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Everything posted by daredevilsdad

  1. your right if you dont miss any episodes then its all fine and good but i didnt miss any episodes of Evangelion and i even watch the 2 hour summary video i mean how does [spoiler]the the whole world blow up and the guy still sits there and goes mad, what happened to the girl with the long hair and was the other one a clone[/spoiler] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]daredevilsdad, I added spoiler tags to your post. Revealing plot elements to a series without consideration for those who may not be caught up with you is very bad etiquette. [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]Click here[/URL] for more information on spoiler tags. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the moderators. -Arvi[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. Gain super-human strength or Gain super-human speed tough choice but i would rather have super human speed because ichigo got speed and it does great things for him and being fast has its advantages like you would win the olympics no problem if a new born baby and a very old woman are both stuck in a burning building who would you save? 1) new born baby 2) very old woman
  3. hi im daredevilsdad what chapter are you talking about is it 220 when [spoiler]ichigo gets stabed by the ichigo in white clothes(evil ichigo) and his sword changes into his own if that makes any sense anyway i dont get who Shirosaki is and the (evil ichigo) says he is zangetsu(his sword) but what happened to the other guy the who trained ichigo and made him get bankai [/spoiler]. can someone plz explain this to me
  4. thats a very hard choice. where are my manners im daredevilsdad nice to meet all of ya. i would sacrifice my best friend/s for my family (a very hard and painful choice) if you see a man in the middle of the street who is about to shoot someone would you 1) dive in fornt of the bullet 2) run to call the police we are talking about someone you have never meet before
  5. sorry my bad wont happen again but its gotten so interesting. i dont really like the anime that much since the filler started(the start of the 3 year gap) but the manga keeps getting beter and better
  6. wow after reading ALL your replies im starting to wonder if i chose the right one im sorry im not going to tell anyone my religion (i do have one) but i just dont want to be judged
  7. [spoiler]Sasuke does appear[/spoiler] in chapter 301 have you read it, its pretty good as you get to see a fraction of [spoiler]sasuke new powers wow are they good but you dont get to see him properly because he stays in the shadow[/spoiler] where are my manners my name is daredevilsdad and i am i fan of naruto too sorry to but in like that its just naruto is a great manga couldnt resist [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]daredevilsdad, I added spoiler tags to your post. When discussing Anime, good manners demands that plot elements are not revealed. People who are not as caught up with the series as you are will have the series ruined for them. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]For more information on spoiler tags, click here.[/URL] If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other mods. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  8. Ichigo: i told u i would find you Ichigo: we should play hide and seek more often Kon: IT TOOK YOU THREE DAYS AND YOU TAPED ME BEHIND THE TOILET
  9. thats sound great you know the mark that your talking about is some kind of tattoo or something thats give them powers
  10. hi im new around here i just wanted to say that ur manga is very impressive n i hope u contiune to create manga its just starting to get interesting
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