. Does anyone know the answer to my riddle?
  8. Here's an easy riddle. What's something you have and you want to share it, but if you share it, you don't have it?
  9. My favorite movies are: Lord of the Rings Trilogy Star Wars Harry Potter Versus Zatoichi movies The Stormriders Legend (the one with Tom Cruise) Labyrinth Willow and alot more. go to [url]www.myspace.com/timmortal[/url] for the full list of my favorite movies, music etc.
  10. Kamelot Nightwish Rhapsody Lost Horizon CorruptiVe - My brothers band. He's on vocals. Rot Eternally - Kick ***** death metal band from the rez. Existence A.D. - My cousins band. She can sing like a mofo. and a whole lot more.
  11. [QUOTE=tanukioh]shapeshift? ooooOOOOooo! ^_^ i wish I knew a charm for that! hahah that would be hillarious to see them try it. update on the "i won't be here" situation. O.o I MIGHT be able to log on, ^_^ so, yeah. I know no one was spazzing over it, but I thought I'd let you all know.[/QUOTE] I'm a Yanagloshi, it means skinwalker in Navajo.
  12. I listen to Metal, Classic Rock, Rock, J-Rock, J-Pop, Blues, Opera, Classical, Celtic among other types of music that catches my ears.
  13. Speaking of magic, I'd like to see science try to figure out how we can shapeshift.
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