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Everything posted by HarveyDandylion

  1. There is no reason why this should be a big thing, no neede to sit them all down and tell them with your most serious face. For a start that is just so cliche. You should just be yourself, check out blokes randomly whenever you feel like it, comment and such. Just dont hide it and when they ask you, then tell them. Its not like in this day and age there are going to be many people with issues about it and so theres really no need to be so dramatic, coming out is just self indulgent. If they don't wish to be your friends go out and make some good friends who respect you somewhat. Just remember its only a part of who you are, if you make to big a deal about it youll end up just being a nother gay in ever ones eyes. Unless of course thats what you want to be. Either way, from personal experience its better to not make it a big thing and let people go if they dont like who you are.
  2. Do you think people can read it if english isn't there first language..?
  3. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy]Subbed or dubbed..? I have recently decided that i much prefer the english dub of cowboy bebop and actually dislike the japanese soundtrack, which is highly unusual for me. I was just wondering if anyone agreed with me. I geuss the main reason for this life changing desicion(SP) was the character of ed. Though, generally speaking the same could be said about all the character, that thing is that they are all lifeless and dull. They just seem to me to be incredibly uninspiring characters, where as the english voice overs are. Though in fairness spike was kind of better as the more brudy japanese voice, but still, he lack any charism or charm, unlike the english voice over. ... ... ..?[/COLOR][/SIZE] [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue] Welcome to OtakuBoards [B]HarveyDandylion[/B] I?m moving your thread to the existing Cowboy Bebop thread for the following reason. To avoid confusion we ask you to not create another thread but to post in the current one no matter how old it is. It?s a good idea to check the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=Blue][B]Official Threads Directory[/B][/COLOR][/URL] to see if one already exists. Or to do a forum search to check for existing threads. Please take a moment to read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][COLOR=Blue][B]Rule[/B]s[/COLOR][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][COLOR=Blue][B]FAQ[/B][/COLOR][/URL] located on the left sidebar for more information on how to create threads and other aspects of OtakuBoards. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff here. ~Aaryanna[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  4. My theory on life is that we are only components of a greater whole; and as such are own personality, memories, and other components of our own self are only tools used to be able to act within the world. By that i geuss im suggesting that one person is unimportant, there theories on life are also unimportant and the only thing that remains when you are dead is the affect your actions had on shaping the society/ culture you are apart of or the greater global systems. People are lumps of various molecules and substances, that run on instinct from our genetic memories and from the learned experiences passed down from there enviroment or rather the social enviroment. So efectively i believe we are all just pieces in a continuosly progressing species and that an individual is truly unimportant unless they can achiev great things for the greater whole. Of course this is only me opinion, and i cant say i have achieved anything as of yet that would make my own existence meaningfull. --- Oh and, i remember reading or hearing a theory that was quite interesting to do with conciousness. It was basically suggesting that there is an entity or exchange particle or particle of some sort that actuall causes us to be concious purely because we are the highest form of life currently on the planet. Im not going to say anymore because ive never been able to find were i read that or anything lese on it to reference but id thought id through it out there.
  5. Maybe leon should realize that being refused 5 times is most likely a sign that she isn't interested. Well you can't say you didn't try, maybe she just thinks your a nice guy.
  6. [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]Hmm so technically speaking even this thread does not exist until I observe it. Also another questions were does the non existent thing go is it stored in a state of mind if I may call it that. If this is true here is a perfect example. Say there is a button on a peace of cloth knowing it?s their means it exists in your state of mind. But then your friend does not notice it. Through his point of view that mean that the button does not exist until it is seen or seen again. What do you guys think?[/QUOTE] I know what your saying but i geuss that is more of a question of perspective than of wuantum mechanics. I dont think it is ment to be thought of that philosophically. Its not that the button isnt there when its not being observed, its that quanta or other such particles exist in a supersition of states when not being observed. That only means that when you observe it it must choose for example weather it is a particle or a wave. In terms of things that are big enough to be objects in our world you would have to concider many millions or billions of particles. The cat thing is not about the cat being both dead or alive at the same time, its about the fact the molecules, particles and everything else simply hasnt decided what state its in untill then, its like there are many different worlds with different outcomes and when you look at it it chooses which world/outcome is there for the observer to see. The cat is only dead or alive because of the two possible outcomes of the molecule that triggers the event, not because the cat itself is both. If you think about it from the cats point of view he either dies or stays alive instantly, he wont be dead and alive at the same time from his own perspective. So i think in terms of the button, it would exist as it is, but if it were to be changed somehow by a quantum effect then it wouldnt change untill someone was there to observe it. Before the observation ocured it would be as it is and how it may change at the same time untill you look at it. I dont think youd have tom worry about not existing if ytou became lost in a cave would you, though when your own no one is observing you but you still exist. This is of course only my interpretation of the stuff i know, i dont have a degree in the subject.
  7. [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead]Oh, I'm sorry! In my first post I must've assumed we were discussing people who actually had mental and behavioral illnesses severe enough to keep them from living their lives in a fulfilling and meaningful manner, and what obligation society has to help them in whatever way. Had I been paying attention I would have known we were actually talking about how all of us are just TOO NUTS for the rest of the SQUARES to handle!!! They just don't know how to deal with [i]weirdos[/i] like us, man!! That's why they've gotta PERSECUTE us by... you know... by... like, uh... well... *AHEM* Anyways we are totally not insane like they say we are!!!! WELL OKAY THEY MAY NOT ACTUALLY SAY WE'RE INSANE AT ALL BUT THEY IMPLY IT WITH THEIR DISAPPROVING GLARES!! The truth is that THEY'RE the insane ones for trying to KEEP US DOWN!!! Our music is too hard for them, our clothes are just [i]pushing the edge and about to break loose[/i]!!!! They can't handle true madness!!! Down with the man!! Their square ways ain't gonna las- ...s-say, who's that guy sitting in the alley over there? he's been holding his ears and rocking back and forth for the last few minutes, i-it's kinda creepy. dudes let's go rock out how ABNORMAL we are somewhere else, o-okay?[/QUOTE] I wasnt saying anything like that, if it sounded like that to you thats your problem. I was merely trying to express an opinion i have about what is called mental illness and how i dont think it is right to classify them has ill, even if it does stop them living there life to its fullest. To be honest if someone wants to sit in a dark corner in there room out of fear of the world out of there room then its there choice. If they want to get help they can. If they cant get help then who are you or anyone else to say that they should be helped. I don't see why when someone is seen to have lost the ability to live there life has they should be able to it means that they need to go get profesional care. What the **** is wrong with hearing to much at once, or even hearing things that arnt making noise. Really people should be left to act however they want, and when they get in someone elses way that person should act however they wish to towards them. No one needs to diagnose and treat these people really. Its just an arogant social structure normalising people. That comment there is not an anti establishment slogan, or a i'm crying because I'm different dont hate me rant. It is merly an observation that when a person acts diferently or reacts to certain stimulie in an abnormal way then they must be cured, obviously it is my opinion that is wrong. let the mad run free and whatnot. Most treatments just involve creating the 'rational'l patterns of thinking were they dont necesarily exist, or at least where they diferentiate from the clasical rationality.
  8. Mods do rule, Though these days there is a definate blending of the two i think. Real british blkoes wear suits. But yeah, most middle class fashion trends tend to step away from the suits and towards the punks. And most middleclass rebelious youths and alternative cultures now tend to move towards the glam and the decadence of the higher cultures. Without thatcher though i geuss theres no need for the extreme form of rebelion of the punks. And the middle class, well educated youths are begining to shape the world based on influences from the political rebeliosness of the punks but with out there brash need for violence and whatnot. Its really british cultureal history before disco andf britpop. This is all just and unedjucated opinion i geuss.
  9. I have a blanky, but its more of a relic of my youth. I also walk around with soft toys when im out at night; but thats more of a club kid thing. I love all kids toys and books and stuff, but sadly it is all just about cute and cudely things in a harsh metropolitan. No dypers and calpol for me. I thought id reply though because when i read the post i had the strangest image of dark from dnangel, ie your avatar, in a dyper with a bottle and sitting on dyskies knee bouncing him up and down. *laughs and falls of chair*
  10. Get This ************ by Neophyte vs Stunned Guys. Its my, "I'm hot and walking down this road. Have you got a problem with that, MATE" song. I wont post the lyrics up, the title is pretty self explanatory.
  11. [quote name='Ziggy Stardust][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I consider someone 'insane' when they become a threat to themselves and those around them. If someone is just a little on the strange side, than that's all they are... as Lix said, socially unacceptable. Little bit odd. I'm a little bit odd myself, but not what I'd classify as insane, yet I'm sure to others I'm a bloody loon. It's all about perspective, as you said. [/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] I think thats ridiculous. Its just you putting that bar between the two in a place that you believe is a more acceptable answear whilst still maintaining a them and us type attitude. I personallyt just think theres varying degrees of madness. At one end the typicall 'insane person' and at the other end the 'normal' person. Or perhaps the normal person is in the middle and at the other end you have the people who are to normal, that conform to much. Either way there is no line to define them into sections, there is no place at which you become an abnormality it is merly a difference in the way you act, feel, speak or act. It is merly that one person is labeled insane because there QUALITY of madness does not fit into the social and cultural structure and set of norms that are defined and inserted into you at birth onwards. One day it may all change, schitzaprenics are the normal and the non schitzos are locked up for there own protection. Maybe these variations that occur in people are other possible outcomes for the human mind. Or maybe there the human race producing different things to react the world changing. '[If we all acted the same we'd breed in weakness]' A really bad quote from GITS, my memory/ mind tends to warp things to how i want to see them. I wonder, does that make me mad. Someone in a white coat did tell me it does once. Does that mean now that my opinion goes out of the window. If not would it if i told you about my moments of glory that have ocasionally become violent, especially in public places. --------------------- Edit- unrelated to the person i quoted. I would just like to add to the comment about chemical inbalances. Realistically do you think the chemicals were imbalance to cause the 'weiredness's' or were the weiredness what created the imbalance has a response to someone changing and becoming someone 'insane'..? food for thought isnt it. (probably not, but o well)
  12. [QUOTE=tanukioh]More and more i'm starting to see that science is NOT the only way to look at things. in fact, it may actually be doing some damage by trying to dominate all the other views. For another thing, science claims that it has proven that certain things do not exist (magic, dragons, monsters, etc.) but, there is still evidence to the contrary. O.o NOTHING can be actually disproven, unless it's opposite is proven (and even that is hard to do!). :) What do you think/believe? Is science the one true view on things, or do you follow a different path? [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]I've edited your thread title to make it more obvious what your thread's about. Please read the [thread=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules Sticky[/u][/thread] for more information on informative thread titling. [/font][/color] [right][b][font=Trebuchet MS][color=DarkGreen]-Raiyuu[/color][/font][/b] [/right][/QUOTE] I think science is just an easy target because people in there minds seperate it from everything else. Science obvisously says that unless you can prove it exists its probably not really out there. Magic is just ridclous in terms of todays cultural views of it. Pagans and other such things were always about rituals and creating a group mentality, there were never any coverns summoning demons up, or healing people. Its just been blown out of proportion with muyths of greatness. But back to science. Itrs not actually just about creating new technologies and such. Its often about understanding. Newton, one of the last classical scientist did all his research on gravity and light for the church in an attempt to understand light and why it was so 'devine'. So science really is just the next logicall step up from religion. Once we began to actually learn more and more concreate facts it became science, but really it is just the same has someone creating a religion has a means to understand the world. Creation myths are just that, people trying to work out what came before they were there. Science is just the extension of that and it does actually branch out through everything we do; art, philosaphy, etc... Science probably can't answear everything, but it will most likely be linjked to another area of learning that will be able to understand the things it can't. So really learning will eventually be able understand it, while science will eventually know everything there is to know about particles and what not.
  13. I read about quantum mechanics alot but mainly for myself, not as part of an educational thing. So yeah, you have the wave particul duality thing where if you look for certain properties they are what you find. Also if you look for both properties you find both, and finally if you don't look for any they are all present untill you collapse the wave functions by observing it. So with the Schrodinger's cat thing to me suggest that you look at the cat and it dies or doesnt based on weather or not the electron is in the rights side of the box or not; but only once you look. Then you have this theory about there needing to be an observer of the entire universe to collapse the many wave functions or else the universe would never stop being in this supersition of states untill the 'god' type thing look at us. So either the 'god' thing observes us, in which case he would also be looking at the cat and so the experiment could never happen because there would always be an observer, and then there is always and observer of the quantum world even when one of us isnt looking at it. Or else the need for an observer isnt necesary but rather when we obser things there wave function collapses because of the interaction that our observation has with the quanta, electron or whatever other particle is in question. By looking at the results the exchange particles invol;ved in that interaction cause the said partcle to react to it in a certain way. I don't think it can be as easy has a cat staying in two states untill its observed, maybe it is more to do with the theories (i dont know much about currently) that time isnt moving forward but everything is happening in one moment. Maybe this thought experiment is proof of that. Time being quite tricky to understand. So the cat may always be in these two states because time doesnt move forward but at the same time the cat does die or live before we open the box but that event in itself is in the same time as the cat. P.s. The many world theory is much easier to digest. i geuss in part because of that famous sci-fi cult program. It does, from my point of view, create many more problems and unnecesary complexities. I read pysics books for my own pleasure but am more of a philosipher in my way of thinking; i believe/think that the results show a truth on the whole that when you look at these things and do these experiments (mental or not) that you will always find certain results that conform to previously learnt things. It may be that the rules of the quantum world are created by our own imagination and that our perception of how things work is what defines the way these things do work. So the Schrodinger's cat thing is especially interesting to me because it suggests that it is our perceptions that determine the interaction we have. What if an alien look into the box instead, not knowing what the cat is and weather or not it will die: what would he see? Its all abit mad really, isnt it.
  14. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]... So what do you think that the opposite sex finds attractive about you?...[/color'][/font][/quote] Both sexes seem quite atracted to my blantant homosexuality, as well has my arogance and quite agresive form of rudeness.
  15. I am/ w4s a christian to the extent that my edjucation was always christian schools and my life was with others in my youth ... Soon came the collapse of the world ... ctrl +alt +delete ... There has been a page fault ergg, eek, fizzle ... etc ... Thenwhile bathing in the light of the almighty internet i found a thing called science, then metapysics and soon i was sarounded by many variations on the same truth ... Learning is the only religion, God is a desease of the weak minded ... or maybe the week minded ... I live by my own ideals, my own sense of concionce (Sp). The C of E upbringing will of course always be and influence to my personal way of thinking, i am still conected to that society by people i know ... Life is suffering and so we shall die and fade away has our memories perish and take our personal self into the great nothing.
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