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Everything posted by Harry
[QUOTE=ss3-brolly]Me and my friend had a poll in school what better rap or country of course rap won no this is not a poll.I just want to know your opinan my 2 favorite raper are JayZ,DMX so drop a few lines and tell me whos your's.I don't care who It is as long as it a raper so answer back. peace :laugh: :cool:[/QUOTE] You have some ****** taste for rappers, and that's coming from someon who thinks rap sucks. Also Mitch, we all know Kobe is the greatest raper of all. He puts the victim on trial.
HBK is wrestling again? Did his back get a lot better or something? I haven't kept up (at all basically) but when I stopped watching his back was pretty screwed up.
Aren't you a little young to be raging against the machine already?
[QUOTE=Hells Fire]I have been through 7 cars in my life span. Most of them have had short lives because of negligence on my behalf. Right now I only have 3 cars and motorcycle that I can't drive. I have a 2000 Jeep Wrangler Sahara(In the shop), a 1998 Nissan Infiniti(Wrecked), and a 2002 Audi S4(In danger). My dad is constantly getting new cars because he feels that he needs the most modern and best car out there, so he passes his old cars down to me. It is a major waste of money, but I'm not going to complain. I've become a car freak myself and right now I'm saving up for a 2004 Volvo C70 Convertible. And to everyone who has posted, I offer my gratitude. Today's driving lesson was still hell, but it did somewhat improve thanks to your helpful hints.[/QUOTE] Luckily for you, I have experience in this field. I didn't have 7 cars laying around so I was a bit more careful when I taught my sister and brother. . Make things clear to them what to do. Don't say "just drive somewhere," say "Take a left here. Make sure to put on your blinker" and so forth.Don't let her listen to any music. Begginning drivers shouldn't EVER listen to music. Biggest thing to remember: SHE'S YOUR LITTLE SISTER. You are the older one (17 according to profile) and she is the younger one (15?). You are the boss. Seriously don't be afraid to smack her if she does anything stupid (not in the car of course). From your description she believes she is the one in charge and you have to make it clear to her that she is completely wrong. Until you get that through her head, the "lessons" (which sounds like you just being in the same car as her) will be useless. But the biggest question of all is, why don't you just sell of one of your spare cars and pay for her driving lessons at a professional place.
I'm so excited that we'll see about 8 months of these types of threads until the election. I'm even more excited we can see the same points which have been said for the past 4 years. Such as the "he's using daddy's influence" arguement.
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] The families of the victims are upset by this ad saying that the president is using the tradgedy to advance his political career. I definately agree with them in this sentiment-I'd much rather hear Bush bash Kerry about his politics than see him use a national tradgedy to help his presidental campain.![/color][/QUOTE] Same families that sued the government to get more money? I don't really feel sorry for them. They got money for their family members dying, might as well let Bush use them also no?
Why are you people so closed-minded? These are just words that are used occasionally and nothing more. It'd be great if some people didn't use some words that often but you don't have to be so negative about it. Therefore I suggest all of you just "simmer down" before someone makes a fool of him/herself. This might be because of sexual frustrations or just other insecurities. Regardless, it's time for some to grow up and be more mature about these things. It's just words.
[QUOTE]Heh, yes I'm very sick of this and if it werent for a few adults i wouldve ran over some kids even though I'm 13 for ganging up on a kid. I even played a kids body guard for about 2 weeks til things simmered down, what sucked was i hadda defend him agaisnt a few of my firends because the kid that i was being a body guard for, was fighting another kid who was friends with my friends. I had the kid intimidated enough he started worrying about me instead of the kid i was being a body guard for, and because it was me, the 70 other people quit being body guards or simmered down themselves. Interenet or not i try and stop these ganging up ons, probally because i used to be gange dup on til i discovered weights . In fact, there were some 20 kids vs me because i POed my own cousin for getting a bit of mud on his pants . Well for those of you who are curious, i stayed in there long enough to throw a single punch that took him down. Though humiliating people instead of fighting them can be more profittable when they have friends around. Learn the art of the "Dis". You can PO them even more, or go witha more comical approach. Let's say they said."You gay ***!", how you should respond is somthing gay as a comeback like, "You know it.". So you go with the flo more or less. Or if they call you a MoFo, say it was their mom you fo'ed. Some of this stuff will get them so flabergasted they wont even wanna mess with you because they're confused. Or you could get your own pose? Fight fire with fire? Learn a bit of Judo and wrestling (it'll save your butt if you get into a major fight). Judo is really useful nowadays because all people do is throw punches and kicks, Judo flips are an excellent counter for those attacks that will easily win you fights.[/quote] Hahah yeah right. You're not impressing anyone with that little speech about how you defended a friend from 70 people and single handedly saved the world or whatever. Also you're laying the middle school drama on pretty thick.
This is a little off topic but I'll say it. If you ever want to pick a fight on an asian girl/boy or they're picking a fight with you, there's a 99% chance that they will rally their gang of friends to help them. It happens for other races too, but it seems the most apparent from asians.
For the guys, from some girls... how to take a girl on a date
Harry replied to foreverinfinity's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Transtic Nerve']Don't forget, some girls like to drink lots of beer and smoke lots of pot, then have sex with any random guy and never remember it. Those are keepers.[/quote] That is kinda obvious, but I guess some people just need to be told the obvious these days. These girls are the keepers. Make sure you avoid them like the plague if they start talking about relationships though. -
For the guys, from some girls... how to take a girl on a date
Harry replied to foreverinfinity's topic in General Discussion
To all the guys, just ignore this thread completely. Girls never know what they really want. They'll say something this time and if you ask this question again they'll say something else. Just go for a the general movie/hang out option in a public place to make both of you feel comfortable. As dates progress shift more towards private places. -
You're over reacting and I would watch out cause this extreme paranoia might make you lose him. Everything you're worried about is just mundane it's rather funny. Maybe you should read your points in a clearer way Worry #1: He didn't change some stupid status on his yahoo profile. Worry #2: He's talking to girls Now if you read those and you still have your suspicions, you might as well break up with him now since your constant paranoia will most likely drive him over the edge. I'm sorry if this is harsh but I've been in a similiar situation where a girl was a paranoid freak who accused me of cheating every other week.
Mine wasn't a huge event at all actually. I think I watched Law & Order or something. It's wedged in the middle of two big events, first becoming an adult, then being able to drink.
I own this game and it's a lot of fun. It is like the first one but it does have some very nice added features. The real selling point for me is that multiple people can play at the same time not over the internet. Also Champions of Norrath (the MMORPG or whatever version of DA2) looks pretty good too.
Atleast according to PETA now. [url]http://www.insidedenver.com/drmn/opinion/article/0,1299,DRMN_38_2548886,00.html[/url] PETA has done it again by supporting the German cannibalist who ate the computer science dude since eating animals is just like eating a human. This isn't the only wacky thing they've said recently but it sure is a high ranker. I think the chicken holocaust one was better though. What a tasty holocaust that is...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alastor [/i] [B]My point is why spend 12 years for nothin. I mean you only need basic addition and subtraction, adding and multiplication skill to be able to count your money. And thats the only thing i find useful to count. Who needs science anyway? English after the 7th-8th grade you basically know how to talk good enough so why the extra 4-5 years. And I know I not the only person who is tired of getting up at 6 A.M to go to a stupid high school that I don't even care about.[/b][/quote] Yah man I spoke english good enuff when I wos in 5 grade I mean why did I haf to go through anymore. I be countin fine an all. [quote][b]EDIT: The whole point is that I DON'T CARE!!! I hate school and everything about it. And I don't care about messing up when I type because everyone does. [/B][/QUOTE] You forgot "Rage against the machine!!!" I seriously think schools need to be revamped though. All the way through highschool I was able to coast on through taking waste of time classes and I wasn't the only one. It might not be like that for all schools but I got all my required credits for high school half way through my junior year, and I didn't even go to summer school.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by UnsungHero [/i] [B]Well the holidays are nearly at an end. [/B][/QUOTE] Try nearly a month.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i][/QUOTE] Could you PLEASE change your font and color, or atleast make it bigger? It's nearly impossible for me to read and I"m only at 1024x 768
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i] [B]Did you even read the rest up that post? Shut up. The part you quoted ("no one is evil") was merely me stating the opinion of the person who started the thread, and then AFTER THAT, I stated my actual opinion. Which was quite different. [/B][/QUOTE] It was the basis of your point and thus your whole point is wrong. Nice try, but you can't justify everything you do :rolleyes:
I didn't like Chasing Amy. There were some parts that were hilarious but the CONSTANT sex conversations were a little too much.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i] [B]No-one is evil.... [/B][/QUOTE] Wrong. People are evil. Someone who can beat an infant senseless and then laugh is evil. Someone who kidnaps, rapes, and kills 13 year old girls is evil. People who roast their dog in the oven and laugh when he sees it whimpering are evil. Cut the relativity crap.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I HOPE you are joking. Because if you're not... O_o; That's illegal in the state of Georgia. Sodomy laws and all.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I notice a distinct lack of sodomy in her post... [quote]Besides, if the kids would all learn to have quickies-they could get to their classes on time![/quote] Psh don't encourage them or they'll be subject to ridicule later by their wife/gf about being quicker than a speeding bullet.
Witches..... Does everyone think thay are bad.
Harry replied to catdemon's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B][color=lilac][size=1] wiccans do not worship Satan or the devil,[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] A true wicca worships satan and hopes to become his dark bride one day. All the teenage ones just do it cause it's trendy. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B][i][SIZE=1][color=pink]George W. Bush, The [strike]President[/strike] Idiot of America. I think that this may have been brought up several times, but today during dinner me and my family had a heated debate on the stupidity of our presidents, which ended up as an Anti-George W. Bush debate, like why he shouldn?t be elected again, why he shouldn?t have been elected at all, and all his faults. [/SIZE][/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] Was this really a debate or you dad saying "I dont' like Bush, He is stupid" and everyone falling in line? Wait a little while to express your opnions, atleast long enough you're not mimicking your father/mom/family member.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Turkey [/i] [B]I'm pretty surprised with some of the myths surrounding the video game industry. Is you look for employment in the right studios, you really won't have to worry about many of those problems. Also, there's always a pretty nice number of jobs available at interesting studios... [/B][/QUOTE] Myths? My cousins works for a game studio and I hang at SomethingAwful which has a lot of game designers. Also Black Isle studios (one of my favs) just got completely axed. You need to do some more research.