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Everything posted by daredevilsdad

  1. [QUOTE=Up4anime]Yeah that's the same movie.I dont know exactly when it was made.But didnt you like the younger sister better then the older one? Yeah i'd like to know about the game.[/QUOTE] not really i thought that the older one was really funny that way she kept swearing at her neighbours in hindi lol so you wanna no about this game but u do realize that we'll probably the only two people that can play it? well what the heck this is how it is played its a song game well i say start and you have to start saying the alphabet a,b,c,d...etc ok then i say stop ( or in this case we can just choose the letter )what ever letter you stop on you have to sing (in this case type) a hindi song beginning with that letter as simple as that its just you will have to type at least 2 verses and the first letter of the last word is the letter i have to sing a song with next and it carries on like that untill ur rattling your brains thinking of a song i realize how complicated it sounds when you type but its a fun game once you get use to it i think it would be better for both of us to be online to make it fun just to clear up one more think you do understand hindi right because if you dont theres no point to play this game well if you still interested after reading all that your crazy and i'll love to play this game with you :animesmil and if you you not interested or you dnt understand hindi then well it was never ment to be
  2. wow i cant believe someone of this site actually watches hindi film by the way i did watch that film it was good i liked it but its old well the story that i got was that a guy that a really rich family adopted was casted aside because i married a girl from lower class and then the father said that because he was not 'his' bood was the reason he did it and he could not trust him. then years past and the guys younger brother finds him and trys to make his father forgive him. it all about respecting your parents. i no a game about hindi films if you like i coould tell you about it and we could play it on this site.
  3. [QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][COLOR=Sienna] So some crazy, screaming, probably sweating banshee is lunging at you with a sword and your first instinct is to put a gun to your head? What? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] think about it if your destined to die which would you perfer die from the hands of your lover or your own hands. if you love someone that much you wouldnt be able to hurt them. thats what i think other people have different opinions but taking another life is out of the question i would perfer to die first
  4. i would firstly not do anything to hurt a person i hold so dear but if somehow i manage to mess things up ( i do that alot) i would ask my girlfriend/wife to allow me to take my own life if she does then hold the gun to my own head count till 5 and pull the triger without another moments thought if she does not then i would stick out my head and hope for forgiveness in the next life. life is full of **** and i have seen my share of it. Jealousy Hatred Pain Suffering there all part of life but love i cant define because i do not believe in it maybe someday i will maybe not either way the only thing any person can be sure of is death it will come someday anyday you never know when
  5. your right it was a fairly [spoiler]boring chapter but i still think that there is something special about Danzou training, it must of got rid of Sai's feeling or something on the lines of that. and yes i think he did kill his brother the one whos not related by blood[/spoiler]
  6. [QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray] [spoiler]Well, basically Ichigo and hollow!Ichigo are fighting for dominance over their physical body (Shirosaki is hollow!Ichigo). It doesn't really have anything to do with Urahara or Yoruichi. [/spoiler] In regards to chapters 221-223:[spoiler] The fight between Ichigo and hollow!Ichigo was surprisingly short. I was sort of let down by it, but I guess things picked up when Hitsugaya and Matsumoto learned more about what Aizen was going to do. I'm guessing that's it's spring in the Bleach manga right now, so they'll be training until winter for the big fight. Hopefully Ichigo was start training with the vizards.[/spoiler][/color][/QUOTE] thanx i get it now :animeswea and the story has finally started to get interesting again cant wait for 224
  7. [QUOTE=Leon Fury] 1. get your tongue cut out and be a mute for the rest of your days OR 2. keep your tongue, knowing that every other word you'd say is either a swear word or a very damaging insult.[/QUOTE] i would rather have my tongue cut out. thats because im a quiet person myself and i dnt like to offened other people. but if they go to far they'll get whats coming to them without the use of my tongue. would you rather live forever but not be able to move properly (limp and not be able to travel short distances) or live a moral life until you die i watched this somewhere and it just came to my mind
  8. [QUOTE=anime_dark][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Question: Shot by a shotgun through the heart or Beheaded by a sharp katana?[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] ouch both would be painful but i would rather take the shotgun to the heart at least i wont mess up my hair and wat if the katana is blunt. the shotgun is much better. become the worlds be hacker or become the best cop ( to catch the best hacker)
  9. [QUOTE=KKC][size=1] I'm really glad Kishimoto is finally moving things along, there was a time when the chapters were only like, 6 or 7 pages long. :D [/size][/QUOTE] thanx alot thats clears up alot of stuff cant wait to read the next chapter i hope they fight :animesmil
  10. wow u guys know alot about naruto. even thought i have keep reading the manga and kept up2date i still dnt get alot of stuff. ok im slow i admit it but come on people help me out. im stuck on 3 main things; 1) [spoiler]what was sai doing in that cell (with that book) was he making a copy of himself??[/spoiler] 2) [spoiler]what does Orochimaru want with sai and whats so speical about him?? [/spoiler] 3) [spoiler] why does sai and his crew want to crush the leaf anit they allies???[/spoiler] i really hope u dont caste me aside like last time :( [quote name='daredevilsdad]hi i was wondering you know [spoiler]Sai is he a clone of yamato or whats so special about him that orochimaru let him come with him what is he after and you know that book that naruto found whats the deal with that has he got a brother[/spoiler'] come on surely someone knows that answer im geting confused i do that alot lol :help:[/quote] i know i dont have such a vast knowledge about naruto like you guys and i cant put 2 n 2 together thats why i wanted ur help :help: dnt worry i wont ask a third time
  11. hi i was wondering you know [spoiler]Sai is he a clone of yamato or whats so special about him that orochimaru let him come with him what is he after and you know that book that naruto found whats the deal with that has he got a brother[/spoiler] come on surely someone knows that answer im geting confused i do that alot lol :help:
  12. [quote][color=dodgerblue]Well, that's what I heard anyway, and to answer daredevilsdad's question on where I got that info from, it was an ever reliable source ([url=http://www.leafninja.com/index.php]Leafninja.com[/url]), lol.[/color][/QUOTE] thanx alot mate im checking out that site now its good
  13. my three wisheswould be 1) i would be able to travel into anime/manga worlds at any time [I]and [/I] get all the abilties of the main character 2) have a small pocket watch which allows me to control time 3) have unlimited wished by the way can you have [I]and [/I] in the wishes
  14. cool i cant believe that you can open a thread on complete randomness nowdays but i have also read that before and its still good. i cant wait to see which other treads are posted on complete randomness stuff. this site still suprises me. i now have a purpose in life
  15. [QUOTE=Gaara kun]I believe episode 178 is currently out right now. Haha my calendar has the countdown for how many days is left. XD I'm extremely happy about the filler ending. w00t [spoiler]Kakashi Gaiden[/spoiler]! And then... [spoiler]the Gaara part[/spoiler] and the search for [spoiler]Sasuke[/spoiler] good stuff. Can't wait one second. Well I guess I'll have to.. but it's fun I want to hear [spoiler]Yondaime's voice!!!![/spoiler][/QUOTE] hi thanks for the infor by the way does anyone no when exactly the anime is catching up to the manga and what episode it will be thanx
  16. hi im daredevilsdad if i was to be in an anime i would be Vegeta from dragonball z this is because he fights with rage i wish i could do that, i have so much rage i want to get rid of and in manga i would like to be luffy from one peice the way in which he protects his friends is very admireable
  17. Would you rather get shot in the arm and left alone to die, or Get shot in your 4 limbs, get all your fingers cut off, but live? tough choice but i would like to die because if i live i wont be able to hold a gun to kill the *** ** * ****** who did that to me if you know you are going to die 1) would you rather kill yourself 2) wait to die e.g. cancer, fugitive
  18. [quote name='Shinjitsu][color=dodgerblue]hey daredevilsdad, welcome to OB ^_^ Anyways, yeah, we do realize that [spoiler]Sasuke doesn't actually 'appear' in Chapter 301[/spoiler], but you do still see [spoiler]his outline, sharingan and such[/spoiler]. In other news: [spoiler]THE FILLER EPISODES ARE ENDING OMFG THEY'RE ENDING. then two episodes will be kakashi's gaiden and then WHOOSH it's going to be TIME JUMP NARUTO OMFG OMFG OMFG. the only thing is that they're changing the voice actor for naruto completely so it's going to be a little wierd and stuff. AHHHHHHH BUT OMF OMFG. WOW. GAH. *flails*[/spoiler'] *cough* Meh, it happens -_-[/color][/quote] no way are you serious i cant wait where did you find that out from by the way does anyone no which episode is currently out so that i can start downloading it
  19. the name is daredevilsdad soz about double posting wont happen again anyway i would rather be a nerdy genius who creates the time-machine. come on being clever is a good thing i would be able to check out how dragonball was first started and get the drawers to translate it quicker(at gun point). would you rather be able to give life or be able to take it
  20. Would you rather look at the Earth from space Or Would you rather look at the Milky War from space hmmmm! i would rather look at the Milky War from space this is because you can see earth any time on the net but the milkyway is bigger better and more then just one planet would you rather be the first man/woman on the moon or the first man/woman on mars
  21. you have confused me but i wouldnt want her to die at all(if i had one) but if she dies BYE/BY my worst enemy so that i can avenge her if that makes any sense would you rather eat snails or frogs
  22. Would you rather die early and go to Heaven, or Live a long mortal life, and go to Hell? Would you rather die early and go to Heaven Defiantly whats the point of living longer if your still going to end up in hell by any chance are you a fan of death note would you give money to the poor 1) to help themselves? 2) because you have been taught to?
  23. the way i got my name was i had just watched daredevil on dvd and then came up with a way to make it unique i become his dad
  24. hi im daredevilsdad was there ment to be a picture here??? that your ment to come up with a caption ???? :huh:
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