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Everything posted by Harry
The greatest jokes highschools and parents like to play on kids is that they pretend high school matters. Your highschool GPA will mean absolutely nothing the second you get into any college. Even if you go to a community college (which sounds way beneath you from your attitude) it won't matter ever again. Don't let your parents pressure you into something stupid like Pre-Med or Pre-Law. Take your time, figure out what you truly care about, and then look towards graduate school for what you truly want to do. Unless you've filled your head with some delusion that you'll be making $100k+ a year (don't worry you won't) right out of college, take it easy. Hell once you take some masters classes, a lot of employers won't even care what your undergrad gpa was.
Don't go into the Navy unless you're sure you want to go.Also getting a GED isn't the end of the world, although it kind of depends what college you're planning to go to. Also, make sure you have adequate funding to go to college because getting out with $70,000 in debt is a great way to hate life.
Totally gay.
Ahahaha how old are you?
Crocodiles. I find them fascinating but I have nightmares about them about once a month.
Advice Requested (relationship issues)
Harry replied to Farto the Magic's topic in General Discussion
You need to teach your friend a lesson. The "you snooze you lose" lesson. -
[QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#99121c][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS] I don't know if its just my teachers or anything but I have used Wikipedia for sources in many of my projects and none of my teachers have said anything about not using it before. It could be that since I also get things from other sources that helps cover that though.[/FONT].[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] As a general rule you should never cite from encyclopedias.
[quote name='Retribution][size=1']So you're not willing to get a vasectomy, but you expect your wife to tie her tubes? That's a lame double standard. How about you just use contraception so that neither one of you have to deal with all those procedures?[/size][/quote] Well the reason she has to get her tubes tied if for some reason he's against a vasectomy is rule #1 for guys. Never believe a girl when she says she's on birth control. Especially when she's in "awww baby" mode.
[quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']It makes me so angry how they can get away with that. What Israel is doing is just plain terrorism. Don't get me wrong, Israel has the right to defend itself from any further attacks from militant groups, but why must civilians pay the price for what these militants do? Why must Israel bomb the airport, bridges, and people homes too? It's so sad.[/COLOR][/quote] Because civilians support the militant group? Hezbollah is pratically the governing body in southern Lebanon.
[quote name='Lord Dante']Although I could be wrong. [/quote] You are wrong.
You are aware of the fact that 1918 was quite some time ago? A time where penicillian doesn't even exist and medicine was part voodoo part science. The bird flu won't be anywhere near as bad as the 1918 one. This isn't even mentioning the fact that the % of people dying is skewed since that's from the people who were so bad off they went to the hospital. It might be much lower since quite a few people could've just gotten over it.
You can tell it's fiction because it's under the fiction area in a bookstore. Also there's already been human zoos. [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_zoo[/url]
[quote name='IceRose']She shouldn't be mad at you, you did what any friend would do in that case which is encourage the friend to admit her feelings for the guy. She should be mad at the guy, well not really. My friend Catherine pretty much dragged me to tell the guy I liked that I liked him, well it didn't work out since he didn't like me back but I wasn't mad at Catherine for that, I mean how can the friends know how the guy feels??? Don't blame yourself, is not your fault that he didn't like her, its not your fault he liked you and pretty much you should feel guiltless. Besides, if she is going to begin acting like that for a simple thing such as a crush telling her that he doesn't like her, how is she going to react to real problems in life.[/quote] A real friend would actually test the waters. The OP should've asked the guy friend if he liked her. Of course not just coming out with it, but being subtle. But really the girl will get over it, and the guy will always have a crush on you so don't expect to ever talk to him again.
Well considering you're going to be in college from Fall 06 to Spring 07, I would say the 2006-2007 school year is a good start. You answered your question in your post.
[QUOTE=Anime Elf]George Bush hates black people? Someone must have forgot to tell Condie and Colin Powell. :animeangr [/QUOTE] They don't count, they're Uncle Toms.
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] My mother's friend's daughter, who's 11 or 12 I think is writing a letter to the Danish prime minister. In Toronto, there are peaceful protests. Is there anything wrong with that? It's as though you expect us to bow down to the west as though they're some higher being. I'm not going to support Denmark instead of standing up for my religion and my prophet. I will stand up for my religion, AND protest against the meanignless riots directed at the Danish people. Got a problem with that?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I do have a problem with it when you're protesting against a country for letting them have freedom of the press. Muslims have never been too big on freedom of speech though (especially arabic muslims) so I wouldn't expect you to understand.
[quote name='Manic Webb]"Boohoo, blame the parents." Their parents are no more or less guilty of being ignorant racists than they are. Their parents instilled racism them, too. And their parents easily fell for flimsily-reasoned propaganda written by a self-hating Jewish failed artist with daddy issues. These girls are [b]just as bad[/b'] as their parents, and if they live long enough to have children, they'll teach their kids the exact same thing.[/quote] Are you seriously blaming 13 year old girls that were homeschooled (and most likely sheltered from everyone else) for not thinking for themselves? I also have no idea why you think they're going to be killed.
Forget the war on Terror- It's a War on Porn
Harry replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I'm going to address these issues one by one Harry 1.) He's trying to ban ADULT porn. It says in the article I posted at the beginning of this thread. 2.) His defination of partial birth abortions are not abortions done while the infant's head is exposed, if you've read any of my threads on this subject you'll see that his defination is during the gestation period. And he does want to over turn Roe vs Wade 3.)There have been laws passed in many states (including TX) saying that if a pharmasist dissagrees morally with selling The Pill they can refuse to sell it. Don't call me a liar until you've read more that what you think is required, it's childish.[/color][/QUOTE] 1.)Once again, it's never specified what they mean by adult porn. Adult porn could be hardcore bondage and rape porn. You're just naturally jumping to a conclusion since that appears to be one of the few things you're good at. Here is actually a quote from the article: [quote]"includes bestiality, urination, defecation, as well as sadistic and masochistic behavior."[/quote] 2.)You're right. My statement was outdated a bit. 3.)It's always been within a pharmacist/doctor's rights to refuse to do something they don't agree with morally. Are you also saying a doctor should be forced to give an abortion if they didn't want to? Also Bush had absolutely nothing to do with that but go ahead and blame him. -
Forget the war on Terror- It's a War on Porn
Harry replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='The Monster']Welll, Bush is a Right Wing Christian (Not Extreme but still Right Wing) so what better thing to try and take down then something that your religion finds morally wrong even though its perfectly legal. I find that it is easier to attack problems which are not problems at all like Pornography and Alchohol (Not yet to be attacked but It will happen)[/quote] For all you know he wants to ban violent rape porn. But it's ok, just jump to conclusions. Also, alchohol being attacked is one of the funniest things I've ever read. [quote]Not extreme? What have you been smoking? He wants to ban porn, outlaw abortion and make it nearly impossible to obtain birth control methods (ie condoms, pills, IUD ect ect) Simply because he doesn't agree with those things. Last I checked that was pretty extreme.[/quote] 1) Once again, there are lots of types of porn out there. We don't know what he's going after. 2) He doesn't want to outlaw abortions, he only wants to outlaw the partial birth ones. 3) He himself has not done a single thing to make it impossible to obtain birth control. Quit lying. He's not an extremist christian in any sense. -
Forget the war on Terror- It's a War on Porn
Harry replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Morpheus']The horrible, sad truth is that Ilium has not exagerated at all. To a puritan/calvinist/Huguenot pleasure of any kind is a sin. Thankfully James I drove them out.[/quote] Being Christian does not mean you force your views onto others. But feel free to jump on the bandwagon of Christian banging that is ever so popular on the internet. Also calling Bush a puritan is silly. -
Forget the war on Terror- It's a War on Porn
Harry replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] My conclusion? Somthing is wrong with this world if a hurricane is about to kill thousands, and the first thing that you do is declare war on Pornopia.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Exaggerate much? Anyway this will most likely just die out after a few months. The department itself is a complete joke within the agency, and most likely nothing will ever come from it. What the FBI really needs to focus on is taking down the two ArchDukes of hell known as Tom DeLay and Karl Rove. -
An arm, a leg and half a foot: the gas price thread
Harry replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Red] The increased extremes of destructive weather (hurricanes, storms, tornados, and so on) would be enough to offset the 'increased trade' with the cost of rebuilding, let alone half of what I've mentioned. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. ;] [/QUOTE] You do realize that the gulf of mexico was very active like this from around 1900-1960, and then stopped around 1970? Care to explain your theory on this or keep up your knee jerk reactions? -
[quote name='elfpirate][b][font=Comic Sans MS]I don't think I'm getting this the way it was intended. Are you saying that people who have been hurt are more fearful? I ask only because my painful experiences made me more willing to take chances and made me far less fearful of the world in general...so this didn't seem right to me...[/font'][/b][/quote] Generally when things hurt you, you fear it. This of course varies on how painful it is, and whether or not you're superman (which according to your description you are).
Because you have yet to experience something truly hurtful? I'm not saying that's a great excuse or that it hasn't happened to you but that could be it.
An arm, a leg and half a foot: the gas price thread
Harry replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Don't you think that the Oil companies have enough surpluse to easily cope with this? They do. They have shitloads of oil just lying around - it seems to me they're just trying to use this tragedy to profit. Tabarnak! Anyways... Gas prices here have become so severe, local radio stations are giving away [I]free gas[/I]. Ya, no more Stone's tickets, free gasoline. The prices here are insane! What I don't get is this: considering about 50% of oil in Quebec comes from Alberta and New Brunswick... why the hell are our oil prices so damn higer than those of the US? I mean I can understand the UK, they don't have a massive abundance of oil. But when your country has one of the largest surpluses of oil in the Western world... What the hell is going on?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oil doesn't equal gas. The oil companies could have billions of gallons of oil sitting by, and it wouldn't matter when 70% of the refineries are shut down. As for why your prices are so high, I have no idea.