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Everything posted by Harry

  1. [quote name='Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed]This is exactly what I predicted... Right now, the gas is 1.34/lieter (aproximatly 6$ gallon) but it's been weeks since the disaster. Oil is back under full swing, but still the prices remain high. The Oil companies [I]will[/I'] eventually reduce the price; but when? The gas prices skyrocketed up, but the Oil Companies are going to squeez every penny out of us by dropping the price cent by cent over the next few months. This is seriously bad for the worlds econemy - I know people who cant even go to work because it costs too much, the trucking industry will suffer... the Oil Companies may cause this disaster to be MUCH worse than it is now... This certainly is terrible, isn't it...[/COLOR][/quote] Gas prices are decreasing here in Texas. Also oil isn't back in full swing yet, a good majority of the refineries are still shut down.
  2. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] I was comparing him to no one. I simply said that people who do have at least one point. And pushing my agenda? If you stop sniping at me and bloody read what I was responding too you'll see it was a 'btw' type question that was off the mark of the original topic. Besides that, everything I said [I]was[/I] valid - since when is it pushing your agenda to call the kettle black? .[/COLOR][/QUOTE] That wasn't a snipe, you wrote a half page rant about how Bush was hurting Canada's logging industry and then go on to say how much you hate Bush. What link is there at all to the hurricane? Seriously I would like to know what you were getting at there besides your common "Bush is evilz" idea. [quote]man...i hate when this happened and i dont know why the rich aint giving money to the victims and stuff but the poor are.[/quote] fo realz
  3. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Fair enough. I wasn't making the comparison, I even said I didn't really agree. But I was only responding to Retributions question on why I hated the Bush Admin. The comparison was more directed at the fact that Hitler didn't try to hide the fact that he was invading somone; he invaded Poland and didn't hide his reasons. Bush is all 'Progress, progress, Iraq, progress, democracy, peace, fair trade, down with the evil-doers, etc etc.' and than he turns around and slaps it's biggest trading partner in the face. I wasn't pushing my agenda. Part of the blame [I]does[/I] rest with the Bush Administration though, but my main blame for the slow reaction to this disaster was directed at FEMA. I don't know all that much about FEMA, but considering that it has the word 'Federal' in it's name, I'm assuming it's a branch of the government. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] You were comparing him to Hitler, and you were pushing your agenda. This disaster was multiplied the by incompetent cluster of men that comprise our government because they were busy building bridges in Alaska to honor a senator that's most notable achievement was getting a bridge named after him. The only brightside to the hurricane is that the new media is finally not portraying Bush as an infallible object. When Shepard Smith of Fox News is calling the Bush administration out on their screw up, you know something has gone terribly awry.
  4. [QUOTE=Ryo the Tactician] And Harry, of course the Kyoto Act would help! Sure, it needs some changes - I wont' dispute that - but it would cut down on tremendous gas emissions in our country. It seems every day I turn on the Weather Channel the air pollutant warning is getting higher. I can't remember the last time it was in the green (good). Even if it does need renovation, cutting down on the pollutants our businesses are throwing heedlessly into the environment would most certainly have a positive effect. ~Ryo[/QUOTE] How can you say that when science and logic doesn't even back that up?
  5. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Sri Lanka and India aren't Indonesia. First-hand accounts from Sri Lankans and Indians are more credible than Faux News or any news saurce for that matter.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Everytime you post you amaze me.
  6. [quote name='Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed']New Orleans just goes to prove the old addage that no matter how sophisticated you are, your just two days away from anarchy and three meals from canibalism. I mean in supposedly uncivilized countries like Inda or Sri Lanka notihng like this happens. I remember reading first hand accounts of people in India. There were no muggings or shootings or any of that, people were only concerned with helping eachother. Why is it that we supposedly civillized cultures can't just help eachother instead of sniping at med evacs? [/COLOR][/quote] What the hell are you talking about? After the tsunami there were reports of children that were orphaned from the storm were being sold into sex slavery.
  7. [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS] Or America, which still hasn't signed the Kyoto Agreement because George Bush doesn't accept the science behind global warming. You make it sound so easy to decrease the greenhouse effect, but the fact is that heavily populated countries [b]aren't[/b] putting in fuel-restriction laws and have no plans to do so in the future. Also, the sea level rising a few metres is pretty drastic. [/font][/QUOTE] They didn't sign the Kyoto Treaty because it's ineffective and a gigantic waste of money. All it did was put massive and expensive restrictions on countries like the US, while allowing all developing nations (India and China are the big ones) just to do whatever they felt like. So why would we sign something that will have no effect on the environment? The Kyoto Treaty needs major revamping for it to even begin have a positive affect against global warming.
  8. [QUOTE=SilentSecurity] Not all of New Orleans is 'shady'. The French Quarter isn't, it's just like every other large city, some areas are fine, other areas you'll be asking for trouble.[/QUOTE] It's nice where all the tourists go, but go anywhere else and you'll see what I'm talking about. As for Chibi's comment, people have basements around the Lubbock, but you're right, they don't in the Dallas area from what I've seen.
  9. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed]The **** is really hitting the fan in the Big Easy. Lootings abound, there are snipers - SNIPERS - shooting at medical evacuation vechials, and the evac plans are a mess. Bush is yet to even issue a official request for aide to help quell the violent uprisings and evac the survivors - Canada's DART teams are on standby but no request has come. It really could be an awful long time before any progress is made in New Orleans at this rate, especially with looting and armed criminals on the rise (See: Two Wal-Marts found robbed of all guns and ammunition) many more could die before the whole thing is worked out. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] This is New Orleans we're talking about here people. I don't know if you've never been, but it basically has a history for being an extremely shady place. [quote]Considering Katrina was tossing around a large number of vehicles, I'd say choosing either (even though one doesn't even exist) would be equally pointless. When your house is demolished (or covered in water), your choice of hiding place isn't really a factor.[/quote] I don't think vehicles were literally being tossed around. I'd have to guess it takes more than 160mph wind to do that. I don't really know since I'm too lazy to check.
  10. [quote name='Morpheus']Of course, since staying above ground and being killed by debris (such as glass shards) is so much smarter.[/quote] Are you suggesting going into a basement during a hurricane is as safe as finding higher ground? I just really don't understand your point there. [quote]Well, come to think of it houses in the following states don't have basements: Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia. Atleast that I know of, there could be more. If you don't have a basement you can't drown in it. [/quote] Texas has basements, just not along the coast. I'm not sure if it's the same for the other states, in Houston the soil expands and contracts due to how much water it's absorbed. So during a drought the soil will contract and then expand when rain comes. It's easy to see why having a basement would be a bad idea there.
  11. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] First off, it all depends who you believe. A bunch of radicalists with too much freespeach (Specifically the GHF nuts) or a decently credible source. It's no secret that a lot of money that would have otherwise been spent on social development back in the US was pissed away in Iraq; things deemed unncessessary at the time were first to go, including the money budgeted to repair the Leevies.[/quote] Source then? [quote]With the gas, it all depends. The Gas companies aren't exactly known for their honesty. I mean, remember when the Gas prices spike pre-war? They claimed it was because Oil was becoming for scarce and costing more to find, but they were recording MASSIVE increases in profit; [/QUOTE] Well in this case it's almost 100% because of the oil refineries being shut down. Most refineries are on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and guess what just happened to the coast? Also the massive profits have to do with with the price of oil rising. Think of it this way, what if you have 20,000 barrel of oil that you bought a month ahead of time for let's say $46 a barrel. Then while you're refining it, the price increases to $50. Your investment just increased by $80,000. Imagine that on a larger scale. And you know, some price gouging. [quote]who's to say they won't pull similar **** here and just keep the prices high and invent something to explain it away? Probably worst case scenario, but possible. Probably be a bloody revolt if it happened though :/[/QUOTE] There's about a 0% chance the price of gas is going to stay at this price after the refineries are going again.
  12. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed]I just found [URL=http://www.pnionline.com/dnblog/attytood/archives/002331.html]this[/URL] on the web. Apperently, money supposed to go to extending and strengthining the leevies in 2003 was diverted to the Iraq war. Many speculate that the budget diverted would have been sufficient to hold back to flood water and withstand the hurricane. When the wiegggggggggggggggggggghtttttttttt come down...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I can link you to a website that says that New Orleans deserved it because they're all queers down there. I bet both of these statements are equally valid. [quote]I'm not sure if it's appropriate to vent here about this, but I still have not heard from my close friend of ten years, who's flat was about 3 blocks from the river in New Orleans.[/quote] Unless your friend did something weird like try to tough it out in his house, he's probably just stuck somewhere with no communication. The communication grid is basically shut down along that part of the gulf coast. He's probably doing ok (but homeless). [quote]Thousands of people died without warning. In New Orleans thousands of people drowned either in their basement or their houses. I just want to say that my family continues to pray about this issue. And if any of you guys have a friend or family member out there.....my family is praying for you guys.[/quote] If people fled to their basements in New Orleans because a hurricane was coming, I'd daresay they deserved dying. [quote] Although I'm concerned for all the people getting/have been hit, I'm also concerned about the gas prices. This is will make them rise even more, and more quickly, and I while I have NO clue about talking about the economy, I'm sure this will make it worse. I'm even guessing that energy bills will rise, and most of the working class will suffer. A lot. I mean, today our local gas stations announced that they won't be giving out gas after 5, and my mom is in this gigantic line to get gas. Down here, the gas is usually around $2.60, and it will probably rise up to $4.00. Yeah, I know that there are tons of places in the US that are already paying $3.60 for gas, but we've been accustomed to paying $2.60, so...I just don't want 582752 people yelling at me saying that we're lucky or whatever.[/quote] The gas prices really shouldn't be too high for a while. A lot of the high prices is due to the refineries being shut down due to the hurricane. In a month or so the prices should decrease.
  13. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] First off, I don't need this to bash MC Dubya. That's easy. I brought this up because it seemed dangerous. Secondly, your looking at this too shortsighted. Today it's a domain blocking, tomorrow it's banning anything that's anti-*insertcurrentgovernmenthere*. Besides, do you honestly think that if Bush didn't get the approval of the ICAAN, that he wouldn't have forced their hand? We're talking about a man who willing lies to his country, a man who time and time again breaks NAFTA and UN laws, do you honestly think that a silly thing like fair play would stop him? Cuz' I don't. ICAAN caved because they know what he's willing to do.[/color] [/quote] What the hell are you talking about. You're just pulling all of this out of your *** creating some unlikely doomsday scenario where the government starts oppressing people by blocking domain names. There is absolutely no evidence that this has happened, and there's no evidence that the US has that power. You're making things up to scare people into something that will not happen. The only thing the US government can do is block domain name suffixes (such as .xxx). They have no say on anything else. [quote name='Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed']Lastly, ICAAN is a private corporation. They have no obligation to comply with Bush and Co's every whim, which I fear may not be too far off. I'm not even just blaming Bush for this; this whole censoring the internet thing started back when Porn sites were required to put in sophisticated tracking and counting software (Which, by the way, is what we now call Spyware) for whatever reason. I don't remember exactly who put it in, but I know it was a Lib. This is about more than politics; this is about the 'We do whatever we want' attitude that's about to spill over into the Internet. And that, for us addicts, spells a disaster in the long term.[/COLOR][/quote] ICAAN has it in their charter to allow the president to block certain domain name suffixes. I have no idea why, but they went ahead and let the President have that power. They felt like allowing the president to have that power, and they have the power to let him have that power. I have no idea what you're blathering about where all porn sites were forced to put spyware on their site. I can only assume you're referring to the law that requires a porn site to keep records about how old each one of their actors/models/whatever and ensure that she is indeed over 18.
  14. [QUOTE=Manic Webb]That's one thing I'll never understand when it comes to people who want to censor the internet on some level; the internet is an international domain. One country shouldn't have the power to impose laws, taxes, or restrictions in "international waters." [/QUOTE] The internet is an international domain, but the DNS servers are owned by a single company/group in the US(ICAAN). The US only has the power to block a domain suffix which it so far has done a grand total of once with this .xxx. Everything else they just haven't seemed to care. [quote]he fact that the freedom to do what you want to do on the internet is being infringed, that people aren't allowed to do whatever they want with the internet would be like saying you can't host kangaroo boxing matches in International Waters.[/quote] God this is a stupid statement. Creating hornysluts.xxx is not a right. Hell using [url]www.otakuboards.com[/url] isn't a right either. It's a priveledge that ICAAN has allowed you to do. There are no rights to you using something that you don't own, nor should you have any say about it. We wouldn't be having this arguement if the board of ICAAN decided to deny the request for the .xxx. We're only having this because you desperately want to find something to bash Bush for.
  15. I don't agree with this measure (and laugh at Bush's obvious ignorance to how much of the internet is comprised of porn), but saying this is some horrible violation of freedom is idiotic. This is only for a .xxx domain name, it's not shutting down any porn sites. It doesn't hurt porn sites at all, all it does is just hurt the web filtering people who have to keep a list of name instead of just blocking out all .xxx domains. Last of all, the porn industry has no real power in the US so it's likely that this will stay. Since you live in the magic land of Canada, you may not realize that porn is barely legal in the US. The only reason why it's legal is because of a vague sentence given out by SCOTUS in the 70's. They dont' have lobbyists, they only have lawyers who can sue which only gets you so far.
  16. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] And yes, the number of younger generation voters is increasing every year.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Increasing from nothing to miniscule. And your nosense about how conservatives shouldn't be running a country is pretty stupid too. [quote]Your wrong in one respect. Pot, in it self, is NOT a bad thing. Being a cigg smoker is MUCH worse than being a pothead in most respects but one. The fact that Pot is illegal forces orginised crime to have massive grow-ops, which in turn causes people to have to become underground punk losers too get it. If everyone was allowed to own 10 pots plants legall you could virtually wipe out orginised crime, and than the cops could get back to busting real criminals. Making a plant that grows naturally in the Americas illegal is the only crime I see here.[/quote] Is this some kind of joke? Organized crime doesn't do weed, they do things that are much more profitable such as cocaine, heroin, and other things. I think weed should be legalized, but I don't kid myself into thinking they grow it in Columbia.
  17. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] I don't... But I've been there. Besides, a country that elects Bush twice must be doing somthing wrong with it's younger generation/[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Let's all move to the magical land of Canada where nothing ever goes wrong and it just so f'ing awesome!!! Also the younger generation never votes, so it doesn't matter what the youngins think. I somewhat thought that the age for adult had to do with that being around the time when most people stop growing.
  18. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] I don't think that drinking binges in themselves are good things. But trust me on this, once you've gotten so drunk you think that if you let go of the bedposts your going to go flying off, you'll think twice before you do it again. Best to get it out of the way early, before it costs you a job or somthing else drastic. .[/COLOR][/QUOTE] You are ignoring the stupid college youth here. I have a friend (girl) that drinks till she blacks out about 2-3 times a week. We have told her this is stupid but she keep on claiming we don't know her or something stupid like that. A lot of people are like her, and a lot of them think they enjoy it.
  19. A big tip is to actually go to class. It's common sense really, but when you've but up till 4am getting drunk/wasting time it's really hard to get out of bed and go to class. Also, I second the free stuff part. Classes started about a week ago and I've been living off of free food for that entire time. Don't be afraid to mooch as much as you want.
  20. It's ok, he doesn't really believe anything he says. He just says that because his followers want to hear it. You don't want to mess with a man that can [url=http://www.cbn.com/communitypublic/shake.asp]leg-press 2000lbs.[/url]
  21. [QUOTE=Morpheus]Just an FYI, pizza is actually very healthy. Just as you said with hamburgers, the [I]grease[/I] makes them unhealthy. Pizza (the good stuff at least) doesn't have much grease. [/QUOTE] What magical pizzas do you eat that are healthy for you?
  22. I've never heard anyone say white bread is bad for you because of the preservatives, I've only heard that whole grain bread is better for you than white bread, which is true. Also your idea that coporations are doing this is wrong. It's the fat consumers who are demanding healthier foods, and the coporations are happy to feed them that. This isn't a conspiracy, it's basic facts. Pizza is not good for you, greasy hamburgers are not good for you, and lots of sugar is not good for you. On a final note, Coca-Cola doesn't have sugar in it, it has corn syrup so they are already saving money.
  23. [quote name='Sage']Aww come on, you can't really think that governments everywhere should kill all the people who commit crimes! At least here in Europe we are way past the imo medieval death punishment. People need to have second chances![/quote] Awww come on, you can't really think I said governments everywhere should kill all people who commit crimes! I don't want to turn this into a debate about rape and pedophilia, but both can rarely be "cured". So you're giving them second chances just to rape again. [quote]I'm not saying it can't be true, but if you read the link I provided just two posts ago, you can see that [I]again[/I] two men are sentenced to death for homosexual intercourse [I]and[/I] rape. Can you see a pattern here?[/QUOTE] Yes, 3 people are a pattern that can be accepted as absolute truth.
  24. [quote name='Sage']There are tens of thousands, maybe more, of rapists and pedophiles in the western countries, yet none of them get executed for their crimes.[/quote] And I don't agree with the western countries leniency on rapists and pedophiles. [quote]I'm saying that one shouldn't be naïve here. Remember that the teens were [I]tortured[/I], so of course they will admit anything to make it stop.[/quote] I haven't read anything that said they admitted to it so that really has nothing to do with anything. [quote]And wouldn't it be just a little too convenient for the religious government to make all homosexuals look like rapists and pedophiles?[/QUOTE] Ok since this happened in a theocracy it can't be true. Good arguement.
  25. I only skimmed over this thread, but I noticed not a single person at all commented about how they were officially executed for raping a 12 year old boy. It's been mentioned in almost all the news articles that have covered this story, this one that is linked just so happens to say it's a conspiracy by the Iranian government. I'm not saying they definately did it, but if it happens to be true they don't really deserve anything but death.
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