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Everything posted by macewindu0099

  1. is there going to be a new season in america? :p
  2. Water,because it can not be permanetly destroyed.duh!
  3. [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]Oh ok :D Heres yet another riddle everyone :animesmil This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has not lungs nor throat, but still a mighty roaring call. What is it? :D[/QUOTE] is it a train?
  4. [QUOTE=lee123]Now you rule the world the world called Pluto theres no air and its below freezing. I wish I was Godzilla[/QUOTE] you are now godzilla but when you are done rampaging through tokyo king kong comes and kills you when you are weak and exhausted i wish i was dead
  5. i give up on that riddle that is difficult :(
  6. was the answer sleeves to the riddle i couldnt figure out the other day,resurrected?
  7. 3 is my favorite number because its odd like me :D
  8. [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]nope as for lee123 is it the stomack :animeswea heres another riddle everyone enjoy I'm one of five, I'm not alive. The one who sent me forth became king, The one who received me died. What am I?[/QUOTE] is it a bomb
  9. 2 falling out of the sky without a parachute or sinking in the ocean while arms and legs are bound
  10. i would search for the thing that will make me happy(being killed by an elite sniper)
  11. i wasnt paying attention and killed a cat with shuriken :animeswea
  12. thanks for the tip is the answer eyes?
  13. wish grantedyou win the lottery;unluckily you get mugged and everything stolen from you except the clothes u wear and u cant return home because you have nothing to go home to beacuse they took everything you owned i wish i had nuthing more than wut i have,beat that!
  14. i think i understand the last riddle lol
  15. clever;wish granted although everyone in the crowd rips u limb from limb for those possesions. i wish i was the best hacker
  16. wish granted;u become a cloud of vapor and the then evaporate. i wish i was a better ninja
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