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Everything posted by Harry

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] He can't MAKE you do anything. [/b][/quote] Yes he can. Just because Turkey might be legally an adult doesn't mean that he's free to go. Unless his mom is making big money he's going to require some financial aid from his dad and if his dad says "Not if you want to be a game designer" he's shiit out of luck. If his parents make any decent money FAFSA won't give him much of aid and loans woudl just bury him so far in debt he'll be paying it off for 15 years. Also cloricus is right, a game designer isn't that great of a job, especially now due to the budget cuts of programmers. Your bosses won't care what you think, they'll just want to make something that guarantees them profit. Also when do you turn 18? If you're in your senior year I'm assuming soon.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B] Then you don't know slashdot. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm trying to stay out of this since I don't feel like getting in an arguement with cloricus that will pretty much be a repitition of his thoughts written 6 different ways, but that is what slashdot is. You should know since you get every single one of your opinions from them.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Motfati [/i] [B][size=1] Maladjusted has a point...winter break is much better than summer...kerr... As for video games, I can only suffer through those kinds of things for so long...then I get tired of either winning or losing... I would love to work on projects...if I had any...*twitches* We have an assignment for Orchestra...I'm actually thinking of doing it...*shudders* Although I'm sure everyone's excuse for not doing it will be a) I don't have a metronome b) I was on vacation or c) I lost the paper...psh...our orchestra sounds like crap anyway...except for a few perfect people like...*coughlinacough* Wow, I'm certainly getting off topic...*goes to play nintendo* [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] How about you go outside and do something then? Screwing around on a computer won't help boredem, ever. Here's a way to do it. I editted your last little paragraph here for you: [quote]Wow, I'm certainly getting off topic...*Runs 2 miles*[/quote]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chaos [/i] [B]Hey, I resent that, buddy! Anyway, the main claim of the anti-PDA rules is that PDA causes distractions. Know when most "stupid, horny freshmen" act such? During class? No. Homeroom? No. Assemblies? No. Lunch and changing classes, folks. That's when it happens, over eighty percent of the time. What is the distraction if you're walking to your locker and you grab your girl's ***? What is the distraction of sharing lunch [in creative manners] with your one and only?[/b][/quote] How are kids supposed to get to class on time if they're too busy having sex in the hall ways?
  5. I can't stand it personally. Anyone that is even holding hands at school should be immediately sent to the counselor to discuss what they were doing. Maybe bring the parents into it. School is for learning and should only be used for learning.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i] [B]....... how do you point scissors upwards other than by careful placement...? [/B][/QUOTE] By holding them?
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaggieMehve [/i] [B]I never trust doctors. [/B][/QUOTE] We'll see who you trust when you blackout and fall on some scissors that should've been pointing downward.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by UnsungHero [/i] [B] Here, here. Just like that God awful show The Shield. In Australia, nobody watched it and it got axed. Ace! [/B][/QUOTE] Seeing how Austrailians originate from criminals, I can see how they're not fans of a show about a cop that will disregard criminal's rights. I'm just joking with you. That show does suck. Anyway I'm kinda concerned that so many people here want to throw away the 1st ammendment just because someone says "I dont' like [this]." Atleast the 'God Hates America" banner was flaming text, it adds credibility.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kenshinsbabe [/i] [B]Any advice, anyone? [/B][/QUOTE] Well logic would dictate one would go to a doctor if they're passing randomly!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by UnsungHero [/i] [B] I get about 20 messages advertising porn sites a day![/B][/QUOTE] That's all? Here's how much I get if I don't check it for two days. I easily hit a 1000 each week. Note: The ones in suspects folder are spam.
  11. Are all you people so blind that you can't tell this is a joke?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chaos [/i] [B]I seem to remember this being posted some few months ago.[/b][/quote] It's was posted on Dec 02, 2001 [quote]And I seem to also remember whoever posted was a complete idiot.[/quote] I thought it was a clever article and really funny. [quote][b]A waste of time. The "letter" isn't funny, seeing who is stupid enough to actually have believed it is, though. [/B][/QUOTE] I thought the letter was hilarious too. I mean who would think of saying Quake was a virtual online hacker society or whatever and the baggy pants mean your'e a hacker. Look to the side of the page under popular links, there's some other good articles like From Kids To Commies: The Truth About Daycare [url]http://www.adequacy.org/public/stories/2001.7.14.22219.3493.html[/url]
  13. I absolutely love Jack Chick comics, they really brighten my day. If you can't tell that he's simply a raving lunatic that was put on this earth to give you some entertainment then you shouldn't have any fun in life. Also you should've seen the one about Muslims, boy that was full of fun facts that you'll find nowhere else :p I don't see what's so wrong with it anyway, I've seen just as bad from ummah.com
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed [/i] [B] Yeah, but I was talking about his home town in general. [/B][/QUOTE] You expect them to check every single shack in his home town, even when they knew he was moving about. Also I don't think you saw a picture of this place but it was literally in the middle of nowhere, it's not like it was in a suburb.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed [/i] [B], shouldn't that have been the first place they looked? I mean it's just common sense really. [/B][/QUOTE] He was hiding in a whole under a random shack in the woods, it wasn't that obvious you know.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]rttocs77, why is today a good day for Republicans alone? [i]Everyone[/i] should be happy about this--whether they're American, Australian, Democratic, Republican, Iraqi, or any other nationality or political affiliation. I'm personally rather liberal, and I can't claim to have supported all of President Bush's decisions, but why on earth would that stop me from celebrating Saddam Hussein's capture? ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] Because democrats have been using the "where's Hussein???" lines for the past few months now. Now they have one less tool to systematically break down america into a bunch of PC zombies that think everything on this earth is sacred, people aren't evil, their environment is, and that the white man must pay for slavery.
  17. [quote]As the story goes, break someone?s orange bracelet (or purple, in some cases) and you get a kiss. Red, a lap dance. Blue, oral sex. Black, intercourse. And so on.[/quote] What's after intercourse?
  18. Harry

    Justice League

    I was happy to see The Main Man on this most recent episode, and I'm glad he had some pretty cool things to say also. It's kinda sad though that they always to resort to some time thing where they either go forward or backwards in time.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amity [/i] [B]Ok, I'm sorry, but I got nothing out of that. What do you mean? I'm confused. I know dating and all, but could you clearify that for me? It's a little vague. [/B][/QUOTE] Vague? Alright I'll try to make it even more blunt. She is trying to make you her slave and have complete control of you. If you fall into her demands now you will become her slave, you will be asking permission just to go out with friends, and you will do whatever she wants. Dump Her.
  20. This post will do nothing towards the massive onslaught of "OMG LIVE SUX" threads this board has recieved for atleast 2 years and maybe more.
  21. Looks like we won't be seeing ryoko in a while. Guess he/she should've studied better, or cheat.
  22. Harry


    [spoiler]Why in the commercial did it have someone say "you're father has gone back in time" or something like that. It's been a while since I read the book, but I don't remember any of the crew being related to the professor[/spoiler]
  23. I'm dissappointed that there's no talk about having sex with animals.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kumkuat14 [/i] [B]Ok now you might think im crazy but I have been going out with this girl for i dont know 10 11 months now and this other girl that I know started developing a crush on me. now my gf acts like she doesn't eventhe least bit like me. so I need advice on cheering her up or somin like that to get her to start likin me again because i really love her and i dont want to break up with her...yea stay calm yea rand r [/B][/QUOTE] Dump her man, I mean you don't need to take that from her. What she's trying to do is make you ***** whipped, which any man should, no [b]must[/b] avoid wether he's gay or straight. There's better out there.
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